
Healing Diet

Diet in toxic hepatitis

Many methods are used to treat toxic liver damage. Therapeutic nutrition is especially effective. Consider the basic principles of diet therapy, menus and recipes.

Cleansing Diet

Diets are not only for weight loss or treatment, but also to cleanse the body of toxic and harmful substances that we accumulate throughout life.

Breastfeeding Diet

Most women, experiencing restrictions in food during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, too, are forced to be selective in the choice of food.

Diet for chronic hepatitis

Nutrition for inflammatory liver disease is one of the conditions for recovery.

Nutrition for cervical dysplasia

Nutrition for cervical dysplasia plays an important role in the general course of therapy. It is established that CIN can be a consequence not only of viral, infectious infection, but also the lack of a normal diet - deficiency of vitamins, trace elements, proteins and some carbohydrates.

Diet with urolithiasis

A safe and effective method of treating many diseases is a diet. Consider the features of the diet in the presence of stones and sand in the body and a recovery menu.

Diet 5 with pancreatitis

In connection with the change in the culture of nutrition of a modern person, his health problems affecting the organs of the digestive system are getting younger and differ in frightening mass.

Diet with enterocolitis

Physicians purely conditionally distinguish the acute and chronic phases of the disease, but the protocol of therapy in both cases is not very different from each other. One of the points of relief is the treatment of enterocolitis with a diet.

Diet for hepatitis C

Consider the rules of nutrition, banned and allowed products, an approximate diet and recipes for delicious dishes.

Diet for epilepsy

The introduction of certain rules in nutrition often treat a variety of diseases, including convulsive syndrome.


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