
Hair loss vitamins for women and men

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Lack of vitamins - a group of substances that affect the processes of tissue metabolism - is considered to be involved in the deterioration of the structure of the hair on the head, impaired growth and increased loss. Therefore, it is recommended to take certain vitamins for hair loss.

What vitamins to drink for hair loss?

In dermatologic practice, indications for the use of vitamin preparations are focal, diffuse and common hair loss, as well as all varieties of alopecia.

People with these problems wonder what vitamin is missing in hair loss, and whether vitamin complexes and nutritional supplements (supplements) with vitamins can help slow hair loss and restore hair growth.

The list of vitamins for hair loss is headed by B vitamins. First, it is synthesized by intestinal microbiota vitamin B7 - biotin. In the norm, its serum concentration is negligible (no more than 0.8 ng / ml), and its deficiency in the body is noted in rare cases. Nevertheless, despite the lack of scientific evidence of its benefits, biotin is thought to be involved (as a coenzyme of hydrolase and carboxylase enzymes) in the synthesis of purine nucleotides necessary for the formation of hair and nail keratin. It is believed that the daily intake of this vitamin in the adult body should be at the level of 30 mcg. [1]

Vitamin B3 (PP, nicotinic acid, niacin), the accepted norm of which intake in the adult body is 14-16 mg per day, reduces the content of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, which reduces sebum production and positively affects the condition of sebaceous glands in the scalp. This is very important, because the accumulation of cholesterol in the area of hair follicles causes an increase in the level of enzyme 5α-reductase, which converts cholesterol into the most active form of steroidal androgens - dihydrotestosterone, which disrupts the structure and function of hair follicles. [2]

It is also advised to take vitamins B6 and B12 for hair loss. Pyridoxine - vitamin B6 - is necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids, hemoglobin, sphingolipids of cell membranes and others. At its deficiency - usually combined with a deficiency of other vitamins of this group (B9 and B12) - violates the formation of lymphocytes and antibody production. The recommended daily amount of vitamin B6 for adults is 1.4-1.7 mg. [3]

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) supports the function of enzymes that support cell metabolism, DNA replication and hematopoiesis (formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow). It has been shown that B12 helps activate the cell differentiation signaling pathway and that its deficiency can lead to hair loss.

To prevent its deficiency, adults need to consume 2.4 mcg of B12 daily: there is evidence that 20% of adults over 60 have a deficiency, leading not only to hair problems but also to cognitive decline (dementia). Read also - B vitamin deficiency [4]

The list of vitamins needed to strengthen hair also includes:

  • antioxidant vitamin A, consisting of carotenoids that protect cells of rapidly growing and constantly regenerating tissues from free radicals. An adult man needs 0.9 mg of this vitamin per day, and a woman needs 0.7 mg (breastfeeding women need 1.3 mcg); [5]
  • vitamin C, which also prevents the negative effects of oxidative stress, promotes regeneration processes and regulates the metabolism of lipoproteins and steroids. In addition, ascorbic acid is involved in the synthesis of collagen and helps the absorption of iron. The daily dose of this vitamin for adults is 100 mg, for children - 50-60 mg. Full information in the article - Vitamin C; [6]
  • tocopherol or vitamin E from hair loss helps similarly to vitamin C, because it is also an antioxidant. Also this vitamin preserves the protective lipid layer of the scalp skin, ensuring its normal condition. The daily allowance of vitamin E for adults is 15 mg (22.4 IU); [7]
  • Vitamin D, which promotes immunity, bone strength and healthy skin (by stimulating cell growth). It is believed to play a role in hair growth as well, but what that role is is not yet known. However, it has been observed that when people are deficient in vitamin D, they start having hair problems. In such cases, it is recommended to take at least 15 mcg (600 IU) per day, and in elderly people at least 20 mcg (800 IU). [8]

Considering the results of biochemical and clinical studies, trichologists' reviews and patients' opinions, and taking into account factors such as age, heredity and hormone levels, vitamins A, C, E, D, B3 (PP), B6, B7 and B12 are identified as the best vitamins for hair growth.

