High pulse in pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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What is the rapid pulse? This is the increased speed with which the human heart begins to contract. In medicine, this phenomenon is called tachycardia. Such a symptomatology does not threaten a person's life, but is capable of giving him a lot of unpleasant minutes. Ignore it just is not worth it. In this article, try to understand how the emerging high pulse in pregnancy affects the development of the fetus and the health of the woman herself?
Causes of high heart rate during pregnancy
From the moment when the future man begins to develop in the womb of the mother, in the woman's body there are colossal transformations. Its biological systems begin to rebuild, changing their rhythmicity to provide the embryo with ideal conditions for full-fledged growth and development. Therefore, when the expectant mother begins to feel an intensified heartbeat - it frightens her, she begins to worry for her baby. Her excitement can only exacerbate the condition, although in most cases the causes of high heart rate during pregnancy are the most trivial and do not require any medical intervention. Physicians even have a kind of rate standard for increasing the heart rate of a pregnant woman. If the heart rate does not reach the acceptable limit, then the health and life of the fetus and the woman is not threatened.
What figures can be considered high? If there are more than one hundred contractions of the heart muscle per minute (100 UVM - beats per minute), physicians are already talking about a rapid pulse or tachycardia. This indicator indicates that it is difficult for the heart to maintain an effective level of blood pumping in the circulatory system.
There are two types of this pathology. If the increased rate of contraction is already observed directly in the ventricles, this clinical picture is called ventricular tachycardia. In case the failure occurs higher, already in the upper heart chamber, the supraventricular tachycardia is obtained. It occurs more often and treats the woman's body more gently, without causing any special complications, but only if its symptoms, with accompanying manifestations, do not pester the expectant mother for a long time.
What are the main causes of high heart rate during pregnancy?
- If a woman moves a lot and her body receives increased stress.
- Excess weight and excessive growth in the period of gestation of the baby.
- If the future mother lays on her back very long.
- Avitaminosis and micronutrient deficiency, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the woman's body.
- Emphysema of the lung or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a gradual formation of a heart defect that develops on the basis of constantly arising obstacles to the blood flow. With this pathology, the elasticity of the tissues deteriorates, which is an obstacle to the normal rate of blood supply through the system. The main cause of the pathology is pulmonary localization and smoking.
- The cause of heart palpitations in pregnant women can be pathological tachycardia caused by chronic women with a history of a woman.
- Failure in the operation of metabolic processes. The thyroid gland is responsible for the level of metabolism in the human body. If it produces an enzyme that is more than normal, it leads to a malfunction in the woman's natural metabolism. It is this moment that is the starting point in increasing the heart rate. In addition to thyroid gland and other malfunctions affecting the metabolism of the body, can affect the level of heartbeat.
- Habits that do not fit into the rules of a healthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol and others).
- Tachycardia can cause and some medications.
- Use in nutrition of substances with stimulating effect: coffee, strong tea, energy.
- Any deviation from the norm in the structure of the upper chamber of the heart (unevenness or other defect) can cause a high pulse in pregnancy. Such defectiveness weakens muscle tissue, while the load on the heart itself increases and it has to increase the rate of work to provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients.
- Overeating, taking salty and fatty foods.
- Stressful situation, leading to increased excitability of the nervous system.
- Nervousness and present anxiety.
- Anemia.
- Infectious or viral pathology, accompanied by high temperature indices.
- Electrolytic imbalance in the body of a woman during the period of the disease.
- Multiple heart diseases:
- Hypertension.
- Ischemia.
- Pericarditis is a pathological inflammatory process in the pericardial bag with a predominant damage to the visceral pericardial leaf.
- Heart valve flaw.
- Loss of artery elasticity.
- And others.
- Significant loss of blood.
Only eliminating the root cause can get rid of the accompanying symptomatology.
Symptoms of high heart rate during pregnancy
What is the symptomatology of rapid heart rate? To answer this question is simple: the body begins to feel that an "anvil" is working in his chest, the heart is just ready to "jump out" of the chest. Suffice it often to observe and accompanying symptoms of high heart rate during pregnancy.
- A pregnant woman may experience nausea, and intense manifestations of it can lead to vomitive reflexes. If the pregnant woman observes a combination of such factors, it is necessary to notify your obstetrician-gynecologist, the specialist's task, to establish the source of the uncomfortable state of health of a woman. One of these reasons can be cardiac pathology, which requires accuracy in diagnosis and drug therapy.
- A future mother may feel a muffled or distinct pulsation in her stomach. More often it is felt in the lower part of the tummy. One of the sources of pulsation may be the hiccup of the fetus, the other - plasma traffic along the aorta. Such a symptomatology can develop on any week of gestation. If the rhythmic course is not accompanied by pain symptoms and other uncomfortable manifestations, especially worrying is not necessary. Such manifestations fit perfectly with the rate of pregnancy.
