Why pulls the lower abdomen at the 3rd week of pregnancy and what should I do?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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At this time of pregnancy, most women do not know about their condition and perceive the pulling sensations as a harbinger of the coming menstruation, without worrying too much about it.
Indeed, with rare exceptions, discomfort in the lower abdomen poses no threat to the health of the mother and the unborn child.
The epidemiology of miscarriages at such an early date has not been studied, most women do not yet turn to a gynecologist for pregnancy. However, spontaneous termination of pregnancy is considered the most frequent complication of pregnancy. Thus, about a fifth of clinically established cases of pregnancy end. Experts suggest that in fact, the frequency of miscarriages is much higher, some argue that more than half of spontaneous abortions occur until the moment of clinical recognition of future maternity.
Ectopic (extrauterine) pregnancies occur with a frequency of one case in about two hundred pregnancies.
Causes of the pain in the abdomen at 3 weeks of pregnancy
Similar sensations on this term, most likely, are caused by the beginning of pregnancy and activation of the process of blood circulation in the vessels of the uterus, to which the influx of blood increases.
Usually in the third week the fertilized egg starts to enter the uterine membrane and is fixed there to calmly develop for nine months. In this case, the cells of the womb envelope fuse with the cells of the blastocyst (now called a fertilized egg), which causes microtraumas of the uterine wall and small bleeding. In this period, the chorion begins to form, the future placenta is the system of blood vessels of embryonic blood supply. This process is also often accompanied by drawing painful sensations in the lower abdomen and lumbar region.
Soreness in the lower abdomen can cause problems with the intestines, accompanying early toxicosis. In this case, usually defecations become rare and cause difficulties. It is necessary to try to establish this sphere of life with the help of fermented milk products or vegetable dishes (for example, beet salad). Usually, early toxicosis is not dangerous and passes quickly.
Within the norm - pulling pains in the lower abdomen are not permanent and exhausting, but periodic. In order for the condition to normalize, as a rule, it is quite enough to lie down for a while, relax your muscles and relax.
However, if the pains are debilitating and severe, not even passing in the supine position, then it is necessary not to postpone the visit to the doctor. The reason for such persistent pain may be the threat of termination of pregnancy. Risk factors for early miscarriage are chromosomal abnormalities, hormonal imbalances and endocrine diseases, infections of the genital area, tonsillitis, influenza, chickenpox and rubella, previous abortions, bladder skidding, polycystic ovary, multiple pregnancies, medicines (including phytotherapy), harmful habits (substance abuse, alcoholism, smoking), severe stress.
Risk factors
The pathogenesis of termination of pregnancy can be based on the death of a fertilized egg for any reason and, as a result, did not occur its implantation. The organism reacts to this event with the uterine contractions and the expulsion of the frozen embryo. Hypertension of the uterus can be primary and cause death and rejection of the embryo, and these two events can occur simultaneously. At such an early time, miscarriage can go unnoticed, like profuse menstruation.
The pulling pain in the lower abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy, especially localized in any one, right or left part, can be provoked by an ectopic pregnancy. A strong pain syndrome will appear later than in the third week of pregnancy, when the fetus begins to grow in the fallopian tube or ovary. Nevertheless, if the pains increase and are permanent, and the condition worsens, you need to undergo a survey. Risk factors for the development of pregnancy outside the uterus - infectious and inflammatory disease of the fallopian tubes or anomalies of their development, surgical interventions on the fallopian tubes, proliferation of adhesions in the pelvis, intrauterine contraception, age and infertility.
The third week of pregnancy is of paramount importance for future events. At this time the blastocyst is exposed to a variety of influences from the outside. If it is sufficiently stable, reaches the uterus and is implanted into its shell, it will continue to develop. Unviable copies will die, their rejection will occur, most likely, by nobody and not noticed.
Symptoms of the pain in the abdomen at 3 weeks of pregnancy
Thus, in the overwhelming majority of cases, usually the first signs of pregnancy come into play. Normally - the sensations resembling the usual premenstrual symptoms, so most women do not react to them. Especially sensitive women feel fatigue stronger than usual, the desire to lie down, sleep, they can start to rock in transport, unusual reactions to smells and taste preferences, frequent urination may appear. In the third week, a fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine membrane, the formation of the placenta begins, which causes some discomfort in the lower abdomen and lower back, as well as a few minor secretions, although this is also an optional symptom. Therefore, if a woman pulls the lower abdomen and discharge at 3 weeks of pregnancy, in most cases this is normal. You need to try to relax, lie down, do not strain either physically, mentally, emotionally. And if such simple measures lead to a relief, then, most likely, everything is normal.
The threat of interruption of pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in painful sensations and secretions. If the situation is more serious than usual premenstrual sensations, and you planned a pregnancy it is better to see a doctor. You can prevent a miscarriage and very early pregnancy (the second, third week), if in time to address for help to a specialist.
