
Pregnancy Calendar

The pregnancy calendar is necessary for a pregnant woman to have a clear idea of what changes occur in the process of intrauterine development of her unborn child.

It is made up for weeks and trimesters, and every new pregnancy week makes adjustments to the development of the fetus. The first 13 weeks of pregnancy are the most dangerous, since any adverse effects on the fetus can lead to congenital pathologies or loss of pregnancy. In the second trimester the fetus continues to grow rapidly, and by the 20th week most women begin to feel its movement.

Pregnancy: 6 weeks

6th week of pregnancy is critical for the embryo, because just at this time it is most susceptible to various factors that are more or less able to disrupt the development process.

Conception: 2 weeks

Before he actually begins to grow, the body must prepare for conception.

Pregnancy: 5 weeks

5 week of pregnancy is characterized by one important event in the life of the embryo: it begins to separate from the extra-germ. During this period, the embryo can already determine where the head will be, where the legs are.

Pregnancy 4 weeks - one of the most important stages in the development of the child

If you have a 4 week pregnancy, the embryonic period begins. From now until 10 weeks, all your child's organs will start to develop, and some will even begin to function.

Pregnancy: 3 weeks

What happens in the uterus if you have a 3 week pregnancy? The fruit consists of several hundred cells and as soon as the blastocyst takes place in the uterus, the body begins to produce a hormone of pregnancy ...


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