Sinus arrhythmia during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy is a violation of the frequency of heart rate contractions. With this deviation, everything happens with a special periodicity. The problem can arise both against the background of serious diseases, and some philological conditions. It can be a meal in large quantities, stress, intense physical activity.
Causes and pathogenesis of sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy
From the very first days of pregnancy, the female heart begins to beat much faster. However, not always this symptom is joyful. Provoke it can different processes in the body. These include sinus arrhythmia.
The amount of blood that circulates significantly increases, by about 20%. This causes the formation of another circulatory system (additional). It is he who connects mother with the child. This process at times increases the burden on the heart. Increased activity of the nervous system. Stress-resistance is not so good. Electrolyte disorders are directly associated with toxicosis, which further complicates the condition. The level of hemoglobin decreases significantly. Dysfunction of the thyroid gland is observed. All this knocks down the level of normal heartbeats.
During pregnancy, all chronic processes in the body become aggravated. Therefore, the disturbance of the heart rhythm is to some extent the norm. Among the main problems include congenital heart disease, pathological foci of arousal. Sinus arrhythmia can occur against a background of atrial fibrillation, extrasystole.
Often, the main pathogenesis of sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy is a metabolic disorder in the heart cells. This may be due to the shortage of potassium, magnesium and sodium. So, an overabundance of these components in the body leads to the development of cardiovascular abnormalities.
All this leads to a significant deterioration in conductivity. This process leads to pain in the heart and chest. If the body has an increased concentration of potassium - a lethal outcome is not excluded.
Pathological changes in the myocardium often lead to the development of ischemia or rhythm disturbance. And in some cases everything is irreversible. Organic changes promote the development of arrhythmia, especially if they are localized in the sinus node. The cause of the phenomenon can be and congenital malformation.
A special role in pathogenesis is assigned to the shifts. It concerns the contents of potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium. They should be inside the cells of the myocardium in an acceptable amount. Any shifts lead to excessive excitability, conduction of the sinus node. All this entails a reduction in the myocardium. Violation of the rhythm occurs against the background of increased activity or vice versa, complete suppression of the sinus node. With shortening and elongation of the refractory period, pathological changes. Mostly everything is connected with pathologies in the heart.
Symptoms of sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy
The impulse of cardiac contraction originates in the sinus node. It is a group of some cells that are inside the walls of the heart. They are responsible for generating an electrical impulse. When it flows through special fibers located in the wall, its full distribution takes place. This system combines a large number of fine fibers. Ultimately, the heart muscle produces rhythmic contractions that have a special periodicity. So, in the norm, the heart of a person commits 60-90 beats per second. If the system is disturbed, then this entails the development of many diseases, including sinus arrhythmia.
This ailment can be determined by a number of symptoms. So, if the frequency of contractions has increased dramatically, a person can be pestered with shortness of breath, pulsation in the temples and heart area. Often there is pain syndrome behind the sternum. If, on the contrary, the frequency is significantly reduced, then the person is pestered with weakness, headache, dizziness often occurs. Violation of the rhythm of a pronounced type can be accompanied by impaired blood flow to the brain. This can easily cause a shift in blood circulation. Moderate stage of the disease does not have a particular symptomatology.
The first signs of sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy
A woman in a position is most vulnerable to all factors. On her body, various factors can influence. All this affects the malfunction of the heart. The woman feels a rapid heartbeat, strong strokes are heard from the left. Periodically, the head begins to spin, the pulse is clearly heard in the temples. Dyspnea occurs even without apparent loads. The rhythm of the heart is felt if you just put your finger to the pulse.
This condition is dangerous for the developing fetus. This process negatively affects the baby's blood supply. Naturally, all this can lead to pathology in the development of the child. To protect the baby, it is necessary to constantly see a doctor. Especially if they begin to pester the first symptoms of ailment. In a good polyclinic, they will immediately ask you to take the necessary tests, pass the ECG. This will help determine the true cause of the ailment. It is important to maintain the condition of a woman and correct the problem in time. Adequate treatment and prevention is the main way to success.
