Tachycardia in Pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Tachycardia during pregnancy is an increased heart rate, which causes discomfort and a painful condition in a future mother. Consider the main causes of this pathology in pregnant women, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prognosis for recovery.
The normal heart rate is within the range of 60-90 abbreviations, but if this figure exceeds the norm, then it is a question of tachycardia. Pregnancy is a very important moment in a woman's life. And this is not surprising, since at this moment the organism experiences an increased load. Dual work is performed by the cardiovascular system, which is the most important organ in the body. Failure in the operation of this system leads to an increase in heart rate, which is very common in the period of gestation of the baby.
Tachycardia in pregnancy is a pathological condition that causes anxiety in a woman, but the most dangerous - negatively affects the full development of the fetus. Rapid palpitation needs to be treated, since this symptom can lead to premature birth or miscarriage. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment is a pledge of calm bearing of the child, happiness of the mother and the health of the child.
Causes of tachycardia in pregnancy
The causes are varied and depend on many factors. Consider the main causes of rapid heartbeat in expectant mothers:
- Overweight and obesity.
- Anemia.
- Allergic reactions to vitamin preparations for pregnant women and various medicines.
- Diseases of the thyroid gland, which are accompanied by increased production of thyroid hormones.
- Bronchial asthma.
- Infectious and inflammatory lesions of the lungs and other respiratory organs.
- Changes in the position of the heart due to the growth of the uterus and reflex pressure on the vessels, displacement of the abdominal cavity organs and pressure on the diaphragm.
- Severe bleeding with ectopic pregnancy, various injuries and premature placental abruption.
- Dehydration and depletion of the body due to toxicosis, accompanied by repeated vomiting.
- A sharp increase in body temperature (the heart rate increases by 10-12 strokes with each degree of temperature).
- Increased excitability of the nervous system, a sense of anxiety, frequent stress.
- Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system (heart failure, heart attack).
- Infections, sepsis, trauma.
- Harmful habits and drug overdose.
The causes of tachycardia during pregnancy are not fully understood. The main factor that causes an increased palpitation is the high content of hormones of the adrenal group, which increase the pulse. In the state of rest, the pregnant woman does not have heart palpitations, and the heart rate does not exceed the norm. But with physical loads, this figure increases by 10-20 cuts.
Symptoms of tachycardia in pregnancy
Symptoms of tachycardia during pregnancy, many women ignore and consider them not dangerous. At first glance, light attacks are not a threat, but if such a condition occurs frequently and has a long-lasting character, then it is necessary to seek medical help. An increased heart rate during the period of gestation is considered a physiological norm. Because of the increase in heart rate, the volume of distilled blood increases, so that the future baby gets oxygen and necessary nutrients for full development. With the help of such a mechanism, the baby normally grows and develops in the mother's womb even on the last terms of the gestational period.
But there are a number of symptoms that should cause anxiety in the future mother. Consider the main signs of tachycardia during pregnancy:
- Nausea and vomiting, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, constipation).
- Dizziness, fainting.
- Numbness of any parts of the body.
- Painful sensations in the chest and in the heart.
- Increased anxiety, irritability, nervousness.
- Frequent fatigue, general ailments, drowsiness.
Sinus tachycardia in pregnancy
It is a sinus rhythm with a heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute. The sinus node is located in the right atrial wall. Very often this form of supraventricular tachyarrhythmia is a sign of metabolic disorders, diseases or side effects of medications. Pregnancy also refers to the factors that provoke this pathology.
This type of tachycardia is pathological and physiological. The first arises from the pathologies of the sinus node, and the second is an adaptive response. Symptomatology depends on the presence of concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system. If a woman has left ventricular dysfunction or a heart defect, then during pregnancy this will cause supraventricular tachyarrhythmia, chest pain, shortness of breath and heart palpitations.
The main causes and factors causing sinus tachycardia during pregnancy:
- Double stress on the cardiovascular system.
- Pathological diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system.
- Reorganization of organs and systems of the mother's body due to the influence of hormones and the developing fetus.
