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Calming during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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At pregnancy in a body of the woman there are the big changes of physiological character, the hormonal background changes. Moreover, when it comes to the first pregnancy, excitement is understandable, because this is an important event in the life of a woman. Sooner or later a pregnant woman wonders if she can be soothing during pregnancy? Let us consider this point in more detail.
Fertility is often accompanied by poor sleep, anxiety, sudden mood swings, hypersensitivity, or an agitated condition. All this negatively affects the overall psycho-emotional state of the pregnant woman and the bearing of the baby.
Everyone knows that when bearing a pregnancy, it is best not to use all kinds of medications, or at least to use them very limited. It is most important not to use medicines in the first trimester of pregnancy, because, during this period, the fetus is formed. To improve the psycho-emotional state of a pregnant woman during the first trimester of pregnancy, one can recommend walks through the forest or park, places with clean and fresh air. In fresh air, the body of a pregnant woman is saturated with oxygen as much as possible, which of course has a positive effect on the general condition. It is possible to use weak infusions of herbal teas. From herbs and plants, you can recommend mint, lemon balm, chamomile, hawthorn, linden color.
The assortment of sedative medicinal preparations, made on the basis of medicinal plants and herbs, is now widely represented. As a part of such preparations, as a rule, there are extracts of valerian, mint, lemon balm. According to advertising slogans - they are "natural and safe". But we should not forget about the danger of self-treatment, especially for a pregnant woman. Consultation of a specialist, before using such drugs, is strictly required. The most recommended for pregnant women, experts called Persen and Novopassit. In their composition a complex of plant extracts. The dosage of these drugs is individual and prescribed by a specialist if necessary in a specific case, when the therapeutic effect for a woman exceeds the harm caused to a child from the use of these drugs.
At later terms of pregnancy, after the sixteenth week, you can use such sedatives, such as valerian extract, motherwort in the form of tablets. The use of alcohol tinctures during pregnancy is generally excluded. Alcohol, on the basis of which the sedative tinctures are made, causes great harm to the physiological development of the unborn child.
In some cases, the nervousness and anxiety of a pregnant woman may be due to a lack of B vitamins in the body. In such situations it is necessary to revise the diet of the pregnant woman and include foods containing vitamins of this group, for example, liver, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, nuts, beans. Stabilization of the psycho-emotional state is facilitated by the use of honey, beetroot and carrot freshly squeezed juices, red or green tea. Very useful combination of honey and warm tea with the addition of mint leaves or raspberries. Do not forget that at high temperatures honey acquires the properties of a carcinogen.
A contrast shower, in the form of an alternating combination of cool and warm water, will relieve nervous tension and will soothingly affect the body of a pregnant woman.
Aromatherapy during pregnancy is the most safe and pleasant procedure, has a calming and sedative effect. In this case, it is necessary to take into account personal preferences of aromas of essential oils. The effect of the same aroma of essential oil on different people is completely different, it calms someone, someone excites and invigorates. As a rule, aromas of essential oils of peppermint, Siberian pine, sandalwood have sedative effect. For aromatherapy, you need a special aromatic lamp, which you can buy in any pharmacy, as well as essential oil. For the preparation of the aromatic composition, it is enough to pour water and 4-5 drops of essential oil into the bowl of the aroma-lamp. Before the aromatherapy it is necessary to carry out allergens of essential oil, in the absence of allergic reactions such oil can be used.
In cases of extreme necessity, prescription of homeopathic medicines is possible. The choice of the drug and its dosage depend on the specific case, and remains the choice of a specialist. In any cases, the independent choice and intake of medicines during pregnancy is strictly prohibited.
Calming during pregnancy should be used extremely rarely, only in necessary cases and according to the appointment of a specialist. Medicinal products of chemical origin adversely affect the body of a pregnant woman and a future child and specialists are generally not recommended for use. Remember that sedative during pregnancy, is prescribed for use exclusively by a specialist.
What sedatives can I have during pregnancy?
First, we will consider in more detail - what soothing can be done during pregnancy and under what compulsory conditions it is necessary to do so. A modern range of sedative drugs is represented by a variety of drugs. Many of them are allowed for use during pregnancy, as they contain extracts of medicinal plants and herbs. The most popular sedatives are the motherwort and valerian, in the form of tablets. The use of alcohol tinctures during pregnancy is not allowed, in view of the significant physiological harm to the future child. The purpose of these drugs and dosage is carried out only by a specialist and in each case individually.