Micronutrients for hair loss

The role of micronutrients in the hair growth process cannot be overlooked, read - Hair and Micronutrients

Iron and zinc for hair loss are considered to be the main ones. However, the connection between iron deficiency and hair loss has not been definitively proven, although some researchers insist that it does exist. And confirm this by the fact that with the help of iron red blood cells transport oxygen to all tissues, and hair follicles are no exception. Iron deficiency in the body is also associated with the so-called telogen effluvium - when the existing hair stops growing and gradually falls out, and more than 30% of hair (instead of the usual 5-10%) enters the phase of temporary rest (telogen). In detail - Telogen and anagen hair loss [9]

Zinc is also a cofactor of many enzymes that ensure biochemical processes in the skin and hair follicles. According to experts, its deficiency may cause deterioration of the structure of hair follicle proteins and their weakening. However, the role of zinc is much more significant: compounds of this metal are involved in the regulation of cell division and regeneration at the level of DNA, RNA and hormone synthesis. [10]

Don't forget about selenium! This trace element is essential for the synthesis of enzymes and hormones. For example, thyroid hormone thyroxine, which, in turn, affects the cycle of hair growth and hair loss. [11], [12]

Release form

The most common and the most appropriate from a pharmacological point of view form of release for systemic use - vitamins in capsules and tablets for hair loss. There are preparations with a single vitamin (for example, capsules with biotin - Vitagen Biotin Max, Biotin Angie), capsules of vitamin E or A; two-component Aevit (A + E), and, of course, complexes of vitamins for hair loss with a set of trace elements. More information in the article - Hair loss pills

Vitamins for hair in ampoules - injectable solutions of nicotinic acid (1%), cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine (5%); oil solution of tocopherol for injection (5% and 10%); ampoules with compositions containing vitamins for external use (usually these are cosmeceuticals from various manufacturers).

And liquid vitamins for hair loss are the same solutions (oil or water), as well as drops (vitamin D is available in this form). There are also products to enhance hair growth in the form of lotions with vitamins.

Vitamins for hair growth and hair loss: names

It should be borne in mind that:

  • vitamins for hormonal hair loss or androgenic alopecia must necessarily have vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) in its composition;
  • vitamins for dandruff and hair loss should be in a complex with zinc and selenium and the mandatory presence of vitamin E, see - Centrum from A to zinc (Wyeth-Lederle Pharma, Austria), as well as a review - Vitamins with zinc.
  • vitamins for hair loss and nail splitting - Bioactive Selenium+Zinc capsules (Pharma Nord ApS, Denmark), Doppelherz Active (Queisser Pharma, Germany), Centrum A-Zink (Pfizer, Germany) and others. For more details see. - Vitamins for nails

If you need vitamins for hair loss in men, full information about them in the materials - Vitamins for men against baldness and Vitamins for hair for men

Recommended vitamins for hair loss in women include:

  • Vitrum Beauty (Unipharm, USA);
  • Nourkrin Womman (Pharma Medico International, Denmark);
  • Menopace (Vitabiotics, UK);
  • Complivit radiance (RF).

As women's vitamins is stated bio supplement Alphavit Cosmetic - with a full range of vitamins and trace elements, supplemented with extracts of medicinal plants.

Vitamins for hair loss during menopause are presented in the publications - Best vitamins for women during menopause and Vitamins for women after 50 years of age.

Let's name other pharmacy vitamins for hair loss:

  • balanced complex of vitamins and minerals Perfectil (Perfectil) and Perfectil Plus (British manufacturer Vitabiotics), Unicap M (Ferrosan, Denmark), Actival Max (Beresh Pharma, Hungary), Bonavit and Vita-Life (Ukraine);
  • American vitamins Hair Grow Plus (KIMI Naturals), Maxi-Hair (Country Life), Hair & Nail Growth Vitamin Supplement (Brock Beauty);
  • Finnish vitamins Evonia, Vitatabs Mega B, Vitatabs D-Caps, Hair Health Vitamins.
  • Alerana vitamin and mineral complex (RF);

And vitamin hair supplements include:

  • Ducray ANAcaps or Ducray vitamins (France) with soy glycine and lecithin;
  • Merz vitamins - Merz Spezial Dragees;
  • Pantovigar (Merz Pharma, Germany) and the slightly different remedies Revalid (TEBA, Hungary) and Fitoval (KRKA, Slovenia);
  • Solgar (Solgar Vitamin & Herb, USA).

The dietary supplement Zinkit is zinc sulfate (in the form of effervescent tablets).


After oral intake of vitamin A, the concentration of carotenoids in the blood serum increases by almost 60%. Beta-carotene is a fat-soluble substance with a special structure, and blood lipoproteins help it to penetrate into the tissues of organs. And further by chelation this vitamin absorbs free radicals and reduces oxidative stress of cells, preventing their apoptosis.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is rapidly absorbed in the small intestine; nearly 25% of the vitamin is bound to plasma proteins; blood levels peak 5 hours after ingestion.