Consequences and complications of sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy
The consequences of this disease can be serious. If we talk about the health of the mother, then it is possible to develop heart failure. As for the baby - the oppression of normal development.
With this disease, the body begins to work hard, provoking the heart to beat much faster. It is accompanied by all this unpleasant symptomatology, in the form of dyspnea, edema. If the heart beats more slowly, it torments weakness. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the disease in time. After all, unpleasant signs will constantly pester the person and ultimately lead to serious consequences. Heart failure dislodges a person from the usual rut. In some cases, it entails a disability.
Like other heart ailments, rhythm disturbance can flow into a chronic form. In this case, negative symptoms will constantly pester the person, the periods very much. In order to avoid all sorts of complications, it is worth constantly monitoring your own well-being. Correct way of life and timely diagnosis will avoid many problems.
Certainly, sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy can cause a number of complications.
The most moderate is the smooth flow into the chronic form. This is fraught with the manifestation of symptoms periodically throughout life. Unpleasant, but not deadly. True, in some cases it is so knocked out of the habitual life, which leads to the appearance of disability.
The most unpleasant complication is heart failure. A person not only suffers from a number of symptoms, but also there is no possibility to live as before. It's depressing. In some cases, a lethal outcome occurs. Therefore, to hope that the problem itself will go away is at least stupid. This is especially true for pregnant women. If symptoms appear, tell the doctor immediately. After all, there may be disruptions in the development of the child, which will lead to the appearance of pathologies. There are problems with blood circulation. All this is very serious. The doctor who observes the patient should know everything about her condition so that she does not have to worry about the consequences afterwards.
Diagnosis of sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy
Diagnosis can be carried out in several stages. Initially, the patient needs to listen and collect all the data regarding the complaints. Then to find out about when the symptoms first appeared, how, how long they already exist. Perhaps, previously had already been treated, this is also worth mentioning.
Then an anamnesis of life is collected. It includes diseases that have been transferred by a person, his lifestyle, the presence / absence of bad habits, and heredity. It is important to have a general examination of the patient. The pulse is palpated, its frequency, rhythmicity is measured. Required indicators of general and biochemical analysis of blood and urine. It is important to know the hormonal status of the patient. All this will determine the main causes of the disease.
In addition to the above, an ECG is performed. This study allows you to see the changes that are characteristic of the disease. Pay attention to the indicators of daily monitoring of the procedure. It is necessary to keep a diary of the patient. After that, the records are compared with the results of the ECG. Certain conclusions are drawn.
Analyzes in diagnosis of the disease play an important role. So, first you need to interview the patient. It is important to find out how long the first signs of the disease appeared. Perhaps earlier they already were, and treatment was prescribed. All this information should be given to the doctor. An important role is played by the anamnesis of life. A woman should talk about her lifestyle, about the diseases that she had previously harassed. This will give a clearer picture of what is happening.
Naturally, a blood test is done. It allows you to determine changes in blood circulation. In general, some tests are not enough, you should produce an ECG. This method will yield the most accurate results.
Diagnosis of the disease in a pregnant woman is no different from the same process in an ordinary person. They resort to the same analyzes and techniques. The only thing that is different is the treatment. Because the period of pregnancy, most drugs are prohibited.
Instrumental diagnostics
This type of diagnosis includes studies using ECG and ECG monitoring. Instrumental methods of examination include an electrocardiogram. It is a special "tool", the main task of which is to record heart rate, and frequencies for several minutes. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to identify any disorders, including arrhythmia.
Violation of the rhythm, which has a temporary character is diagnosed by a slightly different method. For this, the Holterovsky procedure is used. It is a monitoring of the ECG during the day. This allows you to register the heart rate all day with different types of human activity.