To relieve the psycho-emotional tension, the general relaxation of the pregnant woman's body, it is possible to recommend the use of Novopassite. This preparation contains herbal extracts of herbs and plants. Novopassit is produced both in the form of liquid syrup, and in the form of tablets. Sedatives during pregnancy should be taken as directed by a specialist and sensitive to the constituent components of the drugs. Novopassit is no exception. If there is a possibility to avoid the use of sedative drugs, then you need to use it. After all, in any case, the use of sedatives has a negative effect on the unborn child. Another sedative, which is resolved by specialists to use in bearing pregnancy is a drug called persen. In the composition of Persene - extracts of peppermint, lemon balm, valerian. Persen is manufactured in the form of capsules and tablets. The characteristic effect of the drug is to improve sleep and stabilize the nervous tension, with a deterioration in the reaction rate. Contraindicated in the use of persene in the case of low blood pressure. Like all medicines during pregnancy, persen should be used only when appointed by a specialist.
The use of novopassite and persene is carried out exclusively for the purpose of a specialist, the dosage of these drugs is strictly individual and is prescribed in accordance with the expected benefit of therapy for the mother's body, which should justify the probable risks for the future child.
At present, an assortment of biologically active additives for pregnant women is widely represented. Their use, allegedly, does not require the appointment of a specialist, but in any case it must be done before applying these supplements.
When bearing pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to use sedatives, which in their composition have chemical components and belong to the group of tranquilizers. Such drugs with a powerful effect with a high degree of probability can cause disturbances in the nervous system of the baby's future. In non-standard cases, specialists can prescribe such drugs, but the risk of a child's future health is very high. It is especially important to refuse the use of sedatives during the first trimester of gestation.
A good sedative during pregnancy is a walk in the forest or park area, with a beautiful nature, in good weather, you can read books in a quiet place of the park. Watch the children on the playground - this will add positive emotions. Positive attitude and good mood - you are guaranteed! And what soothing can be during pregnancy, let the doctor who watches the course of your pregnancy decide.
Harm to soothing in pregnancy
Harm of sedatives during pregnancy or is there a benefit from their use? What is still more from using sedatives?
The emotional state of a pregnant woman becomes the main problem of relationships with surrounding people. An unstable mood, a sense of anxiety, irritability are all explanatory things, but this situation does not improve. Especially, such symptoms appear in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the body of a woman has just begun to rebuild, the hormonal background changes in order to create the most comfortable conditions for the development of the fetus of the unborn child. The consequence of such changes is the unstable psycho-emotional state of women. During pregnancy, a woman needs to realize a simple truth - calmness and only calmness, that's what she and her future child need.
In negative situations, do not immediately swallow a sedative. In general, you need to exclude the use of sedatives during pregnancy. The most correct thing is not to perceive the negative and to distance yourself from negative emotions. You can go for a walk in the park, take a breath of fresh air and understand the insignificance of everything that is happening, because there is a very important moment in life - the birth of a child, and emotional stability is of great importance now. The harm of soothing during pregnancy causes their prohibition on the use. Most sedative drugs are not recommended for use during pregnancy in view of the harmful effects on the development of the unborn child. Components of medicinal products, even of plant origin, not to mention chemicals, uniquely adversely affect the development of the fetus. And already at the stage of formation of the embryo, the future child's nervous system is harmed. Even sedatives, conditionally permitted for use in pregnancy, for example, valerian extract, persen, novopassit, are necessarily prescribed by a specialist. The need for application and dosage of the drug is also determined individually by a specialist only. Self-medication is excluded, because the harm of sedatives during pregnancy can have irreversible consequences for the future child.
Soothing means during pregnancy
The need to use sedatives during pregnancy, is it justified or can you do without it?
The state of anxiety, emotional instability - all this is a consequence of changes in the hormonal background during pregnancy. The future mother is characterized by a sharp change in mood, unreasonable sadness and even tearfulness, increased irritability. Emotional races are a characteristic feature of pregnant women. It is very important during pregnancy to maintain a positive mood for a future mother. There are cases when life situations destabilize the psycho-emotional state of a pregnant woman and it is necessary to use sedative drugs.
First of all, during pregnancy, you can use sedative sedative drugs in the composition, which contain herbal extracts of medicinal plants and herbs. To such preparations carry an extract of a root Valeriana, Leonurus. Both these drugs are produced in the form of alcoholic tinctures and in the form of tablets. The use of alcoholic tinctures during pregnancy is completely excluded, in view of the considerable harm to the future child.
