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Vitamins for dry, oily and problem skin of the face: method of administration and dosage
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the signs of human health is beautiful skin of the face. To maintain its tone, full care is needed, and of course, a complex of vitamins and minerals.
Comprehensive care consists of enriching the epidermis with various beneficial substances. They saturate the fabric with all necessary, add freshness and support youth. 13 organic compounds known to science impose a certain imprint on the beauty of the face, they are involved in the process of regeneration and nutrition.
Vitamins enter the body in the following ways:
- Natural ingredients derived from the use of products (main source).
- Synthetic vitamin preparations and supplements.
- Cosmetic masks.
Useful components are divided by their solubility:
- Water soluble - easily dissolved in water, well absorbed by the body and quickly absorbed into the blood. This category includes group B and C.
- Fat soluble - poorly soluble in water, so they need to be mixed with fats. These include: A, E, D, K. The most useful combination for the skin is a mixture of glycerin and tocopherol.
Particular attention when choosing vitamins is given to the features of the skin. There are 4 main types: dry, oily, mixed and normal. Each species has its own care needs. To select the substances that the body needs, you should contact your cosmetologist and nutritionist.
For the full functioning of the whole body requires a balanced diet. Artificial preparations are well absorbed and absorbed, quickly improving the condition of the epidermis. No less useful are the masks, for the preparation of which fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products are used.
Indications Vitamins for face skin
To maintain the health and beauty of the skin is very important to supply it with nutrients. Indications for use of vitamins depend on the needs of the epidermis, the main of which are:
- Restoration of cellular respiration.
- Moisturizing.
- Reduction of deep wrinkles and wrinkled mesh.
- Elimination of puffiness.
- Pigmentation elimination.
- Increasing the strength of vascular walls.
When administered orally, organic compounds with blood flow spread throughout the body and have a positive effect on the skin from the inside. Another option for the use of trace elements is their external application. It is important to have a balanced diet, which provides the body not only with vitamins, but also with other components necessary for the full work of the body.
In order for the use of vitamin therapy to be reasonable, you should contact your beautician. The doctor will determine the type of facial skin, identify problems and prescribe means to eliminate them.
What vitamins are needed for the skin of the face?
The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It needs oxygen and nutrients for normal growth, respiration and cell renewal. All physiological processes occurring in the epidermis are complex coordinated biochemical cascades. That is, the appearance (elasticity, haze, smartness, smoothness) and protective functions from aggressive environmental influences are carried out by biochemical reactions at the cellular level.
For normal functioning, the epidermis needs nutrients. Consider the most useful vitamins for the skin of the face:
- A - normalizes pigmentation and regeneration processes, promotes the production of collagen. Eliminates peeling and shine, fights acne and acne, moisturizes.
- B1 - fights aging.
- B2 - regulates metabolic processes and maintains normal color.
- B5 - smooths wrinkles.
- B6 - prevents dermatological diseases and accelerates the healing process.
- B9 - helps get rid of acne and acne.
- B12 - renews the skin, rejuvenating the epidermis.
- C - promotes the production of collagen, increases the elasticity and health of blood vessels.
- D - maintains the tone of the muscles of the face, slows down the aging process.
- E - protects against ultraviolet radiation and renews the dermis at the cellular level.
- K - normalizes pigmentation, maintains a uniform color.
- PP - maintains elasticity and healthy skin color.
- H - accelerates the process of regeneration of epidermal cells.
The health of the skin of the face and of the whole body depends on the course of biochemical reactions for which coenzymes are necessary that activate these processes and support their normal course. As coenzymes are vitamins, both entering the body and applied externally.
The method of application of useful substances depends on the situation and is individual for each person. If the skin is in poor condition, it is possible that both external and internal use. To maintain the health of the skin in good condition, it is enough 2-4 times a year to conduct vitamin therapy.
