Pregnancy: 3 weeks
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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What happens at the 3rd week of pregnancy is interesting for many women who are on this date.
At the 3rd week of pregnancy, the fertilization of the egg often occurs, if this process did not occur earlier - at the end of the second week. During the fertilization of the egg, the sex of the child, its character, the color of the eyes, hair, skin, and body structure are laid.
The fertilized egg is called a zygote, which begins to divide very quickly, as a result of which many new cells are formed all the time. Zygote is constantly growing and moving through the fallopian tubes, enters the uterine cavity, looks for a suitable place and is implanted (fixed) in the endometrium.
After implantation, the zygote is called a blastocyst, which also continuously and rapidly divides and grows. Soon the blastocyst is lengthened and a cavity is formed in it, in which an embryonic disc is formed. At the end of the third week of pregnancy, this disc is rolled up in the form of a cylinder that will have different widths. In consequence, from one end the head is formed, and from the other - the tail. During this period, the main organs and systems are laid.
Now we can say that a pregnancy has come. At the 3rd week of pregnancy, the embryo is extremely small, weighing two or three micrograms, and the height is 0.15-0.2 mm.
Important: the development of each child is strictly individual. Our information is designed to give you an idea of the development of the fetus.
Pregnancy 3 weeks from conception
Pregnancy 3 weeks from conception is a very important and responsible time in the development of the embryo, as the process of histogenesis begins, which is characterized by the development and differentiation of cells, resulting in the formation of tissues, and then the organs of the whole organism. This process is initiated on the fifteenth-seventeenth day after the fertilization of the egg.
Histogenesis is influenced by a combination of endogenous and exogenous factors. Internal factors include heredity. Exogenous factors include the image and living conditions of a pregnant woman. The process of histogenesis refers to the second critical period of embryo development (the first is in the second week of pregnancy).
Histogenesis - tissue differentiation of embryonic leaves is carried out in several directions.
- Ectoderm - from it a neural tube is formed, from which the spinal cord and brain will subsequently form, as well as a set of cells from which the cells of the skin will begin.
- The mesoderm provides evolution of cells in the following directions:
- the formation of muscular, bone and cartilage types,
- cells of kidneys, a liver, a spleen and sexual glands are created,
- the peritoneum and connective tissue tissues of the lungs (pleura) and the heart (pericardium) are formed.
- Endoderma - the intestinal tube develops from it, and then the digestive tract.
Histogenesis, usually, is completed by the twentieth day of the embryonic period. From the twentieth to the twenty-first day of intrauterine development, the folds of the trunk and chord begin to form in the embryo-the axial organ from which the spinal column will form. By the twenty-fifth day, the formation of the nerve and intestinal tube ends. Intensively continue the differentiation of mesoderm cells, with the formation of the tissues of future internal organs, and also develop cells of smooth muscles and blood vessels, blood and lymph fluid.
The gestation period is 3 weeks
The gestation period of 3 weeks is a very serious period of intrauterine development of the embryo. In this period of pregnancy, the psychological mood of a pregnant woman and a healthy diet are very important. In this period the embryonic vesicle (blastocyst), which was formed from a fertilized egg, is implanted (fixed) in the endometrium of the uterus and intensively develops.
The blastocyst consists of two layers - the outer one, from which the placenta, the umbilical cord and the amniotic fluid and the inner one will form - the embryo will form. Given the bookmark and the beginning of the formation of the tissues of the future organs of the child, it is necessary to properly organize the regime of the day, nutrition, to give up harmful habits and taking medications. That will ensure the health of the future child and the normal course of pregnancy.
Ultrasound at 3 weeks of pregnancy
Ultrasound at 3 weeks of gestation is performed using a transvaginal sensor. Using ultrasound, you can find out where the embryo was implanted (in the uterine cavity or ectopic - in the fallopian tubes), i.e. Confirm the uterine pregnancy and exclude the ectopic pregnancy, as well as assess the structure of the endometrium and uterine myometrium.
In addition, the conduct of an ultrasound in the early period allows excluding such a disease as a bladder drift, in which there are clinical and laboratory signs as in pregnancy, but in the absence of an embryo in the uterus, and instead there are a large number of vesicles, the number of which is constantly growing.
In the case of uterine pregnancy, ultrasound at week 3 shows a thickening of the endometrium of the uterus, sometimes hyperplasia. The embryo is not visible at this stage, it can be considered as a white tiny point in the cavity of the fetal egg located in the uterus.
