Diet for chronic hepatitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Nutrition for inflammatory liver disease is one of the conditions for recovery. Consider the features of the diet for chronic hepatitis, banned and allowed products, recipes for cooking dishes.
Chronic hepatitis refers to diseases that significantly impair the quality of life. A prolonged progressive course of the disease can cause disability and even lead to death. Danger of the disease in its asymptomatic course at the initial stages. As a rule, they seek medical help when the pathology has been transformed into cirrhosis and other life-threatening complications.
Chronic form of inflammatory liver damage can be of different etiologies. It causes organ dysfunction, which leads to structural destructive changes at the tissue and cellular levels. Pathology takes on a chronic form in the event that it lasts more than 6 months and falls into the category of polyetiological lesions.
There are several causes of the disease:
- Viral infections (hepatitis B, C).
- Alcoholism, long-term contact with poisonous and medicinal substances (toxic, drug-induced hepatitis).
- Dysfunction of the immune system of the body (autoimmune inflammation).
The disorder is asymptomatic, which significantly complicates its diagnosis. But there are a number of signs that allow the detection of advanced liver damage:
- Constant fatigue and fatigue.
- Nausea, vomiting, flatulence, heartburn, belching.
- Yellowness of mucous membranes and skin.
- Discomfort and heaviness in the right upper quadrant, especially after fatty foods.
- Darkening of urine and clarification of feces.
Progressing course of the disease and lack of treatment provoke cirrhosis and primary liver cancer. The patient suffers from gastrointestinal bleeding due to blood clotting disorders and widening of the intestine and esophagus. Elimination of these complications is a long and complicated process, therefore it is very important to start treatment in time. Therapy is based on eliminating the root cause. But for all types of illness, the patient is prescribed a special diet that alleviates the symptoms of the disease and improves the results of treatment.
Treatment of chronic hepatitis with diet
Elimination of neglected diseases that cause complications on the part of many organs and systems is a long process, requiring professional medical care. Treatment of chronic hepatitis with diet, is the standard method of therapy. The patient is prescribed not only therapeutic nutrition, but also recommendations for changing habits and lifestyle as a whole.
Patients with chronic inflammations of the liver are prescribed a diet number 5. If the disorder worsens, then a facilitated form of diet - № 5а is used. The food is based on careful machining of foods and increasing the number of meals.
The main characteristics of therapeutic diets for hepatitis:
Characteristic |
Diet № 5 |
Diet № 5а |
Indications |
Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatic impairment |
Exacerbation of chronic hepatitis |
Number of meals |
5 |
6th |
Caloric content (kcal / day) |
Up to 3000 |
Up to 2700 |
Cooking method |
Steaming, cooking, baking, stewing |
Consistency of food |
Liquid, puree, firm |
Liquid, puree, mashed |
Salt (gram / day) |
4-5 |
Liquid (liter / day) |
1.5-2 |
In addition to the above recommendations, hepatitis is an absolute contraindication to smoking and drinking alcohol. The patient should not allow excessive strain on the liver.
The essence of diet
Dietary nutrition implies a clear implementation of medical recommendations. The essence of the diet for chronic inflammation of the liver is in minimizing the traumatic and irritating effects on the organ. All patients should give up alcohol. Since about 70% of ethyl alcohol entering the human body is processed by the liver, causing disturbances in its work and fatty dystrophy. Food should be regular, orderly intake of food will help synchronize the internal pace of digestion. It is necessary to avoid overeating, especially at bedtime.
Nutrition for chronic (active) hepatitis - diet number 5A:
- Refusal of hot, fried, fatty and sweet.
- Dishes need to be cooked steamed, boiled, baked or stewed, the use of fried foods is contraindicated.
- In the diet should not be products with coarse plant food fibers (cabbage, mushrooms, onions, leafy greens, garlic).
- Permitted products: lean varieties of meat and fish, boiled and fresh vegetables, cereals, fruits, dairy products.
Diet with inactive hepatitis - diet number 5 for Pevzner:
- In a daily diet should not be more than 80 grams of fat, their excess can cause hepatic stagnation of bile.
- Products are better to eat in boiled or baked form, you can cook steamed and stew.
- It is allowed to use non-acid fruits and berries, fresh vegetables, greens.
- Permitted products: low-fat varieties of meat, fish, poultry, porridge, dairy products and food that does not cause flatulence.
Correctly selected diet will help alleviate painful symptoms and accelerate the process of recovery. Therapeutic diet minimizes the use of medicines and restores the normal functioning of the liver.
Diet 5 for chronic hepatitis
Restoration of liver health with advanced inflammatory processes consists of a complex of medical procedures. Diet 5 for chronic hepatitis can be used for cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. The main purpose of nutrition - the normalization of liver function, biliary tract and bile secretion. Gentle diet involves the use of thermally processed food, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines and stomach.
Diet 5 is physiologically complete. Patients should abandon foods rich in nitrogenous extractives, cholesterol, oxalic acid and essential oils. In the diet should be food with high lipotropic factors and dietary fiber. All meals are steamed or boiled, there should be five meals a day.
