Diet with enterocolitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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This disease of the inflammatory process affects the walls of the thick and small intestine, but since in most cases, pathology starts to capture and stomach tissue, the diet with enterocolitis becomes an essential element of the treatment protocol. It is about this and will be discussed in this article.
Treatment of enterocolitis with diet
Physicians purely conditionally distinguish the acute and chronic phases of the disease, but the protocol of therapy in both cases is not very different from each other. One of the points of relief is the treatment of enterocolitis with a diet. At the same time, dieticians developed a special diet - table number 4, which took into account all the requirements of the restrictions.
At the time of exacerbation, the patient must be transferred to a lighter diet. The basic postulates of this power adjustment can be summarized in several rules:
- At a certain clinical picture (acute phase of the disease), the doctor appoints the patient a day - two complete starvation. During this period, the patient must often, but in small sips, drink only water.
- Dishes should be easy for digestion in the stomach.
- Eliminate heavy, fatty foods.
- Dishes should preferably be steamed, in the extreme case - chopped.
- Any porridge, especially on water, is mucous.
- Groats. For example, rice is useful.
Enterocolitis is rarely diagnosed autonomously. In most cases, it is nevertheless accompanied by a different pathology, that is, the inflammation spreads to other organs. Therefore, the diet, like all treatment, is appointed proceeding from this fact.
The essence of diet with enterocolitis
Restriction in nutrition and a number of products is one of the key points in the treatment of many diseases, especially in the pathology of organs that are directly related to the digestive process. Since the small and large intestine refers specifically to such organs, the result of their treatment is directly related to the diet that a person should adhere to, undergoing therapy for the disease in question. The essence of diet with enterocolitis:
- Complete exclusion of heavily digested and fatty foods.
- Pepper and spicy dishes are also prohibited.
- It is necessary to remove from the diet of spices and baking, smoked meat.
- Under the ban fall raw vegetables and fruits, especially those that cause excessive gas formation or can contribute to provoking the process of fermentation in the stomach.
- An exception is a number of products, which will be discussed in more detail below.
- The table of this patient should disappear supermarket products, which contain stabilizers, dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives.
- Categorical rejection of fast food.
- Do not overeat. Food should be frequent and small portions.
- At the same time the food should be high-grade and provide the person with the full volume and a set of nutrients and vitamin-mineral complex.
The basis of the diet - it's grinded soups, jelly, porridge - mash. Only after improving the state of health, other foods are gradually added to the patient's diet: lean meat products such as meatballs or steam cutlets, boiled fish or cutlets from fish meat.
The period of adherence to dietary nutrition is mainly based on the stage of the disease (acute or chronic) and its severity. With properly selected therapy and adherence to the necessary diet, on average, dietary restrictions affect one and a half months. If the disease has been recognized at an early stage of development, complete recovery is possible. Prolonged course of the disease and its transition to the chronic stage can cause irreversible pathological changes in the tissues, which adversely affects the human body as a whole. In this case, the patient will have to limit himself to nutrition for the rest of his life.
Diet with acute enterocolitis
The exacerbation of the disease begins with sharp pains in the epigastric area of the intestine. The first thing that is assigned to such a patient is complete rest. Diet with acute enterocolitis begins with one or two days of release, in which any food is not allowed. This move will allow the inflamed mucosa to calm down somewhat. Against the background of fasting, the patient is not only allowed, but it is also necessary to drink water. In doing so, it is necessary to do this often enough, but with small sips.
To diversify the "food", water can be partially replaced by the reception of warm unsweetened tea. In the liquid, you can enter a little juice of lemon or black currant. This combination will make the drink more vitaminized, especially vitamin C.
To raise hemoglobin and maintain strength greatly weakened by the disease of the body, you can add about a tablespoon of red natural wine (per 200 ml of tea) to the tea.
If the patient's condition is somewhat stabilized, then on the second - third day is allowed to enter into the food apple, which is taken by the patient in the form of apple puree. Apples should choose not sour, but sweet varieties. For one day, you can take about one and a half kilograms of this fruit.
