
Diet for weight loss

Disadvantages diets: how does the way of life change?

Why does it seem that the less we eat, the more we lose weight? In this article, discuss the disadvantages of diets.

The most-most diet

How much diets are published, my head spun. A lot of people with a problem weight do not know what to start, where to start and what kind of diet to choose?

Unloading days on curd and kefir: we lose weight quickly!

If from time to time arrange yourself a days off for cottage cheese and kefir, you can lose weight not only quickly, but also delicious.

Egg and orange diet

If you need an urgent weight loss before some event (even the most important in life), you will come to the aid of an egg-orange diet.

Diet minus 7 kg per week

A week is a short time for losing weight. And yet on its length people try to lose as many kilograms as possible

4 most popular diets for weight loss: 10 kg per week

There are such diets for weight loss, with which you can actually lose 10 kg in a week.

Diet ballerinas: the basic principles

If we talk about dancers and about the diets they use, we can confidently say that everyone has his own method.

Quickly lose weight by 10 kg: the pros and cons

I want to lose 10 kilograms - a goal worthy of respect and all praise, the only problem is how I "want" to translate into reality. Firstly, it is necessary to understand what is the extra 10 kilograms, for what period it is possible to reduce weight without damage to health.

Diet: 10 kg per week

Is it conceivable to lose 10 kg in a week? It turns out, yes.

A one-day menu for a low-calorie diet

Low-calorie diets are not the same in their energy load on the body.


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