Diet in irritable bowel syndrome
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The essence of the diet for irritable bowel syndrome
A person should receive a physiologically nutritious diet, depending on his height, weight and activity. It is important to identify certain foods that create additional discomfort to a person, and remove them from food. Strictly restricting the patient in eating food is stupid, it is enough just to remove allergens and the condition is greatly improved.
During periods of exacerbation of the disease should be abandoned any diets, strict nature. It is important to just follow the rules of proper and healthy nutrition. Any diet for the restoration of the body must bear a permissive, not prohibitive nature. After all, otherwise the person's psychoemotional state will be undermined.
If long-term diarrhea persists, it is worth switching to rubbed food. It is necessary to be guided only on the resolved list of products. It is important to strengthen the motor function of the intestine and reduce the frequency of diarrhea.
If constipation predominates, it is also enough to revise the diet and include products that stimulate the bowel. It is enough to eat prunes every day. Vegetable and fruit juices will give an incredible result.
Irritable bowel syndrome is not dangerous, but it is important to exclude it in time. The essence of the diet is to adjust the digestive system by the prevalence of certain foods. This is not a strict diet, but, nevertheless, it requires full compliance.
Diet in irritable bowel syndrome with flatulence
When this disease is pestering, it is simply necessary to revise the menu, it is not necessary to resort to taking any medications. However, in most cases, diet and medication go hand in hand.
So, to exclude from the diet should be all legumes, it is they that provoke the excessive development of gases. Grapes, pears, apples, cabbage and radish are also banned. It is worthwhile to eliminate nuts, in spite of all their usefulness, in this case they are not appropriate. Completely removes any fish and fatty meat. Fresh pastry, bread, carbonated drinks should not be consumed. Under the ban are also dairy products. In fact, the list is not as terrible as it might seem at first glance.
Permitted products. It is important to eliminate food that causes discomfort and vice versa to dilute the diet with useful products. So, low-fat fish and meat, omelet and soft-boiled eggs, soups are suitable. Pay attention to beet, pumpkin and carrots, as well as sour-milk products. The permitted beverages include cocoa, tea, juices and coffee. In fact, there are no limitations here either. You can relax with apricots and prunes, grenades. Any greenery is allowed.
For people with increased propensity to gassing, a special diet has been developed. It is easy enough for her to follow and adhere to the rules of healthy eating. You can not overeat, portions should be small, you should eat up to 6 times a day. The daily norm of the consumed liquid is not lower than 2 liters. It is necessary to completely exclude products from the prohibited list. Sweet dishes and fruits are taken separately from the main food, so as not to provoke any reaction. Before eating, it is recommended to drink tea based on fennel seeds, this will significantly reduce the formation of gas.
Almost every diet implies compliance with strict rules. In this case, there is no such thing, simply banning prohibited products. This will require the strength of man's will and patience. After all, even among the allowed products, there are tons of tasty options.
Diet in irritable bowel syndrome with constipation
With constipation, food should be special, it is necessary to start the mechanism of the intestine, but do not harm the person. So in case of chronic manifestation of the disease it is recommended to pay attention to the table under number 3. This diet consists in the fact that it is necessary to completely exclude products that can irritate the intestines, while not permitting the processes of fermentation and putrefaction. For this type of food is typical cooking only for a couple.
Among the allowed products include rye bread or wheat, the main thing that it was coarse. More suitable even dried or yesterday's loaves. You can eat meat, the main thing that it was lean. A similar recommendation applies to fish. To improve the stool is to resort to the help of prunes, pumpkins, carrots, as well as vegetable and fruit juices. With regard to sour-milk products, then pay attention to yogurt, matzoni, acidophilus milk, kefir. You can eat vegetable and butter, cereals, but only buckwheat, barley and pearl. Eggs hard boiled are allowed. From drinks you can drink any juice, broth of dogrose, slightly boiled tea or coffee. If the strong constipation from a food ration pushes it is necessary to exclude completely strong coffee, chocolate, jelly. You can not eat mashed porridge, mucous soups and dough.
If constipation is also accompanied by flatulence, then it is necessary to exclude potatoes, cabbage, any beans, grapes, rye bread and whole milk. The temperature of hot dishes should not exceed 60 degrees, and the cold should be below 15. It is recommended to eat dishes that contain dietary fiber. Every day you need to consume 120 grams of protein, 110 grams of fat, 450 grams of carbohydrates. The total amount of liquid must not be less than 2 liters. In this case, we mean a free liquid (not soups, teas, etc.). The energy daily value is 3300 kilocalories.
