Thrush on early pregnancy: causes, symptoms, is it dangerous
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Thrush: There is probably no woman who does not know about this unpleasant disease. Fungal candidiasis, he is also a yeast colpitis, he is also a thrush - it is a widespread disease that provokes a Candida fungus. The milkwoman is difficult to cure, since the fungus is a causative agent and is normally present in the vaginal environment - albeit in an inactive non-pathogenic state. A special fear among women is caused by thrush in the early stages of pregnancy, because this period is very responsible, because not only your own health but also the health of her future baby largely depends on the future mother.
What can be done to alleviate the state of health of a pregnant woman who has become a thrush? Is it possible to treat such a disease at all during the bearing of the child?
Is thrush dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy?
To date, doctors already have enough evidence that no potential danger thrush does not represent, either for the developing fetus, or for the adequate course of pregnancy.
Moreover, if the disease does not cause the future mother no significant discomfort, then with his treatment can be delayed.
However, if the disease manifests itself with all the signs of the inflammatory process, and the woman complains of the itching sensation, the presence of secretions, etc., then a minimal antifungal course of local treatment should be performed. Systemic use of antifungal drugs for pregnant women is contraindicated - only preparations in the form of suppositories can be used. Of course, such treatment can not be radical - the disease may soon return. But the full course of antifungal therapy a woman will be able to pass only after the baby is born.
Causes of the thrush early in pregnancy
The thrush at the very first stages of pregnancy appears quite often. Why?
- With the beginning of a new physiological period in the life of a woman there is a strong redistribution of the hormonal background - this is necessary to maintain pregnancy and normal development of the fetus. The hormonal balance shifts towards gestagens, which, among other things, create favorable conditions for the growth of fungal infection.
- In the early stages of all pregnant women immunity decreases. Someone in this period "picks up" a cold, and someone begins to suffer from candidiasis. Therefore, one of the most important moments in the prevention of thrush is to maintain a normal state of immune defense.
Risk factors
The above reasons are considered to be the main factors in the mechanism of thrush development. However, it is necessary to pay attention to individual risk factors, which can also serve as a trigger mechanism in the development of fungal infection in pregnancy:
- inadequate or limited nutrition, with a low intake of vitamin and mineral substances;
- frequently recurring colds, decreased hemoglobin level, unstable blood sugar level, various endocrine diseases;
- chronic colpitis;
- chaotic, frequent or regular use of antibiotics.
Mushrooms belonging to the genus Candida are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that inhabit the environment extensively, vegetating mainly in the soil, on fruit trees, on fruits.
In the form of saprophytes, fungi can be found on skin and mucous membranes, as well as in the feces of every fifth healthy person.
The transition of opportunistic pathogenic fungus to a pathogenic form is facilitated by external and internal factors.
External factors can be:
- features of climate, high humidity;
- mechanical irritation of mucous membranes.
Internal factors are:
- metabolic diseases;
- deficiency of certain vitamins in the body;
- any state of immunodeficiency;
- prolonged or uncontrolled treatment with antibiotics, hormones, cytostatics, etc.
Often the activation of fungi in early pregnancy is associated with the onset of early toxicosis in women: a weakened female body suffers especially in this period. Disrupted nutrition, weight loss, anemia, suppression of immunity - this is not a complete list of signs that accompany early toxicosis. All this leads to the fact that the body's own defense fails, and the fungal infection is activated.
Symptoms of the thrush early in pregnancy
The main signs of thrush at early stages are supposed to be:
- significant in volume light discharge from the genital tract (more often - in the form of sour cottage cheese);
- cheesy or creamy nature of discharge;
- burning sensation and itching in the genital area;
- discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse;
- unpleasant sensation and soreness in the allocation of urine, an acidic odor.
Externally, the first signs are expressed in the redness and swelling of the vaginal mucosa. In neglected situations, microcracks appear, small and large erosions on the mucous membranes.
