Pregnancy: 5 weeks
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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5 week of pregnancy is characterized by one important event in the life of the embryo: it begins to separate from the extra-germ. During this period, the embryo can already determine where the head will be, where the legs are. At this time, the important functional systems of the future person are gradually being formed.
In the center of the embryo is the formation of the heart, larynx, trachea. This is hard enough to imagine, but the embryo, whose length is only 2 mm, already begins to beat the heart. At this stage of development, it is impossible to listen to the beat, even with the help of special research methods, this can be done only from the seventh week of pregnancy. Over time, blood vessels begin to appear, the rudiments of the digestive system (pancreas, liver). At this time the embryo is similar to the letter "C". Throughout the neural tube, tissue sites develop, which in the future will become muscle and other tissues.
This week the neural tube partially closes (in the middle sections). Nerve tube is called a kind of prototype of the central nervous system, so the timely closing of the tube is of no small importance. Subsequently, the spinal cord will form from this tube. This is how the nervous system is laid - the basis of the motor and mental functions of man. A great role in this is folic acid, a lack of which in the body can cause severe malformations.
5 obstetric week of pregnancy is the third week of intrauterine development of the embryo. As a rule, the news of pregnancy is just for this period. The joy that a woman feels is also useful to a future child, since there is already a strong bond between the mother and the child and the best development conditions are created by the woman's favorable emotional mood.
5 week of pregnancy is characterized by an intensified process of hormonal changes in the body of a woman. The ovarian's yellow body produces the most important hormones necessary for the normal development of the fetus - progesterone and estrogen. The shell in which the fetus is found produces a hormone characteristic of pregnant women only - human chorionic gonadotropin, which is abbreviated as hCG. It is on the presence of this hormone in the blood or urine based all the tests that help determine pregnancy in the early term.
If in the past a woman already had cases of ectopic pregnancy (or the doctor assumes this pathology), it is recommended to undergo ultrasound and make an analysis for the level of hCG in the blood. 5 week of pregnancy is the same period when you can be sure of the normal development of the fetus or to identify any possible pathologies. If pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, the level of hCG in the body of a woman becomes higher every day.
Ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy
In the fifth week of pregnancy, the gynecologist at the examination is not in a position to tell exactly whether a woman is pregnant or not. During this period, a woman, with a suspected pregnancy, undergoes the first ultrasound examination, during which it is possible to determine the size of the uterus, multiple pregnancies or not, the location in the uterus of the embryo. 5 week of pregnancy is the time when the heart of the future little man begins to beat. A good specialist during ultrasound research (under the condition of modern equipment) will be able to predict and evaluate the development of the fetus by comparing the motor activity with the heart rhythms.
How does the child grow?
At this stage, the embryo grows at a frenzied pace and now it looks more like a tiny tadpole than a human. Now it consists of three layers - ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm - which later form all of its organs and tissues.
The medullary tube, from which the child's brain, the spinal cord, nerves, and the spine will later form, begins to develop in the upper layer, called the ectoderm. This layer also provides the child with skin, hair, nails, breast and sweat glands with a toothbrush.
His cardiac and circulatory system begins to form in the middle layer - the mesoderm. The mesoderm also forms the muscles of the child, cartilage, bones and subcutaneous tissues.
The third layer, or endoderm, is responsible for the formation of the lungs, the gut and the elementary urinary system, the thyroid gland, the liver, and the pancreas. Meanwhile, the primitive placenta and umbilical cord, which transmit nutrients and oxygen to the baby, are already functioning.
Important: the development of each child is strictly individual. Our information is designed to give you an idea of the development of the fetus.