Diet in irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea
Usually, in this scenario, the table is assigned to number 4, which gradually changes to table number 2. In order to limit, you need those foods and dishes that stimulate intestinal irritation, as well as secretory processes in the stomach, liver and pancreas. After all, thereby they lead to rotting and fermentation, which provokes the development of unpleasant symptoms. So, every day you need to eat 100 grams of protein, 70 grams of fat, 250 grams of carbohydrates. The daily intake of liquid is 1.5 liters. The energy value should not be less than 2000 kilocalories.
To the number of allowed products include dried bread, crackers. Any meat, the main thing that it was cooked for a couple, a similar requirement is put forward and to the fish. It is advisable to eat mucous soups, based on rice and oatmeal. Cook them on low fat broth. It is allowed to use vegetable and butter, sour-milk products. Among the drinks, there is no danger: coffee, weak tea, kissel and broth of wild rose. As for delicacies, special attention should be paid to berries, it can be black currant, blueberry, cherry.
It is necessary to exclude fresh milk, buns, fatty fish and meat from the diet. You can not eat everything fried, smoked and with the addition of a large number of seasonings. Pickles and sugar substitutes are also prohibited.
Dishes should be steamed, it is better to eat them in a crushed or grated kind. Nutrition costs at least 6 times a day. The temperature of hot water should not exceed 60 degrees, and the cold should be below 15 degrees.
After the food on the table number 4 is completed, over time, people are transferred to the table at number 2. Here you can consume more fat. So, their daily norm is 100 grams. Carbohydrates - 500 grams, salt - 15 grams. The daily energy value is 3000 kilocalories. You can eat various casseroles, meat sauces, soups on broths, eggs, white stale bread, compotes, mousses and juices. You can cook meals for a couple, as well as fry and bake. Food should be served in powdered form. It is desirable to eat 5 times a day.
Diet with irritated bowels with pain syndrome
Patients suffering from this problem are recommended to follow the diet at number 3. In this case, the diet should not include drinks, including carbonated. To exclude is rye and bran bread, sour-milk products. You can eat them only not in fresh form, it should take at least 24 hours.
Patients are advised to pay attention to cream and vegetable meat, eat fish and meat dishes. Very good effect has a cold soup. As for the kashka, it can be buckwheat, barley and pearl barley. It is allowed to eat eggs, but only hard-boiled. You can use honey, snacks and sauces. It is worth completely giving up chocolate, jelly, tea, coffee and flour products. Food is preferably consumed in cold form, hot meals are excluded.
With proctogenic constipation and with a painful stool, to ensure maximum shading, vegetables are best eaten or boiled. Meat must be finely chopped or boiled. If the pain is also accompanied by flatulence, then you will have to give up some vegetables and fruits. So, you can not eat watermelon, potatoes, cabbage, grapes. Under the ban is bread and milk. To improve intestinal patency help vegetable and fruit juices, as well as prunes, beets and carrots.
When everything is accompanied not only by pain, but also by diarrhea, it is necessary to exclude products that provoke this symptomatology. Take meals in divided batches, up to 6 times a day. To pay attention is on strong hot coffee, tea, cocoa, crackers, dry baking and blueberry broth. It is recommended to eat kefir, cottage cheese, but in the garbled form, rice or oat broth. Limitations are in the use of eggs, salt and sugar. Sweet substitutes also negatively affect the human body, so it is better to exclude them from food. Food should not contain spices, sharp and salty foods, fatty meat and fish. Should be abandoned and cold drinks and dishes.
Diet in irritable bowel syndrome with dysbiosis
A special diet for patients with irritable bowel syndrome, in fact, does not exist. Approximate rations and types of food are made based on the list of allowed and prohibited products. Patients should completely exclude those products that can cause unpleasant symptoms. Preference should be given to food, which contains a lot of dietary fiber.
If irritable bowel syndrome is accompanied by diarrhea, then it is necessary to exclude foods that actively stimulate the digestive tract. It is necessary to take substances that soothe peristalsis, and not the other way that excites it. Take food should be up to 6 times a day, in small portions. The diet should be diluted by the presence of a strong hot tea, which, a decoction of blueberries. Allowed to use white breadcrumbs, dry biscuits, it is important that it was not fancy. As for dairy products, a special role is assigned to yogurt, yogurt, fresh cottage cheese (it is better to use it in the garbled form). You can eat butter and vegetable oil, as well as egg dishes. There are no restrictions here. Sweet substitutes, meat, sugar and table salt are prohibited. Exclude is the value of spices, as well as sharp and salty dishes, fruits, black bread, vegetables and fresh sour-milk products. Under the ban are fatty meats and fish.
