
List Diseases – E

The horizontal deflection is different in the primary position of the eyes, gaze down, top, regardless of whether the squint is friendly or paralytic.
With leukemia, any part of the eyeball may be involved in the pathological process. At present, when the mortality of these patients has significantly decreased, the terminal stage of leukemia is rare.
Depending on the time of infection, they distinguish congenital and acquired toxoplasmosis.
With syphilis at different periods of its course, the cardiovascular, central nervous system and other organs, including the eye, are affected. There are changes in the skin of the eyelids and conjunctiva. The cornea, the vascular tract of the eye and the retina are affected more often.
At the root of tissue changes in rheumatism is the systemic disorganization of connective tissue, the deepest in the heart and vessels, in combination with specific exudative-proliferative reactions and the defeat of the vessels of the microcirculatory bed, which are found in all organs.
Ichthyosis unites a group of disorders manifested by desquamation. In severe clinical course of ichthyosis, patients die due to the attachment of a common skin infection that can not be treated.
Eye damage in children and adolescents with systemic and syndromic diseases occurs in 2-82% of cases and includes mainly uveitis and sclerites. The spectrum of systemic diseases accompanied by eye lesions is extremely wide, but mostly it is a disease of the rheumatological heading.
Eye damage by the herpes zoster virus, or Herpes Zoster. Symptoms are manifested by rashes on the skin of the forehead and a painful inflammation of all tissues of the anterior and sometimes posterior segments of the eye.
Exudative pleurisy is characterized by an accumulation of effusion in the pleural cavity during inflammatory processes in the pleura and adjacent organs. According to the nature of effusion, exudative pleurisy is divided into serous-fibrinous, purulent, putrefactive, hemorrhagic, eosinophilic, cholesteric, and chyle. The most common cause of these pleurisy are tuberculosis, as well as pneumonia (para- or metapneumonic exudative pleurisy).
The average otitis (secretory or nonnegative otitis media) is otitis, in which the mucous membranes of the middle ear cavities are affected. Exudative otitis media is characterized by the presence of exudate and hearing loss in the absence of pain syndrome, with a preserved eardrum.

The pathological process in the middle ear with the formation of a thick secret is exudative otitis media. Let's consider the features of the disease, the methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Extreme conditions are conditions characterized by excessive stress or exhaustion of the mechanisms of adaptation of the organism with a violation of the regulation of the function of vital organs.

Extrapyramidal syndromes are an outdated term, but still widely used in Russian-language literature. To extrapyramidal syndrome, it is customary to refer to syndromes characterized by excessive movements or, on the contrary, insufficient motor activity. The first group of syndromes is called hyperkinetic disorders, the second - hypokinetic.

Extraorbital cellulite is characterized by localization of the inflammatory process in front of the tarzorbital fascia, which prevents the spread of infection into the orbit.
Pseudotuberculosis (Far Eastern scarlet fever, pasteurellosis, acute mesenteric lymphadenitis, etc.) is an acute infectious disease from the group of zoonoses with general intoxication, fever, scarlet fever, and with damage to other organs and systems.
Extradural abscess is an accumulation of pus between the dura mater and the bones of the skull. Extradural abscess occurs as a result of the spread of the inflammatory process from the mastoid process and the tympanic cavity to the cranial cavity and is localized in the posterior or in the middle cranial fossa.
Removing the teeth under anesthesia helps to avoid pain during this procedure. The extraction of the teeth can be carried out under both local and general anesthesia.
Extracapillary glomerulonephritis is the presence of more than 50% of the glomeruli of extra-capillary cellular or fibro-cellular crescents, clinically manifested by rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
External hydrocephalus is a separate nosological form or complication of various pathologies of the brain, such as a tumor, trauma, stroke, infectious diseases, etc.

According to domestic and foreign authors, in the last decade the number of pelvic injuries has doubled and the situation is forecast to worsen. Accordingly, pelvic surgery develops both in matters of tactics for the provision of specialized medical care, and in matters of surgical technique.


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