For example, the high muscular tone of the uterus usually causes concern for doctors, however, after drinking the course of prescribed antispasmodics, you can remove it elementary.
It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of the following symptoms: spasmodic pains in the lower abdomen, pulling pains in the lumbar region, permanent, not passing in the prone position; with the appearance of mucous or brownish not quite normal discharge; in addition to everything - gastrointestinal upset.
Similar symptoms in the third week of pregnancy can also indicate an ectopic pregnancy, the consequences and complications of which are associated with a risk to life. In this case, do not delay the process, you need to urgently consult a doctor.
Diagnostics of the pain in the abdomen at 3 weeks of pregnancy
At this time, the doctor usually addresses to the doctor in two cases: either the anxiety causes severe symptoms, or the pregnancy was planned and a small delay, unpleasant sensations plus an incomprehensible semi-positive test (often in such a period of time the streak appears stained) require confirmation of a new condition.
Clinical analyzes are normal, only the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood plasma can clarify the situation, which in the early stages is continuously growing.
Standard instrumental diagnostics (ultrasound) can confirm the onset of pregnancy so far only by indirect signs: by a noticeable thickening of the layer of the uterine mucosa, the maximum thickness is interpreted as the supposed place of blastocyst injection and increased blood flow in the yellow body.
When complaining about the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, the tonus of the musculature of the uterus is evaluated - an increased tone in combination with a weak blood supply can signal a threat of miscarriage, and a local thickening of one of the fallopian tubes - about the developing pregnancy in it.
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Treatment of the pain in the abdomen at 3 weeks of pregnancy
Such feelings are quite physiological in the third week of pregnancy and, as a rule, no treatment is required.
However, if they are combined with hypertension of the uterine musculature, women are prescribed No-shpa or Papaverin.
But-spawn (drotaverina hydrochloride) is an effective antispasmodic that eliminates spasms of smooth muscles of the uterus without significant effects on the cardiovascular system. There was no embryotoxicity and teratogenicity of this drug. The average daily dosage is 0.12-0.24 g, divided into two or three doses.
Papaverine (rectal suppositories, tablets, solution for injection) - the form is chosen depending on the intensity of muscle tone. The form of choice is rectal suppositories, they are applied two to four times a day.
These drugs are prescribed to pregnant women as the safest, but future mothers can only take them under medical supervision. They can also cause allergic reactions and rare side effects, in particular, hypotension, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea and heart rhythm disorder.
When a woman is threatened with miscarriage, it is recommended to reduce to a minimum physical activity, to comply with bed rest, sometimes strict. To reduce anxiety and anxiety, sedative herbal remedies can be prescribed - the motherwort extract or valerian root in tablets. These are similar in effect agents with a calming effect, which do not have a direct hypnotic effect, however, they contribute to falling asleep. Take one tablet three to four times a day.
Quite often, the cause of abortion is hormonal disorders, the most common of which is a deficiency of progesterone, a hormone necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. In this case, appoint Dufaston, which compensates for this deficit. It is taken for the first time 0,04 g, and then on 0,01 g with an eight-hour interval to relief of symptoms. When they are gone, the therapy with an effective dosage is continued for a week, after which it begins to decrease. When the symptoms return, they return to therapy with a dosage effective in the previous case.
With the predominance of androgens, Metipred is prescribed - the drug with active substance methylprednisolone, which has a wide spectrum of serious side effects. It is taken only on strict indications and under the supervision of a doctor. This is a favorite drug of domestic doctors, Western women do not appoint it. There are cases of successful delivery by outwardly healthy children and after taking this drug, however, it is advisable to consult another specialist in case of his appointment and weigh well the pros and cons.
The threat of miscarriage at early stages can cause many causes and according to the diagnosis the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment or consultation with another specialist, for example, an endocrinologist.
Vitamins are usually prescribed to women in the early stages of pregnancy, based on the fact that it is difficult to fully balance their diet. And still, if you are not seriously disturbed, and there are no signs of a deficit, consult a doctor if you should take synthetic vitamins for you, because their overdose can be as dangerous to a future child as the deficit.
Usually prescribed folic acid, a lack of which can cause miscarriage. Folic acid can, it is claimed, even even out chromosomal abnormalities and compensate teratogenic environmental influences, if you start taking it even before pregnancy and continue taking it in the first months.
Physiotherapy treatment in the early stages of pregnancy should help mom and not harm a new developing life. These procedures also have a number of contraindications, the doctor must prescribe and monitor their effectiveness. Safe procedures are electrophoresis, acupuncture, electretlaxation and balneotherapy.