Vitamins for dry skin
A fairly common problem faced by both men and women is increased dryness of the skin. It arises due to a variety of problems, ranging from hereditary predispositions and disorders of the body, to unbalanced nutrition and improper care.
The main signs of dry skin:
- Pigmentation changes.
- Violation of elasticity.
- Peeling.
- Inflammation and redness.
- Burning.
- Feeling tense.
If the face is flaky, it indicates a deficiency of vitamin A, which is responsible for the production of sebum. The appearance of wrinkles and a change in the clear outlines of the oval is a lack of collagen, that is, vitamin C. Frequent irritation, redness and rashes - vitamin E. To enhance tissue regeneration, that is, accelerate healing of wounds - PP.
Let us consider in more detail what dry face skin needs:
- And - it is necessary not only to maintain healthy skin, but also the whole body. Responsible for the work of the sebaceous glands, cell renewal and their formation. Contained in milk, green vegetables, peas, egg yolk.
- B - its deficiency is manifested by minor damages, peeling and cracks. Included in many creams, as well as found in dairy products, fruits, eggs and meat.
- C - is responsible for the growth of new cells and the renewal of the upper layers of the dermis. Maintains normal blood circulation, ensuring healthy color. Its deficiency is manifested by pallor, increased dryness and dullness of the epidermis. Contained in citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi and pineapples.
- E - smoothes the upper layers of the dermis, making a clear oval of the face. Promotes the resorption of scars and scars, accelerates the healing of wounds. Contained in nuts, green vegetables and beans. Tocopherol can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of special capsules and add them to face masks. In this case, the active component will cover the dermis with a thin protective film that will retain moisture and protect against aggressive environmental influences.
No less useful for dry skin of the face will be multivitamin complexes that supply the body with a full complex of macro and microelements.
Vitamins for oily skin
Another problematic type of epidermis is oily skin. It gives a lot of inconvenience to its owner:
- Bold shine.
- Acne rashes.
- Acne.
- Increased sweating and a number of other problems.
But despite this, this type of epidermis has an advantage - it retains its youth even after 30 years. Special vitamins are needed to normalize the sebaceous glands, regenerate damaged tissues and grow new cells. The following trace elements are recommended for oily skin:
- A - regulates the amount of subcutaneous fat and the sebaceous glands. Prevents oily shine.
- PP - dries the sebaceous glands, stimulates the circulatory system and improves the nutrition of tissues.
- B5 - Pantothenic acid has a drying effect, normalizes the sebaceous glands. Ideal for oily and problem skin.
For face care, you can use creams and tonics that contain the above substances. Equally useful is the use of products with these components. The necessary organic compounds are found in milk, apples, figs, grapefruits, green vegetables, almonds.
Vitamins for acne skin
A common problem that everyone encountered is acne. Acne is a sebaceous gland, in which, due to improper outflow of sebum and interaction with bacteria, an inflammatory process begins. Having a lot of acne requires medical attention (cosmetologist, dermatologist, nutritionist). Most often this defect is associated with such factors:
- Disorders of the endocrine system.
- Improper nutrition.
- Non-compliance with hygiene.
- Poor environmental conditions.
- Frequent nervous experiences and stresses.
- Lack of nutrients.
There are certain vitamins for the skin from acne, consider them:
- And - increases elasticity and elasticity, normalizes metabolic processes. In large quantities contained in carrots, sour cream, vegetable and butter, dairy products.
- B - fights against bacteria that cause inflammation. Contributes to the normalization of metabolism. Nicotinic acid, that is, vitamin B3, is the most needed for the skin. This component contributes to the restoration of tissues due to the improvement of the sebaceous glands. Contained in legumes, nuts, mushrooms, egg yolks, seafood, sour cream, beef and pork.
- C - improves the structure of the epidermis, eliminates toxins and irritation. A large number found in citrus, wild rose, black currant, sea buckthorn, kiwi, cabbage and bell pepper.
