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Pimafucin in suppositories and tablets from thrush during pregnancy in early and late periods
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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By pimafucin means a modern pharmaceutical agent designed for use in obstetrics and gynecology to treat thrush at various stages of a woman's life, including during pregnancy. Pimafucin in pregnancy is better to use in the form of suppositories (suppositories). This allows you to achieve maximum effect in a minimum period of time.
Consist of active ingredient - natamycin, which is recognized as a substance with a low toxicity. This makes it possible to successfully overcome the symptoms of thrush, even during the period of gestation. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the components of the drug are not capable of absorption through the walls of the stomach and intestines. Skin and mucous membranes also do not have sufficient capacity, which would allow the drug to be absorbed inside. Thus, the main effect of the drug is local. Accordingly, the fetus is not affected.
Can pimafucin be used during pregnancy?
There is every reason to say with absolute certainty: yes, pimafucin can be used during pregnancy. This pharmaceutical agent is one of the few drugs whose use does not have any negative consequences for the body. It can be used without any fear, both during pregnancy and during lactation. The action is of a purely local nature, does not have systemic properties. Accordingly, it can not affect the fetus. This is confirmed by numerous studies, both domestic and foreign. In addition, the many-year practice of its application confirms its safety.
Indications of the pimafucin in pregnancy
Indications for the use of the drug are cases of bacterial and fungal damage to female reproductive organs, vagina, skin and mucous membranes. Effective against fungi of the genus Candida, appropriately appointed for Candidiasis of any localization. Treatment of thrush requires an unimaginative appointment of pimafucine. It also eliminates various inflammatory diseases. It is recommended for generalized lesions of internal organs, in which the infection is uncontrolled. When the infection spreads, the intestine, internal genital organs are affected. In this case, you can not do without pills. When there are gynecological diseases, the partner needs also in treatment and prevention. It is used when the oral cavity is damaged, which can be observed with excessively weakened immunity.
From thrush during pregnancy
The onset of pregnancy for many women brings a serious problem - thrush. Cope with it will help pimafucin. The cause of thrush can be correlated with a decrease in immunity, the restructuring of microflora due to new conditions for the body. Most specialists prescribe just pimafucin, because it has proved to be a non-toxic and safe remedy. The embryo does not fall under the influence of the drug.
There is no such period of pregnancy when pimafucin would be contraindicated. If symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately use it. It is important to choose the right dosage and concentration, which only a doctor can do. For this you need to look at the tests. The drug can be used in various forms. If the disease is of a systemic nature, it is better to resort to tablets. Suppositories will prove useful in the local inflammatory process.
With ICP during pregnancy
Isthmiko-cervical failure is not a contraindication to the administration of pimafucin. It has a therapeutic and preventive effect, prevents the spread of the infection, which is very important in the treatment.
When colpitis in pregnancy
Primafucin shows activity against fungi. Used in the treatment of colpitis, if it is caused by the action of fungi, dysbiosis. It is used in ivide candles. Acts quickly, affects the entire inflammation zone, protects against penetration and further spread of infection, normalizes the microflora.
Release form
The drug Pimafucin is available in the form of suppositories for intravaginal and rectal administration, oral tablets, ointments and cream for local application to affected areas.
- Pills
If the disease is delayed, or difficult to treat, you need to move on to taking the pills. In chronic course, tablets also have a greater effect. For pregnant women, candles are the best option, but tablets are also acceptable.
Also, pills are used to prevent uncontrolled spread of infection, with severe disease, with systemic lesions of internal organs.
- Candles
Suppositories - the most convenient and affordable form, designed for rational treatment during pregnancy. They are effective for local inflammations, because they quickly dissolve, start to act in a short time. Allow to bypass the gastrointestinal tract, reducing the load on it.
- Cream
Sometimes it is advisable to use a cream. It has an additional effect, enhances the effect of other forms. It is recommended to be used for prolonged illness, severe form. It can be used for dermatitis, dermatomycosis, other skin diseases and nail plates. Provides prevention and treatment
- Ointment
Ointment is used in cases of lesion of reproductive organs, localization of the infectious process on the skin, nails.
