Diet with urolithiasis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A safe and effective method of treating many diseases is a diet. Consider the features of the diet in the presence of stones and sand in the body and a recovery menu.
One of the most common urological diseases is urolithiasis. The illness is characterized by painful symptoms, exacerbations and frequent relapses. With this lesion, stones are formed in the urinary tract and kidneys. They consist of crystals of urinary salts and binding protein compounds. Their presence in the body is an occasion to immediately seek medical help and begin treatment.
The main types of stones:
- Oxalates
- Phosphates
- Uraths
For each type of concrement select a certain diet with contraindications and recommendations for nutrition.
Pathology arises from the increased concentration of salts in urine. Gradually they settle down and turn into stones and sand. As a rule, this happens when there is a metabolic disorder, malformations of the urinary system, inflammatory and infectious diseases, peculiarities of climate and nutrition. The diet plays a big role in the development of the disease. Therefore, when it is revealed to the patient, a special diet is prescribed. Dietotherapy is combined with other methods of treatment for complex elimination of the disease.
Curative nutrition involves limiting nutrients that contribute to the formation of sediment and stones in the urinary tract. Diet appoints a doctor, focusing on the type and chemical composition of stones, the general condition of the body. Improper nutrition can lead to the formation of new stones that complicate the course of the disease, and will cause a number of complications.
Treatment of urolithiasis by diet
Dietary nutrition is based on the restriction of the use of certain foods. The list of limitations depends on the type of stones in the urinary tract. The cause of the pathology may be a deficiency of vitamin B and fiber, which removes salt from the body. Treatment of urolithiasis with a diet should be made by a doctor who is guided by the individual characteristics of the patient's body.
For all diets, recommendations such as:
- Sufficient use of liquid (at least 2 liters of water per day)
- Decrease in serving volume
- Reduction of salt intake and refusal of acute spices
- Restriction of food with stone-forming substances
- A varied diet
The food should be balanced and have sufficient energy for the normal functioning of the body. Self-selection diet will not give a positive result, but will only aggravate the course of the disease.
Diet with urolithiasis with urates
Urates are found in patients of all ages (formed due to excess uric acid). They precipitate in a very acidic medium, have a red-orange hue, smooth, rounded shape. If they are available, the food should be such that urine does not become alkaline. Stones are growing rapidly, and dieting leads to their reduction.
Diet with urolithiasis with urates should be built on compliance with such rules:
- Refusal or decrease in the consumption of meat and fish dishes. Fish can only be eaten in boiled form and not more than twice a week. Under the ban fall liver, kidneys, meat and fish broth, meat of young animals, as well as canned food, sausages, marinades and animal fats.
- It is forbidden to eat cauliflower, beans and mushrooms, sorrel, spinach, figs. It is necessary to abandon alcoholic beverages, strong tea, coffee, cranberry juice, cocoa and chocolate.
- In the diet should be sour-milk products, mild cheeses, cottage cheese, eggs. Particular attention should be paid to different porridges, vegetable soups and greens.
- You can eat pasta, bread, various dried fruits, honey, jam, berries and spices in moderation. From vegetables, potatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, sweet peppers, tomatoes, beets, radishes are allowed.
Stones are formed because of the product of purine metabolism. Therapeutic diet provides for a reduction in the number of permitted products containing purine bases and causing urine alkalinization. The diet has a milky-vegetative character.
During treatment, it is strictly contraindicated to starve, as this leads to acidification of the internal environment of the body and increased formation of uric acid, which settles in the kidneys. Thus it is possible to do days of unloading on vegetables or dairy products, 1-2 times a week with the use up to two liters of liquid.
Diet with urolithiasis with oxalates
Oxalates are another type of stone that affects the genitourinary system. They are formed due to the action of salts of oxalic acid, which are excreted by the kidneys. Penetrated into the body as a result of biochemical reactions occurring with plant food. In norm for a day about 20-40 mg of oxalate with urine is allocated. The allocation of more salts is called oxaluria and is a sign of pathological processes.
The disease is caused by eating a large number of such plant products as: asparagus, tomatoes, sorrel, cocoa, spinach, beet. An illness can be triggered by diabetes mellitus and its wrong treatment. Poisoning with ethylene glycol, increased intake of vitamin D and ascorbic acid, also cause illness.