With ultrasound of the ovaries, the yellow body of pregnancy has a higher vascularization, this is due to a significant activity of hormones. Actually the yellow body of pregnancy carries out hormonal support of the course of pregnancy until the placenta is formed. At the 3rd week of pregnancy, the yellow body can be defined as a cyst on ultrasound.
Fetus at the 3rd week of pregnancy
The fetus on the 3rd week of pregnancy actively develops and represents a set of cells with certain genetic information. Although at this time it is called an embryo and is daily made more complex. On the third week of pregnancy, the formation of the neural tube starts, from which the brain of the dorsal and the head will subsequently form. From the bulge in the central region of the embryo a heart is formed. During this time, the placenta begins to form, through which the embryo will receive the necessary nutrients from the mother.
At the 3rd week of pregnancy, the embryo is an egg-shaped formation and consists of a chorion, amnion, yolk sac, where the future baby will form and grow.
On the twenty-first day, the brain and spinal cord begin to form, and a heartbeat appears.
The fruit consists of several hundred cells and as soon as the blastocyst takes up place in the uterus; 3 week of pregnancy - the beginning of the production of the hormone of human chorionic hormone, which stops the production of ovaries by the ovaries and increases the production of estrogen and progesterone (which prevent the rejection of the fetus and stimulate placental growth). Human gonadotropin is a hormone, on the basis of which pregnancy tests are based. Do a test by the end of this week, and it may prove to be positive! (If the test is negative, and menstruation does not begin in two to three days, try another test.)
Meanwhile, at the 3rd week of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid begins to gather around the fetus. This liquid performs protective functions. Now the blastocyst receives oxygen and nutrients (and also outputs the products of vital activity) through the primitive system of blood circulation. The placenta for this task will be sufficiently developed by the end of next week.
Fetal size
The size of the fetus (embryo) at the 3rd week of pregnancy is very small. Its weight is two to three micrograms, and the height is from 0.15-0.2 mm to 2-4 mm and consists of about 250 cells. Very soon the size of the embryo will change, and will change constantly, as the cells continue to divide, grow, and the embryo itself grows, which turns into a fetus, and then into a newborn baby.
Signs of pregnancy at week 3
Signs of pregnancy at 3 weeks may not be subject to pregnancy, but it can already be determined by ultrasound and blood and / or urine tests for chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). But the most important and sure sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. Some women also note changes and their well-being:
- significant fatigue in normal physical activity,
- soreness and engorgement of the mammary glands,
- exacerbation of susceptibility to various odors,
- anorexia - increase or absence of it,
- the preferences in food change,
- frequent urination,
- nausea,
- impaired bowel function,
- increase in basal temperature (not less than thirty-seven degrees),
- possible pain of a pulling character in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region,
- change in color of discharge (may be brown or in the form of a small amount of blood, which is associated with the implantation of the egg).
All signs of pregnancy for 3 weeks, which can be felt by a pregnant woman, are associated with hormonal changes in her body.
Sensations at the 3rd week of pregnancy
Sensations at the 3rd week of pregnancy can be very diverse or absent altogether. Perhaps dizziness, mood changes, irritability, symptoms of early toxicosis (nausea). Sometimes there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, which may be due to the displacement of the center of gravity, and also promote frequent urination. Quite often, there is an increase, roughness and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.
Breast in 3 weeks of pregnancy
Breast at the 3rd week of pregnancy undergoes changes almost in the first place, since it begins preparing for feeding. The mammary glands increase in size, are rough, their sensitivity is increased and there is a slight soreness. Sometimes there is a darkening of areola and nipple, although this often occurs in later stages of pregnancy. All changes in the mammary gland occur, usually, symmetrically.
Uterus at the 3rd week of pregnancy
The uterus at the 3rd week of pregnancy is in a small pelvis, a significant increase and a change in its consistency at this stage does not occur. Changes are noted in its internal layer - endometrium, where its thickening or hyperplasia is noted.
HCG at 3 weeks of gestation
HCG at the 3rd week of pregnancy begins to be produced as soon as the implantation of the blastocyst into the endometrium of the uterus has occurred. HCG (chorionic gonadotropin):
- notifies the ovaries that they stop the production of eggs,
- promotes increased production of hormones - progesterone and estrogen, due to which the process of rejection of the inner shell of the uterus is prevented, promotes the growth of the embryo and the formation of the placenta.
