Diet for stomach ulcers
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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In order to fully treat and prevent recurrence of the disease, it is imperative to adjust your diet and give up bad habits: one of the most important components of therapeutic interventions is a diet for a stomach ulcer.
Gastric ulcer is unfortunately a fairly common disease of the digestive tract. The annual rates of global incidence of peptic ulcer are 0.10–0.19%, diagnosed by doctors, and 0.03–0.17% for hospitalization data.[1]
In the United States, about 4.5 million people suffer from peptic ulcer disease each year. Approximately 10% of the US population has signs of duodenal ulcer. Only about 10% of young people have H. Pylori infection, but the proportion of people with Helicobacter pylori infection increases steadily with age. H. Pylori infection can be diagnosed in 90-100% of patients with duodenal ulcer and in 60-100% of patients with gastric ulcer.[2]
The emergence of this pathology is closely related to our habits in nutrition, lifestyle. Irregular eating, overeating, starvation, eating habits, smoking and alcohol, stressful situations provoke changes in the gastric mucous tissue.[3]
Food for stomach ulcers
One of the main roles in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease plays a full balanced meal, which must be followed throughout the development of the pathological process. [8], [9]
Meals should be mostly fractional: you need to eat often, but the portions of food should not be large.
You should not eat hot food or too cold: the food from the refrigerator must be heated, and the freshly cooked food should be cooled.
Fry or bake food until golden brown - unfortunately, it is impossible. Now you have to eat boiled, stewed or cooked in a double boiler dishes, as well as products that cause increased gas formation (cabbage, peas).
Salty foods, like fried foods, are also taboo. Daily salt intake should be reduced to 10 g.[10]
If there are no problems with the urinary system and the thyroid gland, the daily amount of fluid consumed should be increased to 2 liters. It can be decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, rosehip, mint), not very strong green tea, or just pure water. Carbonated drinks, alcohol and smoking are strictly excluded.[11], [12]
Most of the patient’s daily ration should consist of dairy products. Milk tends to envelop the stomach walls and reduce the damaging effect of gastric juice. Dairy products should be fresh and not peroxide. Allowed to use fresh milk for cooking cereals, soups, jelly. Freshly ground cottage cheese, soy milk is also useful.[13], [14], [15]
What can be eaten with a stomach ulcer?
- bread from high-quality flour of two-day pastries, fresh biscuit biscuits, biscuits;
- vegetable broth, soup with cereals (without meat and cabbage), can be with milk, small noodles, eggs;
- meatballs and burgers boiled or steamer, made from lean tender meat (chicken, calf), fish (boneless);
- milk soups (using any cereals except millet), pudding, soufflé;
- vegetable puree (carrots, potatoes, zucchini, beets, pumpkins), egg white in the form of omelettes from a double boiler or boiled soft-boiled rice, cottage cheese casserole with butter;
- sweet berry or fruit puree, fresh juices (diluted with water), honey, marshmallows;
- Kissel on milk, berry or fruit basis, tea with milk added.
What can not be eaten with a stomach ulcer? [16]
- spicy, spicy, salty and sour dishes;
- products with preservatives and dyes;
- rich strong broths;
- smoked and sausage products, lard, fatty meat, fried dishes;
- fresh pastries, pancakes, pancakes;
- cabbage, radishes, pickles, pickled vegetables;
- sparkling water, ice cocktails, alcohol, ice cream, fruit ice, bananas. [17]
What is a diet for stomach ulcers?
The main goal of the treatment of ulcerative pathology is the regeneration of the tissues of the stomach and the restoration of malfunction of the digestive processes. This is the main direction of the diet.
In the period of exacerbation for 10-20 days, patients are prescribed diet No. 1a, then they switch to extended diet No. 1. During remission, the patient should, at the discretion of the physician, follow the No. 1 diet with an individual extension, or the No. 5 diet, depending on the condition. In any case, it is necessary to strictly observe the prescribed diet.