Fetal size
At the 5th week of pregnancy, the formation of some internal organs and systems of the baby begins. It is at this stage that the expectant mother should include in her diet products containing folic acid (or take it in the form of tablets) and less to worry, worry, worry, etc., as this week the central nervous system, the spinal cord, the brain begins to develop , blood vessels, etc. The amniotic fluid in which the embryo is located exchanges useful (and not only) substances between the fetus and the mother's body. In this period, the dependence of the small organism on the emotional mood, nutrition and lifestyle of his future mother appears. 5 week of pregnancy is quite a short period, and the embryo at this stage of development is very small - only 2-3 mm, its weight is not more than 3 grams. However, he has already begun the formation of the respiratory system, digestive organs. You can also see the rudiments of future eyes, ears, mouth, nose, legs and hands, fingers.
Diseases at the 5th week of pregnancy
The sensations of a woman who is in the fifth week of pregnancy can be very different and contradictory. She can experience sharp mood swings, during this period the woman notes that she became more tired, feels broken, she always wants to sleep, taste preferences change. There are headaches, dizziness, all these conditions are associated with the active activity of hormones in the body. 5 week of pregnancy can be the beginning of unpleasant sensations associated with the first manifestations of toxicosis. A woman can feel both mild nausea and severe nausea, vomiting often occurs in the morning, a feeling of nausea can also provoke a certain smell (food, deodorants, etc.), the kind or taste of food. A woman can completely lose her appetite, she begins to feel sharper smells.
At this time, the woman begins frequent urge to urinate, so the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder.
In some cases, a woman may feel that she has a cold, because there is quite a slight increase in body temperature in this situation and signs of the disease (weakness, headaches, etc.) are felt.
Temperature 37 ° C
The low body temperature (about 37 degrees) during pregnancy, particularly in the early stages, is quite normal, so you should not worry too much about it. This condition, which may be followed by 5 weeks of pregnancy, is due to hormonal changes in the body. If the temperature in the early periods is not above 37.5 degrees and there are no other unpleasant symptoms, then there is no cause for concern. Physicians explain the increase in temperature by the increased amount of progesterone in the body. In addition, the temperature can rise from excessive sun exposure, lack of fresh air in the room, and so on.
With the onset of pregnancy, the body's defenses are significantly weakened, which can lead to a cold disease. 5 weeks of pregnancy is a very important stage in the formation of the embryo, so it is extremely undesirable to be ill with colds at this time. In the first three months of pregnancy, taking any medication is prohibited, while a severe course of the disease can lead to malformations in the child.
A pregnant woman at the first sign of a cold, especially in the early stages, needs a generous warm drink (teas with raspberries, honey, herbal infusions), gargling with soda and herbal solutions, washing the nose with special products with sea water. However, you can not abuse alternative drugs, since many herbs have an abortive effect and can cause a miscarriage.
5 week of pregnancy can begin with the manifestation of toxicosis. During this period, a woman can begin to feel sick of previously favorite dishes and different smells. A pregnant woman completely changes - from the internal structure to external qualities. Approximately 85% of women in the position at the beginning of pregnancy are disgusted with food. Blame all the hormones. Some women do not tolerate the appearance and smell of sufficiently harmful products at their present position (fried, seafood, fast food, etc.). But sometimes the female body begins to reject most of the products, among which are necessary for the correct development of the baby.
Most women can not tolerate protein foods (poultry, beef, eggs, etc.). But these products can be replaced by other foods that are high in protein - nuts, beans. In some cases, women react more to the smell, so you can eat dishes with a small content of protein foods (vegetable stew with small pieces of meat).
Milk is also a product that most pregnant women can not tolerate normally. But milk is the main source of calcium, which is so important for both the mother and the baby. If the body expresses a protest against dairy products, you can replace them with freshly squeezed juices, white cabbage.
Typically, the toxicosis passes by itself at the end of the first trimester. The woman feels better, morning sickness passes, her usual taste returns.
Nausea is a common complaint of women in the early stages of pregnancy. It occurs more than half of pregnant women, and an easy feeling of nausea at the very beginning of pregnancy is familiar to almost all women.
The absence of toxicosis, in particular nausea, does not indicate a pathology of development, some women throughout the pregnancy do not experience any signs of toxicosis. Nausea is the body's reaction to the preparation for the process of bearing a child and childbirth. It starts with every woman in different ways, usually it's 5 weeks of pregnancy. It should be noted that an early feeling of nausea in a pregnant woman in the future entails severe manifestations of toxicosis, in this case, the risks of excessive vomiting, the inability of a woman to eat normally, such conditions require medical treatment.
