Effective weekly diets for weight loss and in diseases
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Without food, the basic life functions of a person are unthinkable. Food is the source of energy, without which internal processes, motor and mental activity can not occur. With it, the body receives substances involved in the synthesis of enzymes, hormones - the necessary regulators and biochemical catalysts. The food should be rational, and its caloric content should correspond to energy consumption for metabolism, physical work, deposition of substances in tissues. Violation of these rules is fraught with pathological changes in the body, excess weight. Dietary nutrition plays a huge role in the treatment and prevention of diseases, weight loss. Weekly diets are good because they are designed for not too long, but enough to strengthen health and not too sharply to lose excess kilograms.
There is a single numbered system of diets, giving advice on nutrition in this or that disease. The characteristics of any of them contain indications for the purpose, purpose, energy value, composition, method of cooking, the mode of eating, acceptable and unacceptable products. For people with acute and chronic conditions of gastrointestinal diseases, diet № 5 is developed.
General information of the week diet
Since each of the diets pursues its goals, then their essence is different. The essence of the diet number 5A in energy efficiency, a sufficient number of proteins, carbohydrates and reduced fat, coarse fiber, cholesterol, nitrogen-containing products. More protein, but less refractory fats, carbohydrates, extractives from animals and plant tissues, in the diet number 5P. Both provide crushed food, which is baked, boiled or cooked steamed, do not allow fried, very hot or cold.
According to its goals, diet number 9 significantly limits carbohydrates, especially sugar, cholesterol, fats.
Weekly diet with pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is a pathology of the pancreas. The role of this organ is to digest proteins, fats, carbohydrates with the help of enzymes produced by it. They turn food into simple compounds: amino acids, vitamins, glucose, then enter the bloodstream and provide vital activity. Treatment of an inflamed pancreas requires primarily a diet. In acute pancreatitis shows fasting for up to 4 days, allowing only a plentiful drink of simple or mineral alkaline water without gas, broth of wild rose. Further, in the diet, a diet No. 5p (more severe with crushed food) is used and a gradual transition to No. 5. This may be a weekly diet menu: Recipes for dishes and a detailed menu for this diet, see here.
Days after fasting |
Breakfast |
Lunch |
Dinner |
Afternoon snack |
Dinner |
1st |
Wiped oatmeal porridge (250g), protein omelette for steaming (100g), tea |
Low-fat cottage cheese (110g), rose hips |
Mucous rice soup (0,5 servings), steamed meatballs |
Baked apples |
Steamed soufflé from fish, mashed potatoes from boiled vegetables, tea |
2nd |
Liquid semolina porridge on the water, steam knels from meat |
Baked pudding with cottage cheese and pasta |
Vegetable soup, boiled lean fish |
Puree from non-acid fruits, biscuit biscuits |
Steam cutlet, potato puree, rose hips |
3rd |
Rice porridge with the addition of a small amount of milk, fish soufflé |
Couple Amlet |
Dietary borscht, boiled chicken meat |
Fruit jelly, yesterday's bun |
Potretaaya beets, cutlets from veal for a couple |
4th |
Buckwheat porridge with the addition of butter, kneli |
Kefir, cookies |
Soup with vermicelli, fish with garnish |
Baked pumpkin |
Puree puree, rabbit cutlets |
5th |
Boiled vegetables, macaroni, steamed burgers |
Cottage cheese with a small amount of sour cream |
Vegetarian pear soup, meatballs, boiled rice |
Baked apple |
Carrot puree, lean boiled fish |
6th |
Colored boiled cabbage with butter, boiled chicken |
Boiled egg, cookies with yogurt |
Soup with chicken meatballs, boiled fish, mashed potatoes |
Non-acidic kissel, cookies |
Beef stroganoff from turkey, boiled rice, tea |
7th |
Vinaigrette, potato pudding with minced meat |
Sandwich with mellow hard cheese, tea |
Soup with semolina dumplings, fish balls |
Carrot cutlets sodden with sour cream |
Courgettes stuffed with rice and vegetables |
Weekly diet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis
Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder wall, triggered by bile stasis or infection. Its chronic form often develops in the background of pancreatitis. With cholecystitis, diet No. 5a is used, which stimulates increased bile secretion, which is contrary to the purpose of diet No. 5p - to reduce the excitability of the gallbladder. Therefore, the presence of two diagnoses requires so to balance nutrition, so as not to harm any of the organs. Common in a week diet with pancreatitis and cholecystitis are the rules:
- frequent fractional meals;
- preparation of steamed meat and fish dishes;
- Exclusion from the diet of acute, smoked, sour, roasted, coarse fiber;
- predominance of cereals, vegetable soups, baked vegetables, sour-milk products, low-fat cottage cheese.
