

Vitamin B13

This vitamin was discovered in 1905 from the remains of distilled raw materials. It was a new growth factor, called DDS, and later renamed vitamin B13. It positively affects the development of the fetus in pregnant women, and also performs many other functions.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is very important for our body, because the harmonious intake of vitamins helps to look good.

Vitamin B9

Vitamins are incredibly useful components for our body.

Vitamin B8

Vitamin B8 in 1848 was discovered by the German biochemist Liebig.

Vitamin B6

Vitamins are special biologically active substances.

Vitamin B2

Another name for this vitamin, well known to everyone, is riboflavin.

Vitamin B1

This vitamin should be constantly replenished in the body, because vitamin B1 is water soluble.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is considered an excellent fighter with infections, dry skin and wrinkles. Therefore, vitamin A is very good for beauty and health.

Vitamins for weight loss

If you have already tried to lose weight more than once, but all attempts were in vain, try to change the body's metabolism with the help of vitamins for weight loss.

Vitamins and minerals for women after 30 years

To support all vital organs, women over 30 need vitamins. Which of them to choose and how to take them correctly, and most importantly - why do we need vitamins for women?


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