In the case of a single pregnancy, nausea will disturb a woman before 11 to 12 weeks, with a multiple pregnancy (two or more embryos) until 14-16 weeks.
The reasons for diarrhea in pregnant women in early terms is quite a lot. This may be associated with a gastrointestinal disease or the defeat of certain organs (pancreas, stomach, etc.). In some cases, diarrhea is provoked by general diseases. Diarrhea can begin with infectious diseases, poisoning, etc. It is known that the body of a pregnant woman is more susceptible to food toxins due to a weakened immune system. Also, the unstable operation of the nervous system due to hormonal changes, infection with worms, the lack of digestive enzymes can be the fault of such a condition. 5 week of pregnancy is the onset of toxicosis, which can also affect the development of diarrhea in a woman.
5 week of pregnancy can begin with such an unpleasant condition as heartburn, which affects almost 80% of women in the situation. Usually heartburn begins to appear in the second half of pregnancy, when the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs increases, which facilitates ingestion of gastric juice into the esophagus. Heartburn often begins after eating (or certain foods), it can last from a couple of minutes to several hours, seizures can disturb several times a day.
At the beginning of a pregnancy, a feeling of heartburn arises from hormonal changes. In pregnant women, the level of progesterone responsible for reducing the tone of smooth muscles, increases. The hormone acts not only on the woman's uterus, but also on all internal organs. It is under his influence that the muscle between the esophagus and the stomach weakens, which contributes to the ingestion of gastric juice into the esophagus.
It is generally believed that in the early stages of pregnancy, heartburn is one of the symptoms of an early onset of toxicosis, which usually goes to 4 months of pregnancy.
In pregnant women, various types of herpes viruses can become pathogens of infection. During pregnancy, as a rule, bothers herpes lips, skin, genitals. The genital form of the disease is most dangerous at this time. Herpes infection can negatively affect the pregnancy and health of the unborn child, provoke a miscarriage. Characteristic for the disease signs is a rash on the skin and mucous membranes. Treatment, as a rule, occurs with the help of antiviral therapy of local purpose.
Herpes often appears in pregnant women, since weakened immunity creates favorable conditions for the development of the virus.
If a woman first gets sick and herpes infection already being pregnant, the chances of microorganisms penetrating through the placenta multiply many times, but this does not always lead to infection of the baby.
If a woman picked up the virus when she was 5 weeks pregnant, chances of spontaneous miscarriage, severe developmental defects (brain, hearing, vision, CNS damage, physical deviations)
If a woman has had herpes before the pregnancy, she is a carrier of the virus and her child is protected by the mother's antibodies.
The greatest danger for the future child is represented by viral diseases, especially influenza viruses. In the first three months of development, due to infection of the mother, various developmental disorders can start. 5 week of pregnancy is such a time when some vices may be incompatible with life, in this case the body rejects the fetus and the woman has a spontaneous miscarriage. But in some cases the virus does not touch the small organism inside the woman, and the pregnancy safely proceeds further.
After the disease, you need to go through the examination and take the necessary tests to make sure that the pathology has not occurred.
Runny nose
Runny nose in a pregnant woman is a widespread phenomenon. Nasal congestion causes not only weakened immunity, but also a number of other reasons. In some cases, a pregnant woman walks almost all the time with a cold. This condition is called vasomotor rhinitis (a runny nose of a pregnant woman), which is associated with hormonal changes. Usually, such a cold starts to disturb a woman at the beginning of the second trimester, does not require special treatment and passes on her own after the birth.
If 5 weeks of pregnancy began with a constant sneezing, a severe cold, then it may have started an allergic rhinitis. In this condition, you need to contact a specialist for help. When, together with sneezing and runny nose, fever, weakness, headache, cough - this indicates a viral infection.