The above table with various variations is suitable as a weekly menu. More information about dietary tables used in diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder can be found here.
Weekly diet for gastritis
In Latin, gastritis means "disturbances in the stomach." Such pathologies can be accompanied by both low and high concentrations of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which means different food. Table number 5, used for gastritis with increased pH, does not allow the consumption of fatty meat, rye bread, canned food, acid immature fruit, cabbage, legumes, fermented milk products. One day of nutrition might look like this:
- breakfast - a salad of grated beetroot, seasoned with vegetable oil, a steam cutlet with buckwheat porridge, cookies "Maria", butter, tea;
- second breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, carrot juice;
- dinner - soup with oatmeal, white yesterday's bread, boiled chicken with rice, compote of dried fruits;
- afternoon tea - warm milk with cookies;
- dinner - boiled fish, mashed potatoes, tea with breadcrumbs.
Manifesting ingenuity, you can diversify the weekly diet, changing side dishes, types of meat, cereals, adding acceptable fresh fruit.
Food with a low acidity does not include the inclusion in the menu of whole milk, canned food, mushrooms, legumes, vegetables such as radish, onions, garlic, cabbage, salad, smoked products, bakery products on yeast. More on the diet for gastritis.
Weekly diet for diabetics
The level of sugar and well-being of diabetics largely depends on nutrition. Patients with mild and moderate weight developed a diet number 9. Its main rule is the restriction of carbohydrates, fats, products containing cholesterol, frequent and uninvited food intake. Frozen drinks, fried and smoked products are completely forbidden, sugar is replaced with sorbitol and xylitol. The most acceptable method of cooking is cooking and baking in the oven. Meat and fish broth should be drained twice before preparing soups. Rice, macaroni, preserves, grapes, salty cheeses, bananas, figs are excluded. Diabetic nutrition day may look like this:
- breakfast - a Bulgarian omelet with vegetables, coffee with milk, diabetic cookies;
- second breakfast - cottage cheese casserole;
- dinner - cream puree from courgettes and cauliflower, lean boiled fish, stewed vegetables, dried fruit compote, apple souffle;
- afternoon tea - yoghurt;
- dinner - cabbage rolls with veal and buckwheat, tea, cracker;
- before going to bed - skimmed yogurt.
Weekly diet for weight loss of 5 kg, 10 kg
There are simple weekly or express-diets, aimed at quickly arranging themselves in order to some event, get into a favorite outfit, reduce the stomach. They are based on limited low-calorie portions, more frequent meals. For example, the morning can start with a glass of low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, a few hours later - a banana, up to 200 g of boiled dietary meat or fish, steam vegetables or soup of them for dinner, finish the day with a boiled egg and vegetable salad.
The most popular diets in the world are diet for weight loss. A week-long diet is suitable for people who are not accustomed to denying themselves gastronomic delicacies and stoically tolerate a long hungry existence. The effectiveness of such a diet is entirely entrusted to the diet, and it is based on three "whales": caloric restriction, the use of monoproduct and the introduction of adjustments in the metabolism (use of proteins). Having sustained a week-long restriction and dropping several kilograms, it is important not to succumb to the body's request to return the lost and not attack the food with a redoubled appetite.