Diet with medicinal hepatitis
The drug form of the inflammatory process in the liver arises from the prolonged use of hepatotoxic drugs. Diet with drug-induced hepatitis means a gentle diet to restore the cells of the body. The liver parenchyma is involved in many processes in the body, they are responsible for the synthesis of proteins, cholesterol, lipids and phospholipids, excrete endogenous elements from the body and participate in bile formation. Medicinal metabolites contribute to the development of inflammation, provoke cirrhosis, liver failure and necrosis of cells.
The diet is similar to the rules of nutrition, recommended for other forms of the disease:
- Refuse alcohol and nicotine.
- Minimize the use of sweets and muffins.
- In the diet should not be fried, spicy, smoked, salted or pickled food.
- It is necessary to choose products with the lowest possible level of fat and cholesterol.
- Daily eat vegetables and fruits, rich in fiber.
- Avoid products with saturated fats and trans fats.
- Use a minimum of sugar and salt, drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.
- Products should be steamed, boiled, baked or stewed.
Most often, drug-induced hepatitis is diagnosed in women, men are less susceptible to this form of the disease. The disorder develops due to prolonged use of drugs that neutralize the enzyme system. To date, every third drug can cause hepatitis. Simultaneous use of several drugs increases the risk of developing the disease.
Diet for alcoholic hepatitis
Inflammatory liver damage due to prolonged use of alcoholic beverages leads to alcoholic hepatitis. It refers to a toxic form, but unlike a viral one, it is not transmitted from person to person. Intoxication causes an inflammatory process that destroys the liver and disrupts its functioning. The disease can last for a long period of time and does not manifest itself in any way, which complicates the process of diagnosis and treatment.
Nutritional rules for alcoholic liver damage:
- Full refusal of alcoholic beverages.
- Refusal from fatty, fried, salted, strictly, pickled and smoked.
- In the diet should be a lot of protein foods: meat, legumes, dairy products, fish.
- To eat it is necessary in small portions, in day of 4-5 meals.
- As a vitamin therapy it is better to use fresh vegetables, fruits and greens, herbal infusions and decoctions.
- Products are prepared with gentle heat treatment with minimal addition of vegetable oils and fats.
Diet with alcoholic hepatitis helps alleviate painful symptoms. As a rule, therapeutic nutrition is prescribed in conjunction with other methods of therapy. The prognosis depends on the form and stage of the lesion, the presence of concomitant diseases and compliance with medical recommendations. If the disease is started, the only method of treatment is a liver transplant.
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Diet in autoimmune hepatitis
Inflammatory liver disease of a chronic nature, of unknown origin, is autoimmune hepatitis. This disease is most often found in female patients at a young age. Without proper treatment, it leads to severe and irreversible lesions of the organ. The diet for autoimmune hepatitis should be used from the first days of the lesion. This will minimize the damaging effect on the liver and alleviate the painful symptoms.
If the disorder appears against the background of a normal state of health, then it can be asymptomatic. Very often, hepatitis is diagnosed at later stages with severe changes in the hepatic parenchyma, insufficiency and cirrhosis. For treatment, use a dietary table number 5 according to Pevzner. From the diet, cholagogue products, fresh pastries, fatty, fried, sweet, alcohol are completely excluded. Allowed baked pastry and yesterday's bread, cereals, pasta, vegetables, fruits, berries, low-fat meat, fish, poultry and dairy products.
In addition to dietary nutrition, patients are prescribed corticosteroid hormones, which stop the inflammatory process. If diet therapy and medications are not effective, then the option of an operation for liver transplantation is considered.
The diet menu
Adhering to the therapeutic diet, many patients are faced with the problem of compiling a daily diet. The diet menu should be diverse and consist only of the permitted products.
Sample menu for chronic hepatitis:
- Breakfast: albumen omelette with herbs and herbal tea.
- Snack: an apple or any other fruit.
- Lunch: boiled chicken fillet with buckwheat and tomatoes.
- Snack: a handful of dried fruits and green tea.
- Dinner: baked fish with rice and vegetables.
- Second dinner: a glass of yogurt with crackers.
- Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with a banana, tea.
- Snack: biscuit biscuits, fruit juice.
- Lunch: vegetarian vegetable soup with boiled croutons and vegetable salad.
- Snack: fruit puree with dry biscuit.
- Dinner: mashed potatoes with minced meatballs.
- The second dinner: a glass of kefir or herbal tea with crackers.
- Breakfast: vegetable salad, herbal tea.
- Snack: croutons from yesterday's bread with compote or juice.
- Lunch: beet soup, oat porridge with young boiled beef.
- Snack: any fruit.
- Dinner: baked in sour cream fish with any porridge.
- Second supper: low-fat yogurt with biscuit biscuits.
- Breakfast: herbal tea, 1 egg and ½ grapefruit.
- Snack: yogurt and any fruit.
- Lunch: noodle soup with light chicken broth and fresh vegetable salad.
- Snack: a handful of dried fruits or nuts.
- Dinner: boiled pasta and baked chicken meat.
- Second dinner: a glass of kefir with a dry biscuit.
- Breakfast: oatmeal with apple and a spoon of honey, herbal tea.
- Snack: banana and yogurt.