Further, if the treatment is on schedule, and there are no disruptions, then gradually the number of allowed products increases. At the same time, the rule continues to operate on them: there are no fatty, spicy, spicy, smoked and fried foods. The main thing is that these foods should not irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, nor should it be a catalyst for the excessive production of digestive juice. They should not work as activators of intestinal peristalsis.
Gradually, the range of acceptable products is expanding, but here the menu in which there is fried fish or meat, as well as vegetables can be gradually introduced into your diet only after a certain time and with the permission of the treating doctor. Such a smooth entry into normal volumes and a list of dishes will avoid the development of pathology into a chronic stage. If the procedure is effective, then it can take from seven to ten days.
In the future, if there is discomfort in the intestine, a person who has passed through the acute form of enterocolitis, already himself can go to the diet number 4. This will not exacerbate the situation, but at an early stage reduce irritation of the mucosa and then, with less effort, quash the problem.
If the patient's body is inclined to develop the processes of fermentation in the intestine, he is assigned a dietary table number 4a. This table is distinguished by the fact that it is based on products with high protein content (about 130 - 140 g) and calcium salts. Under the ban enter the cereal products of any feed: at least in the form of cereals, even in the form of baking. Under the taboo are those foods that stimulate increased release of bile and gastric juice, activate the pancreas and directly the liver.
In this case, one should not forget about vitamins, taking, for example, such drinks as broth of dogrose, warm tea with the addition of lemon or black currant. Daily energy value for an adult is approximately from 3000 to 3,200 kcal.
Diet in chronic enterocolitis
If the process is started and passed to the chronic stage, then the direct medical treatment is akin to that which is carried out in the case of an acute attack, but the diet for chronic enterocolitis is somewhat different. In this case, the patient is assigned table number 4b or 4c. The patient's diet should contain protein (up to 100 -120 diurnal gram).
If the patient's condition causes fear, he is placed in a hospital. It is here, if necessary, the patient can be fed parenterally, that is, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract (for example, into a vein). In this situation, the patient is administered such substances as electrolytes, amino acids, micro- and macro elements, fatty acids, vitamins, carbohydrates.
This makes it possible to relieve the load from the digestive organs, reduce the level of irritation of the mucosa, which is important for the effectiveness of eliminating the disease. In the case of chronic pathology, there is a violation of the processes of absorption and processing of food. Therefore, therapy, including diet, is aimed at the normalization of these processes in the human body.
Diet No. 4b assumes a reduction in caloric intake (in comparison with table No.4a), which is from 2800 to 3170 kcal per diem. In all other respects it is similar to the table number 4a. During the day, the number of meals should preferably be increased from five to six times.
Diet No. 4c is usually given to the patient during remission of the chronic stage of the disease. Especially if the pathology considered in this article is burdened by other diseases affecting the organs of the digestive tract (stomach, pancreas, bile ducts, liver). Daily energy use of products should fall within the limit from 2900 to 3200 kcal. During the day, the number of meals should preferably be increased from five to six times.
Such patients should not add pure fats to their food. If they are removed a partial taboo, they can be entered into ready-made meals. For example, this principle underlies the production of doctoral and milk boiled sausages. In them, the fatty product is evenly distributed throughout the volume, and not localized by insignificant fatty inclusions, as in the amateur. Speech, of course, goes about sausage made according to GOST. For fat, preference is given to cream, butter or sour cream.
Generally, the increased formation of gases in the intestines is caused by carbohydrates. But it is worth noting that it is completely impossible to exclude them from the patient's menu. They give the body "light" energy, so necessary for the entire life of the body. In this case, their part in the daily energy intensity should not be more than 400 - 450 g. Therefore, the patient needs to learn how to select products that are easier to process by the body. These are foods with a low fiber content. These include: cauliflower and broccoli cabbage, potato tubers, pumpkin flesh and so on.
Not the last place in the opportunity to irritate the mucous is the way of processing products. It should be remembered that you can reduce the level of fiber by heat treatment of the product (steaming and boiling water), as well as grinding: grater, mincer, sieve. When the product is homogenized, the degree of fiber in the product decreases on average by four to six times.