- If the pregnant woman has dizziness, accompanied by a decrease in the general tone of the body, low blood pressure and periodic loss of consciousness, you should not hesitate, it is necessary to speak urgently about these manifestations to a doctor who, by attributing the necessary therapy, normalizes the condition.
- Sometimes, against a background of tachycardia, a woman begins to feel a shortage of air (hypoxia develops). Pregnant begins to breathe intensively, because lack of oxygen can harm a child. In this situation, it is necessary to walk more in the fresh air and to ventilate the room more often.
- Rapid palpitation can be accompanied by a headache. These may be the first symptoms of hypotension.
Diagnosis of high heart rate during pregnancy
A healthy heart during a normal emotional state works at a speed of 60 - 80 beats per minute. Such a reduction regime makes it possible to provide the human body with sufficient quantities of substances necessary for normal work: vitamins and microelements. During the period of gestation, the volume of circulating blood increases, serving both the fetus and the expectant mother. Accordingly, in a pregnant woman, the number of strokes to a hundred may increase somewhat, and in some cases up to 115. Such an increase in physicians' indices is called physiological tachycardia.
Diagnosis of high heart rate during pregnancy does not require any additional equipment. This procedure is performed by a woman at every appointment with a doctor (be it a therapist, cardiologist or obstetrician-gynecologist). But with such a measurement, a pregnant woman can quite easily cope on her own. It is not superfluous to control the heart rate and at home. To make such a measurement is not difficult, it is necessary to know only where, and how to count.
Whether the therapist, cardiologist, obstetrician-gynecologist or doctor of any other specialization, at his admission, without fail, checks the pulse rate of the pregnant woman. But a woman in a position is herself obliged to monitor this indicator on a daily basis. To define it is not difficult:
- The best place to calculate the numerical value of the heart rate (heart rate) is a pulsating artery on the front of the neck or on the wrist of one of the arms.
- The phalanx of the fingers must be applied to the pulsation site, to concentrate and to calculate the number of rhythmic manifestations, determined during one minute.
- The procedure should be carried out only at rest, when the pregnant woman has rested and calmed down. It is not necessary to make calculations after abundant, fat-saturated food.
In addition, it is possible to diagnose the number of beats in minutes by means of an electrocardiogram (ECG). If the doctor has suspicions about the presence in the patient's history of any heart disease, he will send the pregnant woman to an additional diagnosis. Such methods can be ultrasound (ultrasound) of the heart or an innovative technology for recording heart rate - the procedure lasts for 24 hours. At the same time, a special device Holter constantly fixes the heart rhythm, without giving the patient any inconvenience.
You can also measure heart rate with the help of a modern electronic tonometer, which can now be purchased at any pharmacy.
If no significant deviations from the norm and anomalies are observed, the woman quite successfully gives birth naturally. Certain pathological changes in the heart, which lead to an increase in heart rate, can also become an indication of caesarean section. In this case, the obstetrician-gynecologist together with the cardiologist make their verdict.
Who to contact?
Treatment of high heart rate during pregnancy
At many future mothers the accelerated palpitation is a natural condition, caused by its present position. Especially the increase in the number of heart beats is inherent in the third, last, trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is already formed and begins to gain weight. Load on the body of a woman increases, increases, respectively, and loading for the heart.
Therefore, first of all, what needs to be done to a woman who feels an increased pulse is to calm down, you can lie down on the sofa and rest a little. Sometimes such actions are enough to make the pulse normalize. Treatment of high heart rate during pregnancy in this case can be reduced to the adoption of a warm shower (the bathroom does not talk). A woman will be useful to do breathing exercises, while remembering some happy moments from her life. Embrace more positive emotions, trying to emotionally dissociate yourself from the unpleasant perception of the world.
It is worthwhile to start a notebook in which it is necessary to fix the number of the heart rate at least twice a day: after a morning awakening and in the evening before going to bed. If there are not more than 100 beats per minute at rest, you should not worry. But in the case of higher indications or other pathological symptoms present, leading to a deterioration in the state of health, it is urgent to see a doctor. Only a specialist is able to assess the condition of a pregnant woman, give adequate recommendations, and if there are suspicions for more serious reasons to appoint a comprehensive examination, make a diagnosis and paint effective therapy.
No medication normalizing the rapid heart rate should be used alone - it can harm the baby. If the tachycardia is caused by emotional overexertion, the doctor will recommend drinking calming herbal teas. It can be valerian, melissa, mint or motherwort. In such a situation, sedatives, such as Persen, New Passit,
Persen - this medicine is considered safe by doctors. In the composition of the medicine there are: leaves of melissa and mint, and also an extract of the root of valerian. In the case of pregnancy, the drug is prescribed only by the doctor, and there is no question of self-medication. After entering the drug in the protocol of therapy, the intake of Persene is strictly controlled by the doctor. Any drug during the period of gestation by a woman's baby is prescribed only in case of emergency.
The usual dosage of the drug with increased nervousness and irritability is two to three wafers two to three times a day. The starting dose of the drug pregnant can be reduced. The maximum daily dosage should not exceed 12 tablets.