- Lunch: vegetable soup, pasta with minced meat.
- Snack: a glass of fruit juice and a biscuit biscuit.
- Dinner: baked fish with rice and vegetables.
- The second dinner: green tea with crackers.
- Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, herbal tea.
- Snack: any fruit.
- Lunch: buckwheat, fish cutlets with tomato sauce.
- Snack: a handful of nuts and dried fruits.
- Dinner: boiled chicken fillet with vegetable salad.
- The second dinner: a glass of yogurt and a biscuit biscuit.
- Breakfast: protein omelet with sour cream, herbal tea.
- Snack: yogurt and any fruit.
- Lunch: rice soup with chicken, stuffed pepper.
- Snack: a salad of fresh carrots with sour cream and flax seeds or sesame seeds.
- Dinner: boiled beef, baked eggplant with cheese.
- The second dinner: a banana and herbal tea.
Diet Recipes for Chronic Hepatitis
In order for the therapeutic diet to be not only effective, but also varied, there are recipes for delicious dishes that are prepared from the permitted products.
Diet recipes for chronic hepatitis:
Fruit puree soup
- Apples 1 pc.
- Dried apricots 50 g.
- Potato Starch 5 g.
- Honey 30 g.
- Ground cinnamon, vanilla sugar - 0.1 g.
- Water 500 ml.
Peel apples from the peel and seeds, rinse. Put apples and chopped apricots in a pot of water. Boil the fruit on low heat until cooked, add honey, cinnamon and vanilla sugar.
Potato starch diluted in a small amount of fruit broth. To make a mash it is better to use a blender or grate the fruit through a sieve. Mix the mashed potatoes with the diluted starch and bring to a boil, cool.
Steam omelette with herbs
- Proteins of eggs 2-3 pcs.
- Milk 30 ml.
- Butter 3-5 g
- Dill or parsley
Squirrels are separated from yolks, add milk and beat until a homogeneous lush mass is obtained. Cut the greens finely and mix with the future omelet. Form the baking grease with butter and pour into it a protein with milk. The dish can be cooked in a microwave, on a water bath or in the oven. The finished omelet has a light yellow color.
Pumpkin casserole with apples
- Peeled pumpkin 150 g
- Apples 100 g.
- Egg 1 pc.
- Sour cream 5 g.
- Butter 5 g.
- Honey 1 tbsp.
Peel the pumpkin and apples from the peel and seeds, grate and fry over low heat with the addition of oil. The resulting mashed potatoes with a blender, add the egg, honey, sour cream and mix thoroughly. Pour the entire mixture on a baking sheet with baking paper or place in a baking dish, greased with butter. Bake until golden brown.
What can you eat with chronic hepatitis?
In the treatment of liver diseases, the patient is prescribed a special diet aimed at restoring the affected organ. The food should be high-grade, contain all the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Treatment implies a reduction in fat, salt, alcohol and nicotine withdrawal.
Consider what you can eat with chronic hepatitis:
- Meat and fish dishes, prepared from low-fat varieties of meat, poultry, fish.
- Various cereals, especially oatmeal and buckwheat.
- Fresh, baked and stewed vegetables.
- Fresh fruits and berries, cooked from them compotes, teas, soups and other dishes.
- Dairy products of low fat content: cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, hard sorts of cheese and eggs.
- Various dried fruits and nuts.
- Vegetable, olive oil and butter (no more than 6-8 grams per day).
In addition to using the above products, you must drink at least two liters of liquid per day. The diet is divided into five meals. Food should not be cold or hot, that is, served only in a warm form with a minimum amount of spices.
What you can not eat with chronic hepatitis?
Inflammation of the liver implies limitations in the diet. Dietotherapy is necessary to ensure a gentle diet, adjust and improve metabolic processes, reduce dystrophic and destructive processes. At the heart of the treatment is the diet number 5, according to which the energy value of the diet should not exceed the cost of energy. In the daily diet should be 4-6 grams of carbohydrates, 1.2-1.4 grams of fat and 2.3 grams of protein. These proportions are calculated for each kilogram of the patient's weight.
Let's consider, that it is impossible to eat at a chronic hepatitis:
- Fatty meat, fish and poultry.
- Kidneys, liver and brains.
- Broths, canned food, marinated products.
- Fatty dairy products.
- Spicy spices and condiments.
- Mustard, pepper, horseradish.
- Sorrel, green onions, garlic, mushrooms, spinach.
- Sour fruits and berries, red currants, cranberries and gooseberries.
- Chocolate, ice cream, buns and other sweets.
From the diet excluded products that stimulate the secretion of the stomach and pancreas, fried, dishes with high cholesterol and purines. Under the ban fall products with oxalic acid and nitrogenous extractives.
Reviews about diet
Nutrition for inflammatory liver diseases is used to restore the body and the entire body. Numerous positive responses about diet No. 5 and 5A indicate that a properly formulated diet not only alleviates the painful symptoms, but also speeds up the recovery process.
The diet for chronic hepatitis should be used from the first days of the disease and throughout the therapy. It favorably affects the sick body, improves its function and can be used for any forms of inflammatory lesions of the liver and gastrointestinal organs.