- E - tocopherol accelerates the healing of wounds, maintains the elasticity and youthfulness of the face. Protects against negative environmental effects. Contained in vegetable oil, nuts, dried apricots, oatmeal, olives.
- D - has antioxidant properties, is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. In a small amount is in butter, sour cream, chicken eggs, seafood, liver and fish oil.
Equally useful in the fight against acne are drugs with zinc - these are ready-made pharmacy complexes. They destroy harmful bacteria, dry inflammation and improve the condition of the face.
See also: Pharmaceutical vitamins for the skin of the face
Vitamins are needed for normal cellular metabolism, the functioning of all organs and systems, the transformation of energy and many other processes. Organic compounds have a diverse chemical structure; therefore, they are part of coenzymes that are involved in metabolism, the assimilation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, enzymatic reactions, and many other processes.
Let us consider in more detail the pharmacodynamics of the main groups of biologically active components:
- Water-soluble vitamins B1 and B2 are involved in energy metabolism, B6, B9 and B12 regulate the biosynthesis, transformation of amino acids, proteins and fatty acids. C and PP are responsible for the redox reactions.
- Fat-soluble A, E and K affect the functional properties of biological membranes. Retinol is involved in the metabolism of glycoproteins and lipids. D synthesizes clotting factors.
The lack of any substance leads to insufficient formation of enzymes and metabolic disorders. This adversely affects the condition of the skin and the whole body.
Each specific vitamin performs certain functions in the body. But at the same time, all organic compounds increase resistance to infections and efficiency, regulate metabolic processes. Their effectiveness is partly determined by pharmacokinetics, that is, the processes of absorption, distribution and excretion.
Consider the pharmacokinetic properties of components useful for the skin of the face:
- And - retinol is emulsified by bile acids, gradually transported to the lymphatic system and the liver. It splits into several substances, binding to specific proteins, entering the blood. It is characterized by uneven distribution: most in the liver and retina, less in the heart, endocrine glands and adipose tissue.
- B1 - after entering the body is absorbed in the duodenum and is found in the blood after 5 minutes. Determined in tissues after 30 minutes. Accumulates in the kidneys, liver, skeletal muscles, brain, heart.
- B2 - quickly absorbed from the intestines. Unevenly distributed and creates small reserves in the body. Excreted in the urine unchanged.
- B5 - Pantothenic acid is well absorbed in the small intestine, penetrating into all organs. Creates high concentrations in the liver and kidneys. Does not undergo biotransformation, is excreted unchanged in the urine.
- B6 is effectively distributed throughout all tissues, undergoes biotransformation and is eliminated from the body through urine.
- C - at a dosage of up to 200 mg absorbed in the small intestine. Easily penetrates all tissues, including platelets and leukocytes. Metabolized in the liver, excreted in the urine and feces.
- D - after intake about 60% of the accepted dose is absorbed. Calciferol enters the lymph and blood plasma, forms active metabolites in the liver and kidneys. Excreted in the bile, but metabolites are stored in adipose tissue.
- E - effectively absorbed in the presence of fatty and bile acids, emulsified in the duodenum. Enters the lymph and the general bloodstream, binding to serum albumin and lipoproteins. Excreted mainly with bile and urine.
- K (K1, K2, K3) is absorbed in the initial part of the small intestine, but needs fat and bile acids for good absorption. Fully metabolized, excreted in bile and urine.
- PP - nicotinic acid is absorbed in the initial sections of the small intestine, penetrates into all organs and tissues. Biotransforming in the liver, excreted in the urine.
Most nutrients are not synthesized in the body, so they must come from food.
Dosing and administration
To get the maximum benefit from vitamins, they need to be properly taken, adhering to the dosage required for each particular case. Such precautions are related to the fact that a surplus of useful substances, like their deficiency, negatively affects the condition of not only the skin of the face, but also of the whole organism.
- First of all, determine the goal, that is, the problem for which micro and macro elements are necessary. To improve the overall condition of the body suitable vitamin complex, selected according to age.
