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Motherwort in Pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Motherwort during pregnancy (Herba Leonuri, heart herb, core, canine nettle) is used to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, to treat high blood pressure, and also as a sedative.
Motherwort at pregnancy allows to improve blood circulation, to remove an attack of nausea, to eliminate such phenomenon as excessive accumulation of gases, formation of colic.
As part of complex treatment, motherwort during pregnancy can be used for uterine hypertension, as well as for gestosis.
To normalize the work of the nervous system, the most effective during the period of bearing a child will be a decoction of Herba Leonuri or phyto tea.
Tablets, which include cardiac grass, often contain in their composition and other substances that in pregnancy can be contraindicated. That is why before taking any medications you should carefully read the instructions and consult with your doctor.
Dried grass motherwort during pregnancy can also be used as a sedative. For this, a small amount of Herba Leonuri can be put under the pillow or on the windowsill.
When using tincture of cardiac grass, it should be noted that it contains alcohol, which during pregnancy can be undesirable.
Instructions for use
Before using the motherwort during pregnancy, the instructions for its use should be carefully studied, in order to identify contraindications and prevent the development of unwanted reactions.
Pharmacological action of the drug is to provide a sedative effect on the central nervous system. Indications for Herba Leonuri herb include nervous overstrain, cardiovascular disorders, high blood pressure, and problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Tincture of motherwort is recommended to drink thirty-fifty drops three to four times a day. Liquid extract of cardiac grass use fifteen to twenty drops from three to four times a day before eating. Keep dog nettle in a dry, dark place.
Dosage of motherwort during pregnancy can vary depending on the indications and must be agreed with the doctor.
The dosage of motherwort during pregnancy depends on the accompanying indications and the form of release of the drug.
Motherwort extract in tableted form ("Wifitech") at 0, 014 g is taken one hour before meals, one tablet three to four times a day.
Herbal tincture ("Agrofirma" Yan "," Phytopharm ") is consumed inside before meals for thirty to fifty drops three to four times a day. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease and is established by the attending physician on an individual basis. The drug contains ethyl alcohol 70%, which must be taken into account when prescribing the drug during the bearing of the child.
Motherwort P in the form of tablets of 0.2 g, containing 33.6 mg of Herba Leonuri herb, 6 mg of vitamin C and lactose, take two tablets three times a day during meals.
How to use?
About how to take a motherwort during pregnancy, you should always consult with the treating gynecologist. Dosage and duration of taking the drug is determined on the basis of the severity of the symptoms of the disease.
The total recommended dosage for Herba Leonuri in tablets is one to two tablets, three to four times a day.
Tincture of canine nettles is used internally for thirty to fifty drops of three to four r / d. The ethyl alcohol present in the tincture is not recommended for use during the bearing of the child, so the expediency of the use and dosage of this form of the drug should be agreed with the attending physician in advance.
Herbal tea with hearty herbs take one packet, diluted in a glass of hot boiled water, on an empty stomach.
Motherwort in tablets
Motherwort in pills during pregnancy is taken with insomnia, nervous overstrain, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disorders.
As part of complex therapy, motherwort in tablets during pregnancy is prescribed for vegetovascular dystonia, hypertension of the uterus, impaired thyroid function, and work of the digestive tract.
To enhance the sedative effect, Herba Leonuri tablets may contain vitamin B, magnesium.
Dosage and duration of therapy for the bearing of a child is determined individually by the attending physician on the basis of general indications.
Motherwort extract
Extract of motherwort during pregnancy is used as a sedative, which reduces excessive nervous excitability, with VSD (vegetovascular dystonia), increased blood pressure.
The extract is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, cholecystitis, hypotension.
Tincture is used for thirty to fifty drops from three to four r / d.
Liquid extract - fifteen to twenty drops three to four r / d.
Extract in the form of tablets in a dosage of 0, 014 g take 1 table. 3-4 r / d.
To cook a decoction, 2 tbsp. Spoons of ground herb Herba Leonuri pour 200 ml of boiled water and insist on a water bath for fifteen minutes, stirring regularly. After the prepared broth cools down, it should be filtered, squeezed out the remaining amount and add the boiled water to a volume of 200 ml. Extract of heart herb in the form of infusion takes inside an hour before meals by a third or 1/2 cup twice a day.
Tea from motherwort
Tea from motherwort during pregnancy helps well to cope with insomnia, with abnormalities of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, to improve the functioning of the nervous system, vegetovascular dystonia, to normalize the pressure in hypertension, and to regulate the work of the cardiovascular system.
Herbal tea with warm herbs is poured into 200 ml of hot boiled water in the amount of two sachets, cover with a lid and insist fifteen to twenty minutes, after which they drink during the day, 0, 5 cup three times thirty minutes before eating.
Decoction of motherwort
Decoction of motherwort during pregnancy improves the digestive and urinary systems, improves well-being in toxicosis and increased production of thyroid hormones, stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system.
To prepare a decoction of Herba Leonuri herbs 2 tbsp. Spoons of the dried ground substance are poured into a glass of hot water and cook for fifteen to twenty minutes in a water bath, stirring constantly. Ready broth cooled, then take a third of a glass 2-3 p / d about one hour before eating.
Motherwort Ewalar
Motherwort Ewalar is recommended for pregnancy only with the permission of a doctor. The composition of the drug includes magnesium carbonate, Herba Leonuri extract, vitamin B 6. The recommended dose of taking the drug is one or two tablets twice a day during meals.
Motherwort Ewalar has sedative properties, the effect of which is enhanced by magnesium, which makes it possible to reduce the excitability of the nervous system, as well as vitamin B 6, and has a high content of iridoids and luteolin. Use such a tool can only be prescribed by a doctor in the absence of contraindications. The instructions for the use of the medicine freshman air salon contain information about the prohibition of its use during the period of bearing of the child.