Treatment with vasoconstrictive agents (naphthyzine, pharmacoline, etc.) is not recommended for pregnant women. Such drugs also narrow the capillaries of the placenta, which causes hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in the fetus. Also, vasoconstrictors increase blood pressure and lead to spasms, which should be avoided by pregnant women. The condition with a common cold can be tried with the help of alternative medicine.
In addition to vasoconstrictive drops, the nasal mucosal lavage with special solutions with sea water (Salin, Aquamaris, etc.) is well eliminated. Also it is good to wash a nose with infusion of a camomile or a sage which have anti-inflammatory properties. Also infusion of herbs can be buried in the nose (2-3 drops several times a day).
Abdominal pain
Painful sensations in the lower abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy can appear due to hormonal changes in the body. The womb of a woman is just beginning to adapt to her new position. Usually, the pulling pain in the lower abdomen appears shortly before menstruation, and the 5 th week of pregnancy is just the time when the woman expects the onset of menstruation.
If the pain does not go away in a few days, become stronger, you need to consult a gynecologist, if necessary, take tests. There are many reasons for the painful sensations, and an experienced specialist will help you decide what exactly is connected with it. First of all, the doctor will advise you to take an analysis of hCG and get an ultrasound scan. After the results, you can already judge the causes of pain. All of the above studies, first of all, will confirm (or refute) pregnancy. If the doctor does not see the embryo on ultrasound (because of too short a period), then an elevated level of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) will indicate pregnancy.
Pain in the abdomen at an early age can occur when the location of the internal organs changes, which is associated with an increase in the uterus. In addition, the process of embedding and fixing the embryo in the uterine cavity can be accompanied by drawing pains. Hormones can provoke increased bile formation, and in the future, when the gallbladder moves to the right, the outflow of bile may be disturbed.
Pain in the fifth week of pregnancy may indicate a threat of miscarriage. During this period begins the detachment of the amniotic egg, accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen. As a rule, bloody discharge appears simultaneously with the pain. In this case, you need to consult your doctor as early as possible, if the pain has increased, acquired a cramping character, you need to immediately call an ambulance. In the first months of pregnancy, miscarriages are quite common, timely medical care in most cases helps to keep the pregnancy.
When abdominal pain is accompanied by fever, this may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, you need to see a specialist as soon as possible, since the embryo fixation does not take place in the uterus, but on the ovary or in the fallopian tube, and the growing fetus can cause organ rupture at any time.
Pain in the abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy often occurs when the uterus is in a tone (tension). This is due to the fact that the muscles of the uterus are shrinking forcefully, which can cause a miscarriage. Because of the tone of the uterus, detachment of the placenta can begin, and there may also be a delay in the development and growth of the embryo.
If the pain in the lower abdomen has stopped, it means that the dangerous period of fixing in the body of the mother is successfully completed, and a new stage of growth and development is ahead.
Drawing pains in the lower back
5 week of pregnancy is accompanied by drawing pains at the bottom of the waist in many women. At this early period, the uterus slightly increases in size, the fetus starts actively gaining weight, the center of gravity shifts in the woman, the load on the woman's lower back becomes larger. During this period, the future mother may lack a lot of vitamins and trace elements, in particular calcium. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended a course of calcium with vitamin D.
Pain in the lower back at elevated body temperature, may be associated with the onset of pyelonephritis. With the onset of pregnancy in the body, women undergo changes without exception, internal organs, and kidney-related diseases are common in pregnant women.
If you become concerned about the pain in the lower back, you should tell your doctor about it, which will help determine the cause of pain and eliminate them. With each month, the load on your back will increase, so if there are no contraindications, you can do exercises that will help strengthen the back muscles and reduce (or completely eliminate) the soreness of the waist.