When there is a digestive disorder in the form of diarrhea, consumed foods should be reconsidered to those in which tannin prevails: cocoa, cooked on the basis of water, strong but not sweet tea, blueberries and bird cherries (but not raw, for example, in jelly, compotes or broths), a number of varieties of red wine (for example, Cahors). Cahors can be taken as a tablespoon of a drink, as well as jelly.
At the same time, it should be remembered that it is a mistake to accept a strong tea with white croutons. Independently, tannin in tea effectively binds the pathogenic protein in the intestine. If you consume it together with white breadcrumbs, tea tannin will contact the bread protein in your mouth. This neutralizes its effect in the intestines, without giving a positive effect.
All dishes should be warm. Their temperature values should be approximated to the temperature of human tissues.
It is not superfluous to recall once again those products and methods of their processing that enhance motor-motor activity of the intestine:
- Sour fruit.
- Meat, "enveloped" by fasciae and sinews. The meat released from them becomes indifferent in affecting the intestinal mucosa.
- Raw vegetables and fruits. It is worth their boil and wipe - they significantly reduce their provoking activity in the intestines.
This is the main thing that the patient needs to know. If there are questions or doubts, they should be asked by your doctor.
Diet with exacerbation of enterocolitis
The patient is diagnosed with chronic enterocolitis. With the right approach to treatment and the fulfillment of all the doctor's requirements, it is possible to translate the disease into a state of remission. But if a failure occurs, the disease can return with severe attacks. The reason for the recurrence is likely to become raw vegetables consumed in increased quantities, the hobby of smoked products, spicy and spicy sauces. Another catalyst for the return of the disease can be a recently transferred infection of the body. In this case, a diet is necessary for exacerbation of enterocolitis, which has its own number of features.
The first thing the expert does, especially if the pathology is burdened by a digestive system disorder, is that the patient is assigned a discharge day. Starvation will allow the digestive organs to "rest", and irritation of the mucous will somewhat decrease. In the first four to five days, until the intestines work, sharply reduce the amount of foods rich in carbohydrates.
During this period, the body most of all absorbs mineral salts and vitamins. Their deficiency can lead to various violations in the body, affecting the nerve, bone and muscle cells and their functions. Therefore, these elements must be entered additionally.
But it is worth remembering that calcium is better absorbed when there is enough phosphorus, fat and protein in the diet. Suitable products such as hard cheese and cottage cheese. It is desirable to consume them, albeit gradually, but every day.
To prevent the development of anemia, the food consumed by the patient should contain a sufficient amount of easily digestible iron.
Iron products are:
- Liver.
- Hematogen, sold in any pharmacy.
- Egg.
- Meat (in this case, low-fat).
- Oatmeal and wheat flour of the second grade.
- Quince and dogwood.
- Apples and pear.
In the diet, salt intake should be limited, since it irritates the mucosa.
After the work of the intestine has normalized and the exacerbation is removed, the patient is transferred to a full-fledged diet, conditioned by table No. 4b. If further failures were not made, then on average the patient "sits" on such a restriction in nutrition for another two to three weeks. Only after this, the attending physician allows you to gradually introduce into your diet and other foods. But it must be done smoothly and most importantly, do not overeat.
When the disease is returned to the state of remission, the doctor allows you to switch to non-wiped products. But otherwise, the patient will have to adhere to the dietary diet for some time.
Diet with enterocolitis in children
If the patient with the disease under consideration in this article is a child, he, like an adult, receives complex medication (preparations of the group of painkillers, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as vitamin and mineral complex). It is compulsory for such a kid to adjust the diet and meal schedule. The diet for enterocolitis in children is similar to the diet of an adult patient, but it has its own peculiarities.
Primarily, with the exacerbation of symptoms, the child is transferred to water-tea starvation. The number of meals is also increased and is brought to five to six per day. Such a patient in the diet is allowed:
- Meat broth.
- Mashed soups.
- Porridge is allowed.
- Meat and fish should be cooked only for a couple.
- To reduce the pain symptoms, the baby can be given cabbage juice.