Staying a long time on a strict diet is fraught with consequences. Because this can lead to the development of protein and vitamin starvation, increase diarrhea and cause complete exhaustion of the body. Therefore, through time, a number of restrictions on certain products are removed.
Sample diet menu for irritable bowel syndrome
Make me a day, a week and even a month you can yourself. It's enough to just start from the list of allowed and forbidden products. But for a full understanding of what is happening, it is worthwhile to provide an approximate menu.
For breakfast, any cereal can be used. The exception is millet and pearl barley. If there is no desire to eat kashka, pay attention to rubbed cottage cheese with sour cream and prunes. It is very tasty and useful. For lunch, you can make a sandwich with homemade pate or cheese. It can be replaced with juice and muesli.
Lunch should be full. The first dish is to choose a vegetarian dish. Meat or fish dish is also suitable. It is important not to add beans and cabbage to it, so as not to cause additional fermentation in the intestine. The second is a piece of boiled turkey and a salad of fresh vegetables. As a second course, carrots or mashed potatoes can be made.
On a mid-morning snack the baked apples will approach. Eat a fresh kiwi, orange or pomegranate. You can replace them with yoghurt with not baking. For dinner, preference should be given to mashed potatoes and baked fish. Buckwheat is also suitable with steam meatballs. At night you can drink a glass of sour milk drink.
Diet recipes for irritable bowel syndrome
Recipes there is just incredibly much. Therefore, worry about this is not worth it. You can create a dish yourself, starting from the list of allowed products.
- Salad for breakfast. It is necessary to take cottage cheese, yogurt and honey. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed together. For taste, you can add a little dried apricots (it is important to pre-dunk it), as well as walnuts. The dish turns out tasty and useful. You can decorate a salad with orange or a banana.
- Salad for lunch. It is necessary to take nettles and sorrel, walnuts, garlic and sour cream for refueling. All ingredients are finely chopped, decorated with nuts and seasoned with sour cream. The result is a delicious and healthy salad.
You can prepare an excellent cocktail for a mid-morning snack. To do this, take strawberries, banana and yogurt and put everything in a bowl or blender. The ingredients are beaten and poured into a glass. A delicious and healthy cocktail is ready.
- Rumyany salad. You need to take stewed carrots, baked beets and potatoes. All this is rubbed on the grater with a fresh apple. You can fill the salad with garlic only, it's really delicious.
- Salad "Summer". You need to take carrots, trout, cabbage and a green salad. All ingredients are finely chopped together. Then you need to take a cucumber and tomato and cut into slices. Everything fits in a deep salad bowl. You can alternate the ingredients in color to make it look more beautiful. All is filled with dill, salted to taste. Before use, you need to give a little time to salad to brew.
What can be eaten with irritable bowel syndrome?
In fact, the diet for irritable bowel syndrome is not so strict. Restrictions are not critical, a person can fully enjoy a variety of allowed products. So, the diet implies the use of lean beef, boiled chicken and fish. Soups should be prepared on low-fat broth, preferably give preference to chicken or fish. Shredded vegetables must necessarily prevail in the first dish. You should pay attention to potatoes, carrots, zucchini, beets and cauliflower. You can eat fresh tomatoes, in the form of salad.
As for dairy products, kefir, cheese, acidophilus, dietary curd and butter, however, in limited quantities, were particularly effective. The diet should be diluted with fruit and vegetable juices. You can drink honey, as well as dried fruits. You can drink a decoction of wild rose and a diet compote. Other recommended drinks include tea, coffee, and cocoa. Cook them on the water. With regard to bakery products, preference is given to bread, prepared by their coarse flour.
What can not be eaten with irritable bowel syndrome?
Pain sensations, diarrhea, constipation all this is provoked by malnutrition. Food should have a special effect on the digestive tract, without leading to increased gas production or a large amount of stool. Flatulence and other disorders are not always related to nutrition. This problem can arise against the background of poor performance of some organs. Therefore, it is worth eating right, provoking the correct functionality of the digestive tract.
Strong irritating effect is caused by tangerines, alcohol, spicy spices, as well as sour vegetables and fruits. Avoid foods that are high in salt. Under the ban are smoked meat, as well as caffeine. Fresh fruits and vegetables can lead to a process of fermentation and flatulence. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them in large quantities. Carbonated drinks, legumes, sweets and whole milk - all this causes flatulence.
Negative influence on the liver and pancreas fatty fish and meat. An analogous action is possessed by animal fat, therefore it is necessary to exclude butter and lard. Fried dishes can also lead to negative consequences.
A special role is given to food allergens. Chemical dyes and preservatives adversely affect the entire body. Many patients are recommended to exclude lactose from the diet, because irritable bowel syndrome is often provoked by lactase deficiency.