
Pregnancy Calendar

The pregnancy calendar is necessary for a pregnant woman to have a clear idea of what changes occur in the process of intrauterine development of her unborn child.

It is made up for weeks and trimesters, and every new pregnancy week makes adjustments to the development of the fetus. The first 13 weeks of pregnancy are the most dangerous, since any adverse effects on the fetus can lead to congenital pathologies or loss of pregnancy. In the second trimester the fetus continues to grow rapidly, and by the 20th week most women begin to feel its movement.

Pregnancy: 16 weeks

Prepare for a sharp growth of the child. Over the next few weeks, he will double his weight. Now the baby has grown to 12 cm and weighs 100 grams.

Pregnancy: 15 weeks

The size of the child reached 10 cm and 70 grams. He is busy moving the amniotic fluid through the nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the development of primitive pulmonary alveoli in the lungs.

Pregnancy: 14 weeks

This week there are big changes: the child can already frown, frown, grimace, write and even suck a thumb!

Pregnancy: 13 weeks

On the tiny fingers, fingerprints have already appeared, the veins and organs of the child are clearly visible through the thin skin, and the size of the trunk begins to gradually become equal with the size of the head ...

Pregnancy: 12 weeks

This week reflexes develop. The child's fingers begin to shrink and unclench, the eye muscles contract, and the mouth begins to make the first inexperienced movements ...

Pregnancy: 11 weeks

Your child is already over 4.5 centimeters in size and has almost been formed. His hands are compressed into jaws, tiny teeth begin to appear under the gums, some bones begin to strengthen ...

Pregnancy: 10 weeks

Despite the size of 2.5 centimeters and the weight of 7 grams, your child has already passed the most critical part of its development. This is the beginning of the so-called embryonic period ...

Pregnancy: 9 weeks

9th week of pregnancy - the beginning of the third month and approaching the second trimester. During this period the fetus already reaches the age of 7 weeks.

Pregnancy: 8 weeks

This week: fingers and toes form, eyelids almost completely cover the eyes, breathing tubes lead from the throat to the lungs. Nerve cells of the brain develop ...

Pregnancy: 7 weeks

At the 7th week of pregnancy, significant changes occur: hands and feet begin to develop, although in this period they are more like oars. Technically, your child is still considered an embryo ...


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