A competent doctor can already correctly diagnose a normal diagnosis, but he will inevitably prescribe laboratory diagnostics. For example, sowing of excreta can become very informative: this analysis will allow not only to determine the species belonging of the pathogen, but also to test it for sensitivity to antifungal agents. Therefore, the diagnosis is very important, first of all, in order to assign the appropriate effective treatment.
Thrush on early pregnancy before delay
If the pregnancy occurred against the background of treatment of the yeast with systemic medications, and such antifungal therapy ended up to 2 weeks before the first day of the delay in menstruation, most often later the pregnancy proceeds without deviations.
If the reception of antifungal drugs took place after 2 weeks of pregnancy, then in this case, you urgently need to turn to the obstetrician-gynecologist and genetics for advice. Only a doctor can decide on the next tactic of pregnancy management. It is generally believed that up to 12 weeks, the fetus is particularly vulnerable to the effects of various factors, and especially - medicines.
Thrush as a sign of pregnancy in the early stages
Despite the fact that thrush often begins during pregnancy, this disease can not be considered as a sign of pregnancy itself. Thrush is just a sign of a violation of the balance of microflora in the vaginal cavity - and this can happen, both during pregnancy and without it.
The initial signs of pregnancy can be:
- delay in menstruation;
- pulling sensations in the lower abdomen;
- nausea - especially in the morning, or at the sight of eating;
- daytime sleepiness;
- "Swelling" of the mammary glands;
- mood swings;
- frequent urination.
To clarify the presence of pregnancy is better to consult a doctor and donate blood for laboratory analysis.
Complications and consequences
What can happen if a thrush that has occurred in the early stages is not treated?
- Long-term candidiasis can lead to a decrease in the elasticity of the vaginal tissues. Than it threatens: patrimonial ruptures, long treatment.
- At birth, a fungal infection can get on the baby's mucosa.
- Weakened immunity against the background of a fungal infection can cause other diseases, for example, frequent colds, intestinal diseases and upper respiratory tract diseases.
Contrary to popular belief, spontaneous abortion due to an untreated thrush happens rarely. The effect of thrush on pregnancy in the early stages only in isolated cases is negative. As a rule, if a woman seeks a doctor on time, any manifestations and complications of thrush are eliminated and prevented.
Diagnostics of the thrush early in pregnancy
Of course, the doctor will not diagnose yeast infection, based only on the complaints of a woman and on the results of a visual examination. It is very important to conduct laboratory diagnostics:
- for identification of Candida yeast-like fungus;
- to exclude sexual infections;
- to assess the quality of the vaginal microflora.
In a woman, the material for analysis can be taken directly from the vaginal mucosa, from the cervical canal, from the urethra.
The doctor may resort to the use of such types of diagnostics as:
- microscopic examination of a smear from the vagina;
- PCR-diagnostics (helps to determine the DNA of the fungus pathogen);
- bakposev vaginal microflora (determines the type of pathogen, its sensitivity to medicines).
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis should be carried out with such diseases as bacterial vaginosis, gonorrhea, genital herpes and trichomoniasis.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the thrush early in pregnancy
Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life, in which it is not recommended to take medication with systemic effects, as this can cause irreparable harm to the future child. This principle is also relevant for thrush: the use of tablets and capsules of antifungal action during pregnancy is unacceptable.
The first thing that the doctor will pay attention to is the woman's adherence to the basic hygiene rules: a daily shower, a change of clothes, the use of individual scraps and towels.
Of great importance is the nutrition of women. It is necessary to remove from the diet all sweets, pastries, spicy and fatty dishes. All these products create favorable conditions for the development of fungal infection, and change the pH of the vagina to the acidic side.
With an easy flow of thrush during pregnancy, there may sometimes be enough changes in nutrition and hygiene rules to keep the disease from subsiding. Also during the period of treatment, you need to provide sexual rest - in order to avoid additional trauma to the already damaged mucosa.
Internal reception of medicines and syringing in the early stages of pregnancy is strictly prohibited!