- Increased metabolism.
- Increased stress on the nervous system.
- The compression of the heart and other organs due to the growth of the fetus.
- Intensive functioning of the vital organs of the mother, providing fetal development.
More pronounced heart palpitations may be in the last trimester, since during this period the fetus is practically formed and the processes of vital activity are quite intense. A woman may experience nausea, vomiting, chest pain and other symptoms. The danger is an increase in the regular heart rate, which is accompanied by prolonged bouts.
If the tachycardia is not caused by organic pathologies of the heart, then it can be eliminated with sedatives. If therapy is not performed on time, the pregnant woman may develop sleep disturbance, anxiety, and the protective properties of the immune system decrease. Rapid palpitation can go into persistent arrhythmia, lead to pressure drops.
Tachycardia in early pregnancy
Tachycardia in the early stages of pregnancy occurs very rarely and, as a rule, appears due to various provoking factors. Physical stress, excitement, bad habits, hormonal changes - refer to the factors that cause heart palpitations. If the rapid tachycardia appeared from the first weeks of pregnancy, and has a permanent character, the pathology can be caused by chronic diseases or lesions of the cardiovascular system.
Tachycardia in the first trimester should cause concern, as it may indicate pathological processes in the body. Consider cases of rapid heartbeat that require medical attention:
- During an attack, the state of health worsens greatly, anxiety and pain appear.
- There is nausea and dizziness.
- If the heart misses strokes during attacks, this indicates a paroxysmal tachycardia that requires immediate medical attention.
In order to eliminate an easy attack of tachycardia in the early stages of pregnancy, you need to relax as much as possible. A woman is recommended to take a comfortable position, lie down or sit down, close her eyes for a couple of minutes, slowly inhale and exhale. Very often heart palpitations in the early stages of pregnancy arise due to hormonal changes in the mother's body. In this case, to treat seizures, women are prescribed calming preparations on a plant basis, which allows them to remain calm and do not feel discomfort due to natural processes in the body.
Tachycardia in late pregnancy
Tachycardia in late pregnancy appears in every woman. The main cause of rapid heart rate is the growth and increase in the size of the fetus. In the last trimester, the bottom of the growing uterus can shift the heart, which leads to disturbances in its rhythm and an increase in heart rate. In this case, heart palpitations are quite a natural process, which should not be feared.
- Tachycardia can appear due to the harmful habits of a future mother, for example, smoking and consuming caffeine-containing beverages.
- Special attention should be paid to taking any medications during the last months of pregnancy. The fact is that many drugs cause an increase in heart rate, can lead to bleeding and premature birth. For example, known drops from the common cold Naphthyzin, can trigger an attack of tachycardia in a pregnant woman.
Dangerous is the heart palpitations, in which the heart rate exceeds 100 beats per minute in a calm state. A woman feels pain in the heart and discomfort. For treatment use relaxing therapy and safe preparations with herbal ingredients.
Paroxysmal tachycardia in pregnancy
It is a pathological condition in which cardiac contractions are at the level of 140-200 beats per minute. The duration of an attack can be from a few seconds to several hours, or even days. Pathology arises from the appearance of a foci of excitation in one of the conducting parts of the heart, which generates electrical impulses. The focus can appear in the ventricles or cells of the conducting system of the atria. On this basis, tachycardia can be ventricular or atrial.
Paroxysmal tachycardia depends on the source of the lesion. Paroxysm begins unexpectedly and also unexpectedly passes. The main symptoms of paroxysmal tachycardia during pregnancy:
- Rapid heart rate is 140-220 beats per minute on the background of weakness and general malaise.
- Dizziness, tinnitus, fainting.
- Neurological symptoms of paroxysmal seizures.
- Reduced blood pressure and weakness on this background.
- Discomfort and pain in the chest, a feeling of contraction of the heart.
- Sweating, nausea, flatulence and other manifestations of autonomic dysfunction.
- After an attack, a woman may exhibit increased urine formation, that is, polyuria. Urine has a low density and a light or transparent color.
