
Pregnancy Calendar

The pregnancy calendar is necessary for a pregnant woman to have a clear idea of what changes occur in the process of intrauterine development of her unborn child.

It is made up for weeks and trimesters, and every new pregnancy week makes adjustments to the development of the fetus. The first 13 weeks of pregnancy are the most dangerous, since any adverse effects on the fetus can lead to congenital pathologies or loss of pregnancy. In the second trimester the fetus continues to grow rapidly, and by the 20th week most women begin to feel its movement.

Pregnancy: 26 weeks

Your baby's ears are now more sensitive than before, he already hears your voice and hears your conversations with a partner. He inhales and exhales ...

Pregnancy: 25 weeks

He begins to gain weight, and his skin is smoothed. His hair also grows, and you can already determine their color and texture.

Pregnancy: 24 weeks

The baby grows evenly, and in comparison with last week weighs 115 grams more.

Pregnancy: 23 week

Turn on the music and dance. With a well-developed sense of movement, your baby can feel like you are dancing.

Pregnancy: 22 weeks

At week 22 the baby has already grown to 28 cm and weighs almost 0.5 kg. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are more distinct and he even begins to form tiny teeth in the gums.

Pregnancy: 21 weeks

Your child weighs 350 grams, and his height is 25 cm. You perfectly feel his movements, which, as he grows, intensify.

Pregnancy: 20 weeks

Your child weighs about 300 grams, and his length is 16.5 cm. He works a swallowing reflex and secures meconium - a black, sticky product of digestion.

Pregnancy: 19 weeks

19 week of pregnancy is characterized by an active sensory development! The brain allocates areas for perception of smell, taste, hearing, vision and tactile contact.

Pregnancy: 18 weeks

The child grew to 14 cm and weighs almost 200 grams. He is busy with flexing his arms and legs - movements that you will begin to notice more often. His blood vessels are visible through thin skin ...

Pregnancy: 17 weeks

The skeleton of the child changes, the soft cartilages become more durable bones, it already weighs 140 grams and grew to 12 cm ...


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