
Healing Diet

Diet with thrush

Treatment of candidiasis diet plays an equally important role than drug treatment. Observe the diet with thrush is not difficult and does not require any specific processing.

Nutrition after chemotherapy: basic principles

Nutrition after chemotherapy should take into account that after applying any anticancer drugs-cytostatics, and also after the course of radiation therapy, their side effects inevitably manifest themselves, which affect the bone marrow, liver, gastrointestinal tract, mucous membranes, etc.

Diet of poisoning: general rules

Diet in poisoning is a key method of restoring the normal state and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract when its mucous membranes are damaged by toxins, bacteria or microbes that have got into the body when consuming poor-quality food products.

Diet for chemotherapy

Diet for chemotherapy should aim to reduce the adverse effects of treatment on the body, and to restore and maintain protective forces.

Diets with diarrhea

Diet with diarrhea, that is, in case of disruption of the intestine (which is called a disorder), should establish its normal functioning - whatever causes this symptom is caused.

Anemia Diet

Diet in anemia involves the inclusion in the diet of products that help stabilize the picture of blood and raise the level of missing blood cells.

Diet in case of exacerbation of pancreatitis

The diet after an exacerbation of a pancreatitis is appointed, first of all, in order to avoid repeated development of disease.

Diet with intestinal infection

Diet with intestinal infection, when due to vomiting and diarrhea there is a strong dehydration of the body and loss of vital substances, is aimed at restoring water-salt balance and return to the gastrointestinal tract the ability to normally perform its functions.

Honey with a diet

Most people follow their appearance. Overweight - the result of snacks, crazy rhythm of life, "jamming" problems and stress, eat - not because you want, but because the food pleases the eye. And as a result - to bring your weight back to normal, you have to look for different diets. Is honey appropriate for a diet? We will try to answer this question in this article.


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