Has antifungal (antimycotic) effect. It acts directly on microorganisms statically or lytically, depending on the dosage. With a static action, the drug promotes the suspension of growth and reproduction of microorganisms, thereby increasing the number of their population and the inflammatory process subsides. With a lytic action, the drug also acts on microorganisms, causing them to violate genetic and metabolic processes, as a result of which the death of the microorganism. This also helps reduce the inflammatory process.
The causative agent of thrush in most cases are microorganisms of the genus Candida, which are microscopic yeast-like fungi, which are representatives of the opportunistic microflora. That is, they are contained in every healthy body in the norm, form a natural protection. If the immunity decreases, and also with the strength of some other factors, the number of these fungi grows. If their number significantly exceeds the permissible rates of the norm, the disease develops.
Therefore, the effect of the drug is directed against them. The necessary dosage is selected, which will have a lytic or static effect. Dosage should be selected only by a doctor, since a reduction in the number of these fungi in the body below the norm also leads to negative consequences. Natamycin irreversibly binds to the cell membranes of fungi, the function and structure of which is disturbed, the microorganism dies. Stability develops rarely.
Natamycin, which acts as an active substance, has the ability to irreversibly bind to the cell membranes of the pathogen. This leads to the fact that the microorganism is dying. It affects not only the candida, but also other microorganisms sensitive to this ingredient. Addiction is not observed.
Pimafucin has only a local effect. Toxic effect does not, does not lead to poisoning, even in the case of an overdose.
Dosing and administration
When taking systemic therapy, take pills. Dosage - 1 tablet 4 times a day. Duration of treatment is from 7 to 10 days. The dose can be exceeded, since cases of overdose are unknown.
When prescribing suppositories, usually 1 suppository is prescribed daily, or every other day. Depending on the form and severity of the disease, one suppository can be used once a week, or two weeks. One may require 3-4 suppositories per course, others - several packages.
How often can a suppository of pimafucin be taken during pregnancy?
The drug is used until it is possible to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The amount of the drug is individual. Can be used every other day, several times a week. In any case, the required dosage can only be determined by the doctor, based on the results of the tests.
How to insert a suppository of pimafucin during pregnancy?
Suppositories pimafucin is injected deep into the vagina at night. You can use the applicator to insert candles. To do this, the suppository is placed in a special applicator, inserted into the vagina, released from the applicator, and withdrawn. You can buy the applicator in the pharmacy. It provides sterility introduction and deeper penetration of the agent.
Use of the pimafucin in pregnancy during pregnancy
Pimafucin in pharmacological reference books is characterized as an antifungal drug that acts against a wide range of microorganisms. It has long been used in the treatment of thrush, andidoses. Its peculiarity is that it can be used during pregnancy, because of its high safety and lack of impact on the embryo. Many future mothers note that the drug positively affects them, and they consider it to be the only possible remedy to save against manifestations of thrush.
Doctors are inclined to use this drug in the absence of teratogenic effect and in connection with the resolution during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, there is no evidence of a negative effect on the embryo. Most prefer to use candles, so you can quickly achieve the desired effect. Only with their inefficiency and the progression of the disease is it expedient to resort to the use of tablets, or a combination of drugs.
If you analyze the reviews of patients who took the drug, you can note both positive and negative feedback. The positive aspects of pimafucin include: effectiveness, rapid achievement of a positive effect, safety. One gum is enough for 1-2 candles, while others require several packages for treatment. Many women associate the appearance of thrush with the onset of pregnancy, previously such cases were not observed. Applied at different periods of pregnancy, but most often the insomnia in the drug occurs in the first months. Women with severe form used a suppository in combination with cream. When the infectious process spread to the internal organs, which was observed extremely rarely, a tablet form was used. In especially severe cases, or with prolonged illness, complex therapy was prescribed, which included a suppository and tablets.
Usually one or two courses are enough to completely recover. Relapses are rare. Some women note skin pathologies, which can be easily managed with the help of a cream. The effect of the cream is noticeable after an hour. Suppositories usually completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease in 6-7 days.
