Diet for chronic gastritis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diet for chronic gastritis is one of the most important components of successful treatment. First of all, proper nutrition includes the rejection of fast food, fatty foods, nutrition in public institutions. Very important is the frequent intake of food in a crushed form and the maintenance of a warm temperature of the dishes.
There should be a slow, thoroughly chewing food, overeating is strictly contraindicated. To normalize the process of producing gastric juice, it is necessary to abandon the use of hard-to-digest products: fatty and fried foods, coarse fiber. Adherence to a well-chosen diet will help to get rid of the disease faster.
Gastritis - a very common disease, which is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa and manifests itself in acute or chronic form. Among the main causes of gastritis development, it should be noted: malnutrition, infection of the stomach with a helical gram-negative bacterium Helicobacter pylori, long-term administration of medications, frequent stresses, smoking, alcohol, disruption of gastric juice production, overeating, etc. In the absence of proper treatment, gastritis passes into a chronic stage, which for a long period of time can not disturb the person's health and manifest only at the stage of exacerbation.
What is the diet for chronic gastritis?
Gastritis manifests itself as a whole set of symptoms: nausea and vomiting, acute or aching pain in the upper abdomen, swelling, frequent eructations, stools, lack of appetite and even weight loss. Along with medicamental treatment it is very important to choose a diet for getting rid of the disease. When diagnosing a disease, many are interested in the question: "What kind of diet for chronic gastritis?" Usually, the gastroenterologist decides on the appointment of a diet on an individual basis, taking into account the course of the disease, the symptoms, the patient's condition, as well as the test results (in particular, the acidity level of gastric juice) .
The diet for chronic gastritis, first of all, is aimed at normalizing the digestive tract and consists in the frequent intake of easily assimilated food. Dishes are best cooked steamed, baked, boiled or stewed. Food should be ground to a mushy condition. It is not necessary to eat cold and hot dishes, the best option is to eat in a slightly warm form. It should be noted that to cure chronic gastritis without regular adherence to a literate diet is practically not possible, so the question of proper nutrition should be approached with maximum responsibility and seriousness.
Of the general recommendations for the appointment of a diet for chronic gastritis, mention should be made of the restriction of acute, salty and coarse foods, the rejection of fatty, smoked and fried foods, fractional meals. It is important that the patient's body receives all the necessary microelements and nutrients, so the menu needs to be varied with light and nutritious dishes at the same time. Usually, the diet for a chronic form of gastritis is 1-1.5 months - until the condition is completely improved. At the same time, some rules of rational nutrition should be followed throughout life: do not overeat, slowly chew food, follow the diet, give up drinking strong drinks and smoking, as well as fast food, carbonated drinks and other harmful foods.
The diet for chronic gastritis is 4-5 meals a day during the day. It is important that the food is simple - so it is much quicker to digest when getting into the stomach. The dish must necessarily cause an appetite, be freshly prepared, and be based on natural ingredients. Food is best shredded to a mushy state or thoroughly chewed - so that the stomach will be easier to cope with its main task. To quickly restore the functions of the digestive tract, it is necessary to include protein food in the diet, as well as vitamins E, B12 and B6 (found in a variety of cereals, dairy products, lean meats and fish, eggs, and vegetables with dark green leaves).
With chronic gastritis, you must remember the use of fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, which contribute to increased secretion of digestive juices and improve enzyme activity. The assimilation of meat and fish occurs much faster if they are used in combination with vegetables. From spices it is allowed to use parsley, celery, dill in a crushed form. When cooking soups, it is best to use not meat, but vegetable broth. Various cereals are recommended to be well boiled or added to vegetable soups.
In the diet for chronic gastritis, you can include:
- meatballs, soufflé, meatballs, zrazy, cooked from meat, poultry and fish of low-fat varieties;
- jelly and jelly;
- vegetable stew;
- steam cutlets;
- Soups puree, cooked on low-fat broth;
- boiled soft-boiled eggs;
- omelettes, steamed;
- bread coarse (in dried form);
- fruit mousses and desserts;
- dairy and sour-milk products;
- weak tea, compotes, decoctions, etc.