Diet with urolithiasis with oxalates is based on the restriction of the use of oxalic acid. Reducing the concentration of this substance in the urine stops precipitation of salts. Recommendations for nutrition:
- You can not eat spinach, lettuce, sorrel, figs, rhubarb, cocoa, chocolate and products with gelatin. Under the restriction of vitamin C and its products contain. In the period of exacerbation, it is necessary to abandon dairy products and dishes.
- From the diet should be excluded smoked meat, offal, various broths and spices. Limit the consumption of tomatoes, herbs, sour fruits and berries, chicken and beef meat, strong tea and coffee.
- The diet should consist of dairy products, cereals and whole grains. From vegetables you can eat potatoes, pumpkin, red beans, eggplants, cauliflower, peas. You can eat a variety of dried fruits, pears, apples, grapes, bananas, watermelons, plums and apricots.
If the ailment is not severe, then the corrective diet is not used. Prolonged course provokes secondary inflammation - pyelonephritis, which causes alkalinization of urine and the formation of phosphate stones. In this case, the food is built on a combination of two medical diets.
The essence of diet
Therapeutic nutrition with urolithiasis helps the body to recover and acts as an excellent preventative. The essence of the diet in reducing the risk factors that cause the formation of stones. These factors include: a change in the acidity of urine and a decrease in its daily volume, an elevated urinary content of calcium, oxalates, phosphates and uric acid, a lower concentration of citrate.
Consider the main postulates of nutrition, on which the diet for recovery is built:
- Liquid
In order to daily diuresis was normal, a day must drink at least two liters of fluid. This is an important factor in preventing disease. The use of a large amount of water reduces the saturation of urine with stone-forming salts. According to the research, 2.5 liters of water per day reduces the risk of pathology by 40%. It is recommended to drink citrus juices. Citrus composition includes citrates, which increase urine pH and reduce the risk of developing the disease.
- Protein
Increased use of protein of animal origin provokes the development of ailment. In addition, the protein promotes obesity, which is associated with urolithiasis. Animal protein increases the concentration of calcium and uric acid in the urine, reduces the content of citrates.
- Carbohydrates
Excess fructose in the body - this is the risk of obesity, urolithiasis and metabolic syndrome. The substance causes insulin resistance, which provokes an increased level of uric acid, and a decrease in the pH of the urine.
- Fats
Food rich in fats is not a factor in the formation of stones. But their excessive use is associated with obesity, which provokes concrements. People with obesity suffer from an increased concentration of uric acid, calcium, sodium, oxalates and sulfates in the urine.
- Salt
During treatment, it is necessary to limit the intake of sodium. Its excess leads to changes in the quantitative and qualitative composition of the urine. But on the other hand, salt increases the volume and pH of the urine.
- Uric acid
Excessive consumption of food with proteins and purines increases the risk of illness.
- High content of purines - from the diet it is necessary to exclude offal, all kinds of legumes, canned food, meat broths, meat, fish, beer.
- Moderate purine content - it is recommended to limit the consumption of sea and freshwater fish, meat, poultry, grain bread and cereals, eggs, coffee, tea, cauliflower, beans and spinach.
- Low content of purines - it is allowed to eat various cereals, bakery products, nuts, vegetables with low purine content, vegetable soups, dairy products, soft drinks.
Diet in women with urolithiasis
Urolithiasis affects patients of all ages and sex. Pathology arises from violations of the outflow of urine and changes in its composition. Diet in women with urolithiasis is a conservative method of treatment and prevention, which is used at all stages and with all forms of injury. Very often in women, the ailment develops because of the increased density of urine and its stagnation. The main symptoms are severe pain during urination, blood in the urine, poor health. The signs of the disease depend on where the stones are located, how many of them, what they have the structure and size.
Health food is included in the program of recovery. Compliance with diet prevents further formation of stones and reduces the size of existing ones.
Recommendations for the formulation of a balanced and complete diet:
- The products should contain vitamins and amino acids, and their caloric content should correspond to the energy costs during the day.
- You need to eat often, but in small portions. Overeating is categorically contraindicated. There must be systematic meals, that is, a regime.
- During the day, the water balance should be maintained. A day is recommended to drink at least two liters of water. Such a volume is necessary for normal discharge of urine.
The absence of a diet leads to serious complications. Most often this is hydronephrosis, nephrosclerosis, renal failure. The food is prescribed individually for each patient. The way in which the diet is taken into account the chemical composition of the stone and pH of urine.