During this period, the chorionic gonadotropin can be determined in the blood laboratory, and its content in the urine is usually lower by half, which can complicate the diagnosis with the help of test strips. But, to date, there are highly sensitive test strips on hCG, which allows you to determine it in the urine and at such an early date.
At this time, the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin increases every two to three days.
Progesterone at 3 weeks of gestation
Progesterone at the 3rd week of pregnancy is produced in an increased amount by the yellow body of pregnancy until the placenta is formed. The function of progesterone in the occurrence and preservation of pregnancy is great:
- promotes thickening of the endometrium of the uterus, due to which a fertilized egg is firmly implanted,
- stimulates the growth of the uterus,
- helps to relax the uterine myometrium and prevents spontaneous miscarriage,
- as a result of its action, subcutaneous fat accumulates, which will provide the pregnant and fetus with the necessary nutrients,
- reduces the function of the immune system, as a result of which the body of the pregnant woman does not reject the protein structure with the genetic information of the man,
- provides training of muscles and ligaments for labor,
- strengthens the development and growth of mammary glands,
- takes part in the development of some tissues in the fetus.
The level of progesterone in different laboratories is different and averages 15 nmol / l. Analyzing the determination of the level of progesterone in the blood is necessary on an empty stomach, do not take hormonal drugs, and also exclude physical and emotional stress.
Monthly at week 3 of pregnancy
Months at the 3rd week of pregnancy, when fertilization occurred and implantation of the egg usually does not occur. But in the first weeks and months, when the placenta is only developing, it is possible that there is insufficient production of hormones that suppress menstruation and, in the required time, the occurrence of bloody discharge may occur. Also, the cause of bloody discharge, similar to the monthly can be:
- in some women, the implantation of the fetal egg in the endometrium of the uterus can be accompanied by slight bloody or brown secretions,
- in the case of a stiffened pregnancy, a scanty and smearing character of the discharge is noted, when the embryo does not develop (died),
- spotting can be if the implantation occurred in the fallopian tube,
- the presence of erosion of the cervix, can also be accompanied by bloody discharge,
- Gynecological examination can provoke minor discharge, but this is not dangerous.
The emergence of excretions similar to the monthly one is an urgent reason for going to the obstetrician - gynecologist for consultation and examination, in order to prevent undesirable consequences for the pregnant woman and the child.
Bleeding at week 3 of pregnancy
Bleeding at the 3rd week of pregnancy should not be left without attention. It is not necessary to worry particularly if the bleeding is not very profuse, short-term, not accompanied by pain and does not contain fragments of tissues. Bleeding, which is not dangerous:
- Bleeding due to implantation, as the integrity of the uterus endometrium rich in blood vessels is disturbed.
- Perhaps minor bleeding after sexual intercourse, most often not dangerous.
- Conducted the day before the examination of a gynecologist may be accompanied by a slight bleeding.
Bleeding should be disturbed, which is copious, does not stop, is accompanied by pain or spasm, and also contains fragments of tissues. The cause of such bleeding may be:
- miscarriage,
- ectopic pregnancy.
If there is bleeding, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help in order to identify its cause and eliminate it. Self-medication should not be dealt with, tk. It is dangerous for the health and life of a pregnant woman.
Allocations at week 3 of pregnancy
Allocations at week 3 of pregnancy, as a rule, are not copious, smearing, often absent. Allocations can be of different colors - pink, creamy, yellowish or brownish. There may be spotting in this period, due to the implantation of a fertilized egg.
Brown discharge at 3 weeks of gestation
Brown discharge at the 3rd week of pregnancy can occur due to the fixation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium of the uterus, in this case such discharges are the norm and pass in a few days. But the cause of brown secretions can also be an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, bacterial sex infections, erosion of the cervix. In any case, it is better to go for a consultation and an examination to the doctor.
Dermatitis at the 3rd week of pregnancy
A daub in the 3rd week of pregnancy can result from the implantation of a fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterus, which is normal and usually takes a few days, such discharge is not abundant, can be brownish or bloody and does not bring discomfort.
If the smear is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen and lower back, does not go through a few days, but on the contrary increases and worsens the general condition you need to urgently consult a doctor. Because this may indicate an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, miscarriage, erosion of the cervix or bacterial infections.
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Abdominal pain at 3 weeks of gestation
Why does my belly ache during the 3rd week of pregnancy, many women worry. The cause of abdominal pain can be:
- The onset of ovulation often contributes to abdominal pain. Each woman has a different threshold of pain sensitivity - some feel a slight pain when the egg leaves the ovary, and some may lose consciousness from the pain.