The modern sedative Novopassit, recommended by specialists during pregnancy, includes only herbal components in its composition. This drug is recommended for emotional overstrain, in order to stabilize the cardiovascular activity. The release of novopassite in the form of syrup and tablets is envisaged. Despite the complete safety and the vegetative composition of novopassitis, the appointment of a doctor is necessary before use. Self-administration of sedatives during pregnancy is not recommended.
In general, the appointment and dosage of all medications, including sedatives, during the entire pregnancy should be done by a specialist. Self-medication and uncontrolled use of medications are not allowed. Soothing means during pregnancy appoints and determines dosages, solely by a doctor who watches the course of your pregnancy.
Soothing herbs during pregnancy
Medicinal products of plant origin stably took their place of honor in modern medicine. Phytotherapy is of great importance in pregnancy, because medicinal plants and herbs, if properly applied, positively affect the body of a woman and a future child. Soothing herbs and plants contain in their composition a complex of biologically active components, their effect on the body is much softer. Medicinal plants and herbs are perceived by the body better than synthetic drugs, allergic reactions and side effects are much less common, in contrast to synthetic drugs. Soothing herbs during pregnancy can be used, but with the obligatory appointment of a specialist and the observance of dosages of use. For pregnant women is characterized by irritability and nervousness, frequent mood changes, sudden whims. All this is associated with changes in the hormonal background. Before using soothing herbs during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor and find out if you need these herbs.
The most safe and simple means, while very effective, is the infusion from the root of valerian, which can be brewed and in the herbal mixture. For the preparation of a mixture of herbs and valerian root, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the same parts of the root of valerian, caraway, chamomile, fennel. One tablespoon of this mixture to brew with one glass of steep boiling water, to insist about half an hour. Before use, the infusion should be filtered. Dosage infusion - in the morning and in the evening for half a glass.
You can prepare herbal infusion in this way: two identical parts of the roots of valerian, balm, crust bark, chamomile mixed with one part of mint and hop. All these components are thoroughly mixed. We brew in a thermos one tablespoon of a mixture of herbs and a glass of boiling water. We insist for two hours. Dosage infusion - half a glass three to four times a day.
Motherwort is considered several times more effective than valerian. Its beneficial effect on the state of the central nervous system is also known to our great-grandmothers. For the preparation of infusion - you need three tablespoons of motherwort pour one glass of boiling water, insist 15 minutes. Before consumption, strain and take for half an hour before eating one tablespoon. Calming tea from a mixture of herbs and motherwort is not only very effective, but also has a pleasant taste, which also contributes to the improvement of mood. For its preparation it is necessary to mix two identical parts of the motherwort and St. John's wort thoroughly with one part of the yarrow, chamomile and mint. One and a half tablespoons of this mixture should be poured with one glass of boiling water and insist for about half an hour. Take half a cup for half an hour before meals three to four times a day. However, Leonurus is contraindicated in slowing heart rate and low blood pressure, do not forget about it.
The next soothing infusion is a remedy available to all, with a mild sedative effect and pleasant to taste. It's about mint and melissa. For the preparation of mint tea one teaspoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist 10-15 minutes. You can add honey or lemon to mint tea, provided that it is not contraindicated. Mint tea should not be strong. Moderate dosages of loose mint tea when pregnant are a safe and affordable sedative.
Hops cones will help a pregnant woman with insomnia, irritation. To prepare the infusion it is necessary to pour two cones of hops into a glass of boiling water and to insist for 10 minutes. You can add a little honey to the infusion. It is enough to take one glass a day. To improve sleep, you can use pillows with cones of hops.
Not all medicinal herbs have indications during pregnancy. For example, oregano is contraindicated in general, in view of the negative impact on the development of the child, and chamomile is recommended for limited use and only as a part of fees, and not pure form of decoction or infusion. Therefore, before using any sedative herbs during pregnancy, specialist consultation is necessary.
A sedative pregnancy
A sedative collection during pregnancy is an effective tool for the treatment and prevention of insomnia, disorders of the nervous system. Scientifically proven useful properties of medicinal herbs and plants, namely, the rich composition of trace elements and vitamins, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-anemic, tonic and sedative properties. In pregnancy, the appointment of phytotherapy is practiced to stop vomiting reflexes in women and as a sedative.