To identify the causes of the arrhythmia formed, Echo-CG and Echo-KG stress are used. Invasive methods can artificially cause a rhythm disturbance and thus determine the reasons for which it occurs. Thanks to intracardiac research, special electrodes-catheters are brought to the heart. They are engaged in the registration of endocardial electrograms. It is produced in several parts of the heart.
A special tilt test is performed on an orthostatic table. Here, conditions that are capable of causing arrhythmia are fully simulated. A person should simply place on the table and measure his pulse along with pressure. Then introduce the drug and again make measurements, repeat until a persistent rhythm disturbance appears.
The method of transesophageal electrophysiological research stimulates the work of the heart through the esophagus. This allows you to fix the conductivity of the heart and its rhythm.
Differential diagnostics
This method of research is the most important among all. The fact is that the problem may be of an early nature and manifest itself weakly. However, in most cases, patients still complain of unpleasant pain. It can decrease after taking nitroglycerin.
Basically, the final diagnosis is made after ECG. According to the results, you can see special teeth, which indicate a problem. This diagnosis is handled exclusively by a cardiologist. The victim simply goes to see a doctor, while it is worth monitoring the level of his pressure and pulse. After all, there is a possibility of shock. This condition is typical for people whose arrhythmias have occurred against a background of myocardial infarction.
In general, the pregnant girl is also given an electrocardiogram, general blood tests are given. It is important not to run the problem and start diagnosing as early as possible. This will protect not only the life of the future mother, but her baby.
Who to contact?
Treatment of sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy
Cure ailment during pregnancy is quite possible, however, the process is not easy. In the body of a woman there are cardinal changes, so the dosage of medications, and the medications themselves, must be properly selected. In any case it is important to maintain the tone of the heart. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the body is able to reject medicines in every possible way.
The approach to eliminating the problem should be neat. After all, it is worth considering not only the reasons for the appearance of this process, but also possible complications. First and foremost, stop drinking alcohol (yes, some moms allow themselves such luxury). Remove hyperthyroidism, if any, to eliminate any consequences of an overdose of glycosides.
It is necessary to monitor the state of the heart constantly. This is to prevent possible seizures during pregnancy. Preventive maintenance of a thromboembolism should be made without fail.
Drug treatment is not recommended. Yes, and of natural births, too, should be abandoned, perhaps, a violation of the rhythm of the heart directly in the period of the birth process. Treatment is performed only after a qualitative examination. The ECG will make it possible to find out the form of the disease, and also to identify possible other deviations. If the deviations are minor, there is no specific treatment. To prevent disruption of the rhythm, it is enough just to lead a healthy lifestyle and more to be outdoors.
Medicinal treatment
During pregnancy, any medicine should be used with extreme caution. There is always a risk of unforeseen complications. The dosage adjustment is carried out directly by the attending physician. The dose is calculated based on the condition of the woman, as well as the concentration of certain substances in the blood serum. Supportive therapy during pregnancy may not be effective. More precisely, it is difficult to pick it up because of changes in the body.
Despite this, it is recommended to pay attention to such drugs as Aspirin, Adrenaline. They should be consumed before the birth. Other medicines provide not only supportive therapy, but also help the problem not to return back. Often, Atropine, Furomesid, Nifedipin, and Verampil are prescribed.
- Aspirin. Use the drug with extreme caution. Dosage is adjusted individually. Usually it is enough to use it for 100-300 mg per day. However, in the last trimester such a dosage can cause inhibition of labor. Do not take this medication with people with hypersensitivity, kidney and liver problems. Side effects: nausea, anorexia, skin rash.
- Adrenalin. The agent is administered intramuscularly or topically, at 0.3-0.5-0.75 mg. Everything depends on the condition of the woman in childbirth. During the reception, it is possible to increase blood pressure, tachycardia. I mean, strengthening the already existing symptoms. Refuse to take funds costs people with hypersensitivity, diabetes.
