Diet with erosion of the stomach
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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To successfully digest the food coming into the body, the secrets of the human stomach produce gastric juice, which is quite an aggressive environment, but only thanks to these qualities and it manages to "fulfill its direct duties." And if in the human body there is a malfunction affecting the organs of the digestive system, the gastric product can begin to digest its shell. On the mucosa there are wounds that cause the patient severe enough pain. In such a situation, a diet with erosion of the stomach is one of the tools that can reduce internal discomfort, and in some cases, return the disease back.
What is the diet for erosion of the stomach?
Based on the conditions of our life, erosion of the stomach today is one of the most common pathologies affecting the walls of the organ of the gastrointestinal tract. This disease is diagnosed as acute and chronic. But with timely detection and treatment, which lasts mainly 10 - 14 days, their healing takes place. Pathology of a chronic form, then in a dying state, then in the form of an exacerbation, can continue for several consecutive years. There is a high probability of overgrowth of the chronic form, with ignoring or improper treatment, in more complex and life-threatening pathologies. If such a diagnosis is made, in parallel with drug therapy, the gastroenterologist paints for his patient and dietary treatment - one of the tools of therapeutic therapy. In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, the patient should know which diet is associated with erosion of the stomach? And 100% adhere to these recommendations.
The selection of products of this diet is aimed at the maximum decrease in the activity of gastric juice. The basis of the diet is a gentle regimen for the stomach, hence the list of those foods that are desirable in the patient's diet, and which should not be on the table of a person suffering from erosion of the stomach.
Selection of products that make up the menu is required to maintain conditions for a full, healthy and rational diet. Definitely from the diet of such a patient should remove the rough heavy food, completely abandon the fatty and fried foods. These foods are heavy in digestion, and, passing through the bowel, injure it, causing the patient even greater suffering.
When eroded on the walls of the stomach, the food on the contrary should be light, soft and enveloping to protect, and not further injure the functioning organ. Not the last place in this situation is the temperature of consumed dishes. When diagnosing this pathology, one of the points of the diet for gastric erosion are the temperature characteristics of food. Food should be warm. Not allowed a significant deviation in one or the other way: too cold and too hot dishes and drinks only increase the irritation of the mucosa, injuring it even more.
It is harmful and overeating, the patient should take small portions of dishes, but the number of receptions is increased and is brought to four to six times.
Diet in the erosion of the antrum of the stomach
The erosion of the gastrointestinal tract is not a rare occurrence today. And gastroenterology is fixed much more often by other erosions of the antral part of the stomach than other pathologies of this organ of the human body. As in the case of treatment of other diseases of the digestive system, one of the components of therapy is a diet in the erosion of the antrum of the stomach.
In principle, there are no significant differences in the restriction of food in this disease, in comparison with the erosion of the mucosa of the digestive tract. Just as in the first case, it is necessary to remove heavy fibrous products, foodstuffs with hard fiber from the patient's diet. To exclude from a diet smoked, sharp, fried dishes and conservation, natural fruit juices. The main rule when selecting a food product that enters the diet of the patient - it should not provoke the activity of stomach acid. These products, on the contrary, should regeneratively affect the mucosa, which opens the possibility of mucosa to the fastest restoration of its integrity. As in the previous case, the food of such a patient should be fractional, but taken more often. Optimum will be four to six times throughout the day.
Before sitting on the prescribed diet, the patient should carefully read it, because only careful dietary maintenance contributes to the fastest recovery, or at least maintaining the internal balance of the contents of the stomach in a state where the victim feels completely tolerable.
Together with classical medicinal methods of therapy in this case, the recipes of our ancestors, which used infusions and herbs from herbs, berries, rhizomes and other elements of nature, are effectively used in their treatment. For example, a clean healing power is possessed by a celandine. Enough of a small course of therapy from the broth of this plant and the wound is tightened, and the patient begins to feel much better. But it is worth remembering that any drug, including from alternative medicine, must be introduced into medical therapy only after consulting with your doctor. After all, the wrong dosage or incompatibility with one of the medicines and the decoction can do more harm than good. The same celandine in large doses can cause poisoning of the body.
In general, if a diagnosis is made on time, complex therapy is performed and the patient carefully observed the diet with erosion of the antral stomach, the prognosis for the future is the most favorable for such a patient.
Recipes of a diet with erosion of the stomach
The word diet for the vast majority of the Earth's population is associated with a severe restriction in nutrition, while the food is not tasty, which you can hardly stuff into yourself. But, having shown a little imagination, you can get really tasty dishes without having to deviate from the basic requirements of dietary nutrition. Below are some diet recipes for erosion of the stomach, which will allow the patient to eat not only "correctly", qualitatively, but also delicious.