Dietitians developed special weekly diets, which, depending on the radical nature, can be reset in 7 days from a few kilos to a dozen. Let's stop on some effective weekly diets for weight loss at 5 and 10 kg.
A fast weekly diet involves losing weight a week before 8 kg (about 2 kg per day), payment for success is strict food restrictions, which is why it is called "extreme". Such results can be achieved in various ways: to apply milk-free days of discharge (a day or two to drink only milk with tea), for a week to give up salt, sit for 2 days on apples, boiled chicken (100 g), a few crackers. A popular weekly diet can be called the following: each day is dedicated to one product - kefir (liter), fruit (6 medium oranges), curd (250 g), vegetable (up to 1 kg of caviar), chocolate (100 g), apple (1.5 kg) , cheese (300g). In this case, every day, you need to drink 1 tablespoon of vegetable (preferably olive) oil and herbal tea.
Egg Weekly Diet
A piece of eggs is that their yolk contains biotin or vitamin B7, which is part of the enzymes that regulate the protein and fat balance. With a large accumulation of biotin in the body, the mechanism of expenditure of subcutaneous fat stores is triggered. The advantage of this diet is that a person does not feel hunger, thanks to the high energy value and the duration of digestion. Strengthen the effect of its action on fats in the state of citrus: grapefruit, lemon, orange. Their joint use makes the food not so monotonous and enhances energy exchange. The menu uses boiled eggs and boiled meat and fish.
Day of the week |
Breakfast |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Monday |
2 eggs, grapefruit, green tea |
Egg, 150g chicken, orange |
200g chicken, a glass of yogurt |
Tuesday |
2 eggs, a glass of citrus juice |
2 eggs, 2 oranges, 150 g of chicken meat, 1 tbsp. Water |
2 eggs, grapefruit, 1 tbsp. Mineral water |
Wednesday |
2 eggs, 1 tbsp. Water with lemon |
Beef 200g, 1 tbsp. Orange juice |
3 eggs |
Thursday |
Omelette of 3 eggs with greenery |
Stewed chicken legs (2000g), lettuce leaves |
Egg, 2 grapefruit, plain water |
Friday |
Salad of 2 eggs, boiled carrots, greens, spooned with sour cream |
2 fresh carrots, 1 tbsp. Juice |
200g sea fish, sprinkled with lemon juice, egg, 1 tbsp. Mineral water |
Saturday |
100g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. Mineral water |
2 eggs, 2 grapefruits |
Mineral water |
Sunday |
2 eggs, half a grapefruit |
150 g veal, orange |
Mineral water |
Weekly Diet Maggi
Named after the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, for which she was designed before taking office. The menu was found already after her death during the dismantling of the archive, it immediately became very popular after publication. It is not known whether the "iron lady" resorted to him, but the name "Maggi's diet" firmly adhered to him.
The diet contained notes that you can not sit on it for more than 2 weeks, drink alcohol, except for days when the menu provides meat. In fact, it was the first protein diet low in calories, which spread throughout the world in various variations. It is based on the above and the above. The essence of it in daily use of 2 to 4 eggs, citrus fruits, fresh vegetables, salads from them, low-fat meat and fish. And, the dose was not specified. More on the curd version of the Maggi diet.
One-week kefir diet
The name "kefir" gives the main ingredient of the menu and provides daily consumption of 1.5 liters of kefir. Such a diet would be difficult to sustain if every day during the week 400g of one or several low-calorie products were not added to it: skim curd, boiled chicken, baked potatoes, cucumbers, fruits. Since yogurt exists different fat content, then for the diet 1% is used with a caloric content of 40kcal, a short shelf life.
Kefir diet requires a clear schedule for eating and limiting the liquid to 0.5 liters per day. On the basis of kefir, a so-called "hungry" diet with an increased up to 2 liters of beverage per day and a reduction of up to 100 g of additional product, as well as apple-kefir, is unacceptable to people with high acidity of the stomach.
