Acne During Pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pregnancy, of course, is the most beautiful event in the life of every woman. This is eagerly awaited by many couples. Of course, waiting for the appearance of the child is accompanied by exciting feelings. Reasons for excitement are indeed justified and there are more than enough. Only pimples during pregnancy give unpleasant experiences to every second expectant mother.
Emerging acne during pregnancy are inevitable signs of initial physiological and hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Many believe that pregnancy is adorned by a woman, and it really is, because what can be more beautiful than a woman waiting for the appearance of a baby. However, most pregnant women have a completely different opinion, their worries about their appearance and appearance of pimples on their face. Concerned about appearance, future mothers start to get rid of them and not always by acceptable methods. During pregnancy, methods of combating acne should be as harmless as possible for both the woman and the future child. Let's find out more about the possible causes of acne during pregnancy, methods of struggle and prevention.
First of all, the causes of acne during pregnancy have a direct connection with the propensity to develop acne prior to pregnancy. Problems with the face skin before pregnancy, in the form of rashes and acne, the skin's tendency to fatty, usually increases the likelihood of deterioration of the skin during pregnancy. Conversely, the absence of acne prior to pregnancy may reduce the likelihood that acne during pregnancy will appear. But the probability of acne during pregnancy can not be ruled out completely, these processes are very individual.
There is an interesting story - in ancient times, our great-grandmothers in the appearance of the skin of a pregnant woman's face determined the sex of the future child. If the face of the pregnant woman had some changes that made her a little worse, it was supposedly a sure sign of the girl's bearing. If the person practically did not change, then this was considered a sign of gestation of the boy. Perhaps, there is some truth in this, but nevertheless this method of diagnosing the sex of a child is more likely to refer to the "antiquities of the old days" and the sex of the child is diagnosed in more modern ways. Acne during pregnancy has a very indirect relationship to the sex of the unborn child.
Causes of acne during pregnancy
There are two main causes of acne during pregnancy, which are completely the result of physiological changes in the female body. The first cause is a change in the hormonal background, and a wavy character. There is an increase in the level of progesterone, which is the main element in the process of formation and secretion of sebum. That's why there are pimples during pregnancy. The second, no less important reason, dehydration of the body. When pregnancy increases the need for a female body in water. If the water in the body is not enough, the hormones remain in a concentrated state, the sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands more actively, and as a result, acne appears on the skin of the face.
Most often, the appearance of acne occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the physiological reconstruction of the female body is at the initial stage and when the level of fluctuations of hormonal bursts is maximally wide.
Many pregnant women are concerned about the condition of the facial skin after childbirth and will the causes of acne disappear during pregnancy after childbirth? The course of pregnancy, as well as the formation of acne, is an individual process. If some women lose their acne after the first trimester, some say goodbye to pimples immediately after birth, and in some cases, the fight against acne continues for a long time after the birth of the child. These processes are caused by the amount of a female hormone - estrogen in a woman's body. It is impossible to exclude or prevent the causes of acne during pregnancy. What will be the reaction of the body of a pregnant woman to physiological changes occurring inside, it is impossible to predict.
The female hormone progesterone performs an important function of maintaining pregnancy, which, of course, is much more significant than the appearance of acne. Simultaneously with its main function, it increases the production of sebum and consequently provokes the appearance of acne.
With a strong dehydration increases the likelihood of the appearance of facial acne and acne on the skin due to the high concentration of progesterone in the blood of a pregnant woman.
Causes of acne during pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon, which you will very soon forget.
Why did pimples appear during pregnancy?
The answer to this rather frequent question is contained in the question itself. It is during pregnancy with the skin of many women's face there are characteristic changes. Acne during pregnancy is only a small part of these changes. As a rule, the appearance of acne occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, when physiological changes occur in the female body, the hormonal background changes. Changes in the hormonal background can have significant fluctuations, this process has the property to occur very actively. In the blood of a pregnant woman, the amount of progesterone, the "pregnancy hormone" as it is also called, increases significantly. Progesterone provokes active production of sebum, as a result of which acne formation occurs.