- To eliminate certain skin defects, specific substances are needed that are best taken after consultation with a dermatologist or cosmetologist.
- Do not experiment and do not take individual vitamins with vitamin complexes, use one thing.
- When taking orally useful substances, take breaks after each course for 2-3 months. Do not forget about face masks, which locally supply the epidermis with all necessary.
You should also take care of a balanced diet. Foods rich in nutrients will be no less useful than pharmacy multivitamin complexes. Do not forget about healthy sleep and positive emotions, in combination with the necessary trace elements, they will make the skin beautiful and will keep its youth for a long time.
Vitamin E for face skin
A deficiency of biologically active substances causes disturbances in many processes in the human body. Vitamin E or tocopherol is widely used in cosmetology. It is used for complex care of the face, added to decorative cosmetics and daily use.
Tocopherol is a group of biologically active fat-soluble compounds with pronounced antioxidant properties. In nature, it exists in the form of four isomers, which differ in the chemical structure, functions, and level of biological activity.
Tocopherol is good for the skin. Its effectiveness is based on the mechanism of action. The substance is involved in the metabolic processes of the body. Protects the epidermis from the negative effects of the environment due to pronounced antioxidant properties.
The benefits of tocopherol for the face:
- Stimulates the production of estrogen.
- Protects from UV rays.
- Slows down the aging process.
- Accelerates regeneration processes.
- Promotes better absorption of vitamin A.
- Increases elasticity.
- Normalizes the pigmentation of the skin.
- Eliminates stains, scars, stretch marks and freckles.
- Effective in the treatment of acne and acne.
- Smoothes wrinkles.
- It has a lifting effect.
- It improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels.
- Suppresses inflammatory processes.
- Regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
- Normalizes the water balance of the dermis.
The substance forms water-repellent complexes that protect the epidermis from aggressive environmental influences. Natural antioxidant prevents aging of tissues and malignant cell degeneration.
Vitamin E is available in the form of capsules with liquid oily contents, that is, in pure form. It is also a part of many natural oils and products. For external use, you can use the pharmacy form: an oil solution in the form of gelatin capsules, a solution in ampoules or vials. Concentrated liquid should be used with extreme caution. The substance is not recommended to be applied on large areas of the skin, as this can cause inflammatory and allergic reactions. The trace element is best added to cosmetics or used as a basis for homemade masks, creams, emulsions.
The easiest way to use tocopherol is to rub it in the face or add it to a cream for daily care. The substance is particularly useful in the autumn-spring period, when the body, and especially the skin, suffer from beriberi.
Consider the most effective vitamin recipes for facials:
- Mix 25 ml of glycerol with 10 ml of pure tocopherol. The resulting solution is applied to the skin before bedtime.
- Take 30 ml of fresh aloe juice and 5 drops of tocopherol and riboflavin. Apply the mixture for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water with light massage movements.
- Mix a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese with two teaspoons of olive oil and 5-7 drops of tocopherol. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Tocopherol is naturally found in whole grains, white cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers, beans, peas. In unrefined vegetable oils (soybean, olive, corn and others), as well as in butter, cod liver, tuna.
Vitamin E and glycerin for face skin
The combination of vitamin E and glycerin has unique properties. When applying these components to the face, a film is formed that retains moisture and protects against the aggressive effects of environmental factors.
- Glycerin is a viscous, water-soluble and colorless liquid with a sweet taste. It moisturizes, smoothes fine lines and protects the epidermis from germs and pollution.
- Vitamin E - accelerates cellular metabolism, makes the face supple and elastic. It slows down the aging process, improves blood circulation and promotes the renewal of damaged tissues.
The combination of glycerol and tocopherol slows down the oxidative processes at the cellular level, improves skin nourishment and protects it from UV radiation. Effectively moisturizes, maintains water-lipid balance and eliminates puffiness, normalizes the relief of tissues. The unique composition accelerates the production of collagen, thereby maintaining youth and beauty.