Diet for urolithiasis in men
Concrements in the urinary tract - this is one of the most common lesions of the kidneys and the genitourinary system. The disease occurs for many reasons, one of which is a metabolic disorder. Therefore, a properly formulated diet for urolithiasis in men helps to avoid relapse and accelerate the recovery process.
There are a number of predisposing factors of urolithiasis in men. First of all, this smoking, injuries associated with increased workload, malnutrition, peptic ulcer, gastritis, abuse of sharp and salty foods. The patient complains of pain in the genital area, hip and bladder. The illness negatively affects the quality of life and intimate relationships.
Basic principles of the diet:
- Refusal of alcohol, strong tea and coffee, salt, fatty foods, sauces and spices. Food should be divided to avoid overeating. Since it can cause disorders in the metabolism and the appearance of stones in the ureters and kidneys.
- It is necessary to comply with the drinking regime - up to two liters of drinking water during the day. Exclude from the diet meat, fish, offal, beans, mushrooms and cabbage.
- Eat more dairy products, berries and vegetables. Useful porridges, vegetable salads and soups. In the diet should be potato dishes, whole wheat bread, nuts.
A timely onset of the diet prevents complications and minimizes painful symptoms. Food depends on the origin of the stones. Changes in the diet in male patients are difficult to bear, since it is necessary to limit and control oneself.
Diet in urolithiasis in children
Urolithiasis in children of childhood is associated with metabolic disorders. The ailment arises from the action of external and internal factors. First of all, these are genetic disorders of metabolism, hormonal alteration, negative influence of the environment, abuse of poor-quality food, malformations in the development of urinary organs.
Nutrition rules for children:
- A varied diet with minimal consumption of fats. Since this can lead to violations of acid-base balance in the body, diseases of the intestine and stomach, supersaturation of urine salts.
- In the diet should be food rich in vitamin A, B, C and D. These vitamins accelerate metabolic processes and normalize the functioning of the body.
- The child should drink a sufficient amount of fluid, since dehydration adversely affects the entire body and can cause a delay in urine.
Diet with urolithiasis in children allows to avoid surgical intervention. The main symptoms of the pathology are aching pains in the lower back, frequent urge to urinate, a strained, hard abdomen, difficult urinary excretion. The above symptoms indicate that the stones move through the urethra. If the disease occurs in young children, the baby suffers from symptoms of intoxication, restless, often crying. It is possible to attach a secondary infection.
Diet 6 with urolithiasis
To treat lesions of the genitourinary system, several diets are used, the purpose of which depends on the type of stones, their chemical composition and individual characteristics of the patient's body. Diet 6 is used for urolithiasis, gout and urine acid diathesis. Nutrition normalizes the alkalinization of urine and the exchange of purines, accelerates the excretion of salts of uric acid. Patients should limit the intake of products with extractives and purines, increase fluid intake and minimize the amount of salt in the diet.
Diet 6 with urolithiasis is based on increasing the amount of alkaline products (vegetables, fruits, milk) and fluid in the diet.
- It is necessary to minimize the amount of refractory fats and animal proteins. If the patient has obesity, then the amount of carbohydrates decreases. Food should be cooked, baked, stewed or steamed.
- Chemical composition of the diet table number 6: proteins 70-80 grams, carbohydrates 400 g, fat 90 g. Caloric content should not exceed 2700-2800 kcal per day, with the mandatory use of 1.5-3 liters of fluid
- From the first dishes you can eat vegetable soups and broths, from meat it is better to refuse or to reduce its quantity to a minimum. Useful will be different porridge, potatoes, dairy products, rye, wheat bread and pastry from bran.
- Fruits and berries can be eaten both freshly and after heat treatment. It is not recommended to use acidic varieties of berries. From sweets it is allowed marmalade, jam, fruit creams and kissels. Chocolate, coffee, cocoa and strong tea are contraindicated.
- From the seasonings are allowed greens, bay leaves, vanillin, cinnamon, citric acid. From sharp and salty seasonings, sauces should be discarded. You can not drink spirits, various smoked foods, canned food, sausages, mushrooms, legumes, spinach, cauliflower, offal, pickled foods and pickles.
Adherence to the therapeutic diet allows you to normalize the exchange of purines, reduce the formation of uric acid and salts in the kidneys, from which stones are formed that affect the urinary system.