When the symptoms described above need to seek medical help or call an ambulance. Ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia arises from pathologies of the cardiovascular system, for example, myocarditis, myocardial infarction or intoxication caused by medical drugs. This condition is dangerous both for a woman and her future child.
With atrial paroxysmal tachycardia, the rapid heart rate is not the only symptom. The cause of the pathology is oxygen starvation of the heart muscle, endocrine disruption and other disorders. The woman has pain in the chest, in some cases, there is a feeling of lack of air, chills, profuse urination, a sense of lack of air.
Treatment requires qualified medical care. As a rule, during the gestation period, the therapy is carried out with the safest possible medications, but after the delivery, surgical intervention is possible.
Attacks of tachycardia in pregnancy
Attacks of tachycardia during pregnancy can occur both in the first months of the gestational period, and in the last trimester. Attacks are accompanied by characteristic symptoms: paroxysmal frequency of heart rhythm, chest pain, general weakness, dizziness, lack of air.
Attacks appear due to stress, fatigue, lack of sleep. Reducing blood sugar, hypertension shchitovidki, high blood pressure and myocarditis also relate to the causes of rapid heartbeat.
There are a number of reasons that trigger the appearance of an attack of tachycardia, and the symptomatology allows you to identify and eliminate the rapid heart rate in time.
- If the appearance of an attack results in trembling of the limbs, then the cause of the pathology may be stress, the use of medications or the wrong choice of medications.
- If the weight of the body decreases after the attacks in the pregnant woman, the cause may be in hormonal reorganization of the body or treatment with the use of hormonal drugs.
- The increase in heart rate, accompanied by increased sweating, is due to excessive intake of caffeine. If there is nervous excitement, the pregnant woman needs to reduce physical activity, avoid stress and nervous situations.
The attack is characterized by a pulse rate of more than 120-150 beats per minute. To eliminate pathology, it is necessary to use special methods:
- Take a deep breath and hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly. Deep breathing helps to normalize the rapid pulse.
- Take a comfortable position, lie down or sit down, try to relax as much as possible.
- In some cases, a strong cough or artificially induced vomiting can stop the attack.
- Taking soothing medications such as Corvalol and Valocordin helps to eliminate heart palpitations.
- Cold compress for the face helps to relieve the attack of rapid heartbeat. If possible, it is recommended to put your face in ice water for 1-2 seconds, this normalizes the pulse.
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Severe tachycardia in pregnancy
Strong tachycardia during pregnancy is a sign of serious pathological processes in the body of a woman. Strong attacks of rapid heartbeats cause dizziness, nausea, weakness, fainting and other, unpleasant and even painful symptoms.
This pathology requires medical attention, since without proper treatment can lead to serious consequences. An increased heart rate increases the risk of complications during the labor process. Due to a constant increase in heart rate, premature birth may develop. If severe attacks accompany a woman from the first days of pregnancy, it can lead to miscarriage or development of pathologies in the unborn child.
Is tachycardia dangerous during pregnancy?
Whether tachycardia is dangerous during pregnancy is a question that interests many expectant mothers who have experienced increased heart rate at the most important moment for every woman. An increase in heart rate significantly worsens the quality of life, causes unfavorable symptoms, and without necessary treatment does not pass without a trace and after pregnancy. Pathology can arise because of worsening chronic diseases. Especially dangerous is tachycardia associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system, since this can be a threat to the life not only of the child, but also of the woman. An increased heart rate increases the risk of developing complications during the birth process and gestation.
Slight palpitations are not dangerous. But if the attacks are very often and have a long-lasting character, you must always consult a cardiologist and obstetrician-gynecologist. With an increased heart rate with a heart rate above 120 beats per minute, a woman has nausea, dizziness, general ailments, fainting and severe chest pains.
Diagnosis of tachycardia in pregnancy
Diagnosis of tachycardia during pregnancy is a mandatory procedure, with which doctors can determine the type of pathology and choose the necessary treatment. Let's consider the basic diagnostic procedures at the increased palpitation at the pregnant woman:
- Consultation with a gynecologist and laboratory tests - the doctor helps to determine the presence of pregnancy, its timing and gynecological pathology. For analysis take urine and blood, this allows you to determine the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin. It is mandatory to study the level of thyroid hormones.