Diet 1 for stomach ulcers
It is prescribed to patients with a gastric ulcer at the stage of a subsiding exacerbation or at the stage of recovery, the duration of the diet is up to 5 months. High-calorie meals - up to 3000 calories per day. This method of eating involves eating wiped dishes that do not have a mechanical effect on the stomach wall. Products for diet 1 are boiled or cooked in a double boiler. Eating should occur every 2-3 hours. The ratio of carbohydrate-protein-fat should be observed in the range of 5: 1: 1.
The diet menu includes the use of stale pastries, unleavened sponge cake, low-fat boiled meat and egg proteins. Welcome milk and vegetable soup (except cabbage), seasoned with a small amount of butter or vegetable (refined) oil. Allowed cooked meat pieces of low-fat varieties, fish without bones and skin, cooked in a double boiler. Of the side dishes are preferred mashed cereal porridge, small vermicelli, vegetable puree or pudding. Be sure the presence in the diet of milk, sour cottage cheese and sour cream. For dessert, you can bake or weld sweet fruits (apples, pears, strawberries), juices diluted with water, honey, marshmallow, non-sour jam.
Diet 1a with gastric ulcer
A more stringent type of diet 1. Appointed, as a rule, with exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, with the obligatory condition of compliance with bed rest. Excluded to the maximum products that enhance the production of gastric juice and irritate the mucous membrane. When using such a diet food should be taken 6-8 times a day; the ratio of carbohydrate-protein-fat is set in the range of 2: 0.8: 0.8. The caloric intake in the diet 1a should not exceed 2000 kilocalories per day.
The use of bread is excluded completely. You can use in the diet fruit souffle, berry jelly and juice, jelly, honey. The basis of the diet should be a puree soup, slimy soup and porridge (oatmeal, semolina, rice), with the addition of eggs, lean fish and meat, milk and butter. All dishes before serving, rubbed through a sieve to reduce the trauma of the gastric walls.
Diet 5 for stomach ulcers
This diet is designed for nutrition of the patient and creates favorable conditions for the restoration of the functions of the digestive tract. Assign diet diet 5 after relieving the symptoms of exacerbation, in the stage of recovery. Diet implies the intake of a complete, balanced meal, with the exception of foods rich in essential substances (onions, garlic, ginger), fried foods, fats (refractory), cholesterol-forming foods. In the diet should be enough fruits and vegetables. [21]The food is still boiled or cooked in a double boiler or in the oven.
It is allowed to include in the ration bread (baked yesterday or dried), cheesecakes, tart and cracker biscuits. The variety of soups is expanded: dishes from cabbage (cabbage soup, borsch, beetroot soup) are allowed, spices such as cumin, cinnamon, dill can be used. Soft cheese, aspic, caviar, low-fat ham sausages, tongue are allowed. Coffee is added to the allowed list of liquids, however, natural and with the addition of milk.
Excluded are mushroom dishes, sorrel, radishes, fried, hot and cold dishes.
Welcome the use of tea or decoction of the herb of Hypericum, chamomile, flax seed, lime blossom, yarrow. Helps with peptic ulcer also plantain, fennel, marsh mallow and licorice.
Diet menu for stomach ulcers
The variety of diet and daily menu are directly dependent on the stage of the ulcerative process. That is why all questions about permitted or prohibited dishes should always be coordinated with the doctor who controls the dynamics of the disease.
Consider some of the nuances of the diet, depending on the stage of the process and the form of the disease.
Diet with an open stomach ulcer
The first 1-2 days after the discovery of an open ulcer is recommended to refrain from taking any food, replacing it with broths of herbs, flaxseed, carrot juice, diluted half with water. After that, coordinating your actions with your doctor, you can go on a diet. Most often, this is diet No. 1a. Food should be frequent, fractional, full, chemically and mechanically gentle.
An example of such a diet:
- Breakfast - oatmeal porridge (ground) on the water and without salt, chamomile decoction;
- Snack - yogurt, crackers;
- Lunch - ground vegetable soup (minimum salt), mashed potatoes with a small amount of butter, tea with milk added;
- Safe, - steamed fish meatball, boiled rice, linden-colored decoction;
- Dinner - two soft-boiled eggs, oatmeal kissel, cracker;
- At night - a cup of milk.