- An effective positive effect on the digestive system of the child is provided by mineral water (Borjomi, Essentuki No. 17 and others with similar properties).
From the diet of the baby should be removed:
- Fruits and vegetables that have not been thermally processed.
- Black bread, made from flour of the highest and first grade.
- Nuts.
- Other products that can act as mucosal irritants or provoke increased gassing in the intestines, provoking fermentation processes.
- Products that can cause an allergic reaction of the body.
Diet 4 with enterocolitis
All diets, used by doctors in the treatment of certain diseases, were developed by special research institutes and experienced nutritionists under the guidance of physicians. Diet 4 with enterocolitis is used for cupping and other pathologies:
- Typhoid fever.
- Tuberculosis of the intestine.
- Gastroenterocolitis.
- Chronic colitis and a number of other diseases.
The main purpose of table number 4 is in the most sparing diet, minimizing the physical, chemical and temperature effects on the mucous membrane affected by inflammation. This diet reduces the likelihood of development of putrefactive and fermenting processes. Taboo in the application and exposed to food or foods that cause the activation of liver secrets (bile secretion), increased production of secretory function of the stomach and pancreas.
The essence of adjusting the process of nutrition - reducing the energy value and caloric intake by reducing the percentage of fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, the quantitative component of proteins remains within the physiological norm. The amount of salt consumed decreases.
The average daily energy value of the dishes approximately corresponds to 2050 kcal.
The recommended amount of daily meals is four to six times. Do not over-eat, so portions should be small in volume.
With the stabilization of the state of health, the daily diet allows the following relationships:
- Proteins - 100 g. Of these, the sixth - the seventh part is assigned to proteins of animal origin, the rest - to the plant.
- Carbohydrates - 250 g. They can be taken only about 30-50 grams of sugar throughout the day.
- Fat - 70 g. Predominantly (large half) - up to 50 grams - it's cream and butter.
- Salts - from 8 to 10 g.
- During the day, the amount of liquid consumed should reach the level of one and a half liters.
The main methods of processing are boiled products and steaming them. Serve the patient dishes in a puree, grated or liquid form (soups and drinks).
The diet menu for enterocolitis
If the patient or his family first encounter such a problem as limiting the diet for enterocolitis, it is very difficult for him, especially the first time, to make a right daily menu. To facilitate this process, we are ready to offer one of the options for a weekly diet menu for enterocolitis.
- Steam chicken cutlet - 100 g.
- Mashed potatoes - 200 g.
- A slice of black yesterday's bread - 20 g.
Lentz: wiped cottage cheese.
- Meat broth - 250 ml.
- Boiled carrots, whipped in a blender - 200 g.
- Boiled fish - 90 - 100 g.
Snack: fresh with rusks.
- Porridge semolina - 300 g.
- Green tea - 200 ml.
Immediately before going to sleep - a glass of acidophilus milk.
- Rice rice porridge sweetened - 200 g.
- Sweetened boiling water with lemon - 200 ml.
Lunch: baked apple.
- Buckwheat soup - 250 ml.
- Souffle meat steam - 90 g.
- Fruit compote - 200 ml.
Afternoon snack: briar infusion with crackers, with the addition of glucose.
- Curd and rice pudding - 300 g.
- Slightly sweetened tea - 200 ml.
Immediately before going to sleep - a glass of fruit jelly.
- Oatmeal cooked on water diluted with water - 200 g.
- Slightly sweetened boiling water with lemon - 200 ml.
Lunch: warm green tea.
- Soup with meatballs - 250-300 ml.
- Mashed potatoes - 200 g.
- Souffle fish steam - 90 g.
- Apple jelly - 200 ml.
Snack: Milk jelly.
- Buckwheat pudding with mashed lean meat - 300 g.
- Broth of dogrose with sugar and crackers - 200 ml.
Just before going to bed, a glass of tea with sugar.
- Porridge manna, cooked on water diluted with water - 200 g.
- Milk jelly - 200 ml.
Lunch: curd casserole with tea.
- Soup with rice cereal - 250-300 ml.
- Mashed potatoes - 200 g.
