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But-spa during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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But-shpa is the most common antispasmodic, widely used to relieve pain of various etiologies. The drug relieves migraine, dental, muscular, as well as bone pain syndromes.
Women no-shpa helps to ease the condition with menstruation. The medicine is very often prescribed during the period of the child's bearing. Pregnancy is a big responsibility for the life of the baby's future, so the question arises: "Is it safe to have a nonsense during pregnancy?" Anxiety of expectant mothers is understandable, because no-spa refers to medicines.
As it turned out, no-spa is not only shown to many pregnant women, but is a necessary substance in patients with uterine hypertension, which allows early termination of spontaneous abortion.
Dosage of no-shp during pregnancy
But-shpa is available in the form of tablets, capsules and a solution for infusions. The basis of the drug is the active substance - drotaverine hydrochloride. The auxiliary elements include corn starch, lactose, povidone, talc, magnesium sterate. All this must be taken into account if there is an intolerance to one of the components.
But-spa pregnant is indicated in the following situations:
- spasm of smooth muscles;
- decreased uterine tone;
- Conditions that require weakening of contractions.
The necessary quantity of medicinal substance, as well as the form for reception, is appointed by the doctor individually. As a rule, to reduce hypertension at the beginning of the period, one to two tablets are recommended to be taken two to three times a day (80-240 mg). Intramuscular dosage of no-shpy during pregnancy can be 40-240 mg / day.
The use of the drug before childbirth helps to reduce pain, normalizes the contractile activity of the musculature of the uterus, shortens the period of labor and reduces the risk of injury. Although European experts consider the reception of no-shpa in childbirth as vestiges of the old school, and in a number of countries they even forbade the taking of the medication at any time of bearing the fetus.
Whether it is possible no-shpu at pregnancy?
The basis of no-shpa is drotaverin - an active substance with a pronounced antispasmodic property. Drotaverin affects all the smooth muscle structures of the body (GIT, genitourinary and circulatory system, bile ducts). The drug causes vasodilation, which increases the blood flow to the organs. During the day, the medicine is processed in the liver and removed from the body.
Whether it is possible no-shpu at pregnancy? Like any other medicine, but-spawning is used according to the medical prescription, after a preliminary examination. The main indication for taking the drug is the increased tone of the uterus in the early stages of fetal development.
In general, it is necessary to understand in more detail the concept of hypertonia. If you feel something in the form of a stab at a sharp turn or when you try to get up quickly, you should not worry. The state of nervous tension, unjustified haste, fatigue often increase the uterine tone, coming to normal after relaxation. The pains of the aching, pulling constant character accompanied by bloody discharge testify to the presence of problems. Such cases allow the use of the drug. It should be remembered that no-shpa in pregnancy is used only at the beginning of the term, if there is a threat of miscarriage.
The drug in addition to reducing the tone of the musculature and dilated blood vessels, relaxing acts on the cervix, provoking its opening. Therefore, the reception of no-shpa at a later date is not recommended.
But-spa on early pregnancy
The onset of pregnancy is accompanied by abrupt changes in the body, hormonal reorganization and increased emotionality. All these factors can affect the uterine tone, so do not worry about the appearance of short-term discomfort in the abdomen.
Many doctors advise you to wear no-shpu with you and take the pill when you have painful sensations. It is best to first consult a gynecologist, and then drink a medicine. Some doctors are reinsured, appointing a no-shpu for toning off for no apparent reason. Naturally, if the uterine tension does not decrease, soreness grows, vaginal discharge appears - these are alarming symptoms and the indication will be no-shpa in the early stages of pregnancy to preserve the fetus.
As for the other cases and the possibility of self-administration, it is better to first turn to the gynecologist, who, if necessary, will appoint competent treatment.
Is it naughty when pregnant?
But-spa is a medicine that has its contra-indications and side effects. Drotaverin - the basis of the drug - is capable of causing allergic reactions, is not recommended for use in diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, as well as persons with low blood pressure. But-shpa often aggravates toxicosis, leads to loss of appetite, constipation, weakness and increased heart rate. It is forbidden to use spasmolytic during labor activity because of the increased risk of postpartum hemorrhage.
