
Healing Diet

Diet with diverticulosis

The essence of the diet with uncomplicated diverticulosis is to increase the consumption of fibrous food to prevent further progression of the disease.

Diet in menopause

The main goal of the diet is to alleviate these symptoms, support the body in such a difficult period for him. Certain changes in nutrition will help to survive this time painlessly and unnoticed.

Diet for varicose veins

People suffering from varicose veins should adhere to certain principles of nutrition, which are auxiliary tools to alleviate the condition of patients.

Diet with ulcerative colitis

With ulcerative colitis, a diet is important in the complex therapy. Often, patients neglect the recommendations of a doctor and do not observe dietary restrictions, which prolongs the period of recovery and can cause deterioration.

Diet with myocardial infarction

After a heart attack, it is recommended to reduce the calorie content of food (use less fat, salt, liquid).

Diet with duodenitis

In the complex therapy with duodenitis, a mandatory diet is included. Diet with duodenitis requires compliance with certain rules, especially in the acute period.

Diet in case of an attack of pancreatitis

Naturally, patients suffering from inflammation of the pancreas need to know, and what is the diet for an attack of pancreatitis. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between the drinking and feeding regimen precisely during the attack with the diet during the recovery period after this peak state.

Diet with reflux esophagitis

When diagnosing this pathology, one of the elements of the therapeutic process becomes a diet with reflux esophagitis, which, depending on the accompanying pathologies, is most often denoted by "Table 1" or "Table No. 5".

Lactation Diet

For the baby, the main benefit of breast milk is not only in its quantity, but also in quality.

Diet in irritable bowel syndrome

Diet in irritable bowel syndrome requires special dietary rules. Usually, the duration of a digestive disorder reaches 3 months.


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