Why pulls the lower abdomen at 4 weeks of pregnancy and what should I do?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most important stages in a woman's life. This is an exciting and beautiful period, which, however, is not without feelings and worries. Any pregnancy is accompanied by a change of feelings. There are new sensations that have not been observed before. Sometimes such feelings can cause a woman's anxiety, especially if this is the first pregnancy.
Most women begin to worry when they have a lower abdomen at 4 weeks gestation. Women begin to worry, because they do not know why these pains arise, what they are related to, whether they are dangerous. The situation is complicated by the fact that at 4 weeks a woman may not even know about pregnancy. Therefore, many are lost, begin to panic. In order to take the right actions, you need to know the reasons for which these pains occur.
Causes of the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen at 4 weeks of gestation
In the early stages of pregnancy, pulling pains may appear in the lower abdomen. They can be physiological or pathological. If the pain is physiological, then they are a consequence of the natural processes that occur in the body. Worry about such pain is not worth it. They help the body to successfully adapt to new conditions, to bear a child and usually after a few months pass without any treatment.
If the pain is pathological, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Usually, pathological pains require urgent measures and can be hazardous to health and life.
Physiological pains usually arise as a result of adaptation of the organism to new conditions. The body is preparing to bear fruit. In the womb there are various processes, it is activated, growing. The uterine ligaments that support the uterus are stretched. In some cases, the uterus may experience excessive contraction, being in too intense a tone. See publication Elevated uterine tone in pregnancy.
The cause of pain can be the process of introducing the egg into the mucous membrane of the uterus. Painful sensations also result from the fact that the uterus too often shrinks, or intensively grows. Usually the growing uterus presses on surrounding organs, on blood vessels and nerves. Promote this reduction can an intense load, nervous stress, mental trauma, fatigue, nervous overexertion. Frequent colds can also cause the uterus to become overactive.
If the uterus is constantly and too much reduced, hypertension may occur. It is also accompanied by painful sensations. It feels like tightness, tightness in the lower abdomen. Usually at such early stages the uterus is not yet probed. The cause of this hypertonia can be, first of all, excessive nervousness, anxiety, excitement. Hypertonus can also be physiological stress: it occurs when wearing uncomfortable shoes, in an uncomfortable position, pose, with shy clothes. Even frequent catarrhal diseases, overstrain of muscles can cause hypertonicity.
The cause of a pathological miscarriage can be a beginning miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. Tumors, fibroids, fibroids, inflammatory diseases, infections, and even other associated diseases often contribute to the occurrence of pathological pain.
Risk factors
The main risk factors that contribute to the emergence of traumatic pain during pregnancy are diseases of the endocrine and nervous system, metabolic disorders in the body and a violation of the overall hormonal background. With reduced immunity, the risk of pain, the presence of concomitant diseases and pathologies is significantly increased. Women with the first pregnancy are more likely to experience similar pain.
Pain can be associated with the process of fertilization. The main period when the probability of fertilization is maximum is the period of ovulation, which occurs approximately 14 days before the onset of menstruation.
Then the fertilized egg gradually moves along the fallopian tubes and enters the uterine cavity. This is usually the period of menstruation. Implantation of the egg into the mucous membrane begins. After the egg has penetrated into the mucosa, the cell begins to divide, gradually deepening into the deeper layers of the uterus. This process can be painful, it takes an average of 5-7 days.
After implantation, the cell continues to divide, a zygote is formed, then a morula, a blastocyst. As the cell grows, the uterus grows. This process can also be painful. First, the processes of activation of growth take place in the uterus, the metabolism is increased, the uterine blood filling increases. Secondly, there is a stretching of the muscle fibers, ligaments.
The uterus grows in size and begins to press on surrounding organs, on blood vessels, nerves. There are painful sensations in those organs that are located nearby.
With the growth of the uterus, the adjacent ligaments, tendons, and muscles that hold the uterus stretch. Stretch muscles of the pelvic and abdominal area. First of all, the circular muscles should be stretched.
As the uterus increases, the fibrous fibers begin to stretch. They drag the slowest, the process is painful. Hypertension of the uterus, in which its muscles and fibers are excessively compressed, can also cause pain.
Reduction of the uterus as a whole is a natural process, since the uterus is a hollow organ that consists of muscle tissue. Pain does not occur with usual rhythmic contractions of the uterus. If the contractions become too intense, it can cause pain. Usually such excessive contractions arise as a result of excessive activity of the nervous system, when the brain is overstrained and sends an excessive amount of nerve impulses.