Thin pancakes stuffed with vegetables
Composition of products. One serving is 100 grams of wheat flour of the highest grade (but any), 100 ml of pasteurized milk, a couple of white cabbage leaves, one small carrot. You will also need two eggs, three tablespoons of refined sunflower oil, two tablespoons of finely chopped onion, two tablespoons of butter, one tablespoon of sugar and a small pinch of salt (about a quarter of a teaspoonful).
Sequence of preparation. One egg to whip well or with the use of a mixer, gradually introduced milk, then added sugar, salt and flour. Dough properly knead. On medium heat, heat the frying pan, greased with vegetable oil. Gently fry thin pancakes, trying to prevent the dough from burning and drying. The dish should be cooled.
The second egg boiled hard. Place in cold water and after cool, clean and finely chop with a knife. Pieces of white cabbage chop into small straws. Carrot clean, wash, dry on a kitchen towel and grate using a grater with large cells. Onion and clean finely chopped. All the pre-cooked vegetables are used with butter. After that, cool a little and mix with the crushed egg. The resulting stuffing put on a pancake and wrapped in the form of envelopes. Before serving, hold it over the steam for a while.
Omelette, steamed
Composition of products. For one serving, take two eggs, about 80 ml of milk, a little butter, a pinch of salt.
Sequence of preparation. In a bowl, whip eggs and milk, adding a little salt. In a baking dish, well oiled, pour the egg-and-milk mixture. Keep steaming until the omelet is cooked. The height of the finished product should not be more than 4 cm, otherwise the dish just does not reach the necessary condition. Immediately before eating, put melted butter on top of the omelette.
To make this dish more delicious, you can add finely chopped diet products to the egg-milk mixture. This can be meat or fish minced meat, fish and meat pieces, or, for example, cottage cheese.
Fish casserole or fish baked in milk sauce
Composition of products. One serving is taken of a gram of 200 fillets (or boneless meat) of lean fish, one egg, two tablespoons of any vegetable oil (preferably refined) and about half a glass of milk.
Sequence of preparation. The meat of the fish should be thoroughly washed and boiled in boiling water or steamed, bringing it to its full capacity. If you plan to bake the fish, then the fillet should be divided into two portions, if it is casserole, then knead slightly with a fork.
The form in which it is planned to prepare a casserole carefully smeared with butter. Using kitchen tools, eggs and milk whisk until homogeneous. The resulting milk sauce slightly add salt. Slice the fillets in a container for baking and pour half of the cooked liquid, top the remaining part of the fish and pour the egg with milk again. When preparing the casserole, egg-and-milk sauce is introduced into the chopped fish meat, mixed and transferred to a greased container. Bake in preheated oven until ready.
Oat milk soup
Composition of products. One serving will require two-thirds of a glass of milk (preferably not fat, otherwise dilute with a small amount of water). Another 30 grams of oatmeal is taken, half a teaspoon of butter, a pinch of sugar and salt, a quarter of the egg and a little less than half a liter of clean water.
Sequence of preparation. On the fire put a pot of water and bring the liquid to a boil. After the water boiled in it, we introduce oat flakes and keep it on the stove until it is ready. Lightly cool and, together with liquid, wipe through a sieve or grind with a blender. Only after that, we add salt, sugar and hot milk into the creamy mixture. Again, bring to a boil. Whisk gently beat the egg with a small amount of pasteurized milk and add it to the ready-made soup. Before serving, add butter to the cream soup. If you wish, you can sweeten the honey a little.
Hepatic goulash
Composition of products. For one serving, take 150 grams of beef liver, about half a glass of low-fat sour cream, three tablespoons of butter, a pinch of salt.
Sequence of preparation. Wash the liver well under running water. Using a sharp knife, clean it of vessels, connective tissues and membranes. Cut into thin strips. Constantly stirring, lightly to tire on a frying pan in the melted butter. Only after that a little bit. Put the beef liver in a saucepan and pour it over with sour cream. Protomite in a small flame for three minutes under the lid.
Garnish for this dish can come out with mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes slices and boiled rice.
Pumpkin puree porridge, with the addition of millet
Composition of products. For one serving, take 200 g pumpkin pre-cooked and mashed in puree, 200 g millet cereals, half a liter of whole milk and water, half a glass of cream, five tablespoons of sugar, and half a teaspoon of salt.