- Disorder of bowel function (constipation, eating disorders).
- Implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium of the uterus can often be accompanied by pain in the abdomen.
- Diseases of the urinary system (eg, cystitis).
- Surgical diseases (for example, appendicitis).
- Ectopic pregnancy.
- The threat of spontaneous miscarriage.
Minor pains in the abdomen, not accompanied by heavy bleeding should not be very disturbing, but it is not a problem to go to a consultation with a doctor.
If you pull the stomach at 3 weeks pregnant
Pulls the stomach for 3 weeks of pregnancy for many reasons. The most probable causal of what pulls the stomach is the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. In addition, the restructuring of the hormonal background of a woman can be accompanied by drawing pains in the abdomen. It should be noted that the stomach can pull:
- after performing physical exertion, even insignificant,
- due to the threat of termination of pregnancy,
- with ectopic pregnancy,
- inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity or pelvis.
Pulling the stomach can be permanent or intermittent, depending on the problem. If the trailing pain is aggravated, does not pass a long time and is accompanied by bloody discharge, it is necessary to urgently go to the doctor.
Back pain at week 3 of pregnancy
The loin hurts at the 3rd week of pregnancy for various reasons, both as a result of the physiological processes that arise in the bone-ligament apparatus during pregnancy and because of pathological processes. The causes of pain can be:
- From the moment of conception, the ligamentous apparatus of the skeleton and internal organs begins to prepare for the forthcoming birth. The hormone relaxin begins to be produced, due to which the connective tissue structures become loose and more extensible, which makes the pelvic bones more mobile. As a result of such changes, pain in the lower back is possible.
- A possible increase in weight creates an additional burden on the spine, which can contribute to pain in the lumbar region, especially if the pregnant woman has a pathology of the spinal column (osteochondrosis, scoliosis).
- Kidney disease (eg, pyelonephritis). But lower back pain in this case is accompanied by a fever, a violation of urination, swelling.
The presence of pain in the lumbar region, especially acute, with an increase in temperature and the appearance of bloody discharge makes it necessary to urgently pay a visit to the doctor for examination and examination.
Temperature at 3 weeks of pregnancy
The temperature at week 3 of pregnancy can rise to 37.3 ° C and in the absence of other symptoms (cough, nasal congestion, etc.) should not bother. This is often found in the early stages of pregnancy and this phenomenon arises as a result of accelerated metabolism and increased production of hormones that promote the growth and development of the fetus (in particular, progesterone). This temperature, as a rule, passes in a few weeks.
An increase in temperature above 37.8 ° С, with the presence of chills, weakness, pains of different localization and other symptoms, can speak of the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. It can be a cold or another disease of internal organs (for example, appendicitis, pyelonephritis, etc.). In this situation, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor, as self-medication is extremely dangerous for both the pregnant woman and the future child.
The high temperature (above 38 ° C), which does not stagnate for a long time, can negatively affect the development of the embryo, since at the 3rd week all organs and systems (central nervous system, cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, musculoskeletal and .). In addition, high fever can provoke miscarriage.
Nausea at the 3rd week of pregnancy
Nausea at week 3 of pregnancy may occur in half of pregnant women during this period, after the implantation of a fertilized egg. Usually, nausea occurs in the morning on an empty stomach and passes after a meal, so these women are recommended to eat in the morning, without getting out of bed a piece of bread and drink water. In some people, nausea can last for half a day or all day, sometimes it can be accompanied by vomiting. Recommendations that can help eliminate nausea:
- eat often for a bit,
- start breakfast without getting out of bed, and then lie down for about fifteen minutes,
- take high-calorie food (but not greasy) and better chilled,
- eat more hard food,
- drink enough water a day in small quantities.
If the nausea does not go away, but rather grows with each passing day and is accompanied by constant vomiting, then it is necessary to seek medical help.
Cold at 3 weeks of pregnancy
The cold at the 3rd week of pregnancy is not a rare phenomenon, because in the early stages of pregnancy there is a decrease in immunity. In case of a cold, it is better to immediately seek help from a doctor to prevent the progression of a viral infection and the occurrence of complications of pregnancy. Self-medication should not be done, because many drugs are not recommended during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, when the laying of organs.