A wide range of products that are allowed for use in chronic gastritis, allows you to diversify the diet and make the food tasty and pleasant. It is important to just remember the rules of healthy eating: do not eat harmful foods, monitor a full diet and do not overeat.
Diet with exacerbation of chronic gastritis
The diet for chronic gastritis is prescribed taking into account the patient's condition, the course of the disease, as well as the results of the tests, in particular, to determine the level of acidity of the stomach. Most often, chronic gastritis is asymptomatic and manifests itself in the form of exacerbations only against the background of weakened immunity, damage to the gastric mucosa by helicobacteria, malnutrition, frequent stress and the development of other diseases of internal organs and systems. What is the exacerbation of chronic gastritis? This process manifests itself as a violation of the main function of the stomach - digestive, as well as irritation of its inflamed mucosa.
First of all, the diet with exacerbation of chronic gastritis should be as gentle and at the same time full. It is recommended fractional meals in small portions from 5 to 8 times a day, the caloric content of food should be about 3000 kcal per day. When observed in a patient marked exacerbation of gastritis reduce the daily volume of fluid, including soups, up to 1.5 liters. In modern medical practice, patients in the period of exacerbation of chronic gastritis in the first days of treatment are prescribed diet No. 1a, then - diet No. 1b, and in the process of reducing the symptoms of the disease (about a week) - diet No. 1.
As for the menu, it should consist of easily digestible foods and dishes. Allowed to take low-fat varieties of meat, poultry, fish in boiled, stewed and baked form, you can eat various soups (except mushrooms), steam omelettes, sour-milk products, dry biscuits and crackers, unsweetened drinks. The patient is recommended to drink natural juices, weak tea with lemon, compotes from dried fruits, fruit jelly and broth of wild rose. Of products prohibited for consumption during the exacerbation of chronic gastritis, it is necessary to identify bakery products, fresh pastries, fatty foods, smoked products, sausages and marinades, spicy and salty foods. Also excluded are fried foods, cold drinks, alcohol, ice cream, acidic foods, and the like. It is forbidden to use any spices and spices, as they increase the production of gastric juice and thereby increase inflammation.
It is desirable that the food is well chopped and ground. So, when cooking soups it is important that they have a mucous consistency. Cooked vegetables are best used in the form of mashed potatoes. It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the food - it should not be too hot or cold. Raw fiber is excluded from the diet (cereals, fruits and vegetables in raw form, legumes).
It is best to give preference to easily digestible dishes: for example, meat or fish in boiled form, as well as steamed cutlets, zrazes, meatballs, etc., soft-boiled eggs and protein omelet, milk and cream, non-fat cottage cheese, non-acid yogurt and kefir. Of the fats should eat plant foods - in the form of olive or refined sunflower oil, which must be used for filling dishes. It is useful daily to consume up to 60 grams of butter, because it accelerates the healing of the gastric mucosa. You need to remember about carbohydrates, which are contained in porridges - manna, rice, buckwheat. In neglected cases of chronic gastritis, children's mixtures and cereals are recommended, as well as mashed potatoes from boiled vegetables and soft fruits.
Sample menu for exacerbation of chronic gastritis:
- First breakfast. Porridge any (in slimy form) or soft-boiled eggs, weak tea, a glass of milk or compote.
- Lunch. Fruit jelly or jelly.
- Dinner. Soup any (mashed), on the second - porridge or mashed potatoes with a meat (fish) steam frying pan, white crackers, tea with milk or diluted juice.
- Snack. Gallet biscuits or a bun bun. Broth of dogrose with honey.
- Dinner. Manna porridge with the addition of 50 g of butter or meat soufflé. Fruit jelly.
- The second dinner. 1 cup of milk.
Diet with chronic gastritis of the stomach
Diet with chronic gastritis should take into account the painful state of the gastric mucosa in which the inflammatory process occurs. Thus, the food consumed should be gentle so as not to irritate the mucous membrane, but, on the contrary, facilitate the rapid restoration of its functions.