- Electrocardiogram and dopplerography - conducted for the study of heart rhythm, allow to identify supraventricular tachyarrhythmia.
- Echocardiography or ultrasound examination of the heart - determines the work of the cardiovascular system, heart valves, identifies heart defects and other pathological diseases of a chronic nature.
- Consultation with related specialists - it is mandatory to consult a cardiologist (allows to exclude congenital and acquired heart diseases), an endocrinologist and other doctors.
Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor makes the most effective and safe treatment that will help to eliminate the increased heart rate, but will not affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development. When choosing a therapy, the doctor takes into account the causes of rapid heartbeat, the age of the woman, the duration of pregnancy, the presence of concomitant diseases. In most cases, rapid heartbeat does not require special treatment, it is sufficient to eliminate the causes that caused it.
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What to do with tachycardia during pregnancy?
What to do with tachycardia during pregnancy is a topical issue for many expectant mothers who have experienced discomfort from palpitations. As a rule, it appears in the case when a woman begins to worry. But enough to relax and the heart rate comes back to normal. In this case, an increase in heart rate does not pose a threat. This also applies to the rapid heartbeat caused by increased physical activity.
The danger is represented by attacks of tachycardia, which do not stop for a long time. In this case, a woman should seek medical help to diagnose the condition. The doctor collects information about the pregnant woman and determines the causes of the pathology. One of the important factors that provoke a tachycardia during pregnancy is overweight. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy a woman very quickly gaining weight, which is one of the causes of tachycardia.
Rapid palpitation can be caused by the harmful habits of a future mother. A woman should give up smoking, caffeine, alcohol and drugs. If the pathology is caused by diseases of the lungs or the cardiovascular system, then doctors prescribe drug therapy. The woman is prescribed antiarrhythmic drugs, beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers. Treatment depends on many of the attendant factors, so taking any medication is necessary only with the permission of the doctor. It is strictly prohibited to engage in self-medication, as this will lead to serious health problems and jeopardize the pregnancy and health of the baby's future.
Treatment of tachycardia in pregnancy
Therapy depends on the causes of rapid heart rate and the type of tachycardia. In most cases, unpleasant symptoms pass independently. For this, a woman needs to rest, sleep, stop being nervous. But sometimes it is necessary and medicamental treatment.
Anxiety should cause a rapid heartbeat, which arose for no apparent reason. The main treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of pathology, improving the woman's well-being and preventing relapses of tachycardia. If the cause can not be established, different methods are used for the treatment, which effectively restore the normal heart rhythm.
- With pathology in the first trimester, a woman needs to provide comfort and complete peace. Most often, in the early stages of pregnancy, the increase in heart rate appears due to an increased hormonal background. For treatment use natural sedatives (valerian, motherwort) and funds for strengthening the heart and immune system (hawthorn, dog rose).
- If the pathology occurs in the second trimester, then the treatment does not differ from the therapy of tachycardia in the first months of the gestational age.
- In the third trimester heart palpitations reach a maximum and this is explained by the growth and development of the child. For treatment use various sedative preparations, complexes of vitamins and minerals.
Before taking any medications during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions to the drug.
Tablets from tachycardia during pregnancy
Tablets from tachycardia during pregnancy help restore normal heart rhythm, prevent attacks and allow you to keep the heart rate under control. The choice of tablets depends on the type of tachycardia, the presence of concomitant diseases in pregnant women, the duration of pregnancy and its general course, the side effects of the chosen drug and the patient's reaction to the therapy.
Medicinal products are made on the basis of herbs and plants. Preparations can have a synthetic origin, for example: Diazepam, Fenobatbital. Tablets are prescribed for the treatment of rapid heart rate, vegetative-vascular dystonia. The most effective and safe drugs from this group are: Motherwort, Valeriana (in tablets and liquid form), Magne B6, Concor, Hawthorn forte, Novo Passit, Etatsizin, Magneorot, Persen. Drugs reduce the frequency of tachycardia attacks and allow the normalization of the nervous system.