During pregnancy, it is very important to maintain optimal water balance in the body of a woman. Lack of water increases the likelihood of acne on the face, as the concentration of progesterone in the blood of a pregnant woman reaches a maximum level and provokes active production of sebum, which in turn contributes to the formation of acne. Here is such a cycle of water in the body of a pregnant woman! It is very important during pregnancy to use about two liters of clean water, without taking into account the liquid in food and beverages. This amount is sufficient to maintain the optimal water balance of a pregnant woman.
During pregnancy, the skin of a woman's face becomes more oily, which requires additional hygienic care for her. There is a need for additional skin cleansing, sometimes even several times a day, depending on the intensity of sebum secretion. To do this, it is best to use natural cosmetic products with a soft texture, without perfumes and dyes. You can recommend the use of baby soap. After the cleansing procedure, it is necessary to moisturize the face with tonic or a lotion that does not contain alcohol, preferably from natural ingredients.
The main reason why acne appeared during pregnancy is certainly the physiological changes in the woman's body.
An important preventive method is walking on fresh air, which are important for saturation of the woman's body with oxygen and at the same time promote moderate physical activity. Gymnastics for pregnant women is also very important and promotes healthy skin in the prevention of the appearance of acne.
The implementation of such preventive procedures minimizes the occurrence of situations when the woman's face was sprinkled with pimples during pregnancy.
If you have had acne during pregnancy
If during pregnancy acne has passed, then this, above all, indicates the stabilization of hormonal changes in the body of a woman. Usually this occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy, but in some cases it is possible a little earlier, because the organism of a pregnant woman individually perceives physiological changes. The occurrence of acne during pregnancy is caused by an increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone and increased activity of the sebaceous glands of the facial skin. Accordingly, their disappearance is due to the normal level of progesterone and the stable operation of the sebaceous glands of the facial skin.
If, during pregnancy, acne has passed, we can conclude that the diet of a woman is balanced enough and it contains enough vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. Complied with the drinking regime of a pregnant woman, which is important for the level of progesterone in the blood.
It can also be concluded about the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures for the face skin of a pregnant woman. Regular cleansing of the facial skin from surplus fat, secreted by sebaceous glands, the use of high-quality cosmetics, sufficient moisturizing of the skin, provide an optimal level of fatty skin, promote the disappearance of acne. If during pregnancy acne has passed - this can not but please the future mother, because it indicates a stable course of pregnancy.
Disappeared acne during pregnancy
Disappearing pimples during pregnancy, this phenomenon is often found in women. We must immediately focus on the fact that the appearance and disappearance of acne is very individual and in each case occurs in different ways. The organism of every woman, in view of individual characteristics, reacts differently to the physiological changes associated with pregnancy.
Pimples often disappear during pregnancy, this is due to a balanced diet of a woman. The use of fresh vegetables and fruits, a sufficient amount of protein food, an optimal water balance - all this contributes to the disappearance of acne during pregnancy.
Optimal water balance is very important. If the water in the body of a pregnant woman is not enough, then the level of hormone progesterone increases, which provokes active formation of sebum, which contributes to the appearance of acne.
Effective personal hygiene of the face, regular cleansing of the skin from fat discharges, moisturizing the skin of the face, regular cosmetic procedures will certainly only improve the appearance of the skin and of course contribute to the disappearance of acne during pregnancy.
Regular walks in the fresh air in the park or forest, the performance of simple physical exercises solve the problem of movement and saturate the body with oxygen, which also contributes to the healthy skin of the face.
Thus, if acne disappeared during pregnancy - this indicates a balanced diet of a woman, an optimal water balance. It is also a confirmation that the body reacted positively to physiological changes, and all processes occur in a timely and correct manner. Hormonal changes in the body are easy and without complications, in the form of active outbursts and fading. In any case, healthy and clean skin of the face is a sure sign of the general health of the body, which can not but please the future mother.
