Pregnancy: 10 weeks
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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How the child grows:
Despite the size of 2.5 centimeters and the weight of 7 grams, your child has already passed the most critical part of its development. This is the beginning of the so-called embryonic period, the time when tissues and organs in his body grow and develop rapidly.
Its vital organs - including the kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver (now producing erythrocytes instead of the yolk sac) - begin functioning, although they will continue to develop until the end of pregnancy. If you could look at your uterus, you would see tiny nails forming on the fingers and toes, as well as a gentle fluff on the baby's skin.
The limbs of the child can now bend, and the spinal column is clearly visible through the translucent skin, the spinal nerves begin to develop, and the child's forehead temporarily protrudes. In the coming weeks, the child will again increase in size by two times.
Important: the development of each child is strictly individual. Our information is designed to give you an idea of the development of the fetus.
Changes of the future mother
At the next prenatal consultation, you can already hear the child's heartbeat. Before pregnancy, your uterus was the size of a small pear, this week, its size is commensurate with grapefruit. Your usual clothes are narrow, but the bra is small. We need to reconsider the wardrobe and pick up comfortable clothes. Depending on the level of your physical activity, you can choose to swim or walk to maintain an active lifestyle for all nine months. Physical exercise contributes to the maintenance of muscle tone and endurance - those qualities that will help you during pregnancy, in preparation for childbirth and in a more rapid return to the form after the birth of the child. (Unfortunately, there is no evidence that regular exercise accelerates the birth process).
"My own version of the morning sickness, developed every day at lunchtime." I could not eat anything, but I found a way out: I had the biggest meal I had for the morning, and most often preferred snacks at lunch. "- Susan.
3 Questions about infections during pregnancy
- What do you need to know about urinary tract infections during pregnancy?
Urinary tract infections are the most common bacterial infections during pregnancy. In part, this is "to blame" for the high level of progesterone. The hormone relaxes the urinary tract, which can slow the flow of urine, giving more time to bacteria for reproduction.
Infection can also develop when bacteria come in from the rectum into the urethra and urinary tract, where they continue to multiply. Sometimes they cause a bladder infection called cystitis. Symptoms of cystitis include pain, discomfort, burning with urination, frequent urination and abdominal pain. Urine can be cloudy and have an unpleasant odor.
It is very important to see a doctor if you have any suspicions of developing a bladder infection. Untreated cystitis can lead to kidney infection, which will increase the risk of premature birth. With cystitis, the doctor will prescribe safe antibiotics that will reduce symptoms for several days. Adhere to the doctor's recommendations when taking medications.
Bacteria can also proliferate in the urinary tract without causing symptoms, the so-called asymptomatic bacteriuria. It can be identified in the analysis of urine taken at the first consultation.
- What do you need to know about bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy?
Bacterial vaginosis is an infection of the genital tract caused by the multiplication of bacteria, which are usually found in a small amount in the vagina. Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include white or gray discharge with an unpleasant odor, irritation and itching, although in most cases bacterial vaginosis does not cause any symptoms. Bacterial vaginosis is associated with an increased risk of premature birth and premature rupture of amniotic membranes.
- What do I need to know about thrush during pregnancy?
Thrush is a common vaginal infection, especially during pregnancy. It is caused by microscopic fungi that are in the vagina of almost every third of a woman, and become a problem when their reproduction speeds up. Elevated levels of estrogen during pregnancy promote the production of glycogen, which is an excellent medium for the reproduction of fungi.
The thrush will not harm the baby, but if the infection develops during labor, there is some risk that the newborn will contact the fungus when passing through the birth canal. As a consequence, a kid can develop candidal stomatitis. This disease is not dangerous and is easily treated in healthy babies.
Activity of the week: Buy new lingerie. Special bras for pregnant women, will provide additional support and provide comfort to the future mother.