- Meat cutlet, steamed - 90 g.
- Broth of wild rose - 200 ml.
Afternoon snack: Apple puree with whipped egg whites.
- Porridge buckwheat wool - 300 g.
- Raw meat - 90 g.
- Broth of dogrose with sugar and crackers - 200 ml.
Immediately before going to sleep - a glass of fruit juice jelly.
- Potato and egg casserole - 200 g.
- Apple jelly - 200 ml.
Lunch: cottage cheese, whipped with milk.
- Herring soup - 250-300 ml.
- Rice boiled rice - 200 g.
- Fricasse fish - 90 g.
- A piece of black bread - 20 g.
- Compote on dried fruits - 200 ml.
Afternoon snack: Apple souffle.
- Vegetable puree - 300 g.
- Meat casserole - 90 g.
- Slightly sweetened tea - 200 ml.
Immediately before going to sleep - a glass of sweet juice.
- Fish fricase - 200 g.
- Vegetable puree - 200 g.
Lunch: baked apple.
- Pearl soup - 250 ml.
- Boiled boiled vegetables - 200 g.
- Meat dumplings - 90 g.
- Mineral water without gas - 200 ml.
Snack: fruit jelly.
- Vegetable puree - 300 g.
- Snowballs fish - 90 g.
- Slightly sweetened tea - 200 ml.
Immediately before going to sleep - a glass of kefir.
- Meatloaf stuffed with egg omelette - 200 g.
- Boiled beet fried - 200 g.
Lunch: cheese curd with tea.
- Soup - assorted vegetables - 250 ml.
- Puree from cauliflower - 200 g.
- Fish fricase - 90 g.
- Broth of wild rose - 200 ml.
Afternoon snack: fruit casserole.
- Vegetable puree - assorted - 300 g.
- Liver pate 90 g.
- Zephyr - 1 pc.
Immediately before going to sleep - a glass of jelly.
Recipes for diets with enterocolitis
In order to properly build and sustain this dietary diet, you should follow the recommendations for preparing dishes that make up the patient's diet. It is not superfluous to get acquainted with a number of processing techniques, and to study diet recipes for enterocolitis.
The recipe for an oatmeal based jelly
Rinse the groats thoroughly in warm water. In two parts of water at room temperature, enter one part of the pure oatmeal and leave to swell all night. Stir occasionally. Croup for this time will give up its gluten liquid. Therefore in the morning the composition should be drained, saturated water should be poured into a saucepan and kept on low heat until it thickens.
The croup itself is not thrown away. With it you can cook porridge or cook a casserole.
Rice gruel is a blush
For cooking you will need:
- Rice groats - 50 g
- Light meat broth - 250 ml
- Salt to taste
Sequence of preparation:
- To get broth, boil meat in water. To make the liquid less heavy, for this, it should be cooled and neatly removed from the surface to remove frozen fat.
- Dissolve the liquid and dilute it with water, taking it in a volume two times larger than the broth itself.
- Put on the fire and wait for the boil.
- Rice corn washed in several waters. Enter into the boiling liquid.
- After the composition thickens, cover the container and dish on a weak flame to languish for about an hour.
- Pour the porridge before the end of cooking.
- Slightly cool, wipe through a sieve.
- Before serving, add a piece of butter.
To speed up the cooking process, rice grains can be replaced with rice cut.
Fruit jelly
For cooking you will need:
- Dried or fresh fruit (eg black currant) - dried 15 g, if fresh, then more
- Potato starch - 8 g
- Sugar - 10 g
Sequence of preparation:
- Berries pick and rinse.
- Pour a glass of water and, putting on the fire, cook until the softening of berries.
- Composition slightly cool and strain.
- Combine the starch with cold water and mix well. Take the ratio of water to starch = 4: 1.
- In a strained boiling liquid, gently introduce diluted starch.
- Sugar and wait for a second boil.
The drink is prepared only for this technology. Adding fruit puree is not recommended. After the jelly is poured over the cups, it is desirable to rub the drink with powdered sugar. This will protect the surface from the formation of the acid film.