There is implantation bleeding, which occurs during the period when the implantation of the egg. It is characteristic of about 30% of women. If the bleeding is not too intense, you should not worry. But if blood begins to flow uncontrolled, clots appear, this should be cause for concern. Intensive bleeding is also indicated by bright scarlet blood, which in color differs significantly from the color of blood that is released during ordinary menstruation.
Implantation bleeding can be difficult to distinguish from menstruation, because in time it coincides with it. Implantation bleeding can result in miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. Thus, a woman may not even know that she is pregnant. So ends about 70% of pregnancies.
According to statistics, in 73% of the pain is a natural physiological process, in 23% - a pathological. Such pain can have serious consequences and often ends in death.
In 8% of cases, the cause of pathological pain is ectopic pregnancy. In women older than 35 years, it is observed in 54% of cases. In adolescents, ectopic pregnancy occurs in 38% of cases. Maternal mortality is 4% of cases.
Symptoms are easy to recognize. If this is physiological pain, it quickly passes, it is only necessary to change position, relax. Usually the pain is short, takes up to half an hour. It passes by itself. She does not give much trouble to a woman.
If there are bloody, or other discharge, this already indicates pathological pain. At such pains it is necessary to address to the doctor as soon as possible.
It is important to be able to distinguish physiological pain from pathological. This makes it possible to take the right measures. So, physiological pains are short-lived. They can attack after eating, excessive physical exertion. Quickly pass. The main condition under which such pains disappear is relaxation. Pain passes when the position changes, while resting. Pain can pull, tingle, but it is always blunt, blurred. Strong discomfort does not cause. Also, with physiological pain, there is no bloody discharge. Emissions of non-frank character are also not observed.
If there are discharge from the genital tract, especially bloody, relaxation is also not effective, there are bloody clots, an unusual smell - this indicates a pathology. There are bloody clots, an unusual smell
The first signs are usually a feeling of pressure, tension in the lower abdomen, which does not worry constantly, occasionally. They pass quickly enough.
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Diagnostics of the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen at 4 weeks of gestation
During the diagnosis, it is primarily determined whether the pain is a consequence of pregnancy or they are not associated with pregnancy. This will help to understand the doctor gynecologist or obstetrician-gynecologist. The main method of diagnosis is the analysis on hCG, which shows the ratio of hormones and can confirm or deny the pregnancy.
Also a gynecological examination is conducted, a survey. During the examination, the doctor takes a smear to determine the microflora, cytology. This gives an opportunity to present a general picture of what is happening. In the smear can be found atypical cells, indicating the processes of tissue degeneration, the likelihood of malignant tumors. Also it is possible to detect or eliminate dysbacteriosis, infectious, venereal disease. A smear shows if there are any inflammations in the reproductive organs that can cause pain. If this is not enough, additional laboratory and instrumental studies should be conducted to help establish the correct diagnosis, determine the cause and take adequate measures. In order to exclude other diseases, differential diagnostics is needed.
At 4 weeks of pregnancy it is still too early to conduct any studies. Many women during this period still do not even know about their pregnancy. Pregnancy can indirectly indicate a delay in menstruation. Also after the onset of a delay, a blood test for hCG can be performed .
Instrumental diagnostics
You can conduct ultrasound. You can not even consider the embryo, but you can already find a yolk sac, in which there is a fetal egg. It is clearly visible on the ultrasound and can be traced in the form of a ball with a diameter of 2-3 cm. Thus, it is possible to confirm only the presence of the embryo sac. The ultrasound is made abdominal or transvaginal. It is already possible to assess the placenta and to identify its possible pathologies.
Differential diagnosis
The pain of the natural must be differentiated from miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, inflammatory and infectious diseases. Also, the pain is differentiated from the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as often the pain is irradiated. It is important to differentiate from acute surgical pathologies, when immediate surgical intervention is required.
For example, a miscarriage can indicate a feeling of pressure, then the pain becomes sharp, acute. It becomes intense, reminiscent of a fight. This is all accompanied by the release of blood from the genital organs, a sharp deterioration in overall well-being. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance.
Ectopic pregnancy is the second life-threatening condition, which also should immediately call an ambulance. With ectopic pregnancy, there is a sharp pain that is localized in one side of the abdomen, not in the center. The pain is not drawing, but sharp, sharp, gives in the leg, groin, thighs. Pain sharply increases, a woman can lose consciousness, which usually indicates internal or external bleeding, can result in death.