What to do if sprinkled with pimples during pregnancy?
Virtually every woman knows such a nuisance when sprinkled with pimples during pregnancy. Careful face care and cosmetic procedures do not guarantee the instant disappearance of acne. After all, the reason for their appearance is directly related to pregnancy. Physiological changes of hormonal nature, are directly related to the appearance of acne during pregnancy. Specifically, hormonal bursts, in the form of dynamic changes, are the main cause of the appearance of acne. The hormone "pregnancy" - progesterone, with a large concentration of it, provokes an active secretion of sebum and the appearance of pimples on the skin of the future mother's face. Such hormonal bursts are characteristic for the first trimester of pregnancy and are quite a natural process. Progesterone contributes to the onset, preservation, correct course of the entire pregnancy, therefore, its necessity in the body of a woman is quite obvious.
The situation when a woman's face was sprinkled with pimples during pregnancy is completely natural and has a short course. As a rule, in the third trimester of pregnancy, or immediately after birth, acne passes without a trace and does not bother anymore.
Preventing the appearance of acne during pregnancy, of course, makes sense and is quite effective. Prevention consists in daily hygiene procedures. Use for washing your face cosmetics with natural ingredients, without perfumes and preservatives. You can recommend the use of baby soap. Use moisturizers for a light-textured, oil-free face designed for oily skin. Do not squeeze out pimples, it can provoke the formation of scars on the skin of the face, which is much worse than the acne itself.
The next effective preventive method is a balanced diet of a pregnant woman. The menu of the future mother should contain a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, a sufficient amount of protein food. Smoked products and fatty foods are excluded at all. It is not recommended to eat fried, spicy, salty foods. In general, the diet of a pregnant woman ideally should consist of light, dietary dishes cooked for a couple. Do not forget about the importance of water during pregnancy. Every day a pregnant woman needs to consume about two liters of clean water and this is without taking into account the liquid that is contained in dishes and drinks. A sufficient level of water in the body contributes to the optimal level of progesterone in the woman's blood and therefore reduces the chance of acne.
Acne Treatment During Pregnancy
Treatment of acne during pregnancy, mainly, is the daily hygienic care for the skin of the face. Changing the hormonal background of a pregnant woman in order to disappear pimples from the skin of the face, it is hardly possible, because the birth of a healthy child is more important than acne on the face. The course of pregnancy should occur naturally, acne is a natural process that accompanies pregnancy. In this situation, it is best to accept the situation as a temporary phenomenon that will pass without a trace. For a pregnant woman, the process of bearing a child is more important and the appearance of acne does not pose any danger to this process.
Daily hygienic procedures for skin care are important. It is best when facial skin care is accompanied by moisturizing the skin of the face. The prevailing view that skin, which is prone to fat content, does not need to be moistened, is in fact erroneous. Experts recommend using for this purpose quality cosmetics, soft and light texture, designed for daily care. In the best case, there would be natural make-up and without fragrances, preservatives, colorants, hormones and other components whose effect is highly undesirable in pregnancy.
If the skin of your face has a tendency to fat, there is a need to clean it a little more often than usual, for example, several times a day. This will control the formation of sebum.
With a strong and extensive spread of acne on the face, the use of various scrubs is best avoided, in order to prevent further spread of acne on the face. In such cases, you can recommend the use of clay masks. To do this, fit and ready-made cosmetic masks and cooked at home. The range of cosmetic masks based on clay is represented by a variety of brands and brands. The main criterion of choice is the naturalness of cosmetic mask components. At home, it is not difficult to prepare a cosmetic mask from clay. For its preparation, you need two tablespoons of white or blue clay, 2 ml of olive oil, several crystals of sea salt, a tablespoon of mineral water. First, the water must be heated to 60 ° C, then add the crystals of sea salt into it and stir until dissolved. Now you can add clay and mix thoroughly until the consistency of the liquid sour cream, while adding olive oil. The mask is applied in a layer of half a centimeter and left on the face for 25 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Even with a large spread of acne is not recommended the use of ointments and other medicines to care for the problem skin of the face. The use of various ointments during pregnancy is categorically contraindicated. The only exception is Skinoren. You can start using it only after consulting a doctor who is watching your pregnancy. Skinorene should be applied very thinly on the pimple several times a day.