Sequence of preparation. Wheat the croup thoroughly and clean thoroughly, several times changing the hot water. In the pot, pour in water, bring it to a boil and sprinkle with millet. Hold, stirring, over high heat until the liquid is completely evaporated. After that, bring in the porridge hot milk, salt and sugar. Reduce the heat to a small flame and keep the dish on it until it thickens.
In the pumpkin puree, add cream, mix well. It will be better if this mixture is whipped with a mixer or in a blender. The resulting mashed potatoes are introduced into the porridge, everything is mixed thoroughly. Remove from heat, cool and can be served to the table.
Liver paste
Composition of products. For one serving, take 100 grams of beef liver, two tablespoons of chopped onion, one carrot, three tablespoons of butter, a pinch of salt.
Sequence of preparation. The liver is well washed in water. Using a sharp knife, clean it of vessels, tendons and film. Cut the liver with a knife and mix with onions. On a small fire in butter, put out until completely softened. During the extinguishing, stir the dish occasionally.
Carrot clean, wash and grind on a grater with small holes. To enter it into the already healed hepatic mass, slightly salt. After that, whip in a blender two times to drive through the knife meat grinder. Add the remaining oil in the frying pan. Cooled liver pate can be used for making sandwiches, for stuffing eggs and so on, it is enough to show a little imagination.
Broccoli with cottage cheese and fresh cheese
Composition of products. 450 grams of broccoli, 60 g of fresh cheese, 100 g of non-acidic cottage cheese, two eggs, low-fat sour cream 70 g, three tablespoons of semolina, four tablespoons of vegetable oil, half a tablespoon of salt are taken for one serving.
Sequence of preparation. Inflorescence of broccoli washed and chopped in a blender, or with a knife. In this mass to enter the curd through the sieve, add a little. Add sour cream and eggs, pre-whipped whisk. Pour in the sunflower oil, leaving about a tablespoon to grease the mold. Well kneaded, enter semolina.
The pan or baking form should be lubricated with the oil left, the resulting mass should be laid out and leveled. Sprinkle on top with hard cheese, chopped on a fine grater. The top layer is aligned. Put in a preheated oven and bake until cooked. This dish is perfect for consumption, both in warm and cold.
Great support to the body is brought by diet recipes for erosion of the stomach, based on the formulations used in alternative medicine. It is possible to offer such:
- Prepare the collection, combining the two proportions of chamomile flowers, herbs of St. John's wort and yarrow grass, to introduce one proportion of celandine grass. Grasses well grind and mix. Two tablespoons of the collection pour 200 ml of freshly boiled water. Leave to infuse for half an hour, then drain the liquid. The resulting broth to drink half the glass for 20 - 30 minutes before meals three times throughout the day.
- Pour a teaspoon of dried ground root of the aira with a glass of hot boiled water. Put on a fire and bring to a boil, then for about a quarter of an hour to hold on a small fire. Turn off the hotplate, broil the broth and leave it to cool down. For 14 days, take 50 g of filtered liquid before each main meal.
- The celandine tincture is also quite effective. But we should not forget that this plant is poison in itself. Adhering to the recommended dosages this plant heals, but if you take a little more of it, you can get quite a serious poisoning. To get the tincture, you need to pour a glass of boiling water one tablespoon of chopped dry celandine and put the mixture for two hours to insist. Present and detached form of drink one teaspoon three times a day for an hour before the expected meal. The duration of the treatment course is a month. After that, interrupt the reception for ten days. If the need to take the "medicine" remains, after this period, the intake of the infusion from the celandine can be resumed.
- Treatment of erosion of the stomach can be carried out and tincture of the immortelle, which is prepared from one tablespoon of the ground parts of this plant. Dry the product with a glass of boiling water, and hold it for 15 minutes under a closed lid in a water bath. Then insist until completely cooled. Strain and drink half a glass before eating.
- Take half a glass of 96% medical alcohol (≈100 g) and add 15 g of propolis to it. Place the mixture in a jar, which should be properly closed with a lid. Put in a dark place for about a couple of weeks. After the time has passed, tincture should be taken three times before eating. At one time, enough 50 droplets of tincture, diluted 100 grams of milk.
- Propolis, taken on an empty stomach in the morning, is also effective. One teaspoon of natural propolis is enough to make the patient's condition significantly improved, because this beekeeping product perfectly heals the mucous membrane, and besides it is an excellent immunomodulator.
- To get rid of the disease will help and sea buckthorn oil, enough to consume it one teaspoon 30 minutes before meals two to three times throughout the day and a positive result is ensured. Many gastroenterologists attribute oil from sea-buckthorn to diagnosing gastric erosion.
- Suitable and such a decoction: one tablespoon of chamomile pharmacist pour a glass of boiling water and hold for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. Then insist for 45 minutes until cool. After that, it's good to strain and you can take. Drink one third of the glass for half an hour before meals.