The main method of differential diagnosis is the analysis for hCG and ultrasound. Usually, an analysis of HCG indicates the presence of pregnancy, and ultrasound does not reveal a fetal egg.
In inflammatory diseases, drawing pains are accompanied by an increase in temperature, secretions from the genital tract. The main method of diagnosis is a swab of the vagina, ultrasound.
From fibroids, fibroids of the uterus can be distinguished with the help of ultrasound and hCG. Usually the abdomen grows, however the analysis shows the absence of pregnancy. In this case, ultrasound clearly visible tumor, which can be malignant, and can be benign.
From other inflammatory diseases of the genito-urinary and sexual systems differentiate by means of tests, smears. A normal blood test can indicate an inflammatory process.
From diseases of the intestinal tract differentiated by the results of smears, ultrasound. If the results do not confirm pregnancy and do not indicate the presence of pathology in the field of reproductive organs, it may be necessary to consult a gastroenterologist who diagnoses GI diseases.
Acute appendicitis or other pathology requiring immediate surgical intervention is characterized by high fever, sharp, growing pain. Such a pathology is indicated by leukocytosis in a general blood test.
Treatment of the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen at 4 weeks of gestation
If you have pain in the abdomen at 4 weeks of pregnancy, you do not need treatment. Of course, this is if the pain is physiological in nature. A woman should accustom herself to pain, more precisely, to learn not to notice it. This will significantly help her later on in later terms, facilitate delivery. Ability to control the pain and not notice it is very important for a pregnant woman, so even in the early stages you need to begin to train yourself.
Of course, for this it is necessary to make sure that the pains are not pathological in nature and do not threaten the health of the woman herself, nor the health and life of the child.
At this time, you need to start practicing the right breathing, relaxation, meditation, augene workouts, which are the best, natural method of preventing and treating any pain. It is always best to avoid medication, especially on such early terms, because all medicines have a negative effect on the condition of the fetus. There are no such means that would be completely safe. And the first 4 weeks - almost the most important period in the development of the baby, because it is at this time is the laying of the main organs. At this time, a large risk of developing congenital malformations, which is even greater when taking medications.
If the pain is so intense that it gives obvious discomfort to the woman, you can apply some medication. But you need to do this in case of emergency. It must always be remembered that physiological pains are natural, and therefore, it is better to eliminate them naturally. It is recommended to take medicines if the pain does not pass with complete relaxation, with a change in position. It is better to take gentle medicines that have minimal effect on the developing fetus.
With severe spasms and pain, no-shpa is effective . It relieves spasm, relaxes muscles, reduces pain. Take should be 50 mg not more than 1-2 times a day.
If the cause of pain are permanent swelling, suprastin is recommended, 1 tablet (150 mg) 1-2 times a day.
If the pains in the abdomen are accompanied by intense headaches, you can take cinnarizine - 50 mg 2-3 times a day.
With severe swelling accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headaches, it is recommended that 10 ml of a 2.4% solution of euphyllin diluted in 10 ml of saline. The drug is done intramuscularly or intravenously. Can be used to provide emergency assistance for complications of bronchial asthma, asphyxiation. Despite the fact that it has an almost instantaneous effect, it is an unsafe agent with serious side effects. It should be used only under the supervision of a doctor. The remedy is also recommended in the presence of or with the help of medical personnel. Has a strong diuretic, hypotensive effect, improves blood microcirculation and its coagulation functions.
Each person needs vitamins. Pregnant vitamin is required twice as much. It is recommended to take vitamins daily in the following dosage:
- Vitamin H - 150 μg
- Vitamin C - 1000 mg
- Vitamin PP - 60 mg
- Vitamin D - 45 mcg
- Vitamin K - 360 mcg.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
The use of physiotherapeutic effects has a positive effect on the body, stimulates the activity of the immune system, promotes an early recovery. Not all means can be used during pregnancy. But many of them are not only harmless, but also useful. Physiotherapy can be used both in the treatment of other diseases of the pregnant woman in the complex therapy. For example, for the treatment of colds, inflammations of various locations. The main advantage is that with the help of physiotherapy the recovery is much faster, which means that fewer medicines are needed, which are highly undesirable for the future child.
Also, physiotherapy is used to treat gynecological diseases and to maintain a normal course of pregnancy. For example, with the help of physiotherapy in early terms, it is possible to eliminate various obstetric pathologies, to cure inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Even with the threat of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion, some physiotherapy can help keep the pregnancy.