Such gentle nutrition should be adhered to before the scarring of the ulcer begins, within 10-12 days.
Diet for acute gastric ulcer
Acute ulcerative process is accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome, so all the food that enters the stomach should be of a delicate and grated texture and minimally affect the stomach walls. Such food may include porridge, mashed soups, diluted broths, milk soups, yoghurt, mashed through a sieve or in a blender. All dishes are prepared with a minimum amount of salt (or better without it), served not hot or cold. If desired, add some honey or butter (natural homemade) to porridge.[23]
For example:
- Breakfast - protein steam omelet, oatmeal;
- Snack - yogurt;
- Lunch - barley soup, mashed potatoes and carrots, steamed chicken breast slice, tea with milk;
- Tea time - milk rice soup;
- Dinner - oatmeal with butter, decoction of chamomile;
- For the night - tea with milk.
Diet during exacerbation of gastric ulcers
During the exacerbation of the chronic course of an ulcer, the nutrition is the same as in the case of the acute form of a gastric ulcer. Diet combines chemically, thermally, mechanically sparing components: the mucous consistency of soup, porridge (especially rice and oatmeal), vegetable puree, jelly, herbal decoction, dairy products (in the absence of intolerance to milk). Over time, with the permission of the doctor, the diet gradually expanded.
Diet for bleeding stomach ulcers
For bleeding ulcers, unless your doctor suggests otherwise, you should stick to a fairly strict diet. These are pureed, not containing coarse fibers, soups and liquid porridges (preferably buckwheat, rice or oatmeal) on water or milk (not on broth!), Egg white (boiled or in the form of a steam omelette), teas, decoctions of herbs, jelly, carrot and potato juice, diluted with water. There is a need for a little more! Why is it necessary to eat liquid food? It is necessary to allow the ulcer (wound) to tighten, and for this the stomach should avoid exertion in the form of heavy digestion of food and over stretching from overeating.
Diet after perforated gastric ulcer
Perforated ulcer in the stomach is treated in stationary conditions through surgical intervention. The pre- and postoperative period usually envisages a ban on the intake of any kind of food in general: often the patient is transferred to parenteral nutrition.
Diet after surgery stomach ulcers
Already on the second or third day after surgery, the patient can drink distilled mineral water, weak herbal teas, or tea. With the permission of the doctor, after a few days, the patient is offered boiled egg white, mashed mucous soup or rice, buckwheat, well boiled and chopped. You can drink diluted vegetable broth, carrot juice, soufflé of low-fat beaten curd cheese.
A strict diet for gastric ulcer is shown for 10-12 days after exacerbation. Then allowed to eat vegetable puree (potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini), lean fish and meat, cooked in a double boiler. Bread is eaten no earlier than 30 days after surgery, in limited quantities and in dried form. Sour milk products include in the diet after 60 days after surgery.[28]
The diet after a stomach ulcer should not be the same as before the disease. If the patient does not want to provoke the appearance of new exacerbations and the development of complications (bleeding, perforation, peritonitis), it will be necessary to adhere to certain rules of eating behavior.
First of all, it is necessary to exclude rich bakery products, by [29]-products (kidneys, liver, giblets, lungs), smoked products, pickled products, sausage. It is better to refuse from cabbage, legumes, mushrooms, garlic, horseradish, mustard, onions. It is imperative to forget about alcohol, smoking, drinking carbonated drinks.
Expanding the menu after recovery should be gradually, and not earlier than six months after the acute period of the disease. Be sure to consult your doctor: very often, the pain during an ulcer can subside only because the ulcer began to bleed. Visit the doctor and after treatment to prevent recurrence of the disease and not to miss the important symptoms and signs of pathology.
The diet recipes for stomach ulcers are varied, but do not make a decision on your own: if everyone says that you can milk, and your doctor claims that it is impossible, it means that you really cannot use it. Most diseases are individual. Both treatment and dietary nuances are negotiated separately for each patient.
A diet for stomach ulcer will not replace treatment, however, without a diet, treatment will not bring any effect. Nutrition plays a huge role in our life, our health: with a peptic ulcer it will accelerate healing and prevent the occurrence of complications.