As a rule, a cold that flows without raising the temperature is not dangerous, it becomes dangerous at a high temperature. Therefore, during pregnancy, especially in the early stages should protect yourself from the onset of a cold:
- In the period of the epidemic of respiratory viral infections, avoid a large crowd of people,
- if someone fell ill ORVI in the immediate surroundings it is necessary to put on a mask, and it is better to isolate this person in another room,
- it is necessary to often ventilate the premise where the pregnant woman is, especially during the epidemic season,
- wash the nasal passages with saline solution (Aqua-Maris, Humor),
- to observe a mode of a dream and wakefulness,
- more often to be in the open air,
- food should be balanced with a sufficient content of proteins, vegetables and fruits, micro- and macroelements,
- take vitamins for pregnant women if necessary (Pregnavit, Vitrum Prenatal).
These activities can be performed not only for the prevention of colds, but when it occurs.
Toxicosis at 3 weeks of pregnancy
Toxicosis at week 3 of pregnancy appears in some women after fixing a fertilized egg in the endometrium of the uterus. Toxicosis is possible until the placenta is formed. Since at 3 weeks the placenta is still absent, the woman's body is not protected from the ingestion of embryonic exchange products into her blood, which causes intoxication in a woman. In addition, the cause of toxicosis is a change in the hormonal background of women and genetic predisposition. Those. If the mother of a pregnant woman suffered from toxicosis, then she will also have toxicosis.
The appearance of toxicosis in the first pregnancy is more likely, with each subsequent pregnancy its manifestations decrease or are absent.
Toxicosis is manifested most often by nausea and vomiting, and signs such as intolerance to certain odors and / or food are not ruled out. In case of mild toxemia, nausea occurs after breakfast or in half a day and is rarely accompanied by vomiting. In severe cases, nausea is constant, throughout the day, does not go away after eating and is accompanied by repeated vomiting. In this case, you should immediately seek medical help.
To relieve the toxicosis you need to eat solid food without getting out of bed, to eat during the day in divided batches of high-calorie (but not fatty) more solid food, it is better to eat chilled food and drink enough water.
Antibiotics at week 3 of pregnancy
Antibiotics at the 3rd week of pregnancy are highly undesirable and even dangerous for the unborn child, as this time all the organs and systems are laid. The consequences of taking antibiotics can be severe, in particular - the birth of a sick child, tk. No violation of which organ or system can cause the antibiotic.
Antibiotics in early pregnancy are prescribed strictly by a doctor, after assessing the possible risk for the embryo and its benefits to the pregnant woman. Antibacterial drugs for this period are appointed in the following cases:
- pyelonephritis of a pregnant woman,
- septic states and suppurative processes of internal organs (pneumonia, abscess, etc.)
- at bacterial sexual infections (a trichomoniasis, a gonorrhea, a clamidiosis),
- in case of complications of viral infections.
To treat viral infections (in particular colds, ARVI, flu) antibiotics are not used because they are active against bacteria.
Of course, there are antibiotics that are allowed for pregnant women, but 3 weeks of pregnancy is an extremely unfavorable period for taking antibacterial drugs.
Ectopic pregnancy at week 3
Ectopic pregnancy at week 3, as a rule, manifests the same signs as the usual (when the embryo in the uterine cavity). Namely:
- delay in menstruation,
- increase in basal temperature,
- engorgement and increased sensitivity of mammary glands,
- nausea, weakness,
- mood swings, etc.
The causes of an ectopic pregnancy are diseases of the reproductive system of a woman that interfere with the normal passage of the egg through the fallopian tubes:
- bacterial sexual infections (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.) that cause inflammation in the fallopian tubes, followed by a narrowing of their lumen and deformation. As a result, a fertilized egg can not pass into the uterine cavity and is implanted in the fallopian tube, and as the embryo grows, it can rupture, which is very dangerous for a woman,
- previously performed surgical interventions on the organs of the abdominal cavity or pelvic organs that promote the development of the adhesion process.
The risk group for the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy is:
- women who smoke (the occurrence of their ectopic pregnancy is 3.5 times higher),
- women who have a uterine spiral (1.5 times more often develops an ectopic pregnancy according to statistics);
- age over 35 - 45 years (the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy is three to four times higher).
What should alert the ectopic pregnancy:
- Acute or strongly drawing pain in the lower abdomen, possibly one-sided (right or left),
- Bloody discharge or brown, not similar to menstruation,
- Painful sexual intercourse.