It is often enough during pregnancy to use electrophoresis and other methods of electrical influence on the body. With the help of these methods, a low voltage current is passed through the body. It promotes faster and deeper penetration of drugs into tissues. At the same time, the effect on the fetus will be minimal, medicines are also required much less. It is used in the treatment of various diseases, including obstetric diseases.
In the treatment of pain in the lower abdomen, electrophoresis with magnesium is often used. In this case, the ions penetrate deeply into the tissues, promote their relaxation. Pain is significantly reduced. In this way, hypertonicity can be eliminated. This procedure does not harm the fetus.
If pain is accompanied by excessive toxicosis, endonasal electrophoresis and galvanization are used, which also significantly accelerate the process of muscle relaxation, promote direct penetration of medicines, bypassing the fetus.
Safe for pregnant women can be treatment with inhalation, phonophoresis, laser exposure. It can be recommended reflexotherapy, acupuncture, acupuncture, massage.
Alternative treatment
Alternative treatment can be effective in treating the pulling pains in the lower abdomen at 4 weeks gestation. Before using any means, you need to consult a doctor, since many drugs can be contraindicated to pregnant women. Some substances during pregnancy can have abortive properties.
To treat pain in the lower abdomen, birch white is used. Birch leaves are especially useful, and young branches with kidneys collected in early spring. If you feel pain in the lower abdomen, take a twig of birch, or 10-15 leaves, pour a glass of boiling water. After the broth is infused, you can drink it in small sips. You need to drink warmly.
With pains, hot and cold compresses on the abdominal region are effective. You can take the mistletoe, brew a strong broth. A few sprigs of mistletoe fill about 500 ml of boiling water, moisten gauze or a rag in this solution and apply to the area where the pain is felt. You can add birch bark to the prepared broth. The composition of fees for external use can vary.
In order to make a cold compress, gauze is soaked in a cold broth, put on the bottom of the stomach. As soon as the gauze begins to heat, you need to moisten it again in a decoction and apply it to the same place.
If you make a hot compress, you need to moisten the gauze in a warm, but not hot broth, put on the bottom of the stomach. On top is an oilcloth, cellophane, which will keep warm. Top of cellophane is covered with a thick layer of cotton or wool. After that, tied up with a warm handkerchief. Usually, such a compress lasts for 30-40 minutes. If the pain does not go away, compress should be changed, again moistened with gauze in a warm broth.
One of the most effective means, which helps to reduce pain, is meditation, relaxation. A woman needs to get used to painful and pulling sensations, if they are not pathological in nature. Meditation helps to concentrate attention, teaches the ability to consciously control one's sensations, influence the perception of pain, reduce painful sensations by effort of will, and also by relaxing the muscles. This in the future will significantly help with childbirth.
It is necessary to sit down, straighten your back. The back should be lined up in a straight line. To begin with, it's better to sit against the wall and align your back along it. Eyes are covered. Then you need to focus on your breathing. On inhalation - the stomach rises, widens as much as possible. On exhalation, the abdomen descends, presses against the spine. We try to remove all thoughts, distract from everyday worries. Attention is focused only on the process of breathing. Also it is necessary to try to be distracted from extraneous factors, to relax as much as possible. To begin such an exercise is necessary from 15 minutes, gradually increasing the meditation time to 1.5 - 2 hours per one session.
Herbal Treatment
Despite the fact that medicinal plants are effective means of relaxing muscles, relieving pain, uncontrolled intake of them can have serious negative consequences. There may be nausea, vomiting, dizziness and even bleeding if improperly taken, with an overdose. In pregnancy, intolerance of individual components may occur, even if there are no such reactions until pregnancy. It should be remembered that not all medicinal herbs have a positive effect on the woman's body, and on the fetus's organism. In any case, before the reception you need to consult a doctor.
If you suffer prolonged pain and nausea, you can use the grass yarrow, which is drunk as a decoction or infusion. To prepare a decoction of a handful of dry herbs pour boiling water, I drink after cooling during the day. To prepare the herb, pour vodka or alcohol. You need to give your infusion time to brew. You can drink about a week, 1-2 teaspoons with the appearance of pain.