The diet for chronic gastritis of the stomach is an important part of the treatment process, in combination with taking medicines and phytotherapy, as well as combating various concomitant factors, and sanatorium treatment. First of all, such a diet will depend on the degree of development of the disease, the condition of the patient and individual tolerability. When the disease worsens, the diet is severely restricted, after a certain period of treatment, during remission, the menu significantly expands. Regardless of the stage of the course of chronic gastritis, the food should be high-grade and include the use of vitamins, microelements, various nutrients that are important and necessary to maintain the full vital activity of the body.
The basis of a diet for chronic gastritis can be considered a fractional diet - frequent consumption of food in small portions. In the morning, it is recommended to eat a little, since after awakening slow production of digestive enzymes is noted. It is undesirable to drink coffee and cocoa in the morning. These drinks have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. The best option for breakfast will be grated porridge, jelly or steam omelet. A couple of hours after the first breakfast you can have a snack again. Then - lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. It is impossible to tolerate overeating and long breaks between meals. It is very important to accustom to the diet, i.e. Eat at a specific time and at least 4-5 times a day.
Usually, with chronic gastritis, diets # 1, 2, 15 are often prescribed, depending on the course of the inflammatory process. So, during the exacerbation of the disease, diet No. 1 is used, which is reduced to the use of exceptionally wiped food, boiled or steamed. Such strict dietary treatment can last up to 2 months. In the process of remission, they switch to diet No. 2 (extended menu), then to diet No. 15 (physiological nutrition). Any diet prohibits the use of cold and hot meals, fatty foods, as well as hot spices, smoked products, pickles, marinades, canned snacks, raw vegetables, mushrooms.
With chronic gastritis allowed to eat:
- yesterday's or dried bread,
- low-fat dry biscuits,
- vegetable and milk soups,
- porridge (in a mashed, slimy form),
- non-acidic dairy and sour-milk products,
- various dishes from low-fat meat or fish,
- butter (in small quantities),
- Refined vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, etc.)
- eggs, cooked soft-boiled or in the form of a scrambled eggs,
- from drinks - not strong tea (including with milk), pure water, broth of a dogrose, still mineral water, juices, compotes from dried fruits.
With diet number 2, when the stage of exacerbation of chronic gastritis has passed, it is allowed to use soups prepared on meat or fish broth (completely fat-free), borsch and rassolniki. You can enter into the diet of milk or doctor's sausage, sauces from meat broths, berries or soft fruit in unprotected form. Among the banned products are still mushrooms and raw vegetables.
With diet No. 15, the menu significantly expands and may include the use of rye bread, raw vegetables and fruits and other products, but fatty meals, smoked foods, canned food, vegetables with coarse fiber (for example, turnip, radish and radish ), because all these products irritate the mucous. Compliance with a chronic gastritis of a proper diet and a rational diet regimen determine the period of remission of the disease to a greater extent. Therefore, it is so important with full responsibility and seriousness to take the issue of nutrition, - on it depends recovery.
Diet in chronic atrophic gastritis
Atrophic gastritis is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa accompanied by a decrease in the number of glands of secretion and thinning of individual sections of the shell. Such a pathology leads to the fact that ordinary tissues begin to perform the functions of the digestive glands, but because of the effect of secretion of gastric juice cells of such tissues quickly die. That is why it is so important during the development of the disease to follow proper nutrition, to ensure that food does not provoke even more irritation of the inflamed mucosa.
Diet in chronic atrophic gastritis is based on the use of sparing foods that do not cause irritation to the mucosa and strict adherence to dietary rules with complete refusal to take medications and any alternative means. First of all, the food should not increase the acidity level of the gastric juice, but stimulate the production of acid. It is strictly prohibited to overeating, eating fried foods, flour and confectionery products, sour dishes and fruits, fatty broths, mushrooms and beans. Food at room temperature must be taken in powdered form. In a day it is recommended to eat up to 3000 kcal. The daily menu should approximately include 400 grams of carbohydrates, 100 grams of protein and the same amount of fat. Food should be prepared by applying exclusively gentle heat treatment modes - cooking in a water bath, baking and cooking, quenching without using fat.