Glycerin mask with tocopherol is universal, as it is ideal for any skin type and at any age. Consider popular facial treatments based on these ingredients:
- Take two tablespoons of glycerin and the same amount of almond oil. Add 1 teaspoon of tocopherol and egg yolk to the ingredients. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on face for 10-15 minutes.
- For the treatment of acne, acne and other skin rashes, mix in equal proportions honey, glycerin and tocopherol. For the thickness of the mixture, you can add a little oatmeal. Apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes, 3 times a week to improve its condition.
- To combat the increased production of sebum, take two tablespoons of warm boiled water, one spoonful of glycerin and ½ of vitamin E. Mix everything thoroughly and add a little blue clay. Apply the mask on pre-cleansed skin.
Glycerin mixture can be stored in the refrigerator and used as needed. After its application it is recommended to rinse your face with warm water and apply a moisturizer.
Vitamin F for face skin
The complex of unsaturated fatty acids is vitamin f. For the skin it is also useful, as well as retinol, ascorbic acid or tocopherol. Organic compound is practically not synthesized in the body, so it is better to get it from food or special preparations. The substance is involved in the metabolism of cholesterol, the excess of which negatively reflects on the condition of the skin. Promotes tissue epithelization, increases the reactivity of the immune system and prevents the formation of prostaglandins.
The condition of the skin depends on the speed of lipid metabolism in the tissues. For this process is responsible vitamin F, which has the following properties:
- Smoothes fine wrinkles.
- Retains moisture inside the epidermis, preventing its dehydration.
- Stimulates collagen production.
- Restores the lipid mantle (epithelial barrier).
- Increases turgor.
- Accelerates cell peeling.
- Stops inflammatory processes.
- Removes age spots and evens facial tone.
Unsaturated fatty acid is included in preparations for the treatment of many dermatological diseases, including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea, allergic rashes. It can be purchased at the pharmacy in ampoules and capsules or obtained from certain foods. F is part of soybean, sunflower corn and linseed oils. Contained in dried fruits, seeds, clams, ocean fish, avocado and currants.
To improve the condition of the skin of the face and maintain its beauty, it is necessary to take no more than 10 g of lipid compounds per day. The course of treatment takes 4 to 6 months. Organic matter is not recommended for hypersensitivity to lipids, obstruction of the biliary tract, susceptibility to allergic reactions and cholecystitis.
Vitamin D for face skin
Calciferol is a substance that prolongs the youth of the skin. Vitamin D has such an effect on the skin:
- Accelerates regeneration processes.
- Reduces the symptoms of psoriasis.
- Slows down aging.
- Maintains fluid lipid balance.
- Increases turgor and tone.
- Prevention of tuberculosis and skin cancer.
- Protects against ultraviolet radiation.
- Reduces sweating.
Natural matter is produced in the body by exposure to sunlight. But to compensate for its deficiency in the body and integrated skin care, a special diet is shown.
The composition of medical nutrition includes foods rich in D. It is found in fish oil, fish, milk, sunflower oil, sea kale, yeast, parsley. But with excessive use, the substance has a toxic effect on the body.
Vitamin PP for face skin
Nicotinic acid or vitamin PP, has a pronounced therapeutic effect. It promotes cell renewal and saturates the deep layers of the dermis with beneficial substances. Ideal for the care of both oily and dry skin.
Useful properties of vitamin PP for the skin of the face:
- Moisturizes and maintains water balance.
- Effectively cleans pores.
- It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Accelerates regeneration processes.
- Expands blood vessels and activates the bloodstream.
- It supports turgor and tightens the face.
- Improves relief and eliminates wrinkles.
- Reduces puffiness and removes bags under the eyes.
- Protects against UV damage.
- Restores healthy color and fights pigmentation.
- Normalizes the sebaceous glands.