Categorically, it is not recommended to use Persen if a woman's history is diagnosed with:
- Individual intolerance of the organism of a pregnant woman to one or several components of the drug.
- Lack of lactase in the body of a woman, increased sensitivity to it, glucose-galactose malabsorption.
- Arterial hypotension, observed with lowered blood pressure, is more than 20% of the normal values (usually the absolute values of the upper (systolic pressure) are below 90 mm Hg or the lower (diastolic pressure) - 60 mm Hg).
- Lack of sucrose and / or isomaltase, increased sensitivity to fructose.
- Many diseases of the biliary tract.
- With extreme caution and under the supervision of a doctor during pregnancy and lactation.
In this situation, tincture of motherwort and valerian, suitable for 20-30 drops three to four times throughout the day, will work. The duration of therapy is adjusted by the doctor depending on the therapeutic effectiveness achieved. It is not worth it to get involved with the drug. Prolonged use of it can cause the emergence of secondary symptoms: increased drowsiness, pain in the head and abdomen, a drop in the general tone of the body of a pregnant woman, dizziness, nausea. If at least one of these symptoms occurs, the drug should be discontinued and take first aid measures and inform your doctor who is leading the pregnancy.
The measures of first necessity include: washing the stomach, you can try to induce a vomitive reflex - this will help at least partially remove toxins from the body. After, take activated charcoal or sorbex - an effective adsorbent.
Sorbex is an effective sorbent used in case of poisoning of various genesis. Depending on the degree of pathology, a doctor can recommend from one to three capsules taken once. The best therapeutic result is observed with the administration of drugs for an hour and a half before the expected meal or at the same intervals after meals. If necessary, the drug can be repeated.
Contraindicated drug for use in cases of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with acute form of ulcerative and erosive pathology of the digestive tract, in case of intestinal obstruction.
The doctor can recommend valokordin , which is taken by a woman during a period of intense arousal with rapid heartbeats of 15 to 20 drops three times throughout the day. But the drug can be taken only as directed by a doctor. It is not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance to the pregnant body of any component of the drug, as well as in the case of liver and / or kidney dysfunction.
If the pathology is revealed more deeply, then the decision on pregnancy is taken at the consultation by physicians of various specializations. Obstetrician - gynecologist, together with a cardiologist and other specialists, make up a protocol of therapy, which should maximally support the health of a woman, while the danger for the baby should be minimized. In especially severe cases, the question of abortion may be raised.
Prevention of high heart rate during pregnancy
In most cases, to quash this problem, or at least reduce its intensity, you can adhere to simple rules. Therefore, the prevention of high heart rate during pregnancy includes some recommendations.
- Exclude or significantly restrict the use of stimulant drinks: strong tea and coffee.
- Try to get rid of bad habits: nicotine and alcohol stimulates the growth of heart rate.
- To lead a healthy lifestyle: do not overload yourself with extra loads, have more rest, but constantly lie on the couch is not worth it, because pregnancy is not a disease and bed rest is not needed.
- Do not self-medicate and very carefully enter any medications in the reception.
- Try to avoid stressful situations, adjusting your emotional background to positive emotions.
- Minimize the reception of power engineers, chocolate.
- Relax to combine with measured walks in the fresh air.
- Residential premises should be often ventilated, letting in the house clean air.
- Limit the consumption of fatty and salty foods. Food should be balanced and rich in vitamins and trace elements.
- To eat it is necessary fractional, in small portions, not supposing overeating.
- Easy gymnastics for pregnant women will only benefit.
- If the frequency of the strokes starts to increase, you need to drink a glass of plain water in small sips and then lie down and rest.
- To calm down, you can make several deep exhalations and breaths - such a breathing exercise will be useful.
- Watch your weight. Excessive growth of it can provoke the appearance of a rapid pulse.
- In this situation, positive auto-training will help.
- You can take tinctures and decoctions of motherwort, dog rose, valerian. Effective will be natural honey (if a woman does not have allergies on it).
In the event that the sounded methods failed to prevent the problem, you should consult your doctor, especially if other pathological symptoms also appear.
Prognosis of high pulse in pregnancy
Increased heart rate during gestation is an unpleasant but not dangerous symptomatology. A slightly increased pulse is a natural, physiologically grounded process of pregnancy. Therefore, the prognosis of high heart rate during pregnancy is very favorable. After childbirth, this problem will go away by itself, it is only necessary to follow the recommendations outlined above. In the case of a more severe pathology, the prognosis is just as good, it is necessary to stop the source and the symptomatology will disappear.
The waiting time of the child is a wonderful period in the life of every woman and so one does not want it to be overshadowed by discomfort and deterioration of the general condition. Therefore, in order to prevent or minimize the situation when there is a high pulse during pregnancy, you must follow all the recommendations voiced by the attending physician. And in case of aggravation of symptoms, without delay, seek help and advice from a specialist. After all, the health of the mother is the pledge of the birth of a normal, healthy baby!