All B vitamins are water-soluble and belong to coenzymes - non-protein substances that bind to proteins of enzymes that mediate all metabolic processes in the body. They are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the systemic bloodstream; for example, vitamin B6 is absorbed in the small intestine and 90% bound to plasma proteins; the maximum concentration in the blood is noted in 5-6 hours after ingestion. In the body, it is converted into pyridoxal-5-phosphate, one of the most important coenzymes.

Organometallic vitamin B12, which is sensitive to gastric acid and protected from its effects by salivary enzyme (transcobalamin), also enters the small intestine and binds to internal Castl factor. With its help, the vitamin enters the blood (the maximum content in serum is noted after 1-2 hours), and then into tissue cells.

Biotin, which has a carboxyl group, binds to the aliphantic amino acid lysine (to form biocytin) and also begins to function as a coenzyme for the metabolism of a number of amino acids and fatty acids.

To enable vitamin B3 to be active, after ingestion it forms nicotinic acid amide (nicotinamide), which is involved in the formation of two important coenzymes (NAD and NADP) that are essential for all intra-tissue redox reactions and regulation of cell differentiation.


In the instructions of most multi-component vitamin preparations, pharmacokinetics is not given due to the lack of complete data regarding the mechanism of cumulative absorption of vitamins. More often, as in pharmacodynamics, a general idea of each vitamin is given.

Thus, beta-carotene is destroyed in the small intestine and liver; part of the not absorbed carotene and its metabolites are excreted through the intestine and kidneys; the half-life varies from 6 to 10 days.

Ascorbic acid in the liver undergoes oxidation to form the active metabolite, part of vitamin C is broken down to sulfate and ethanedioic acid, which are excreted by the kidneys.

Vitamin B6 is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and enters the blood and all body fluids, and the localization of its deposits is the liver, heart muscle and partially kidneys. As a result of cleavage by hepatic enzymes, 4-pyridoxic acid is formed, which is gradually eliminated by the kidneys with urine. The duration of the elimination half-life is more than two weeks.

Cyanocobalamin is distributed mainly in bone marrow, liver, kidney and adrenal tissues. Excretion is renal (about 70-75% is excreted unchanged).

Dosing and administration

Complex vitamin products in capsules and tablets are taken orally; dosages are indicated in the accompanying instructions, the usual is one to two capsules (tablets) per day.

Parenteral application - vitamin shots for hair loss - vitamin B12 injections (for cobalamin, this method of application is preferred in case of its pronounced deficiency in pernicious or megaloblastic anemia, as well as patients with neurological complications) will be useful only for the treatment of hair loss, which is caused by a deficiency of this vitamin.

As for fat-soluble vitamins, they can be applied externally. The simplest mask for hair loss with vitamins A and E is prepared from slightly heated olive oil (two tablespoons) - with the addition of the contents of one capsule of Aevit. For normal hair as a base you can use grape seed oil, for oily hair - sesame oil, for dry hair - castor oil (rich in omega-9 fatty acids).

The mask should be applied to clean and dry skin of the scalp, vitamins should be rubbed into the skin - with fingers soaked in oil, massaging movements. If there is dandruff, add four drops of rosemary essential oil. Wash off after 30-45 minutes; rinse with a mild shampoo; repeat twice a week for three weeks, after which you need a break for a few days.

The base oil can be replaced with raw egg yolk or natural yogurt, if the skin is oily, it is recommended to add fresh lemon juice (one teaspoon).

In the same way, you can add fat-soluble vitamins to your hair loss shampoo (and keep it on your hair for at least 10 minutes).

Useful information - Hair Treatment at Home

Application for children

It is inadmissible to use for children vitamin complexes intended for adults. Ordinary capsules, chewable tablets and lozenges, vitamins in the form of syrups for ingestion are prescribed by a pediatrician or a specialized doctor, but they must be means used specifically in pediatrics.

Note that in the instructions for vitamins for adults among the contraindications noted their use in children under 12-14 years of age. Biological supplements (BAAs) are also not used for children.

About what vitamins for hair loss to give to children, read - Vitamins for children, as well as - Children's vitamins

With problems with hair on the head of the teenager will be suitable complex vitamins Multimax Junior and its analogs - Multitabs Teenager, Vitrum Teenager and others.

Use Hair loss vitamins during pregnancy

During pregnancy, certain vitamin preparations are prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist and their use is regulated and monitored. Therefore, it is mandatory to discuss the use of any vitamins with your doctor.