Any future mother is disturbed by the thought: "Is it harmful for nonsense during pregnancy?" In clinical trials, physicians did not detect the harmful effects of no-shpa on the development of the fetus. However, in a number of countries (in the US, England and Germany) for several years, experts do not practice taking drugs pregnant. The experience of foreign gynecologists indicates the relationship between the reception of no-shpy during pregnancy and the slowing of speech activity in the baby afterwards.
Other data indicate that no-shpa normalizes the fetal heart activity. Women with tachycardia of the fetus were injected intramuscularly and the pathology passed.
Hungarian scientists conducted a medical study, watching the thirty thousand pregnant women taking no-shp in the second and third trimester. In addition to the therapeutic effect, doctors did not detect any cases of pathology in infants after birth.
In any case, the no-shpe should be treated with caution and drink it strictly according to the medical prescription.
But-spa and papaverine in pregnancy
But-spa is a spasmolytic agent of myotropic action. The drug helps to reduce the tone of smooth muscles, dilate blood vessels, reduce the motor activity of the muscular structures of internal organs.
But-shpa, in view of the duration of exposure and effectiveness, ranks first among similar drugs, papaverine is no exception. In this case, no-shpa does not affect the functioning of the autonomic and central nervous systems. The positive effect of no-shpy is observed after two to four minutes after taking the drug, the maximum effect - in half an hour.
But-spa and papaverine during pregnancy in some cases are used together. It is possible to take no-shpa in 2 pills / 3 tablets or nyxes as prescribed by a doctor. Suppositories of papaverine are used simultaneously with no-shpa or as a separate agent. As a rule, doctors prescribe one candle in the rectum up to three times a day. The combination of reception depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's organism and the course of pregnancy.
But-shpa at pregnancy: the instruction
Myotropic antispasmodic, which is no-shpa, shows the best results on the organs of the genitourinary and digestive system.
Muscle contraction, pain and hardness of the lower abdomen are the main symptoms of increased uterine tone, which can cause miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy. In order to relax the muscles, doctors appoint no-shpu.
But-shpa during pregnancy, the instruction says that the drug is used in cases where the risk in treatment is lower than the risk of the disease itself. The data of the studies did not reveal the teratogenic or embryotoxic effect of drotaverine in the period of gestation. Parenteral administration of no-shpa in the course of labor is not recommended because of the possible development of postpartum hemorrhage. The drug is also contraindicated in the period of breastfeeding.
No-spawning is not applied when:
- increased sensitivity to one of the components;
- renal / hepatic insufficiency;
- heart diseases;
- glaucoma.
Increased caution in taking medication should be observed in women with low blood pressure.
How to take no-shpu during pregnancy?
With the question: "How to take no-shpu during pregnancy?" It is better to contact a women's consultation. Based on the survey, if necessary, you will be given a dosage of the medicine.
The use of any pharmacological agent in the process of bearing a baby should be approached with caution and a sober understanding. Turning to the forums, you can understand that no-shpa during pregnancy is actually assigned to almost half of women. But mothers themselves remind that no-shpa is not a vitamin and it should be drunk only in emergency cases coordinated with a gynecologist. Indeed, there are countries (for example, Finland, Estonia), where no-shps do not exist and pregnant women do without this drug. Maybe our doctors are really reinsured?
However, the reception of no-shpa should not be carried out uncontrollably. Pain sensations in the abdomen appear not only as a result of the threat of abortion, but also as a symptom of serious diseases - an attack of appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, perforation of the ulcer, etc. These processes require immediate surgical intervention, and taking no-shpy can "lubricate" the clinical picture and only aggravate the situation.
Why drink no-shpu during pregnancy?
But-shpu can be called a "folk pill", popular with attacks of headache, dental, menstrual pain. But why drink no-shpu during pregnancy?
The main indication for taking no-shpy - increased tone of the uterus with the threat of miscarriage in early pregnancy. In this case, the drug relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus, reduces their motor activity, promotes vasodilation and improves blood circulation. In the last months of bearing the drug is not desirable, since the medicine acts on the opening of the cervix. As an anesthetic, but-shpu use at the time of delivery. Do this, too, very carefully because of the possibility of postpartum hemorrhage.
How to drink no-shpu during pregnancy?