Depending on the symptoms, the appointment of sedatives is made exclusively by a specialist.
Apply several options of sedative during pregnancy. Let us consider them in more detail. So, to collect the number 1 will require two parts of the leaves of mint and leaves of the watch to mix with one part of the root of valerian and cones of hops. Two tablespoons of herbal mixture pour two cups of boiling water, insist 20 minutes. Take this infusion over half the glass, before going to bed.
To prepare the collection number 2 you need one part of the leaves of mint, cumin, fennel, chamomile flowers, and the roots of valerian thoroughly. One tablespoon of this mixture brew a glass of boiling water and insist for about 20 minutes. Take half a glass of infusion before bedtime.
Collection number 3 is prepared by carefully mixing one part fruit fennel and caraway, the roots of valerian and grass motherwort, two spoons of the mixture are poured into two glasses of boiling water and insist 20 minutes. Take half a glass of this infusion twice a day.
Collection number 4 is prepared as follows: 30 grams of melissa grass, 20 grams of lime-colored, 20 grams of strawberry leaves are thoroughly mixed. 10 grams of the resulting mixture is poured a glass of boiling water and insist 15 minutes. Take this infusion of one-third of the glass before bed.
For the infusion and storage of soothing charges, it is best to use a thermos bottle.
Mint, chamomile, lemon balm, fennel, cumin, hop cones, valerian root - all these plants and herbs have medicinal properties and are certainly useful for a pregnant woman and a future child. But, making a soothing collection during pregnancy, do not forget about strict dosage of herbs in infusions and broths.
Calming tea during pregnancy
During pregnancy, a characteristic feature in the behavior of a woman is an unreasonable change of mood. In such cases, experts recommend sedative teas during pregnancy. The most simple and useful soothing tea, the recipe of which we will consider, can be prepared at home. So, you need three parts of peppermint leaves, two parts of cranberry leaves and cuff grass, one part of valerian roots, one herbaceous motherwort and one part of the viburnum. Carefully mix all this and pour two cups of boiling water. This infusion is added one teaspoon into the tea. A day is enough to use 10 grams of this infusion.
It has long been known that the multi-faceted positive effect of ivan tea on the pregnant woman's body is due to the unique chemical composition of this herb. All components of willow-tea are very important when bearing a pregnancy. So, a high content of vitamin C, helps to strengthen immunity. B vitamins contribute to the correct formation of the fetus of the unborn baby. Iron and manganese improve metabolic processes in the body of the future mother, improve blood circulation, thereby preventing the future child's oxygen starvation. Amino acids help to improve mood, charge positive energy. Ivan tea is an effective sedative, which does not lead to a hypnotic effect. Tannin and pectin substances remove harmful elements from the body and contribute to the improvement of digestion, relief of symptoms of vomiting and nausea. In addition, chlorophyll, contained in ivan-tea, contributes to the stabilization of metabolic disturbances. If you choose calming teas during pregnancy, it is very right to stop your choice on ivan-tea. After all, this is an effective preventive and restorative means of a broad spectrum of action, and just a pleasant drink. A distinctive feature of ivan-tea from other herbs, is that it has no contraindications during pregnancy. An exception is individual intolerance. But in the case of Ivan the tea, the well-known principle - everything is good in moderation - is very relevant. It is enough to adhere to the norms of consumption in the amount of three cups of this tea a day - and the maximum benefit to you and the future child is ensured!
Indications and contraindications for use of sedatives during pregnancy
Consider the possible indications and contraindications to use sedatives during pregnancy. Indications for use of sedatives during pregnancy are conditional. The use of these drugs is limited to the mandatory appointment of a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy, accurate compliance with dosages and proportions in the preparation of teas and dues. The dosage of medicinal products is determined by the physician on an individual basis and depends on the degree of necessity of using these medicines. These factors, in fact, determine the conventionality of sedative drugs. Under these conditions, the recommendations are limited to the use of sedative teas, sedatives, soothing herbs and sedative herbal preparations, for example, persene, novopassita, valerian extract, motherwort extract. All other sedatives are excluded from the reference list and have contraindications to use during pregnancy, in view of the significant physiological harm to the unborn child.
In general, the indications and contraindications to the use of sedatives during pregnancy are not the most significant question that should alarm a pregnant woman. It is most important for a pregnant woman to observe emotional balance, to enjoy life and to enjoy every moment of her life, because the main and responsible event in the life of every woman is the birth of a child!
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Calming during pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.