Women need vitamins not only while carrying a baby, it is allowed to use vitamins for hair loss after childbirth and during lactation. You can use: Swiss vitamin and mineral complex Elevit Pronatal (Elevit Pronatal) and American vitamins Vitrum Prenatal Forte (Vitrum Prenatal Forte), which contains biotin and zinc. There is their full-fledged analog - Alphavit Mamino Health.

The German vitamin complex Pregnavit (Pregnavit) contains enough vitamin B12, but biotin and zinc are absent. All of the above preparations have folic acid (vitamin B9) in their composition.


Biotin should not be administered to patients with renal impairment, history of gastrointestinal surgery, and smokers.

Vitamin E is contraindicated in hyperthyroidism, cardiosclerosis and acute myocardial infarction, and in children under 12 years of age.

Contraindications to vitamin B6 include peptic ulcers, liver inflammation, and cardiac ischemia.

Patients with diabetes and urolithiasis with oxalate stones are strongly discouraged from taking vitamin C.

It is contraindicated to take vitamin A (retinol) in the presence of: chronic nephritis or pancreatitis, severe heart failure, gallstones, systemic granulomatosis, as well as people with obesity and alcohol dependence.

In functional kidney failure and the presence of stones in them, as well as tuberculosis and calcium metabolism disorders can not be used vitamin D.

Side effects Hair loss vitamins

Taking vitamin B6 may cause side effects in the form of skin allergic reaction up to dermatitis; headache and dizziness; nausea and stomach pain; cardialgia, shortness of breath and HR disturbances; numbness of limbs and seizures.

The most pronounced side effects of biotin are gastrointestinal disorders and allergic rashes on the skin. And vitamin B3 (niacin), in addition to similar problems with the gastrointestinal tract at the beginning of use, in some cases causes blood rush to the face and neck with their redness, changes in blood glucose levels, decreased BP, cardiac arrhythmia.

Developing an allergic reaction, feeling short of breath, and chest pains are the most common side effects of vitamin D.


What are the dangers of vitamin overdose? Studies show that prolonged overdoses of vitamin A can contribute to hair loss and also negatively affect koi.

In cases of vitamin C overdose, the skin may become covered with an itchy rash, nausea and vomiting may occur, stomachaches may occur, and inflammation of the bladder may develop (with the formation of oxalate concretions).

Excessive intake of vitamin E can increase the risk of bleeding. And signs of vitamin D overdose are manifested by a metallic taste in the mouth; general weakness; decreased body weight; nausea, vomiting and constipation; muscle and joint pain.

Niacin overdose is characterized by increased dryness of the skin (with itching) and eye mucosa against the background of thirst and diarrhea; increased blood sugar and uric acid levels; dizziness and HR disturbances.

When the dosage of vitamin B-6 is disturbed, heartburn and nausea, paresthesias of the extremities (with impaired coordination of movements), and increased skin sensitivity to UV radiation almost always appear.

Interactions with other drugs

First of all, vitamins interact with each other, and this interaction may not only be neutral or mutually reinforcing (synergistic): they may be incompatible. For example, vitamins A, B3, B6 and B7; vitamins A, C and E increase the effect of each other. But cyanocobalamin is practically incompatible with carotenoids and iron.

Vitamin E potentiates the effect of corticosteroids, NSAIDs and antiepileptic (anticonvulsant) drugs.

Vitamin C enhances the effect of sulfonamides, but reduces the therapeutic effect of drugs with heparin and indirect anticoagulants.

B vitamins are not taken together with some antibacterial drugs, particularly penicillin and tetracycline; vitamin B6 is incompatible with sulfonamides. Also pyridoxine potentiates the effect of diuretics, but reduces the effectiveness of concomitantly used barbiturates.

Niacin combined with alcohol increases the risk of liver problems, and its concurrent use with statins increases the side effects of these drugs.

Storage conditions

Optimal conditions for storage of vitamin remedies - away from heating and lighting devices, at room temperature (above +25 ° C).

The exact expiration date of each vitamin preparation is indicated on the package.

It is difficult to say how widespread the popularity of the remedies listed in the review is (among doctors, patients or pharmacists?): no one has studied this issue from the point of view of effectiveness. Therefore, any rating, one way or another, will look incorrect.

And we want to remind you that the best source of vitamins necessary for hair growth is the daily consumed food products. Which ones? Read about it - Foods for hair


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug " Hair loss vitamins for women and men" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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