Ectopic pregnancy at the 5th week of pregnancy
At an early stage, a doctor with ultrasound can not always determine an ectopic pregnancy. The level of pregnancy hormone - hCG, will help to establish the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. The hormone appears in the urine and blood of a woman about the second week of conception and begins to increase at a rapid pace. When suspicion of ectopic pregnancy is assigned a dynamic analysis of hCG, in which it is possible to establish the growth rate of this hormone in the body. The lack of a hormone or insufficiently rapid rate of development can indicate the development of an embryo outside the uterus. The 5th week of pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus carries a threat to the life of a woman, because a growing fetus can at any time break the organ on which the fixation (ovaries, uterine tube) has occurred.
With an ectopic pregnancy without surgery, you can not do, as this may further determine the woman's ability to conceive.
Interruption of pregnancy at week 5
In modern medicine, there are 4 types of abortion:
- Medicamentous - with the help of special medications, after which the woman begins a miscarriage, is carried out for up to 6 weeks;
- Vacuum or mini-abortion - is held for up to 5 weeks;
- Surgical abortion - curettage of the uterine cavity, are carried out for up to 12 weeks;
- Artificial birth - pass on the principle of ordinary childbirth (after taking special drugs) and end with a standard scraping.
5 week of pregnancy is sufficiently early, in this case the doctor can offer two options: medical or vacuum abortion.
In the case of a vacuum abortion, the doctor performs the operation with a special vacuum suction, under the strict supervision of an ultrasound device. An operation is performed using local anesthetics, lasting no more than 10 minutes. After a mini-abortion, the healing process is relatively short, with most women not experiencing strong pain.
Abortion with medication is to take special pills (in the presence of a doctor). This type of artificial termination of pregnancy is carried out without prompt intervention in the body of a woman and is considered the most safe to date.
Lifestyle and safety
5 week of pregnancy is a critical time for the development of the child. Observance of several key rules will help to protect the health of both the child and the future mother.
- Visit the doctor and do not miss the advice. Good prenatal care is essential for your child's health. At the first prenatal visit (usually on the eighth week of pregnancy), the doctor will conduct a survey to identify certain conditions that can lead to complications.
- Take vitamins. Most prenatal supplements contain more folic acid, iron and calcium than standard multivitamins. Pregnant women need more of these nutrients.
- Admission of folic acid is especially important during the first trimester, as this reduces the risk of congenital neural tube defects in the child.
- Consult your doctor about the drugs that you are taking. Many drugs are unsafe during pregnancy. When addressing a doctor, also name all the supplements and herbs that you take.
- Stop smoking. Smoking increases the risk of spontaneous abortion, placental problems and interrupted childbirth. Smoking also slows embryonic growth and increases the risk of a stillbirth and infant death. Some studies have even linked smoking with an increased risk of harelip in a child.
- It's never too late to quit smoking, every cigarette you refuse gives the child a chance to be healthy.
- Refuse the use of alcohol. Just one drink a day can increase the risk of low birth weight at birth and increase the risk of problems with speech, memory, concentration and language.
- Make sure your home and work are safe. Some jobs or hobbies can be dangerous for you and your developing child. If you are exposed to chemicals, heavy metals, certain biological agents or radiation, this will negatively affect a child's health.
- Keep in mind that some cleaning products, solvents and rust in drinking water from old pipes can also be harmful.
Two weeks ago, when the woman did not guess about her situation, she could consume alcohol without harming the health of the future baby. But the 5th week of pregnancy is already a good reason for refusing alcohol. During this period, a connection is established between the mother's organism and the child inside it. The fetus begins to receive virtually all the substances from the mother's body, incl. Alcohol. Therefore, when pregnancy has been confirmed, it is necessary to completely abandon the use of alcohol, some doctors believe that taking drugs on an alcohol basis to a pregnant woman should also be excluded.
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth (quite often with a fatal outcome for an infant), the birth of a child with insufficient weight. Excessive use of alcohol provokes fetal alcohol syndrome - severe fetal damage (facial pathology, physical and mental abnormalities, heart disease and other internal organs, behavioral disorders).