Ectopic pregnancy is a very dangerous condition, since it can cause a rupture of the tube, which is clinically manifested:
- heavy bleeding,
- acute pain in the abdomen,
- loss of consciousness,
- pallor of the skin.
Given the formidable complications of ectopic pregnancy, with the slightest suspicion of it, it is urgent to go to the doctor.
Frozen pregnancy at week 3
Frozen pregnancy can develop due to various reasons:
- physical or mental overstrain,
- bad habits (drinking, smoking),
- use of medicines,
- long-term insolation,
- Rhesus-conflict,
- genetic or chromosomal diseases of the embryo are incompatible with life,
- a number of abortions conducted earlier.
At the 3rd week of pregnancy, fading is difficult to determine independently, because the signs of pregnancy remain the same - lack of menstruation, enlarged and sensitive mammary glands. On the frozen pregnancy can specify:
- sutural excreta,
- if already bothered with toxicosis at this time, then when it fades, it stops,
- there were severe pain in the abdomen and lower back,
- the temperature increased without reason to high figures.
Therefore, if there are incomprehensible symptoms for a woman, you need to urgently go to the doctor and conduct an ultrasound examination, because only with his help can you determine a frozen pregnancy. Signs of a dead pregnancy on ultrasound:
- presence of an empty fetal egg that does not have an embryo.
Miscarriage at the 3rd week of pregnancy
Miscarriage at the third week of pregnancy is manifested bloody discharge, pain in the abdomen, a possible increase in temperature. The color of bloody discharge can range from bright red to dark brown. Women who did not know about pregnancy can even confuse miscarriage with menstruation.
The causes of miscarriage at an early stage, most often a violation of the development of the embryo at the genetic level, as well as due to the harmful habits of women and after stress or significant physical exertion.
The miscarriage does not happen at the same time, usually this process lasts several hours, and even days. If a woman is aware of her pregnancy, or if the condition suddenly worsens, bloody discharge from the genital tract should be sent to the doctor without delay.
How to interrupt pregnancy at week 3?
Some women, who for some reason can not keep pregnancy, are interested in the question: how to interrupt pregnancy at week 3? To interrupt pregnancy it is necessary to seek medical advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist, it is not recommended to engage in this issue independently. Because only an experienced specialist will be able to assess the condition of a pregnant woman and choose a method of termination of pregnancy.
As a rule, at this time, medical abortion is offered, which is the safest and with minimal consequences for the woman's body. Conducting medical abortion does not require mandatory stay of a woman in a hospital, it is only necessary to pass the appropriate tests and undergo an ultrasound examination. The procedure of medical abortion is quite serious and frivolous to treat it not worth it. Only a doctor with experience can correctly calculate the dosage of the drug for a woman. Incorrect doses of the drug may lead to incomplete abortion or adversely affect a woman's health.
For medical abortion, the following drugs are used: Mifolian, Mifeprex, Pencrofton, Mefigin, Mifepriston, Postinor. These drugs act directly on the fetal egg, which separates from the endometrium of the uterus and is released together with the bleeding. After medical abortion, a woman should undergo an additional examination in 24 hours to exclude incomplete abortion and receive the necessary recommendations for further medication and lifestyle.
Taking medications for medical abortion can be accompanied by nausea, weakness, headache, distraction. Some women do not feel anything, which depends on the individual tolerability of the drug.
Interruption of pregnancy in the early stages is also possible with the help of vacuum aspiration or surgically. But such methods are more dangerous for a woman, since more complications can arise, such as inflammation, abscess, infertility, etc.
Postinor at the 3rd week of pregnancy
Postinor at week 3 of pregnancy will be effective if the implantation of a fertilized egg has not yet occurred. If the implantation has already occurred, then Postinor will not be effective. The manufacturer indicates that Postinor can interrupt pregnancy in 85% of cases before implantation. The earlier the drug was taken after unprotected intercourse, the higher its effectiveness. The negative influence of Postinor on the embryo was not noted.
Sex at the 3rd week of pregnancy
Sex at week 3 of pregnancy will even be useful especially for a woman's mental health, especially as the sex drive increases during this period. There is also a positive psychological component that can now not be protected. It is very important to observe intimate hygiene before and after sex, this applies to both partners. Of course, if there is a threat of miscarriage, there are spotting, pains in the abdomen and lower back, then from sex it is better to abstain until the condition of the pregnant woman stabilizes. In addition, the presence of bacterial sexual infections in a partner is also a contraindication to having sex.