For cooking you will need:
- Lean meat, peeled from fascia, tendons and films - 110 g
- Rice - 8 g
- Egg - the fourth part
- Water - 50 ml
- Butter - 5 g
- Salt - 1 g
Sequence of preparation:
- A cleaned and washed piece of meat. Boil it, and after cooling three times through a meat grinder.
- On the water, cook until ready rice. Cool it down.
- Mix the twisted meat and chilled rice.
- Already together, pass through the meat grinder again.
- In the rice and meat mixture add egg and salt. Stir well.
- From the received forcemeat roll balls, flatten them, forming little crochets.
- Boil the semi-finished product with steam.
- Serving on the table, pour the dish with melted butter.
Omelette, steamed
For cooking you will need:
- Eggs - 2 pieces
- Butter - 5 g
- Water 80 ml
- Salt - 1 g
Sequence of preparation:
- Eggs slightly whisk.
- Add water and salt. Stir well.
- Composition detach.
- Put in a portioned container and cook with steam. The fill layer must be less than four centimeters. The high altitude of the dish will not allow you to prepare properly. Viable microbes can remain in the egg mixture.
- When serving the patient, the dish from above should be sprinkled with melted butter.
Cheese curd soufflé
For cooking you will need:
- Cottage cheese (home or shop) - 100 g
- Egg - half
- Butter - 5 g
- Groats manna - 10 g
- Sugar - 5 g
Sequence of preparation:
- Curd the cottage cheese thoroughly, using a sieve.
- In the mass to introduce other ingredients (except oil) and mix well. In this case, only yolk is added to the formulation.
- The protein is beaten separately to a thick foam.
- Protein foam neatly, in small portions is introduced into the curd mass.
- Cottage cheese dough to transfer to the oiled form and to expose for preparation on steam.
Jelly cooked on the basis of yogurt
For cooking you will need:
- Kefir (we take not fresh, but yesterday or three days ago) - 100 g
- Gelatin - 3 g
- Water - 10 g
- Sugar - a tablespoon (20 g)
- You can add a gram of cinnamon
Sequence of preparation:
- Kefir mixed with cinnamon and sugar.
- In parallel, the gelatin is filled with water and let it stand up for swelling.
- In kefir gradually, constantly mixing, injected swollen gelatin.
- The mixture should be thoroughly mixed until the sugar and gelatin are completely dissolved.
- The resulting kefir mass should be poured into molds and placed to cool in a cool place. It can be a refrigerator or a cellar.
Fish steamed burger
For cooking you will need:
- Fish fillet - 100 g
- Rice - 8 g
- Butter - 5 g
- Salt - 1 g
- Water - 15 g
Sequence of preparation:
- Fish to disassemble, separate the fillets and rid it of bones. Meat twice pass through a meat grinder.
- Rinse the rice twice in cold water and boil until ready. Cool it down.
- Fish and cereal mix and once again pass through the meat grinder.
- Fish and rice mince add and form cutlets.
- Prepare them using steam.
- To the table to serve, sprinkled with butter.
Dietary soup with meatballs
For cooking you will need:
- Fish fillet - 80 g (pike-perch here)
- Breadcrumbs (the product should not be fresh) - 10 g
- Green parsley - a couple of twigs
- Salt - 1 g
- Water - 15 g (for cooking stuffing)
- Fish broth - 350 ml
Sequence of preparation:
- Primarily rinse and divide the fish, separating the fillet from the bones. Rinse thoroughly.
- Add a fish head, fins, ridge and skin to the pan with water. Cook the broth. The liquid must be well drained.
- Stale bread soak in the water.
- In parallel with the preparation of broth we pass through a meat grinder fillet of pike perch.
- Add the sodden bread (we squeeze out excess water). We mix it well.
- We grind it again in a meat grinder.
- Add salt. Stirring.
- Minced meat is discouraged: we take meat in hands, with an effort throw it back into a container or on a cutting board. This process will seal the stuffing.
- Divide into portions, we form balls.
- We boil them in boiling water, after which we will interfere with the water bath.