Many women (especially those whose baby was not born in the nearest future), after learning about their new situation, try to abandon the bad habit, so as not to harm the baby. But often a woman learns about what awaits the baby even when it's 5 weeks of pregnancy. A future mother can constantly worry about this, even if smoking stopped at the first suspicion of pregnancy. The smoke of cigarettes contains a huge amount of harmful substances, besides, its action in the body blocks the access of oxygen to the baby, as a result, it simply stops breathing.
In the first week of development of the embryo, there is no general connection between him and the mother, the embryo does not receive from the mother's body any substances - neither harmful nor nutrient. In the second week the embryo is introduced into the uterine cavity and is fed from its own stores. The subsequent development of the embryo in the uterus, forms a connection between him and the mother, to obtain nutrients from her body. Usually by this time the woman is already learning about her pregnancy. If a woman smoked in the first weeks of pregnancy, it did not have a harmful effect on the baby, but smoking in the future can disrupt the function of the placenta and the child will begin to smoke at the same time as the mother, which will restrict the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the body of the future little man. Because of the mother's smoking during pregnancy often develop severe malformations: low weight, hypotrophy, increases the risk of caesarean section and the birth of a dead child.
Eating a pregnant woman should be different from what it was before. In the diet of the future mother should appear healthy and healthy products: fresh vegetables, fruits, greens, fish, dairy products. Hormonal changes may require completely unhealthy food (fast foods, fried foods, salted, spicy, chips, etc.), this should be treated calmly. If you really wanted something "interesting" you should not suffer and deny yourself. For peace of mind, you can eat what you want, just a little, otherwise it can lead to further health problems (for example, excessive consumption of salt can cause kidney dysfunction).
When there is a 5 week gestation, the process of hormonal changes has already begun in the female body. During the first three months of pregnancy, all the vital organs are formed, at this stage it is extremely important for a woman to receive a full complex of vitamins and a healthy diet. Particularly important in the first months of pregnancy are folic acid and vitamin B9, the lack of which can cause disorders in the development of the nervous system and the baby's brain. The choice of vitamin preparations should be treated very carefully. Now in pharmacies an incredibly large selection of special vitamin complexes for pregnant women. Determine the choice of vitamins will help the doctor, considering all the tests and the status of women.
Airplane flights
The reaction of the pregnant woman's body to the flight in the early stages of pregnancy in each individual case occurs individually. Everything depends on the gestational age, the recommendations of the attending physician, the attitude of the woman to the flights in general. The panic, fear, anxiety that often experienced by pregnant women is very harmful to the unborn child.
5 week of pregnancy is the period of appearance of toxicosis, therefore in the plane the probability of that unpleasant sensations, in particular nausea, increases will increase. In addition, in the early stages of pregnancy, flight (especially many hours) increases the risk of spontaneous abortion.
Choose a doctor and make an appointment. To prepare, write down the first day of your last menstruation (this will help determine the length of the pregnancy), and begin to compile a list of questions that you are having. Talk with relatives on both sides about the history of illness in families. Information about chronic and genetic diseases will help the doctor in the prevention of certain conditions.
5 week of pregnancy can change a woman's libido. During this period, the reaction of hormones is not predictable. Some women begin to experience a strong attraction to her husband, in others the desire completely disappears. In the event that there is no threat of abortion (pulling pains in the lower abdomen, bloody or brownish discharge), then there is no reason to refuse sex. A woman in her position must adhere to the principle that pleasure and pleasure benefits not only the woman herself, but also has a beneficial effect on her future child.
5 week of pregnancy is a very important stage in the development of the embryo. During this period a woman usually finds out about her situation. The joy that a woman experiences at this time is already transmitted to her child, which positively affects his development. In most cases, a woman does not experience any sensations related to her new position, in rare cases, early toxicosis (nausea, dizziness, etc.) may begin. This week, there is a link between the mother's organism and her baby, it begins to depend on the nutrition of the woman, her way of life, etc. At the 5th week of pregnancy, the vital organs are laid, therefore it is extremely important for a woman to control her emotional state, nutrition, lifestyle, so as not to provoke developmental malformations.