
Pregnancy Calendar

The pregnancy calendar is necessary for a pregnant woman to have a clear idea of what changes occur in the process of intrauterine development of her unborn child.

It is made up for weeks and trimesters, and every new pregnancy week makes adjustments to the development of the fetus. The first 13 weeks of pregnancy are the most dangerous, since any adverse effects on the fetus can lead to congenital pathologies or loss of pregnancy. In the second trimester the fetus continues to grow rapidly, and by the 20th week most women begin to feel its movement.

Pregnancy: 36 weeks

Your child weighs about 3 kg, and his height is 47 cm. His body of hair and original grease disappeared on the body ...

Pregnancy: 35 weeks

His kidneys are already fully developed, and the liver can excrete the products of life.

Pregnancy: 34 weeks

If you are worried about premature birth, you will be pleased to learn that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks, without health problems - are not exposed to any risk.

Pregnancy: 33 weeks

The skull bones remain supple and slightly mobile, which facilitates the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Pregnancy: 32 weeks

He already has nails on his fingers and toes and real hair. Her skin becomes soft and smooth, as he develops fatty tissue.

Pregnancy: 31 weeks

He twists his head, his arms, legs, and body begin to grow fat, as the necessary fat accumulates under the skin.

Pregnancy: 30 weeks

One and a half liters of amniotic fluid surround it, but this volume will decrease, as the child grows and takes up more space in the uterus.

Pregnancy: 29 weeks

Your child weighs almost 1.5 kg and his height is 38 cm. His muscles and lungs continue to develop.

Pregnancy: 28 weeks

By this week, your child weighs a kilogram already, and his height is 38 centimeters.

Pregnancy: 27th week

The 27th week of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the child weighs almost 900 grams, and his height is 37 cm. He sleeps and wakes up at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even takes his fingers in his mouth.


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