Menu diet for urolithiasis
During the diet, many patients are faced with the problem of making a diet. And this is not surprising, since the menu should be varied and nutritious. Consider an exemplary diet menu for urolithiasis, which must be adjusted depending on the type of stones:
- Breakfast: vegetable salad with dressing from olive or vegetable oil with flax seeds, a cup of green tea.
- Snack: a scrambled omelet, a compote with dried fruits or a broth of wild rose.
- Lunch: mashed potatoes with boiled fish, tea or compote.
- Snack: a couple of apples or a banana.
- Dinner: cottage cheese with dried fruits, biscuit biscuits.
- The second dinner: a glass of kefir or green tea with cereal breadcrumbs.
- Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with apple, green tea or a glass of milk.
- Snack: yogurt and a handful of nuts.
- Lunch: vegetable borscht with potato ribs and stewed carrots.
- Snack: millet porridge with apple.
- Dinner: carrot casserole with prunes, green tea or broth of wild rose.
- Second dinner: tea or a glass of yogurt.
- Breakfast: vegetable salad, egg, tea or a glass of milk.
- Snack: oatmeal with dried fruits.
- Lunch: steam vareniki with cottage cheese, a spoon of sour cream and compote.
- Snack: 1-2 apples.
- Dinner: rice with stewed or baked aubergines and bell peppers.
- The second dinner: tea with crackers or biscuits.
- Breakfast: salad from boiled beet with walnuts and prunes, dressed with olive oil, green tea.
- Snack: vegetable salad, yoghurt.
- Lunch: boiled fish with vegetable stew, okroshka.
- Snack: fruit salad, compote.
- Dinner: potato casserole with sour cream, green tea or broth of wild rose.
- Second dinner: kefir or green tea with biscuit.
- Breakfast: boiled egg, oatmeal with dried fruit, green tea.
- Snack: beetroot salad with apple.
- Lunch: soup on vegetable broth with potato dumplings, buckwheat porridge with steamed vegetables.
- Snack: 1-2 apples or a banana with yogurt.
- Dinner: pasta with hard cheese and stewed tomatoes.
- Second dinner: cottage cheese with prunes, green tea.
Fasting day. During the day you can drink green tea and eat cottage cheese or allowed fruits.
- Breakfast: salad from boiled beets and carrots, broth of wild rose.
- Snack: steam omelet, berry juice with biscuit biscuits.
- Lunch: cream-soup of pumpkin and carrots, squash pancakes with sour cream.
- Snack: fresh vegetable salad and yogurt.
- Dinner: baked apples with rice and dried fruits, green tea.
- The second dinner: cereal bread, a glass of yogurt.
Diet recipes for urolithiasis
For early recovery of the body with diseases of the genitourinary system, therapeutic nutrition is used. Such therapy is not only safe, but also very effective. It can be used as a prophylaxis.
Consider delicious diet recipes for urolithiasis:
1. Dietary buckwheat soup
- Potatoes 3-4 pcs.
- Carrot 1 pc.
- Onions ½ pcs.
- Buckwheat 1 glass
- Dried herbs or other spices for taste
Put 3 liters of water in a saucepan and boil. In boiling water, lower the peeled and sliced potatoes, washed buckwheat, grated carrot and finely chopped onion. Cook until the potatoes become soft, add the spices and cook for another 10-15 minutes. The soup should stick a little. You can eat with garlic croutons or cereal loaves.
2. Cream soup with pumpkin and carrots
- Pumpkin 500 g
- Potatoes 1 pc.
- Carrot 1 pc.
- Onions 1 pc.
- Olive oil 15 g
- Spices to taste
Cook until ready to pumpkin and potatoes. Onions and carrots chop, and fry until soft in olive oil. In a separate container drain the water in which the vegetables were cooked. Add to the chopped pumpkin and potatoes fried onions and carrots. For grinding it is better to use a blender, with the help of the remaining vegetable broth, adjust the density of the soup. Add spices and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat.
3. Sweet pilaf with pumpkin and dried fruits
- Rice 300 g
- Pumpkin 100 g
- Olive oil 10-20 g
- Apples
- Raisins
- Dried apricots
- Prunes
- Barberry
- Cumin, saffron, coriander
Pumpkin and apples peeled, cut into small slices. Dry fruits and rinse and cut. At the bottom of the pot, pour a little oil, put pieces of pumpkin and a few apples, pour 1/3 of the rice. In the rice put pumpkin slices, apples and dried fruits and make another such layer. Pour rice with boiled water with spices and pour the remaining oil. Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for an hour.