Alternative treatment
It should be noted that the vast majority of physicians disapprove of self-treatment with the help of alternative prescriptions. It is advisable nevertheless to consult with a doctor, since alternative drugs are unlikely to be able to effectively compensate, for example, a lack of progesterone or hypothyroidism. However, in the complex of prescribed medical measures, it is possible that alternative means will not be superfluous either.
A popular alternative for the prevention of abortion - viburnum. As a raw material, the bark of the Kalyna harvested from young twigs in the spring until the appearance of the first leaves is used. Healing broth is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of finely ground raw material is boiled with boiling water (200 ml) and tanned in a water bath for about five minutes. Cool, filter and use three times a day for 30ml.
The broth has the ability to stop bleeding, nervous and convulsive attacks, improves sleep.
In alternative medicine, with the threat of interruption of pregnancy and drawing sensations in the lower abdomen, infusion of Kalina flowers is also used: boil in a thermos of ½ liter of boiling water, two tablespoons of flowers, leave for two hours, then filter and drink ¼ cup three times or four times a day. When the sensations are normalized, another half a month they drink infusion from the flowers of the viburnum for preventive purposes, reducing the intake dose to 1/8 cup. It should be noted that the calf has a moderate hypotensive effect and increases blood clotting, so you can drink infusions with kalina only in short courses and preferably under the supervision of a doctor.
Many pregnant women are prescribed Magne B6, instead you can add to products containing magnesium. For example, to eat bread from whole-grain flour, different varieties of lettuce, spinach, nuts - cashew, almonds, buckwheat and oatmeal, cocoa and chicken eggs. Magnesium is well absorbed together with calcium, which is found in walnuts, pistachios and hazelnuts, beans, cottage cheese and dairy products. Organize an overabundance of trace elements, which is also undesirable, using food is much more difficult than taking synthetic vitamins.
Treatment with herbs for possible termination of pregnancy is carried out with the help of infusion from the aerial part of the dandelion: grind the vegetable raw material, measure the teaspoon and brew with a glass of boiling water (200 ml), soak in a water bath for three to five minutes. Strain and drink in small sips of 50 ml thrice-four times a day.
You can prepare a decoction of the dried and crushed roots of this plant. The dosage and the way of its preparation are similar.
Some recommend the infusion of the root of elecampane, although not all phytotherapists recommend this plant to pregnant women. To prepare the infusion, one tablespoon of medicinal raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water and leave to be infused overnight. In the morning, filter and take from two to three tablespoons four times a day before meals. This infusion can also be used for colds.
Pregnant women are not forbidden to drink chamomile tea, which has a relaxing and soothing effect: 25 g of dried chamomile flowers are brewed with 1/2 liters of boiling water, tinned for at least five minutes in a bath, insist for a quarter of an hour, filter and drink ½ cup with honey.
Homeopathic treatment can be useful in the early stages of pregnancy with the threat of its interruption. To treat homeopathy was effective, you need to consult a practicing homeopathic physician and get an appointment from his hands. In the early stages, for example, Sapius, Valerian, Sekale are appointed, with the usual miscarriages - Eupatorium purruraeum and Plumbum.
Individually, a question can be solved with a doctor about the use of pharmacy homeopathic remedies, such as Mulimen, Ginikkohel, Spaskuprel.
Operative treatment
Surgical treatment is carried out for ectopic pregnancy and is performed in the required volume (laparotomy or laparoscopy), the choice of which is determined by the following factors: clinical status of the patient, the size and placement of the fetal egg, the integrity of the organ in which it develops, the presence of adhesions and the patient's desire to maintain fertility. This determines the choice of either conservative-plastic surgery (salpingolotomy, removal of part of the fallopian tube or ovary and others) or radical intervention - complete removal of the tube.
Laparotomy is contraindicated in the presence of hemorrhagic shock in the patient or peritoneal edema of the fourth degree.
Laparoscopic access is certainly preferable, because it is less traumatic, and the operation takes much less time. With laparoscopy, the incidence of postoperative complications is low and organ functions persist, hospitalization time is shortened and recovery occurs much faster.
Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy in the early stages prevents serious complications, such as violation of the integrity of the fallopian tube or ovary, and allows you to preserve the functions of reproductive organs.
A healthy lifestyle, nutrition, absence of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system practically guarantees successful implantation of the blastocyst and its successful development.
Minor spotting and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen are quite acceptable phenomena. Do not deny yourself the desire to lie down, rest, do not lift the weight, limit physical activity. Useful walks in the fresh air in comfortable shoes.
It is necessary to dress in the weather, try to avoid places of mass gatherings of people, stressful situations and injuries.
Do not take any medications other than those prescribed by your doctor.
So, the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, not constant and not exhausting, are quite physiological in the third week of pregnancy. However, if the condition worries you and causes significant discomfort, it is worth to show your doctor to get a qualified consultation and evaluate the changes.