To restore at an atrophic gastritis normal production of gastric juice, it is necessary to enter in a diet such dishes and products:
- bread yesterday or in dried form;
- vegetable soups and puree soups, cooked on low-fat meat or fish broth, with the addition of cereals;
- vegetable stews, vegetables in fresh and puree form;
- Cutlet steamed, zrazy, meatballs, soufflé and meatballs from fish and meat;
- porridge (in mashed, boiled and slimy form);
- fruit jelly, berry jelly and mousse;
- steam omelettes, boiled soft-boiled eggs;
- milk, dairy products;
- weak tea, clear water, herbal decoctions, compotes and freshly squeezed juices in a diluted form.
Diet with chronic gastritis plays a primary role, because it directly affects the process of restoring the functioning of the stomach mucosa. All kinds of harmful products must be prohibited: marinades, pickles, smoked products, by-products and canned food. It is necessary to limit the consumption of fats (vegetable and butter). In any course of the disease, food should be divided, food should be crushed and chewed well.
Diet for chronic mixed gastritis
Diet for chronic gastritis is the basis for restoring the digestive function of the gastric mucosa. As for the mixed form of gastritis, the very name "mixed" indicates a combination of several forms of the disease: hypertrophic, erosive, catarrhal and hemorrhagic gastritis. So, 2, 3 or at once all 4 forms of the disease can be combined simultaneously. In this case, the patient has an increased or decreased level of acidity of gastric juice. As for the symptoms of mixed gastritis, it is very similar to the symptoms of chronic gastritis and manifests itself in the form of discomfort in the stomach, strong sucking in the epigastric region, blunt or acute pain, decreased appetite, frequent eructations, a feeling of "overflow" in the abdomen, nausea and even vomiting. Fits of the disease can be manifested against the backdrop of non-compliance with the diet, reducing immunity, overeating, taking certain medications, etc. The effectiveness of treatment will depend on setting the right diagnosis and the chosen therapy, including diet.
Diet in chronic mixed gastritis should take into account the patient's condition, the course of the disease and its symptoms. Mixed gastritis is treated with the use of medications - in particular, analgesics, antibiotics, enveloping agents and antispasmodics. The main task of the diet with mixed gastritis is to reduce the production of gastric juice. This is facilitated by the following principles of nutrition:
- Reception on an empty stomach in the morning hours of a glass of warm water;
- Eating food in a crushed form, in fractions;
- Exclusion from the diet of fried, fatty, and also coarse and fibrous food;
- Exclusion from the menu of products that stimulate the production of juice and irritatingly acting on mucous: alcohol, carbonated drinks, strong broths, chocolate, coffee, etc .;
- Refusal from cold and hot food, and also canned food, sharp and salty dishes, sauces and seasonings, hard cheeses, smoked products, biscuits;
- Replacement of animal fats with vegetable oils.
When exacerbating chronic mixed gastritis, it is recommended to use exclusively mushy, crushed, enveloping food: kissel, oatmeal, linseed broth. Admitted products such as veal, white poultry meat, boiled fish; various cereals, dairy products, soft-boiled eggs. It is important that the food is soft, so it will be more effective to undergo treatment. With remission, it is allowed to introduce fresh fruit and vegetables into the diet in the form of puree.
Menu diet for chronic gastritis
Diet with chronic gastritis, first of all, should provide for nutrition components that will ensure the full vital activity of the human body, i.e. Be diverse and in sufficient quantities include fats (vegetable and animal origin), proteins, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and mineral salts.
The diet menu for chronic gastritis consists of products that ensure the normalization of the digestive function of the gastric mucosa. Food should be divided and include crushed food, cooked on steam, enveloping and contributing to the restoration of the functions of the inflamed stomach.
In the morning it is advisable not to strain the digestive system with a large amount of food. It is enough to eat for breakfast a small portion of porridge (oatmeal or semolina), it is possible in combination with a meat or fish steaming chop. From drinks it is best to choose a warm, weak tea with lemon. As the first breakfast, you can also use protein omelet, soft-boiled egg, vegetable puree, lean fish in baked or boiled form. Do not start the day with a cup of cocoa or coffee, because. These drinks contribute to irritation of the gastric mucosa. From the diet it is necessary to completely exclude any spices and spicy seasonings (mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish, black and red pepper, vinegar), as well as fried dishes, smoked meat and marinades. You can not overeat, because abundant food depresses the work of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby aggravating the condition of the patient.