Motherwort tincture
Tincture of motherwort belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of sedative and hypnotic medications. Infusion of motherwort during pregnancy allows you to normalize sleep, work CCC, reduce high blood pressure with the initial forms of hypertension, as well as to remove irritability, nervous overexertion, improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The composition of this drug includes alcohol, which must be taken into account when assigning a tincture of cardiac grass in the period of bearing the child.
In the absence of contraindications, the dosage of the drug is thirty to fifty drops once or twice from three to four times a day. The duration of taking the drug is determined individually. A sensible soothing effect is achieved approximately three weeks after the start of the drug.
Tincture of canine nettles is not prescribed with low blood pressure, peptic ulcer, gastritis, cholecystitis, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
It is more advisable for pregnant women to take a decoction, herbal tea or tablets containing Herba Leonuri, which have the same properties as tincture, but do not contain alcohol in their composition.
Motherwort Fort
Motherwort fort during pregnancy can be used strictly on the advice of a doctor. This drug is prescribed for increased irritability, sleep problems, nervous hyperexcitability, rapid fatigue, low blood pressure, abnormalities of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, provided there are no allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
The forester is Forte magnesium and vitamin B 6, iridoids and luteolin. The recommended dosage of the drug is one or two tablets two to three times during the day.
According to the instructions for using the drug, wasteland forte is not recommended for use during the period of bearing of the child.
Contraindications for use
There are the following contraindications to the use of the motherwort during pregnancy:
- Pronounced decrease in heart rate
- Low blood pressure
- Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, allergic reactions to Herba Leonuri
- Gastritis (acute or chronic)
- Inflammation of the gallbladder
- Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer
- Prolonged exposure to the sun
Can motherwort be used during pregnancy?
To consult, whether it is possible Leonurus during pregnancy, it is more expedient with the treating gynecologist, as each organism is especially individual, and in the period of bearing of the child is especially vulnerable.
Herba Leonuri is produced in the form of tablets, tinctures, dried grass, herbal tea. If there are appropriate indications, the doctor will give the necessary recommendations for the use of cardiac grass, and also advise the most suitable form of the drug for you.
Motherwort in early pregnancy
Motherwort in the early stages of pregnancy allows to normalize the emotionally unstable state of a woman, associated with hormonal changes in the organism that occurs during this period, or with the experience of various stressful situations.
Constant overstrain of the nervous system in the early stages of bearing a child can lead to the development of hypertension of the uterus, which in turn is fraught with the risk of negative consequences that adversely affect the course of pregnancy, up to the threat of interruption.
Motherwort in the early stages of pregnancy also contributes to improving the functioning of the digestive system, helps cope with excessive gas formation, the appearance of colic.
The functioning of the cardiovascular system Herba Leonuri also has a beneficial effect, increasing the strength of the heart, thereby increasing the shock volume and cardiac output.
If necessary, cardiac grass can be used as a means of lowering the level of blood pressure.
In the early stages of childbearing, the most suitable for use are herbal tea and herbal tea based on Herba Leonuri. The positive effect with the reception of cardiac grass is achieved, usually after thirty days after the start of use.
Motherwort or valerian during pregnancy: which is better?
Pregnant women who have indications for taking sedatives are often faced with a choice: motherwort or valerian during pregnancy?
It should be noted that both these drugs have a sedative effect and can equally be used in the bearing of a child. Also there are drugs, which include both valerian and motherwort. Recommend to use such medications should only the doctor in accordance with the indications.
Valerian during pregnancy is prescribed with increased nervous excitability, impaired functioning of the digestive tract, sleep disorders, migraine, tachycardia.
The most optimal choice for bearing a child is the tablet form of the drug. Valerian should be taken after eating, squeezed the necessary amount of water, three to four r / d on 1-2 tablets. Depending on the indications and recommendations of the doctor.
Tincture of valerian, as well as tincture of motherwort, contains in its composition ethyl alcohol, which must be taken into account when prescribing such drugs during pregnancy.
Motherwort in planning pregnancy
Planning pregnancy is a very important period in the life of a woman, during which, as well as during the bearing of a child, it is extremely important to keep emotional balance and avoid stressful situations.
If during the period of pregnancy planning you are under stress and experience a nervous overstrain, it is advisable to take sedatives and soothing drugs that help normalize the activity of the nervous system. Herba Leonuri preparations will help you in this. Of course, in the first place, you need to protect yourself from stress, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right.
Motherwort in the planning of pregnancy will help balance the emotional state, relieve nervous tension, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, normalize the pressure in the early stages of hypertension.
Preparations of cardiac grass are produced in various dosage forms: in the form of tablets, infusions, tea, herbs. To select a suitable preparation and prescribe the dosage will help the attending physician on the basis of general indications, as well as taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism in the absence of any contraindications.
Reviews of motherwort during pregnancy can identify the following properties of the drug when used during this period:
- Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system in cases of excessive nervous excitability, irritation, stress
- Improves the work of the heart, blood vessels, increases the heart rate (the drug is contraindicated in bradycardia)
- Helps to eliminate colic, excessive accumulation of gases, positively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
- Helps cope with insomnia, increased fatigue
- Stabilizes the level of blood pressure at an early stage of hypertension (not prescribed for hypotension)
- Used as an aid for hypertension of the uterus, attacks of nausea
- Contraindicated in gastritis, peptic ulcer, hypotension, acute inflammation of the gallbladder, allergic reaction to canine nettles or other components of the drug components.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Motherwort in Pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.