It is good in this situation to take the patient to drink mineral water with an alkaline characteristic. Alkaline type includes "Glade kvasova", "Borjomi", "Luzhanskaya". It should not be forgotten that such mineralized water should be consumed in warm, warm form.
Menu diet for erosion of the stomach
Such a disease as erosion of the gastric mucosa is uniquely treated with medications, but their effectiveness will not be so great if the patient does not adhere to the rules of nutrition developed by doctors and nutritionists for such patients. Products that are desirable in the patient's diet, and those that are excluded from it, have already been listed above, so we will offer one of the menu options for a diet with erosion of the stomach, painted for one day of the patient's life at different stages of therapy of the disease.
The approximate composition of dishes painted for a day, during an exacerbation of the disease:
Immediately after sleep, you can give the patient:
- Two eggs that were cooked soft-boiled.
- A glass of pasteurized milk.
For breakfast - 200 ml of low-fat milk.
At lunch time:
- Soup - puree from vegetables.
- Chicken souffle, steamed.
- Kissel made from non-acid fruits.
For a mid-afternoon snack:
- Broth from a dogrose.
- Milk souffle - cream.
- Rinsed rice or semolina porridge.
- A glass of low-fat milk.
Before going to bed - 200 ml of low-fat milk.
The approximate composition of meals, painted for a day, during the recovery period of the patient:
First day
Immediately after sleep, you can give the patient:
- The soup is wiped, milky from oatmeal.
- Two eggs that were cooked soft-boiled.
- A cup of sweet, soft tea.
For breakfast - baked apple, you can with honey.
At lunch time:
- Milk porridge from rice.
- Hepatic goulash.
- Fruit mousse.
For a mid-afternoon snack:
- Cracker.
- 200 ml of low-fat milk.
- Boiled fish.
- Caviar is puree from beets and carrots.
- A glass of sweet, weak tea.
Before going to bed - 200 ml of low-fat milk.
Second day
Immediately after sleep, you can give the patient:
- Loose buckwheat porridge.
- Omelette for a couple.
- A cup of sweet, soft tea with milk.
For breakfast - baked apple, you can with honey.
At lunch time:
- Milk soup made from rice.
- Mashed potatoes.
- Souffle of low-fat meat.
- Fruit jelly.
For a mid-afternoon snack:
- Cracker.
- Sweetened broth based on wheat bran.
- Cottage cheese soufflé.
- Kissel made from sweet fruits.
Before going to bed - 200 ml of cream.
The diet and menu of the patient with this pathology is signed and controlled by the treating gastroenterologist or dietician.
What can you eat when eroding the stomach?
The selection of products that are allowed for this disease must meet certain criteria. It must be products that are not chemically aggressive towards the walls of the digestive tract, do not have thermal characteristics that irritate the mucous membrane, and do not cause trauma to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract as well as mechanically. They should spare the mucous membrane. So, what can you eat when eroding the stomach? Which products are more preferable, so that even with such a pathology a person feels relatively comfortable.
First a few words about the recommendations for the organization of food intake for a patient with such a disease:
- With this diet, food that is cooked steamed or boiled in water is a priority. The baked products are also allowed, but in this case, it is necessary to avoid the formation of a roasted brown crust on the baked product.
- The temperature of the food that the patient consumes must be comfortable for him. Too hot or very cold dishes can irritate the mucous, only aggravating the situation.
- Do not overeat.
- The optimum amount of free liquid taken during the day should be 1.5 liters.
- Nutrition of such a patient should be designed in such a way that the daily diet is balanced in fats, proteins and carbohydrates. At the same time, the products included in the menu must be "correct". The portions taken at one time should be small, but it is better to eat four to six times throughout the day. The volume of food for a single dose is not more than 250 ml.
- Minimal salt intake. The maximum amount per day should not exceed 8 - 12 g.
- In case of acute manifestation of erosion, a strict diet is necessary, after its relief the patient can gradually switch to sparing food intake. Dietary nutrition, mainly, should be kept for about two months.
And now we will understand, what it is possible to eat at erosion of a stomach? In terms of products:
- It can be a well-boiled porridge. Pass manna, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and others.
- Mashed vegetable cream - soup or mucous soups, cooked on cereals. Fill them with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil.
- Cooked on a couple of products from lean meats: meatballs, cutlets, zrazy, meatballs.
- Lean, better sea, fish, cooked with steam.
- Boiled pasta.
- Omelet: baked or cooked using steam.
