
Healing Diet

Scandinavian diet

Norwegian, or as it is also called, the Scandinavian diet found its birth in a fairly well-known Copenhagen restaurant in Denmark.

Diet with exacerbation of gastritis

Diet with exacerbation of gastritis differs little from the principles of nutrition in acute gastritis, because in both cases, we are dealing with acute inflammation of the mucous tissues of the gastric cavity.

Diet for arthrosis of joints

Everyone will agree that a wide range of diseases affecting the human body are to some extent related to the food that people eat, the very image, the consumption regime is also important. Therefore, not the last value in the treatment or maintenance in the process of remission has a diet for joint arthrosis, which is aimed at establishing more efficient metabolic processes.

Diet with erosion of the stomach

Diet with erosion of the stomach - this is one of the tools that can reduce internal discomfort, and in some cases, and return the disease back.

Coffee during a diet

Can I drink coffee during a diet? The question is ambiguous, because coffee can have different effects on different people. However, how to be the one who feels broken and defective, if the next morning began without a cup of your favorite drink?

Diet with increased acidity of the stomach

Many of us periodically experience this condition, most often associated with eating disorders: for example, with the reception of not quite the right food, or with eating food "on the run," in a hurry, dry-sour. If such discomfort is repeated, or more, become regular, then this is an indirect sign of a malfunction in the digestive system. And the first thing that the doctor will appoint in this case is a diet with increased acidity of the stomach.

Diet for chronic gastritis

Diet for chronic gastritis is one of the most important components of successful treatment. First of all, proper nutrition includes the rejection of fast food, fatty foods, nutrition in public institutions.

Diet in candidiasis

Since the causative agent of fungal infection is often present in a healthy body, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely ban Candida. However, special therapeutic measures and a diet in candidiasis will keep the infection under control and prevent it from developing in the future.

Diet № 5 Recipes

Preparing recipes for diet 5 is necessary in the presence of diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts, pancreas and liver outside of their exacerbation: cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, biliary dyskinesia, chronic pancreatitis or hepatitis.


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