Apply only topical treatment with ointments and suppositories. The most "harmless" is the suppository Pimafucin. In many patients thrush passes after the introduction of two or three candles, but doctors advise to bring the course of therapy to the end.
If in the early period there was a case of a milkmaid, doctors recommend shortly before the birth to conduct a second course of treatment in order to avoid complications for the unborn child. Treatment should take place and the sexual partner is feminine.
Remedies for yeast infection in early pregnancy
In early pregnancy, only local medications containing Pimafucin or Nystatin may be treated - these drugs are non-toxic and have a good antifungal effect.
In addition to antifungal agents, with thrush, doctors can recommend anti-inflammatory drugs and antiseptics - for example, such common agents as a solution of brilliant green and a solution of borax in glycerin. These drugs can be used in the early stages: one of them is applied to a gauze tampon, which then is treated with vaginal walls. Such treatment can last about a week.
In addition, the doctor can prescribe vitamins for pregnant women, because thrush is one of the signs of weakened immunity, which must be strengthened.
All medicamentous and non-medicamentous remedies should be prescribed only by a doctor who takes into account the characteristics of the pregnant woman and the gestational age.
Self-medication of the yeast infection in the early stages of pregnancy can be fatal.
Suppositories from thrush early in pregnancy
A drug |
Application features |
Pimafucin candles |
Apply one suppository in the vaginal cavity before going to bed, for six consecutive days. |
Betadine candles |
Apply one suppository before bedtime, for six days. |
Nystatin Vaginal Candles |
Apply one suppository, vaginally in the morning and evening, for 10 days. |
Hexicon Vaginal Candles |
Apply one suppository, vaginally at night, for two weeks. |
Miramistin with thrush in early pregnancy
Miramistin is an affordable and effective antiseptic that is used for external treatment of the vagina. The drug is almost not absorbed into the systemic circulation, so it can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
To eliminate the milkwoman in the early stages, Miramistin is treated with a swab that wipes the vaginal walls daily for five to seven days. As a rule, the effect of Miramistin becomes noticeable after only 1-2 applications.
Occasionally, after the procedure, there is a burning sensation in the vagina. However, this sensation passes independently for 20 seconds and is considered a variant of the norm.
If after the application of the drug there is a long itch, redness of the skin, dry mucous - then this may be signs of an allergy. In a similar situation, you need to stop using this drug and always consult a doctor.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
The use of physiotherapy for the treatment of thrush in the early stages is a controversial issue, there is no clear answer to this question at the moment. Theoretically, doctors allow the use of therapeutic physical factors during pregnancy, because taking drugs for pregnant women is prohibited, and without them it is sometimes difficult to cure the disease. With the help of physiotherapy, you can inject small doses of drugs, reducing the degree of negative effects on the fetus.
However, is it really necessary to treat thrush? The overwhelming majority of doctors insist that the symptoms of thrush in the early stages can be completely eliminated by the use of local drugs without resorting to systemic effects - including without resorting to the help of electrophoresis and other physiotherapy methods. Indeed, physiotherapy can be an excellent way to eliminate pelvic pain, to restore the body after a caesarean section, to treat postpartum hemorrhoids. With thrush, in many cases, the use of such methods of treatment is irrational.
Alternative treatment
In the early stages of pregnancy, you can use alternative methods to combat thrush. Such methods include:
- washing with decoction of oak bark (2 tablespoons of oak bark added in 200 ml of boiling water, boiled for five minutes and insisted for three hours under the lid);
- podmyvanie infusion of calendula (1 tsp calendula pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist for at least 15 minutes);
- washing with soda solution (1 teaspoon baking soda for 200 ml of warm water);
- Sitting baths with soda and iodine (2 tsp soda with a slide and a few drops of iodine per liter of warm water).
These methods are not always able to completely heal thrush. But they always help to significantly relieve the condition of a pregnant woman.
Herbal Treatment
Before choosing medicinal herbs for treatment of thrush in the early stages, you need to make sure that they have the following properties:
- stop the development of the inflammatory process;
- disinfect;
- heal;
- increase the pH of the medium;
- soothe the irritated mucosa;
- non-toxic.
