

Vitamins for the elderly

When a person grows old (alas, no one is immune from this), irreversible processes occur in his body.

Vitamins and allergies

Allergy is translated from Greek as a stranger, another, alien.

Vitamins for children

Vitamins for children up to a year should not have in the composition of minerals, as they enhance fermentation, which is extremely undesirable at such an early age.

Vitamins and Pregnancy

And now you are pregnant. Exactly from this day for your own health and the future baby you must take a sufficient amount of useful substances.

How to improve vision with vitamins?

If the body lacks certain vitamins, eyesight can deteriorate.

Vitamins and depression

Do you know that signs of depression can be avoided if you take vitamins in time?

How do vitamins affect immunity?

If we do not have a strong immune system, then we will often get sick.


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