- Before serving, the bowl is filled with fish broth, meatballs and greens are added.
Lean semolina porridge
For cooking you will need:
- Water 250 ml
- Groats manna - 50 g
- Butter - 5 g
- Salt - 2 g
Sequence of preparation:
- Pour the water into a container to bring to a boil, add salt.
- Manco is injected into the boiling liquid not all at once, but with a small stream, while mixing all the time. Such precaution will not allow the lumps to form, and the porridge will be homogeneous.
- Stir constantly, cook for eight to ten minutes.
- Directly in a bowl of porridge put a piece of butter.
As an option - this porridge can be cooked on a light meat broth. It can be obtained by boiling the meat. Then cool the liquid, remove the upper fat and drain. Dilute with half the water. To boil. The broth is ready.
Food - it nourishes the brain and body. But with the development of certain pathologies, it is capable of inflicting severe suffering on a person, exacerbating the situation. Therefore, when many diseases are stopped, the restriction in the food intake is not the least in the protocol of treatment. Invaluable effect of the body and diet with enterocolitis. Rigid restrictions can remove the main load from the digestive system, and the level of irritation of the mucosa decreases, which is important for effective treatment.
What can you eat with enterocolitis?
After the diet is prescribed, the question naturally arises: what can be eaten with enterocolitis, which of the products are acceptable in any quantity, and which ones should be taken is limited.
Allowed for the reception of such dishes and food:
- Bakery products:
- Bread wheaten, yesterday or croutons.
- Uncomfortable cookies.
- It is very rare to afford pies made from an uncomfortable dough. Filling: grinded lean meat, boiled egg, cottage cheese, fruit and vegetable jam.
- Wiped first dishes on water or low-fat meat broth. In this case, vegetables and cereal filling should be thoroughly cooked, practically to homogeneity.
- Lenten meat (mutton, croquo, beef, poultry), steamed or boiled and chopped in any accessible way: crochets, soufflé, meatballs, cutlets, stuffed from mashed meat, meatballs.
- Not fatty fish species (mostly marine). Culinary processing is similar to the methods of processing meat. Grainy caviar of weak salting.
- Vegetable casseroles, puree dishes.
- Kissels, mousses, sorbet, fresh and fruit compotes.
- Porridges cooked on water and boiled to the state of smearing. Such cereals as rice, semolina, oatmeal, and grated buckwheat are allowed.
- Juices, but not sour fruits.
- Dairy and fruit jelly.
- Omelette for a couple.
- Puddings, which are based on mashed porridge or vermicelli.
- Not sharp hard cheeses.
- Egg "in a bag" or "soft".
- Fresh cottage cheese (low fat content).
- From sweets sometimes you can please yourself with marshmallow or marmalade.
- Whole milk is not recommended to drink as a separate dish. It can be used only for cooking other dishes.
- Kefir and yogurt.
- Limited - butter.
- Green parsley, dill - as a seasoning.
What you can not eat with enterocolitis?
If there is a list of foodstuffs that is allowed to receive such a patient, then, naturally, there is another list - what can not be eaten with enterocolitis.
- Bakery products:
- Freshly baked bakery products, as well as cooked on the basis of rye flour.
- Pancakes and pancakes.
- Bread, cakes and pastries.
- Fatty grades of meat. Sausage products, canned meat, smoked goods.
- Milk and products of its processing (with rare exception).
- Any fats, except butter, which is allowed in limited quantities.
- Dishes from eggs, cooked hard, fried or taken in raw form.
- Vegetables and fruits, especially in raw form.
- Cereals: pearl barley, millet, barley, crumbly porridge.
- Fatty varieties of fish. Smoked meat, canned fish, marinades.
- Fruits of legumes.
- Macaroni and products from them. Pasta casseroles.
- Soups on a strong and fat broth. Milk soups.
- Dried fruits.
- Honey, jams, jam, candy, cakes.
- Spices.
- Fresh and dried mushrooms.
- Carbonated and cold drinks. Kvass. Sour juices.
- Vegetable and fruit preservation.
- Onion and garlic.
If there are questions, they should be resolved by asking your doctor.