Doctors advise to pay special attention to such common plants:
- Chamomile color - removes inflammation, normalizes the condition of microflora. Chamomile infusion can be used inside, used for washing or sitting baths.
- St. John's wort is an astringent and anti-inflammatory plant, which is often combined with chamomile flowers and oak bark. In pregnancy, take infusion of St. John's wort is contraindicated, but for plantings, the plant is perfect.
- Calendula - inhibits the development of pathogenic microbes, heals microdamages of mucous membranes. To enhance the effect, calendula can be combined with chamomile flowers and yarrow: infusion is used for lotions, rinses and irrigation.
- Sage - a plant with tannic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and analgesic properties. Sage is ideal for washing, baths and lotion for thrush. However, douching with sage and the use of broth inside during pregnancy are contraindicated.
- Yarrow is a hemostatic and healing plant, which is used externally for washing.
Do not forget that medicinal plants are also medicines, so you can not abuse them. If the treatment is carried out by washing, then it is sufficient to carry out one wash in the morning, and the second - at night. Douching and ingestion of medicinal infusions and decoctions in the early periods is prohibited.
General recommendations regarding the treatment of thrush in the early stages with the help of homeopathy, no - many know that such drugs are prescribed strictly individually. However, we can distinguish a number of homeopathic remedies, which are often used to treat such a disease.
Particularly popular drugs in this area are Acidum nitrikum 30 and Mercurius solubilis 30. They are taken one morning and the next in the morning according to the scheme: in the morning - the first drug, and in the evening - the second. After the first improvement is noticeable, the frequency of intake should be reduced gradually: first, drink the medicine daily, then in a day, then twice a week, once a week until you can completely stop taking it. And vice versa - if after taking the drug the improvement does not occur, then you need to gradually increase the dosage to 2-5 grains. More than five grains per intake should not be used: if there is no effect with such a dose, then you need to contact the doctor and replace the drug with another.
Possible options for replacing listed products: Naturium Muratikum, Sulfur, Calendula, Aconitum in breeding 6.
Preventive maintenance is necessary, first of all, for those who belong to the risk group - those with diabetes, immunodeficiency states, and also those who have recently been treated with hormones or antibiotics.
Pregnant women should limit contact with possible sources of infection, observe personal hygiene rules, and in a timely manner prevent the development of diseases of the genitourinary and digestive system.
- Do not engage in self-medication of any disease, especially during the period of bearing. Self-diagnosis is also not welcome.
- A woman should use only natural linen, without synthetic elements, since such material worsens the natural ventilation of the skin and forms conditions for the development and reproduction of the infection.
- Do not perform douching if it is not recommended by the treating doctor: during this procedure, along with the solution, useful bacteria are washed out, which support the normal environment in the vagina.
- Do not use tampons.
Doctors advise women to exclude from the menu sweet, rich and fatty foods: the fungus "loves" the high content of sugars and carbohydrates in the blood and tissues. Also, you should limit the use of yeast bread and certain types of hard cheeses.
Welcome to the use of sour-milk products, natural yoghurts.
In most cases, thrush in the early stages does not pose a danger to the mother and her future baby. But this can not mean that the disease should be ignored. Candidiasis is an infection, so it is necessary to treat it to prevent the development of complications. Only when to carry out treatment - during pregnancy, closer to the termination of pregnancy, or after the birth, the doctor should decide.
Of course, if the disease progresses, then it is necessary to conduct all the medical measures allowed in this period in order to avoid the spread of the infection and transfer it to the child. It often happens that the mother gives the baby an infection during childbirth: as a result, the baby develops candidiasis of mucous membranes, which affects the feeding and the general well-being of the newborn.
However, before you start treatment, you need to get advice from a doctor. Thrush in early pregnancy is not a reason for independent experiments. It is in the early stages of the use of any medication is most dangerous and unpredictable.