4. Potato salad with sour-garlic sauce
- Potatoes 5 pcs.
- Sour cream ½ cup
- Yolk 1 pc.
- Garlic 1-2 teeth
- Lemon juice
- Spices to taste
Cook the potatoes in a peel, peel and cut into slices or cubes. For the sauce, chop garlic, mix with spices, yolk and sour cream. Pour the potatoes into the sauce. Salad can be served both in a chilled and warm form.
5. Energy bars
- Oat flakes 1-2 glasses
- Raisins
- Prunes
- Dried apricots
- Dried Apples
- Fresh banana 1-2 pcs.
- Pumpkin and sunflower seeds
- Flax seeds
- Sesame
- Walnut
- Honey
Mix all ingredients and grind with a blender. In the resulting mixture add honey and mix thoroughly, should get an elastic, thick mixture. Form the bars and put them on a baking tray with parchment. Put in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 150-170 degrees. As soon as the bars cool, each wrap in parchment and store in the refrigerator.
What can you eat with urolithiasis?
The list of allowed products in the presence of concrements in the urinary system is quite extensive. That is, you will not have to starve during a diet. The only thing that awaits the patient is a number of restrictions in the choice of products. Food depends on the type of stones, but the diet should be varied and useful.
The main recommendations for nutrition:
- Limitation of the amount of food consumed.
- Change with food pH of urine in acidic or alkaline side for better dissolution of salts.
- Abundant use of liquid to remove salt sediment.
- Restriction of food, promoting the formation of stones and sediment.
If there are concomitant diseases of the digestive tract, then the nutrition is adjusted so as not to provoke a relapse of the disease. In the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, one should not use copious drinking, since this negatively affects the functioning of the body. Particular attention should be paid to its weight, as obesity aggravates the course of the disease and can provoke complications.
What you can eat with urolithiasis:
- Uranium stones
Most vegetables and fruits: carrots, cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, beets, greens, apricots, pears, plums, peaches. Butter, dairy products with low fat content, black and white bread, various cereals, nuts, loose green and black tea, mineral water.
- Phosphate stones
Lean poultry meat, bread, dairy products, porridges (cooked on water), mushrooms. From fruits you can eat cranberries, sour varieties of apples, cranberries, drink cranberry fruit, broth of dogrose and weak tea.
What can not be eaten with urolithiasis?
To treat concrements in the urinary tract, many methods are used, but dietotherapy is considered the safest and most affordable. The list of what can not be eaten with urolithiasis depends on the type of stones, their chemical composition, size and a number of other characteristics.
- Oxalates
When preparing a diet for this pathology, it is necessary to limit the consumption of oxalic acid. Reducing the concentration of this substance will result in the cessation of precipitation of the salt precipitate. It is forbidden to eat spinach, leaf salad, sorrel, chocolate, nuts, products with gelatin, cocoa. Nutritionists recommend minimizing the use of vitamin C and dairy products.
- Uraths
They form in a very acidic medium. The food should be constructed so that urine does not become alkaline. Such stones grow very quickly, but with the observance of a diet can decrease. During treatment, it is necessary to reduce or completely abandon the use of fish and meat, by-products, meat broths, smoked products, canned food and sausages. From vegetables it is contraindicated to eat mushrooms, legumes, cauliflower, greens (spinach, sorrel).
- Phosphates
The stones grow in an alkaline environment, so when they appear, you need to limit the intake of products with calcium and phosphate, change the pH of the urine to the acidic side. Under the ban fall dairy products, most fruits and vegetables. During treatment it is not recommended to eat red meat, fish, canned food and smoked meat. We will have to give up baking pastries, fruit and berry juices.
Reviews about diet
Therapeutic nutrition for urolithiasis should be used from the first days of the disease. Numerous positive reviews of the diet confirm its effectiveness. A healthy diet prevents the formation of new concrements and reduces the size of existing stones, normalizes the pH of urine, supports the normal functioning of all organs and body systems.
Diet in urolithiasis is appointed by the attending physician, focusing on the results of analyzes, the type of stones, their shape, localization, the presence of concomitant diseases and other features of the patient's body. Diet therapy is an excellent preventive of this pathology and should become a habitual diet that will prevent relapse of the disease and various complications.