There are also negative reviews. On some women, the drug does not work in any way. Perhaps this is due to individual stability, microflora peculiarities. Despite the safety of the drug and the fact that it can safely take the entire pregnancy, some doctors prefer to refrain from his appointment in the first three months. Some women complain of the occurrence of relapses, suffer the strain of the entire pregnancy, despite taking the drug. It is also said that there are candles, which are also allowed for use during pregnancy, and are more effective. Sometimes there is even an increase in manifestations of thrush.
Thus, reviews about the drug are very controversial. There are both positive and negative. This indicates individual sensitivity in the drug, which is quite natural. In each specific situation, the result will be different. In any case, before using, you need to consult a doctor, self-medication in any case not to deal with. And to try in any case it is necessary: after all the preparation can appear effective, and for ever will help or assist to recover.
Pimafucin on the first weeks and early gestation
If a woman is in the first week of pregnancy, pimafucin can be used. Just at this stage, it is most often prescribed, because the first weeks are registered most of the thrush of the thrush, which is explained by a decrease in immunity. The drug does not interfere with the development of the embryo, it does not interfere with the implantation process.
If signs of thrush are found, you can safely start taking pimafucine. It is non-toxic, does not adversely affect the fetus. The course of treatment is short-lived. Recovery comes quickly, relapses are rare.
Pimafucin during pregnancy in 1, 2, 3 trimester
Pimafucin is completely safe when applied in the first trimester of pregnancy.
From 3 to 6 months the drug can be used because it has only a local effect, due to which it acts efficiently and quickly.
If there is such a need, the drug can be used from 6 to 9 months. This is a safe, non-toxic drug. But usually the need for it arises on earlier terms. Thrush at 6-9 months is a rare phenomenon, as immunity rises.
Side effects of the pimafucin in pregnancy
Side effects may include nausea and diarrhea. These effects pass quickly enough, do not require any additional treatment. With topical application in the form of suppositories can be a feeling of discomfort, burning in the genital area. These symptoms also pass quickly without additional intervention.
Discharge and burning after pimafucin in pregnancy
Allocations may increase due to the fact that the candle in the vagina melts and flows out. Also, as a result of stimulation of mucosal receptors, additional stimulation of mucus production occurs.
When intravaginal injection of the candle, or when applying the cream to the external genital organs, irritation of the mucous membrane may occur, resulting in burning and itching. It passes by itself after a while. Stop treatment is not worth it, no measures are needed.
Currently, cases of overdose are unknown. Long-term use of the drug does not entail any rounds, does not affect the mucous membranes, or the skin condition. Impact on the fetus does not obkachyvaet. Toxic effect does not occur even when taking a large amount of the drug inside, because it is not absorbed through the mucous membranes of the intestine.
Interactions with other drugs
The drug is combined with other drugs, cross reactions and mutual neutralization does not occur.
Pimafucin and morning after pregnancy
Two drugs are combined, the main thing is to distribute the order and the way they are introduced into the body. There are several options: you can use intravaginal vaginal, and pimafucin - rectally. However, it should be borne in mind that with this method of reception, the effectiveness of pimafucin may decrease and the expected results can not be achieved. Either the duration of treatment will be much longer.
The second option - take parasite in tablets, pimafucin is administered intravaginally. This option is also not devoid of its drawbacks - morningos can have toxic effects on the liver. However, the effectiveness of a single drug is not reduced. Utrozestan acts equally on the body, both with vaginal and peroral methods of administration. Its main task is to deliver the progesterone to the body.
The third option - to enter both drugs intravaginally, with a break of at least 2 hours. This is the most optimal option, since the effectiveness of this does not decrease, side effects and drug interactions do not occur. Simultaneously, two drugs should not be introduced, you need to do breaks between them.
Storage conditions
The drug should be stored at a temperature of no more than 25 ° C, in the factory packaging. Direct rays of sunshine should not fall.
Shelf life
The drug can be stored for 2 years.
What to do if pimafucin does not help with pregnancy?
The effect of the drug is individual. Despite the fact that most women during pregnancy are saved from thrush only with the help of this remedy, for some, it can be completely useless. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, in particular, on the sensitivity of the microflora to the active substance. Sustainability can develop if a woman has long taken a drug, or if the previously prescribed courses have not been completed.