One-week drinking diet
Weekly drinking diet is considered the most rapid of all existing. The rate in it is made for a liquid: all dishes in the diet of the thinning should have a liquid mushy consistency. In the list of cereals from various cereals, vegetable broths, milk soups, vegetables and fruits, sour-milk products. Water quenches hunger, maintains water balance and does not add calories. Such a diet makes it possible for a week to lose up to 10kg of weight. In other words, it can be defined as the cleansing of the body. To resort to it it is impossible to people with a renal and hepatic insufficiency, hypertonics. Read more about how to properly treat starvation on the water in this article.
One-week diet Malyshevoy
The weekly diet of Malyshevoy contains not only a detailed menu, but also recipes for each day of the week, as well as certain rules by which the result is achieved. According to them you can not go hungry, because this leads to the accumulation of fats for fat, there is every 3 hours, daily to keep a diary of calories (for a sedentary lifestyle they should not be more than 1200), thoroughly chew food (at least 18 times), between its methods (half an hour before meals or 1,5) drink plenty of water (8-10 glasses a day). It should be removed from the menu salt, sugar, spices, one day a week to do unloading and eat only rice, kefir or apples.
Malysheva's diet does not allow the use of high-fat milk, fat, oil, smoked products, semi-finished products. The advantage is given to fresh and cooked vegetables, occasionally small amounts of olive oil, cereals from whole grains, boiled lean meats, a few small spoons of honey per day, coarse flour for baking are allowed.
Buckwheat week diet
Buckwheat was honored to be a favorite table for a whole week for good reason. In fact, it is a very useful cereal - a low-calorie, nutritious, high in iron, vitamin B, various trace elements, amino acids. It contains complex long digestible carbohydrates, because of this, it gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. It strengthens blood vessels, promotes digestion, reduces bad cholesterol. The only obstacle to such a diet may be dislike for buckwheat porridge. There are no restrictions on the number, but on average, according to observations, a glass of cereal leaves a day.
Buckwheat is not cooked in the usual way, but is poured with boiling water and covered with a dense lid, it is possible in a thermos. To it salt, sugar, butter or oil, only water and groats is not added. It is allowed to dilute it in ready-made form with kefir (up to a liter of drink per day). The day of such a diet can look like this: breakfast porridge, a little fat-free cottage cheese, half a glass of yogurt. Lunch can consist of a salad with fresh vegetables, a small piece of boiled beef. Between lunch and dinner you can eat an apple. For dinner porridge, vegetables. Tea and still mineral water are not limited. There are after 19 pm not allowed. Read more about the advantages and disadvantages of this diet in this article.
The Weekly Dupant Diet
Dukan's diet most likely refers to the food system, than to the diet. It consists of several phases: attack, alternation, anchoring and stabilization. Attack should last no more than 7 days and consists in strict requirements to the menu, strict implementation of all rules. But ends with a reward - weight loss. The list of products in the first phase is quite diverse: chicken meat, skinless turkeys, veal, beef, eggs, seafood, salt, spices. A prerequisite is to eat 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran daily and drink 1.5 liters of plain water. Food can be consumed in any combination. Excludes sugar, pork, duck, goose, rabbit.
The duration of the second phase depends on how much weight is dropped in the first stage: 3kg requires 30 days, 4.5kg - 45 days, etc. It consists in the alternation of protein days and protein-vegetable. If excess weight is more than 10 kg, then the alternation step should be done 5 days. The products are used the same as on the first, only daily add 2 tablespoons of bran, 1.5 liters of water and new ones: cream, milk, cheese to 6% fat, cocoa (1 tsp), starch (1 tbsp. L.), vegetable oil (3 drops), bread (2 slices), wine (50 g). Under the ban, rice, beans, potatoes, pasta, avocados.
The third phase consolidates what has been achieved. Lasts for 10 days for every lost kilogram. The menu is normal, but one day a week should be protein. In addition, daily you need to eat 2.5 tablespoons of bran, the same amount of water, 2 times a week, foods containing starch.