A wide group of drugs that can only be used as directed by a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous, since any medications used in pregnancy can lead to uncontrolled side effects. The most common drugs from this group: Adenosine, Verapamil, Propranolol, Flekanil. Tablets normalize the heart rate.
Since the treatment of tachycardia during pregnancy depends on its kind, we will consider therapy of different types of rapid heartbeat:
- Tachycardia caused by various diseases
With ventricular tachycardia, urgent treatment is performed. In case of a sudden attack, a woman should go to fresh air, take a tablet of Validol or Valocordin (these drugs are considered safe to eliminate seizures). After the woman is sent to inpatient treatment, the doctors administer Quinidine, Novokainomid and other drugs from this group. Anti-arrhythmic medicines are prescribed under medical supervision. If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with paroxysmal tachycardia, then antiarrhythmics are given intravenously.
- Physiological tachycardia
For the treatment of this type of tachycardia, drugs are practically not used, since the main therapy is a complete rest. Walking in the fresh air, full nutrition, healthy sleep, the absence of bad habits and positive emotions - help calm the rapid heart rate. If seizures occur very often, pregnant women are prescribed magnesium preparations to restore the tissues of the heart muscle. The effectiveness of the drug Panangin, which contains magnesium and potassium. To normalize the pulse, you can apply Valerian, Corvalol, Motherwort and other herbal preparations that are safe for the future mother.
Preventive maintenance of a tachycardia at pregnancy
Preventive maintenance of a tachycardia at pregnancy is a number of actions which help to prevent possible relapses of attacks of the increased palpitation. Prevention is based on strengthening the female body so that the future mother can more easily cope with increased stress during the period of gestation. To do this, from the first days of pregnancy it is recommended to perform a set of physical exercises, control weight, eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.
With a mild form, a pregnant woman needs to drink more water and use special relaxation techniques to normalize the rhythm of the heart. If tachycardia attacks occur frequently and have a prolonged nature, then you should seek medical help. The doctor will prescribe sedative and vitaminized drugs to normalize the work of the cardiovascular system.
- For preventive purposes, it is necessary to give up harmful habits, coffee, alcohol and nicotine. A woman should consume herbal infusions, juices, water and beverages that do not contain chemical or synthetic ingredients.
- A healthy diet is also a guarantee of the absence of rapid heart rate. Pregnant should limit the consumption of fatty, sweet and salty foods. In the diet should be fruits, vegetables, cereals and other healthy foods.
- Calm emotional state, lack of stress and nerve strain - protects from rapid heart rate. If the increase in heart rate is associated with nerves, the woman is prescribed drugs of potassium and magnesium. This allows you to regulate the contraction of the heart muscles and maintain the water-salt balance.
The heart rate can be controlled by restoring the balance of the work of the autonomic nervous system. To do this, you need to learn the technique of deep, calm breathing.
A tachycardia attack can lead to a loss of consciousness. In order for this to happen, it is necessary to know certain techniques that will prevent a fainting condition. At the first signs of frequent heart rate it is recommended to go to fresh air, take a comfortable position and moisten the face and neck with cold water.
Prognosis of tachycardia in pregnancy
The prognosis depends on the type of tachycardia, the age of the woman and the gestational age, the presence of concomitant diseases and the results of earlier therapy. If a sinus tachycardia is diagnosed in a pregnant woman, this may indicate the presence of heart failure, left ventricular dysfunction of the heart or other organic pathologies. In this case, the prognosis may be unfavorable, since supraventricular tachyarrhythmia can lead to serious consequences. If the heart palpitations have a physiological nature, then the prognosis is favorable.
Tachycardia during pregnancy is a rather unpleasant symptom that many women face. A rapid heartbeat may indicate cardiovascular disease or be a physiological response to increased stress. In any case, this type of pathology requires diagnosis and medical care, as it can negatively affect the fetal development of the fetus and the health of the future mother.