The second breakfast is appropriate after a couple of hours after an early meal. As a light snack, you can drink a glass of compote or milk, broth of wild rose or fruit jelly. It is allowed to eat a sandwich in the form of dried bread or pastry buns with butter (in a small amount) and a doctor's boiled sausage.
Dinner for chronic gastritis should consist of:
- the first dish - vegetable or milk soup (including with the addition of cereals), cabbage soup, rassolnik or borsch;
- second course - vegetable salad or meat dish with garnish (mashed porridge, pasta, mashed potatoes, boiled carrots or beetroot);
- third dish - compote, herbal decoction or liquid jelly.
As a dessert, you can eat a baked apple without skin in sugar syrup, curd soufflé, fruit pudding or berry mousse.
Afternoon snack - a meal a few hours after dinner, can include a glass of tea (milk, low-fat kefir, compote of dried fruits, berry jelly) with biscuits, crackers, sandwiches or a bun.
For dinner, you can use boiled potatoes, baked fish, semolina, rice or any other porridge, cabbage rolls, cottage cheese with milk, scrambled eggs or soft-boiled egg. Of the beverages, it is preferable to have a weak tea or warm milk. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of warm milk with honey or kefir.
The diet menu for chronic gastritis can be diversified to taste, combining useful foods: salads from vegetables, boiled fish, soup-purees, meat soufflé, lazy vareniki, protein omelets, dietary sausages, a variety of cereals and fruit and berry jelly. The main thing is that the food is easily assimilated and does not contain ingredients that irritate the gastric mucosa.
Diet recipes for chronic gastritis
Diet for chronic gastritis does not mean that food will be tasteless, monotonous and limited. The assortment of allowed useful products allows using all kinds of recipes for cooking delicious dishes. It is important to simply remember the simple rules of rational nutrition in any form of gastritis: the exclusion of fatty, fried and spicy foods from the diet, as well as smoked products, marinades, fancy foods and any products that can irritate the gastric mucosa.
Universal diet recipes for chronic gastritis will help to diversify the diet and make it not only useful, but also delicious. For example, vegetable soups can be added to the taste of grinded dietary meat, and in porridge - mashed fruits and berries, a small amount of honey or sugar. Cutlets for steamed meatballs, meat zrazy - a great option for any side dish. From sweet desserts, very tasty and healthy berry mousses, curd cream, whipped sour cream, berry jelly, etc.
Below are a few recipes that will help diversify the diet with chronic gastritis and give a true pleasure to the taste of cooked dishes.
- Lazy vareniki. A packet of low-fat cottage cheese needs to be wiped through a sieve, add 1 tbsp. A spoon of wheat flour, a teaspoon of sugar, an egg and mix everything thoroughly. From the resulting mass, make sausage and cut it into small pieces. Dumplings put in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Serve with a little low-fat sour cream.
- Soup puree from beef broth and cauliflower. Peel 250 grams of cauliflower and boil it in beef broth (300 g), then rub through a sieve. Fry the flour with vegetable oil (5 grams), dilute with broth, then add to the wiped cauliflower and pour the remaining broth. Boil the soup, season with cream (50 g), pre-mixing them with 1 egg yolk and 5 g of vegetable oil. Once again bring the soup to a boil, add to it the bread crumbs (20 g) before serving.
- Milk soup with semolina. Boil 1.5 cups of milk, and then gently pour in him semolina (1 tablespoon) and cook it for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. At the end, add 1 teaspoon of butter and the same amount of sugar. In a lightly cooled soup, you can add mashed fruits and berries.
- Soup with rice from dried fruits. 100 grams of dried fruits thoroughly rinse, then soak in hot water (450 g) and boil. Add 20 grams of sugar and leave in a closed saucepan for 1 hour. Rice boil separately (10 g), rinse it with chilled boiled water and add to the fruit soup.
- Pike perch in a dairy sauce. Pike perch (250 g) to clean, remove the bones and cut into pieces, then boil, take out and pour the previously prepared milk sauce. For the milk sauce you need 50 g of milk, 5 grams of flour, half of the boiled egg and 20 grams of butter. Part of the milk is brought to a boil and pour in the flour previously diluted with the rest of the milk, then add the crushed egg, salt and butter.