Treatment with anabibacterial and antifungal drugs has its own characteristics. It is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, even if the symptoms of the disease do not bother and the body is completely healthy. This is due to the fact that microorganisms, against which the action of the drug is directed, can eventually develop resistance. The full course is designed to completely kill the pathogen. If you quit using the drug for half a course, as soon as the symptoms have disappeared - microorganisms may not die completely. They survive and by natural selection they develop a further stability not only to this drug, but also to the entire group of these drugs. Since microorganisms did not die, after a while they can cause the disease repeatedly, but the drug on them will no longer act.
Also, if the drug does not work, you need to check the expiration date. Probably, the term of its suitability to use has just expired, and the medical conditions have lost.
Analogues of pimafucin in pregnancy
The closest analogue is natamycin. It is also an active ingredient in the composition of pimafucine. In its pure form it is less effective, because pimafucin in its composition contains auxiliary substances. Also in its pure form, natamycin can harm the stomach and intestines. Dysbacteriosis can occur.
In pregnancy, it is better to use pimafucin, because it is safer and allowed for use during childbearing and feeding. Clotrimazole is not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation. Overdose causes severe intoxication, whereas pimafucin has no side effects when overdosed. In case of an overdose of clotrimazole, in contrast to pimafucine, additional therapy is required.
It is better to use pimafucin, because it is more safe. Pimafucin has fewer side effects (in rare cases, diarrhea, nausea, only at the initial stages of admission). When taking lavarol, irritation, severe dizziness and nausea may occur. In addition, the drug can cause severe allergic reactions, respectively, it is contraindicated in people who suffer from allergies. Increases the amount of histamine in the body (which can already be an increase in pregnancy). In this case, there may be severe swelling, headaches, dizziness, drowsiness. The drug is contraindicated in the first trimester.
It is better to use pimafucin. First, it's easier to enter. Before the introduction of terzhinana tablet pre-soaked in water. The shape of the tablet is not convenient for insertion into the vagina. Suppositories of pimafusine have a more convenient, natural form, do not cause discomfort when administered. Secondly, the duration of the course of terzhinan is much longer - 10-20 days, whereas pimafucin is treated for 5-7 days. Terzhinan can cause alergic reactions, it is contraindicated in 1 trimester, as it penetrates transplacental and affects the fetus. Apply when breastfeeding is possible only in extreme cases.
In addition, terzhinan is often used in the presence of a secondary inflammatory process, when a combination of thrush with other pathologies, or in severe forms of fungal attack.
At pregnancy and thoracal feeding it is possible to apply both geksikon, and pimafutsin. But it must be taken into account that pimafusin causes allergic reactions and should be applied with caution to people who have allergic diseases. Also, the reception of the hexicon can be accompanied by excessive dryness, stickiness of the skin of the face and hands, drying out of the mucous membranes. There can be deposits of stone, plaque. Sometimes the reception of a hexicon is accompanied by a taste disorder. It does not combine with chlorhexidine. If the hexocaine is on the surface previously treated with chlorhexidine, brown spots may form. Also, the drug is incompatible with iodine. It must be taken into account that the soap neutralizes the drug, therefore, before applying the drug, it is not necessary to completely get rid of even the slightest residue of soap on the skin and mucous membranes.
With thrush, it is better to use pimafucin, since its main effect is directed against the fungus. Betadine has mainly antibacterial properties. Antifungal activity is on the second place. Batidine has a more potent antiseptic effect. It can also have its drawbacks - the dryness of the mucous membranes, their burn. Pimafucin in pregnancy is safer, it acts gently. Betadine is often used for skin treatment, postoperative surfaces, trophic ulcers and pressure sores. The instructions do not say that the drug is recommended for application to mucus. There is no question of its use during thrush. The drug should not be used in the first trimester, as it can affect the fetus. In addition, it contains iodine, so with prolonged admission, it is necessary to verify the function of the thyroid gland. In newborns whose mothers used betamine, there are congenital disorders of the thyroid gland.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Pimafucin in suppositories and tablets from thrush during pregnancy in early and late periods" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.