Separately it is necessary to say about cosmetics with salicylic acid. At pregnancy in general it is not recommended to use salicylic acid, in view of harmful potential action on the circulatory system of the unborn child.
It is not superfluous to recall that the situation with acne can significantly worsen if they are tried in any way to squeeze out and touch, if they are not quite clean.
A prerequisite for the successful treatment of acne during pregnancy is the maintenance of optimal water balance in the body of a woman. To do this, it is sufficient to use from 1.5 liters to 2.0 liters of clean water. This will help reduce the large concentration of the hormone progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman.
Will go to benefit and improve the condition of the skin of the face - walking in the park zone or forest, in the fresh air, feasible exercise in the form of gymnastics for pregnant women.
Proper and balanced nutrition with a lot of vegetables and fruits, vitamin-mineral complexes of natural origin, will certainly positively affect the treatment of acne during pregnancy. Improve the skin condition of a pregnant woman, and in some cases can prevent the appearance of acne.
More information of the treatment
Preventing Acne during Pregnancy
Preventing acne during pregnancy, is there any meaning and effect? An often asked question to which we will try to find the answer.
In view of the fact that the organism of every woman reacts differently to pregnancy, it is almost impossible to say whether the child will be born with the appearance of acne or not. There are several factors that can predispose to the appearance of acne and deterioration of the skin of a pregnant woman's face. For example, if your facial skin is of a fatty type and the appearance of acne is not news to you, then when the baby is born, the condition of the facial skin is likely to worsen. Even if you have perfectly clean skin and never had problems with acne and acne, this does not guarantee that there will not be changes during pregnancy. There are cases when, during pregnancy, the skin of a woman's face shines with beauty and health, like never before, and after the birth of the child or a little later these signs pass by themselves.
As practice shows, acne during pregnancy disappears by itself immediately after birth or after the first trimester, when the body is already used to physiological changes. In some women, acne that appeared during pregnancy does not cease after childbirth and for a very long time. In such cases, of course, everything depends on the time of restoration of the hormonal background of the woman to the original state. After the birth of a child, you will have much more important care than some pimples, because you are now a loving mother.
Preventing acne during pregnancy, primarily includes several elements. First of all, a balanced and balanced diet. It is very important that the ration of a pregnant woman contains fresh vegetables and fruits, enough protein food, crumbly porridge. Fatty meat, smoked meat should be excluded from the diet of the future mother.
Maintaining the optimal water balance in the body of a pregnant woman is very important, as the demand for water has doubled. On the day of the pregnant woman, you must consume at least 1.5 - 2.0 liters of clean water.
Particular attention should be paid to personal hygiene. Cosmetic products for washing it is best to choose natural, without fragrances, dyes having a soft texture. You can use baby soap. If necessary, repeat skin cleansing from sebum repeatedly several times a day. After that, you need to moisturize your face with tonic or a lotion that does not contain alcohol. Do not squeeze out pimples, they should not be touched at all, so as not to spread the infection in the face.
You can recommend a mask of fresh fruit, of course, for the season. Strawberries, apricots, raspberries or grapes should be simply kneaded and put on the face for about 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Fruit acid helps prevent acne and healing of acne, reduces the fat content of the skin, and generally gives the skin a healthy appearance, because it's vitamins in its pure form.
Contraindicated in the use of various medicines and ointments for the treatment of acne during pregnancy. The components of these drugs can adversely affect the development of the unborn child.
Do not worry if the prophylaxis of acne during pregnancy has brought the expected effect, acne is a temporary phenomenon, the health of the unborn child is much more important than these trifles.