- One - twice a week you can please the stomach with fresh pies with various fillings, but the filling should include products that meet all the requirements.
- Boiled eggs, liquid inside.
- Milk porridge.
- Honey and other products of beekeeping.
- Sugar.
- Herbal decoctions or a weak green or black tea.
- Enveloping mucous, jelly and jelly.
- Good compotes and fruit souffles go well.
- Juices with a small sour, the concentration of which is better to dilute with clear water.
- Pasteurized milk, sour cream (sweet, low fat) and cream.
- Fermented milk products: yogurt, ryazhenka, biokefir, yoghurt.
- Yesterday's bread was made from wheat flour.
- Any biscuit biscuits, biscuits.
- Sweet jam.
- Cottage cheese, preferably fresh, and the dishes, the basis of which it is.
- Marshmallow, natural marmalade.
- Broth from a dogrose.
What you can not eat when eroding the stomach?
Dietary nutrition in diagnosing erosion of the gastric mucosa is an indispensable component of complex treatment. It is almost impossible to defeat the disease with only medicamental agents, this approach can only improve the situation, but not solve it. Food products that enter the diet of the patient should gently impact the affected mucosa. This means that food should not be rough, stiff and fibrous.
Before you "sit down" on a diet, the patient or his relatives need to be clearly understood, which can not be eaten with erosion of the stomach?
- Contraindicated fried and fatty foods.
- When baking, be careful not to form a coarse crust.
- Remove from the diet products that activate the production of gastric secretion.
- Do not drink carbonated drinks.
- Exclude fresh pastries and bread with bran.
- Alcohol, low-alcohol drinks and nicotine.
- Strong coffee and tea.
- Radish, corn.
- White cabbage, rutabaga, turnip.
- Hard, sinewy meat.
- All citrus fruits.
- Concentrated juices, especially acidic.
- Steep fish and meat broths, as well as dishes based on them.
- Preservation.
- Spicy spices.
- Mushroom broths and various mushrooms.
- Fatty grades of fish and meat.
- Refractory fats, especially animal origin.
- Smoked products.
- Not rubbed raw fruits and vegetables. It is desirable to consume them in baked or cooked form.
- Berries with an abundance of small bones.
- Confectionery, especially with butter cream.
- Chocolate.
- Dairy products with high acidity.
- Salted and spicy cheeses.
- Kvass and dishes on it.
- Eggs boiled or roasted into fat.
- Bean cultures.
- Fruits that have a coarse crust.
- Muesli.
100% compliance with all of the above requirements can significantly alleviate the patient's condition, and with the connection and medication, there is a real chance, get rid of this pathology forever.
Reviews about a diet with erosion of the stomach
The gastroenterologist, explaining to his patient, says that the correct selection of products can significantly reduce the workload on the functional capacity of the gastrointestinal tract, which significantly activates the regeneration of mucosal cells-a faster healing of the layer affected by erosion occurs. Diet is an integral part of the healing process. And if we talk with patients who have encountered this problem, they all unanimously assert that even a slight deviation from dietary nutrition can lead to an aggravation of the process and quite painful attacks.
Enough is widely covered and discussed this problem in social networks. In this World Wide Web, you can find reviews of the diet for erosion of those who have already passed this difficult path and those who still need it. Analyzing the statements on this subject of people who know about this disease firsthand, one can make a single conclusion - the doctor's diet should be observed very carefully. Then the patient is waiting for a relatively rapid recovery and the probability of forgetting this disease once and for all. Especially this statement grows in force, if the former patient will continue to adhere to the correct rational diet, at minimum consuming harmful products.
Otherwise, which also follows from the reviews of the diet for erosion of the stomach, with a violation of diet and diet, this pathology can go to the stage of a chronic disease, and later on the stomach ulcer.
When diagnosing a person for erosion of the stomach, it is necessary to urgently start treatment, one of the constituent parts of which is the diet for erosion of the stomach. Only with the use of complex treatment (medication plus "proper nutrition") can achieve the greatest therapeutic effect, leading the patient to a full recovery. In my opinion, it's better to endure a couple of months than to suffer all my life. You can find for yourself other incentives for strictly adhering to the necessary restriction in food. If a person suffers from excess weight, such a diet will allow you to throw off a few extra pounds. Patients who have gone through such limitations noticed that the quality of the nail plates improved, the overall appearance of the hair became more healthy. Limiting the amount of fat entering the body, it makes it possible to cleanse the face of acne or at least reduce their inflammatory intensity. Therefore, be more attentive to your health. Carefully fulfilling all the prescriptions of the doctor, the patient can not only get rid of the disease that exacerbates him, but also significantly improve his appearance.