- Steam beads from meat. Meat (250 grams of chicken or 200 grams of beef) must be passed through a meat grinder, then add a hard-boiled loaf (10 g), previously soaked in water, and again through a meat grinder. In the minced meat pour a little water or milk, salt, grind and form small bits, which should be welded for a couple.
- Carrot and apple salad. Carrot (75 g) grate, separately chop the apples (75 g), mix the ingredients, add the crushed walnuts (25 g), honey (25 g) and parsley (10 g).
- Curd cream. Egg should be beaten with sugar (1 tablespoon), then put the mixture on a small fire, warm, remove from the plate, put butter (1 tablespoon) into it, mix and chill. Separately pound cottage cheese (100 g), add a pinch of vanillin and 2 tbsp. Spoons of sour cream. Add the egg mixture to the cottage cheese and whip.
- Berry jelly. Berries (50 g) wash, grind and squeeze out the juice. Then boil in water, strain, add to the prepared broth 20 grams of sugar. Potato starch (8 g) is diluted with berry juice, then carefully poured into a hot broth. Preheat the mixture until thick.
Appetizing teas are used as a means, normalizing the functions of the digestive organs:
- 1 part of leaves of yarrow + 4 parts of herb wormwood;
- 1 part of trefoil leaves + 4 parts of wormwood grass;
- 1 part of rhizomes of aira + 1 part of cumin fruit;
- 2 parts of wormwood grass + 2 parts of dandelion roots + 2 parts of yarrow herb.
What can you eat with chronic gastritis?
Diet for chronic gastritis should include those products that are easily digested by the stomach and supply the body with all the necessary vitamins, microelements and nutrients. During such a diet, it is recommended that you choose a 5- or 6-day diet, and regularly monitor that you do not feel hungry and do not overeat. Prohibited snacks on the run and eating dry. Food should be thoroughly chewed, it must be ground or thoroughly shredded. So, meat is best eaten in chopped or ground form, vegetables - in the form of mashed potatoes, porridges should be liquid, mashed. From the methods of cooking, it is best to choose cooking, steaming and quenching.
What can you eat with chronic gastritis? From the first dishes you should note soups, dairy or cooked on vegetable broth, with the addition of various cereals, as well as mushroom soups, beetroot, borsch. From the second dishes - vegetable ragout, a variety of cereals and dishes from low-fat meat (cutlets, zrazy, little bits, meatballs, etc.), boiled or stewed beef, young lamb, rabbit and poultry meat. The menu allows dietary sausages and sausages, low-fat varieties of sausage, pre-soaked herring. From porridges it is necessary to note porridge, which is useful in that it envelops the walls of the stomach, thereby protecting them from the negative effects of hydrochloric acid. From pasta - finely chopped pasta or vermicelli in boiled form.
Bread should be eaten in a slightly dried form and preferably yesterday's baking. You can eat baked pies with various fillings, dry biscuit, cookies and buns. Sweets are preferably natural honey, jam, jelly, marshmallow, pastille, as well as fruit jellies and mousses, fruit / dried fruit and berries, fruit puree.
Of the fish dishes, which are recommended for chronic gastritis, it should be noted fish cutlets for steaming, lean fish in boiled and baked form. Cooked and fresh vegetables are also useful, which can be combined to prepare salads (potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, beets, zucchini, radish).
From dairy products it is recommended fresh milk and cream, non-acid kefir, yogurt and yogurt, non-acidic sour cream, soft curd and various curd dishes (casseroles, lazy vareniki, pudding). Butter (unsalted), as well as non-quick cheese is recommended to use in limited quantities. Vegetable oil is preferably used in a refined form, adding it to vegetable salads and other dishes. As the main dish for breakfast you can use eggs, cooked soft-boiled, or omelettes for a couple.
With chronic gastritis, ripe berries and fruits are recommended for consumption, including in baked form (without skin). Of drinks, fruit compotes, weak tea, fruit drinks, cocoa or coffee with milk, decoction from rose hips, non-carbonated mineral water, sweet juices are preferable. It is important that the dishes are freshly prepared and contain only natural ingredients. It must be remembered that any diet, including chronic gastritis, does not allow overeating.