The fourth stage is stabilization and for the rest of life: 3 tbsp. Spoons of oat bran, 1.5 liters of water daily, one day of the week is protein. Requirements, not related to food, are outdoor walks, morning exercises.
The Ducant diet is available, feasible, not burdensome, gives the result for a long period.
Japanese Weekly Diet
In Japan, in addition to sumo wrestlers, extremely complete people are extremely rare. Therefore, a diet called "Japanese" is most likely designed for Europeans. Whatever it is in fact, it is effective, not too exhausting, it allows you to quickly lose weight and keep it in the following period - all this makes it very popular and popular.
A distinctive feature that makes it involved in the ocean state is the daily presence of sea fish in the menu. Its essence is in protein low-carbohydrate low-calorie food. The menu of the Japanese diet is monotonous, but the portions are not small, which makes it possible to exercise simultaneously without physical injury.
The list of basic products consists of dietary meat (chicken, veal, beef) in boiled form, fish, eggs, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, fruits (banana and grapes are excluded), kefir, olive oil, lemon. And, fish fillets, vegetables can be fried in oil. The morning of the diet starts with coffee, green tea without sugar, once a week for breakfast, carrots, sprinkled with lemon juice. Lunch consists of meat or fish with vegetables. Dinner the first three days of the week is quite plentiful, containing respectively fish, meat, eggs and meat. The next 2 days only fruit, 6th and 7th - with protein food. During the day, it is prescribed to drink plenty of water.
Weekly unloading diet
Weekly unloading diet is good for those who have already lost weight, and for slender people who want to feel light in the body, to strengthen health. One option is a mono-diet. Salt, sugar, alcohol are not allowed, the order of the products should be preserved:
- the first day - liquid dishes (chicken broth, low-fat dairy and sour-milk products);
- second - raw vegetables, you can fill with oil;
- the third - water (intersects with the first);
- the fourth - fruit (oranges, apples, grapefruits, kiwi, pears);
- the fifth - protein (eggs, meat, fish, cottage cheese);
- the sixth - water;
- the seventh - adapting to the exit from the diet (combines products from the previous days).
The Koroleva's Weekly Diet
The author of this diet is a well-known nutritionist, with the help of which many stars of show business, including Natasha Koroleva, lost weight. Consists of 3 stages of mono-diet, calculated more than a week (9 days), and allows you to lose up to 10 kg. Read more about this diet in this article.
To unload the digestive system and cleanse the digestive tract for 3 days, boiled rice is used without salt and 2.5 liters of water daily. For cooking cereals 250 g in the evening soaked in water, washed in the morning and boiled without salt in a 1: 2 ratio of 15 minutes. The received volume is divided into 5-6 portions and is eaten during the day.
The next 3 days are devoted to boiled chicken (1kg), to drink water, you can have green tea.
The last three-day period is vegetable. Every day, 300g of fresh and 500g of boiled vegetables are eaten (except potatoes).
After you leave the diet, you do not need to pounce on food, eat fractional, drink a lot, minimize sugar intake, move a lot.
Weekly diet on cereals
The weekly cereal diet is based on the use of six varieties of cereals: millet, wheat, barley, oats, buckwheat, rice and pearl barley (1 day - one cereal) without salt and sugar, and on the seventh a mixture of cereals is prepared (2 tablespoons each ).
Cooking is carried out on water in a proportion of 1 to 3 exactly 5 minutes, then removed from the fire, wrapped in a towel and left for 10 hours. In the morning on an empty stomach a glass of hot boiled water is drunk, after half an hour you can eat porridge. The diet also includes fruits, vegetables, low-fat kefir, tea. Every sensation of hunger between the main meals can be eaten by the porridge.