- Furosemide. It is administered intravenously, intramuscularly or simply inside. It is enough to take 40 mg of medication in tablets once a day in the morning. As for other methods, the dose is calculated individually. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and depression. Take the drug can not people with increased hypersensitivity, hepatic coma, hypokalemia, as well as in the first trimester of pregnancy.
- Nifedipine. It is taken in by 10-30 mg, 3-4 times a day. The maximum dose should not exceed 120 mg. Duration of treatment is long, 1-2 months. With severe form of heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, severe arterial hypotension, the use of medication is prohibited. Possible side effects in the form of headache, nausea, rapid heartbeat. In general, the drug is well tolerated.
- Verapamil. Usually take 80 mg of the drug 3 times a day. For pregnant girls, the dose is calculated on an individual basis. The agent has a number of side effects. It can cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, dizziness, depression, heart rhythm disturbance. It can not be taken by people with heart failure.
Alternative treatment of sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy
Many people try to resort to alternative medicine. But, during pregnancy, you need to do this with extreme caution. Of course, curing ailment is quite real and at home. Despite this, the process should be supervised by a professional. To begin treatment with a lily of the valley, belladonna and foxglove is definitely impossible. Self-elimination of the problem by these plants can cause a number of negative consequences. These ingredients are poisonous, use them with extreme caution.
- Recipe 1. You should take half a kilogram of lemons and finely chop them. The ground ingredient is filled with the same amount of sweet honey and mixed. For the effect, 20 apricots are added here, more precisely, its nucleoli. The resulting mixture is simply used one tablespoon twice a day.
- Recipe 2. It is necessary to take the onion head and mix it with a worn apple. The resulting mixture is taken twice a day in between meals. One month is enough to eliminate the ailment.
- Recipe 3. Take the root of celery and rub it finely on a grater, then mix with parsley and dill. Everything is properly seasoned with mayonnaise. It is possible to add a little salt, make a so-called salad. You can eat such a dish without restrictions.
Alternative medicine can be used after the doctor's approval. After all, the risk of harming one's own organism is great. Much depends on the reason for the problem, as well as the individual characteristics of the person.
Treatment with herbs sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy
Carry out such treatment with special care. The fact is that you need to clearly understand what herbs are capable of bringing a positive result, and which ones will do much harm. So, pay attention to the valerian. It is necessary to take a tablespoon of this ingredient and pour it with a glass of boiled water, preferably it was at room temperature. Then everything is left alone for 8-12 hours. Further filtered and taken on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
The horset has no less useful properties. It is also necessary to take one tablespoon of this ingredient and pour it 400 ml of boiling water. Then let it brew for 2-3 hours. Take the drug should be on a tablespoon, up to 3-4 times a day. If a woman has severe heart failure, then 5-6 times a day.
Broth from goritsvet has excellent properties. A glass of water is boiled, then a teaspoon of the main ingredient is added to it. Boil everything on a low heat for 3 minutes. After that everything is covered with a lid and left alone in a dark place. This will prepare a real infusion. Take it you need a tablespoon 3 times a day.
Flowers of hawthorn can work wonders. It is enough to take 5 grams of the main ingredient and pour a glass of boiling water. Then put in a water bath, for 15 minutes. Then drain, cool and take half a glass 2-3 times a day. It is advisable to do this for half an hour before a meal.
Homeopathy with sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy
Violation of the rhythm is directly related to heart disease. Mostly everything depends on the metabolic processes. An important role is assigned to the deposited cholesterol on the walls of the vessels. To eliminate the problem or prevent it, you can use homeopathic remedies.
Tincture of valerian helps to remove the neurosis from the heart. Also, it actively calms a person, eliminating overexertion. Take it enough for 15 drops for 3 doses. I mean, at one time a woman should drink 5 drops exactly. In the evening, the dosage can be increased to 25.
