
Diet for weight loss

How to lose weight during pregnancy?

How to lose weight during pregnancy and is it possible? Let's consider the features of dieting to maintain a slender figure during pregnancy. And also the safest ways to lose weight while waiting for the baby.

Diet after pregnancy

Diet after pregnancy is primarily aimed at stabilizing the weight in the mother, as well as providing her body with all the necessary microelements, nutrients, vitamins for the full production of breast milk.

Effective diet

Not everyone likes their own reflection in the mirror and the result seen on the scales. Always want to have a more pronounced waist, slender hips, and in general a figure from the cover. Especially this is a sore point for girls. And then there are questions: "Effective diet, what is it? And does it exist at all? ».

I want to lose weight: where to start?

I want to lose weight ... What woman does not say this phrase, who with hope, who with desperation, and someone and with confidence that everything will turn out. In fact, the inexorable figures of statistics say that if everything depends on motivation, then more than half of the success is accurate.

I want to lose weight by 20 kg: one "I want" a little

I want to lose weight by 20 kg - this is a serious application for changing not only the appearance, but also to replace many of the internal processes that take place in the body. If the weight exceeds the norm by as much as twenty kilograms, the cardiovascular system, and the digestive and endocrine system, also suffer.

Diet Xenia Borodina: useful advice and recommendations

What is suitable for one person will not necessarily be the ideal option for another. But some methods for losing weight are an exception. For example, the diet of Xenia Borodina, a member of the well-known in the post-Soviet space project "Dom-2".

Losing weight: how to do it right?

Effective weight loss is what all women of the planet dream of. Each female representative had moments in her life, when weight loss was considered something necessary.

Lose weight in 2 weeks: possible or not?

Lose weight in 2 weeks at 4-5 kilograms possible, if you follow below the proposed integrated program. The holidays are coming to an end, the time is approaching the spring and the most urgent topic for all women is how you can lose weight for 2 weeks without special restrictions and damage to the body.

Harmful advice for those who are on a diet

Any diet has a character not only health-improving, but also tonic. Diets can both harm the body and make it healthier. A person in everything must feel a measure, only then can the harmonious perception of the world condescend. Lose weight should be correct.

Useful tips for dieting

As all men and women know, diets are needed to keep the figure in tone, and we will start with the main


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