Stinging nettle helps to relieve swelling, reduces migraine headaches. With excessive drowsiness, lack of strength, it is also recommended to drink a decoction of nettle. Use stems and leaves of nettle. Approximately one middle stem with leaves should be finely chopped, pour 2-3 cups of boiling water. Drink during the day in small sips. You can also use the nettle in the tea. To do this, add 1 medium branch of nettle to the teapot with tea, insist. Drink like tea, if you feel thirsty or when painful sensations arise.
Well proven karkade tea. Brew, like regular tea and drink during the day. If necessary, add sugar or honey to taste. Eliminates swelling, restores strength, normalizes metabolism. Contains vitamin C.
Homeopathic remedies are effective in treating pain down in the abdomen at week 4 of pregnancy. It is recommended to follow the precautionary measures: take the medication only after a preliminary consultation with the doctor. You need to carefully select the funds, because some of them are contraindicated in pregnancy. It should be remembered that there are means that have many undesirable side effects, including having abortive effects. Some drugs are contraindicated at such an early pregnancy.
- Collection number 1. With painful sensations and swelling
Ideal means will be a mixture of nettle and stevia in equal parts. Then from this mixture take about 1-2 tablespoons of herbs, pour boiling water and drink during the day. You can make a light broth, for this, the grass is poured about 1-2 liters of water and drunk during the day. You can make a more concentrated broth, for the preparation of which the grass is poured about 2-3 cups of boiling water, insist and drink within a day.
- Ointment for pain in the lower abdomen
If you suffer prolonged pains in the lower abdomen, you can apply an ointment applied to the area in the lower abdomen, or to the area that hurts. To prepare the ointment, melt on high heat about 100 g of butter. While the oil is boiling, crushed root of turmeric or ginger, Altai honey, seeds of milk thistle are added to it. Stir constantly, bring to a boil. After that, the mixture is removed from the fire, poured into a jar or mold. They let it cool down. After the ointment has cooled down, put in the refrigerator so that it can freeze. After hardening, they are applied to the area in the lower abdomen, like a cream when painful sensations appear.
- Elixir "Taiga Witch Doctor"
It is used for pains in the lower abdomen, nausea, dizziness. To prepare 500 ml of vodka or alcohol, add the fruits of sea buckthorn, althea root, propolis, leaves of nettle. All these additives should occupy about a third of the container with vodka. Then close, give the opportunity to brew. After the solution has changed color, you can drink it as the pains appear. It is recommended to drink no more than 50 ml of solution at a time, the course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks. You can take a break, then again start treatment.
- Syrup "Pleasant pregnancy"
The syrup can be bought ready-made in a pharmacy or prepared independently at home. For preparation, 500 ml of rose hip syrup is required. Add 50 ml of Echinacea extract and 50 ml of Eleutherococcus extract. Mix well, give the opportunity to brew (for this enough 2-3 hours). Then syrup is drunk in pure form 3-4 tablespoons a day or added to tea to taste.
Operative treatment
With painful sensations in the lower abdomen, surgical intervention is not required. The exception is cases where pain occurs as a result of diseases of other organs and systems. In acute surgical pathology, ectopic pregnancy requires urgent surgical intervention. If bleeding occurs, miscarriage also requires urgent surgery. If tumors or outgrowths occur, an urgent surgery to remove them may also be required.
Complications and consequences
Complications and consequences do not entail only physiological pain. They disappear on their own by the end of the first trimester and do not even require additional treatment. Pain of a pathological nature can be dangerous for life, health. They are dangerous both for the baby and for the mother. They can end with miscarriage, abortion, ectopic pregnancy. The consequence of pathological pain can be the inflammatory and infectious diseases of the reproductive organs. More serious complications can be malignant or benign tumors, fibroids, fibroids. If pain is given from other organs, their inflammation may occur. A dangerous complication is acute surgical pain, which requires urgent surgical intervention.
If the pain is physiological, the prognosis is favorable. Pain usually goes on its own, without any intervention, taking medicines. The pain ceases to bother the woman after 2-3 months. If a woman is engaged in respiratory and relaxation practices, the pain is much faster, after about 1.5-2 months. In any case, if you pull the lower abdomen at 4 weeks of pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor.
If the pain is pathological, the prognosis may be different. It all depends on the cause of the pain.
An extremely unfavorable prognosis, up to a lethal outcome, is possible if timely measures were not taken in case of acute and acute conditions, with miscarriage, spontaneous abortion, bleeding, ectopic pregnancy. If it is timely to see a doctor, call an ambulance, and strictly adhere to the recommendations of doctors, the prognosis may be favorable.