Forty-year-old trust, which won no-shpa among consumers, is due to the fact that the drug eliminates the cause of pain syndromes, and does not mask them. High safety, efficacy and minimal amount of side effects of the drug are confirmed by clinical trials in more than forty countries of the world.
High-quality raw materials for no-shpas are produced at the Hungarian plant with strict adherence to the technological process, which allows to obtain a high degree of purification from foreign impurities and to guarantee the exact quantitative content of the active substance (40 mg) in each tablet. Modern labeling of the package allows you to protect the drug from counterfeiting.
Often, no-shpa is recommended by obstetricians and gynecologists with the goal of removing the constant tone of the uterus and keeping the pregnancy at an early stage. The main thing is not to engage in self-medication, but in a timely manner to consult a specialist who will prescribe the course and dosage of taking the drug.
On the question: "How to drink no-shpu during pregnancy?" You can answer unequivocally: "Without fanaticism." Do not need to reach for the pill at the slightest strain in the abdomen. Drink the medicine only if necessary, justified by medical indications. Headaches, dental and other pain should be eliminated without the use of drugs. For example, a massage or a visit to a specialist.
Injection no-shpy during pregnancy
But-spa during pregnancy in ampoules is used to prepare for childbirth in order to speed up the process of opening the cervix. When labor is administered intramuscularly 40 mg of the drug, the injection can be repeated after a couple of hours or more. But-shpa also has an analgesic effect, reduces the likelihood of rupture.
Injections of no-shp during pregnancy are shown to women with lactose intolerance (it is contained in tablets). Infusions allow you to achieve the most rapid analgesic effect.
An unpleasant phenomenon when getting no-shp in pricks is the formation of painful seals - infiltrates, which dissolve in a few months.
Application of no-shpy during pregnancy
The period of fetal gestation requires a revision of the daily diet and thoughts, and also cancels the intake of medicinal substances. An exception may be the use of no-shpy during pregnancy with the permission of a gynecologist.
But-shpa allows you to quickly remove the pain syndrome and reduce the uterine tone. But do not take the drug as a panacea for any pain. The use of medication should be under medical supervision, in the specified dosage and in particularly acute cases.
Short pulling discomfort in the abdomen can indicate the preparation of the uterus for the forthcoming birth, therefore, for short-term pains, one should be treated calmly.
But-spa in the last weeks of pregnancy
But-spa in a complex with papaverine, buskopanom or belladonna - is a kind of preparation of the uterus for childbirth. During the examination, when it is time to give birth, the gynecologist assesses the degree of softening of the cervix. If it is not sufficient, it is often prescribed no-shpu.
But-spa in the last weeks of pregnancy reduces the risk of delayed opening of the cervix, relaxing the muscles. On assurances of physicians, the preparation helps sorts to pass easier, less painfully, to lower risk of ruptures.
Some women in childbirth believe that no-shpa really facilitates labor activity, and the process begins on time and proceeds safely. Other future mothers are categorically against any medication, believing that one should not interfere in a natural, natural process. Of course, it's up to you to decide. It is important to remember that taking the drug is only possible on the recommendation of a gynecologist.
But-shpa at the end of pregnancy
When the long-awaited event is already close, but-shpa helps to determine the authenticity of the bouts. If after the taking of two pills the pain does not stop, but on the contrary - intensify, become more frequent, the time has come and one should go to the hospital.
On the other hand, the premature onset of labor can provoke just no-shpa at the end of pregnancy, which is due to its ability to speed up the cervix. Therefore, do not spontaneously drink the drug.
The reception of no-shp before delivery, according to some doctors, is considered even a useful tool that has a beneficial effect on the fetal heart activity.
Action no-shpy in pregnancy
The use of no-shp pregnant women is associated with the need to reduce the excitability of the uterus, to maintain pregnancy. The drug is also used for spastic maternal throat during childbirth.
Action no-shpy during pregnancy:
- a decrease in the tone of the uterus;
- reduction of contractile activity of smooth muscular structures of the uterus;
- expansion of blood vessels and increased blood flow to the organs.
In addition to gynecological indications, no-shpa in pregnancy is prescribed for the removal of pain in the digestive tract, disruption of the bile duct and vessels.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "But-spa during pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.