Apply also Nervohel. It is designed to eliminate increased excitability, depression and neuroses. It is enough to take one tablet 3 times a day.
Krallonin. It is also assigned with the corresponding problems. Perfectly helps to cope with myocardial infarction. It is enough 15 drops 3 times a day. As for contraindications, the main for all means is hypersensitivity to the main components.
In addition to the above drugs it is recommended to pay attention to honey, you can eat one teaspoon per day. The daily ration should be supplemented with apricots, raspberries and grapes. And both in fresh and dried form.
Operative treatment
For the first time, the elimination of the problem with the help of surgical intervention was made back in 1968. To date, not very often resort to this method. The fact is that the problem can be solved with medication. But, only if she did not go into the active stage. In the early stages of arrhythmia, even an ordinary healthy lifestyle can be removed. Refusal from bad habits, normal nutrition, sleep and rest will drive away from the person any ailments.
If complications are serious and it is a question of heart failure, surgery may be necessary. Access to the organ is provided by bilateral transverse thoracotomy. The operation must be performed under the support of the AIC. It is impossible to dispense with electrophysiological intraoperative mapping. Using it, the location of the neural bundles is determined. Despite the fact that the technologies are applied the most up-to-date, they are rarely treated for prompt intervention.
More information of the treatment
Preventing sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy
If a person begins to pester the attacks of a disease, it is first of all to review the food. Oily foods increase the cholesterol content, which leads to disruption of the heart muscle. Therefore it is important to follow a certain diet. You should abandon the meat of fatty varieties, tea, coffee and sugar. In these foods, cholesterol is found in large quantities. Varied food can be dried apricots, zucchini, walnuts, pumpkin. They contain a lot of potassium and magnesium.
It is important to eat often, but little by little. To admit overfilling of the stomach is not recommended. This will lead to irritation of the nerve receptors, which are responsible for the functions of the sinus node. As a consequence, there is a risk of arrhythmia. It's forbidden to eat at night! Alcohol is not recommended.
To prevent the disease and its treatment it is enough to simply abandon bad habits, exercise moderately, spend more time on the street and eat right.
Prognosis of sinus arrhythmia in pregnancy
The prognosis of pregnancy with such ailment depends entirely on the work of the woman's heart. After all, each person reacts to different events in a special way. Arrhythmia in pregnancy is not the simplest condition. Usually, 19-20% of girls may experience organic myocardial damage. If a fair sex has a late toxicosis, then bypassing the arrhythmia is definitely not possible.
Particular danger is not a violation of the rhythm, which is complete or incomplete
Atrioventricular blockade. Pregnancy promotes augmentation of a ventricular rhythm. In this case, during delivery, you will have to use obstetrics forceps.
If the pathology bears an organic character, the preservation of pregnancy is contraindicated. The probability of a bad outcome, for both mother and child, is high. The method of delivery is very important in this case. Even a cesarean section can provoke thromboembolism.
Therefore, what the forecast will be depends on the individual case. Definitely can not be said. You just need to be constantly under the supervision of a doctor, and act on his recommendations.
ICD-10 code
The international classification of diseases includes all the ailments that are broken down into certain classes. Number 10 means problems with breathing, respiratory system. Violation of the rhythm also refers to the number of these disorders. After all, everything is in the wrong heartbeat. There are several basic types, in which all the ailments of the respiratory system are described. For convenience they were assigned special symbols and numbers. So, problems with breathing are indicated by J00-J99.
Knowing the classification allows a person to read the doctor's description on the medical record. Because many experts point directly to the symbols, and not the self-name of the disease. So, I49.0 includes fibrillation and flutter of the ventricles. Class I49.1 is based on premature depolarization of the atria. Type I49.2 - depolarization, which originates from the connection. Class 149.3 - depolarization of the ventricles. By 149.4, not the specified depolarization, which originated before the time, is referred to. Type 149.5 is a weak sinus signal. Heart rate disturbances 149.8-149.9.