What you can not eat with chronic gastritis?
The diet for chronic gastritis is selected by the attending physician taking into account the patient's stomach acidity level. Thus, with an increased level of acidity, it is recommended to adhere to a 4-5-fold fractional food, while excluding from the menu products and dishes that stimulate increased production of acid. Of these dishes, for example, you can select meat, fish or mushroom rich soups that are not recommended for use in any form of gastritis, in particular, with increased acidity. An alternative to them will be lean or milk soups, which help neutralize excess acid in the stomach.
What you can not eat with chronic gastritis? In the list of prohibited products - alcoholic beverages, strong coffee, cocoa and tea, which have a pronounced sokonnym effect. It will also be necessary to refuse from sharp, fried, marinated and smoked dishes, as they irritate the stomach mucosa. Under the ban are fatty meats, as well as fish and canned meat, salted, pickled and pickled vegetables. As for the consumption of fresh vegetables, the menu should exclude cucumbers, peas and beans, cabbage, radish and turnips, onions and sorrel.
If the patient has a chronic acidity in a chronic gastritis, the menu should remove spicy, spicy food and smoked foods, because such dishes irritatively affect the gastric mucosa. In the diet of a patient with symptoms of chronic gastritis, do not eat those dishes and foods that are slowly digested in the stomach: for example, rice, rye bread, pancakes and fried cakes, as well as baked pastries. It is not recommended to eat fried and steeply cooked eggs, any canned food, spicy and salty cheese.
When chronic gastritis is prohibited the use of foods that contain large amounts of fat (fatty varieties of fish, meat and poultry, as well as salted, melted or smoked bacon, ham and balyk). Under the ban - all kinds of spicy spices and seasonings: mustard, black and red pepper, horseradish, ketchup, etc. Bakery products in fresh form and pasta should also be excluded from the diet. From sweets it is not recommended to use chocolate, sweets, ice cream, cakes and pastries, as well as halva, carbonated water, kvass, etc. Fruits and berries should be chosen only ripe, while it is recommended to abandon citrus fruits.
Reviews of the diet for chronic gastritis
Diet with chronic gastritis is an important component of effective therapy aimed at eliminating inflammation and normalizing the function of the stomach mucosa. When choosing basic foodstuffs, it is important to take into account the fact that food should be as gentle as possible, so as not to cause additional workload on the digestive organs and not irritate the inflamed mucosa.
Reviews of the diet for chronic gastritis are the most positive, because the correct diet depends on the final result of treatment and the timing of recovery. On many Internet forums, you can find comments, feedback and advice from people who have stomach problems. Practically all patients mark importance and necessity of maintenance of a diet at a chronic gastritis as the correct choice of products and dishes defines process of convalescence.
Several rules will help to make the application of a diet with chronic gastritis more effective:
- Take food should be at the set time, while the portions should be small and amount to 300-400 grams.
- It is important that the food is simple, but at the same time diverse.
- It is necessary to chew slowly and thoroughly the food for its rapid assimilation by the stomach.
- In the diet should be introduced protein foods, as well as foods rich in vitamins B, E and C (cereals, eggs, vegetable oils, fish, apples, dog-rose, etc.).
- The diet should consist exclusively of soft food. So, soups should be wiped, cereals - liquid, meat and fish - boiled, and vegetables - well steamed.
Fruits are recommended to be used in baked form, without skin and seeds. Of porridges, it is preferable to oatmeal and buckwheat, millet and pearl barley to be excluded. Milk can be consumed in the case when the patient has no problems with reduced acidity. With chronic gastritis it is forbidden to eat food, which is long processed in the stomach (in particular, stiff meat, fatty foods, raw vegetables).
The diet for a chronic gastritis should be established by the attending physician taking into account each specific case of the disease. Of course, self-medication does not lead to the desired results, but will only aggravate the patient's condition. If the recommendations of a dietitian are observed, it will be possible not only to normalize the digestive process, but also to achieve positive results in the full restoration of the gastric mucosa, reducing its inflammation and irritation. Thus, unpleasant symptoms and pain will disappear, weight will regain, and the patient's appetite and overall well-being will significantly improve.