The use of the diet can not be overestimated in the treatment of digestive tract pathologies, diabetes mellitus. Diet therapy in these cases is an equal partner along with medication. Thus, the diet No. 5A is aimed at restoring the functioning of the liver and biliary tract, №5П - normalization of the pancreas, sparing attitude towards the stomach, diet number 9 - maintaining normal blood sugar, minimizing the risk of strokes and heart attacks, getting rid of excess weight. But the wrong diet, without taking into account the characteristics of human genetics, metabolic processes of the body can cause great harm. Therefore before its application it is necessary to conduct a survey, consult with a doctor, which diet is suitable, and only then to draw from the Internet its features.
The contraindications of individual diets have already been mentioned. Of course, diets are contraindicated for young people under 18 years, especially girls, because can cause a violation of the menstrual cycle, pregnant women, people with diseases of the digestive tract, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system.
Possible risks
The risks associated with the diet lie in the plane of nutrition imbalance. The organism needs vitamins, microelements and other useful substances for its full functioning. Diet for the body - always certain limitations, often it does not meet the physiological needs. Lack of receipt of this or that component can become a trigger mechanism for the development of pathological processes.
Prolonged and radical diets, conducted without the supervision of specialists, can cause a violation of cardiac activity, kidney and biliary colic in the presence of stones in these organs, exacerbation of gastritis, the formation of ulcers and erosions of the digestive tract. The period of release of their diets is fraught with a syndrome of food overload, which is characterized by a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, nausea, sometimes vomiting, stooling. The resumption of consumption of salt and salted products during the recovery period often leads to the appearance of edema.
Duration of diets
The listed weekly diets can be used for a longer time if the body tolerates them well, if they bring the result, there is willpower and the desire to continue to lose weight:
- 2 weeks - this is how much protein, buckwheat, Japanese, malyshevoy, egg and a number of other popular diets can last without harm to health, and lead to the loss of more than 10 kg of weight;
- 4-week - its efficiency is 12-20 kg. By resorting to it, you need to increase the volume of liquid to 2-3 liters per day. Do not use broths, cook vegetables in water or stew, do not refill with oil. It can be protein, egg, Maggi's diet;
- 5-week - this is how much the diet of Protasov lasts and promises minus 15 kg. It is based on a large number of vegetables, so resorting to it is cheaper in the summer. The first 2 weeks they can be consumed unlimited quantities of raw or cooked without salt and oil, 3 green apples are required in the main meal, one boiled egg, sour-milk products, plentiful drink up to 2 liters of water. In the next 3 weeks, 300g of dietary meat is added to the diet, and the dairy products are reduced by one third. The next 2 weeks, you need to gradually get out of the restrictions, slowly entering the menu of conventional products;
- 7-week - for such a long period is calculated quite a tough German diet. It guarantees weight loss and stability of weight after its termination, but it may be unacceptable for many. Every Monday, no food, only water (up to 5 liters), then in the first week the usual food, the second on Tuesday 2kg of grapefruit or orange, with each subsequent one more fruit day, at the end another day of yoghurt or yogurt, Sunday of the last week ends one water;
- 10-week diet - does not require too strict restrictions, but gives the opportunity to lose weight slowly, but it is true. The main rule - the calories should not be more than 1,5 thousand. Per day, 6 meals, 20 minutes before eating a glass of cold water. What you can not eat? From the diet is completely excluded from sugar, flour products, alcohol, mayonnaise, salt is limited. What can you eat? Meat and fish must be boiled, sour-milk products are fat-free, snacks are fruit, the feeling of hunger is washed down with kefir.
According to unanimous reviews, diets, used for diseases of the internal organs of the digestive system, diabetes, lead to relief and are very useful. Not so unambiguous are the opinions of the slim, but this is predictable. Many positive reviews about the diet of Elena Malysheva, Maggie - not very exhausting and gives a good result. On buckwheat also lose weight, it does not hit your pockets, but not all can withstand the monotony of food. Dyukan's diet caused a surge in the grouping of people into "interest groups" for moral support during the period of weight loss, which indicates its popularity and relevance. Kefir diet is also widely recognized by those who are good with kefir. Protein diet is popular even among athletes, with the help of which they are "dried", at the same time it is also delicious, although it makes spending.