- Warns malignant lesions of the dermis.
Nicotinic acid eliminates dry skin, relieves itching, burning and peeling. The substance is added to tonics, lotions, creams and masks. But despite all the useful properties, there are a number of contraindications that should be considered before using it:
- Hypersensitivity.
- Pathology of the cardiovascular system.
- Diseases of the endocrine system.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
Before using microelement in cosmetology, you need to consult with a beautician. The course of treatment should be at least a month. To achieve a lasting therapeutic effect, the vitamin can be taken orally both inwardly and externally.
Recipes for skin care with PP:
- Mix a teaspoon of honey with the same amount of olive oil and a vial of nicotinic acid. Apply the mixture to the cleaned skin, wash off after 40-60 minutes with warm water.
- Dissolve a tablespoon of lemon juice in water and pour in a vial of nicotine. Add to the mixture a spoonful of white cosmetic clay. Apply the product to the steamed face. Wash off after drying.
- To eliminate hyperpigmentation, mix 10 g of minced ginger root with two PP ampoules. Moisten a cotton pad in the resulting liquid and treat the face. After 10-20 minutes, rinse.
In addition to the above recipes, which can be prepared independently, the vitamin is used for injections. This method of facial treatment accelerates the process of restoring damaged tissue, activates blood flow and rejuvenates. Subcutaneous administration of the active ingredient should be carried out by a cosmetologist.
Improper use of the trace element can cause side effects. Most often, patients complain of redness, burning and tingling of the skin. Also possible headaches and dizziness, a sharp decrease in blood pressure after intramuscular administration of the drug. The side effects are short-lived and disappear 20 minutes after the start of the procedure.
Vitamins for hair and skin
To preserve the beauty and youth body needs vitamins. For hair and skin of the face, they are especially necessary, since their deficiency is manifested by fragility and dryness of the hair, peeling of the skin and other unpleasant symptoms. Organic compounds act as activators of biochemical reactions. They regulate and maintain the normal functioning of all organs and systems at the molecular level.
In fact, hair acts as an appendage of the skin, that is, are part of the epidermis. The hair consists of a long fiber, the growth and nutrition of which is provided by a follicle located in the skin of the head or another part of the body. For normal growth and life support, the follicle must receive full nutrition and oxygen.
The most common problem is hair loss, so consider which substances you need to take for healthy growth and prevent baldness:
- A - reduces brittleness, provides normal thickness, elasticity and growth. Retinol normalizes the production of sebum, preventing seborrhea, that is, excess fat.
- B2 - supports blood flow to the hair follicles. Due to intensive blood circulation, the influx of oxygen and useful components to the follicles is enhanced. From the hair follicles, micro and macronutrients penetrate the hair cells. Normal nutrition of the bulb prevents hair loss and dryness. B6 deficiency is manifested by dry tips and fat content at the roots.
- B3 - normalizes metabolic processes in the follicles and improves their nutrition, stops the loss. A lack of nicotinic acid leads to slow hair growth and increased dryness.
- B5 - penetrates the hair follicle, improves metabolic processes and blood circulation. From the follicle it penetrates the hair cells and regulates the metabolism in it. Pantothenic acid strengthens the hair from the inside, making it strong and beautiful. With a deficiency of this substance, the hair grows very slowly and turns white quickly.
- B6 is a powerful stimulator of metabolic processes. Eliminates dandruff and itching of the head, fights hair loss.
- H - provides strength and beauty of the hair due to the regulation of the sebaceous glands. The lack of H leads to the fact that the hair becomes greasy and begins to fall.
- B9 - folic acid is necessary to enhance the effect of B5. If you take these substances in the complex, then stop hair loss and significantly accelerate their growth.
- C - improves microcirculation and normalizes capillary tone, increasing blood flow to the hair follicles. This improves nutrition and hair growth.
- E - normalizes hair follicles nutrition and sebum secretion. Contributes to the activation of hair growth cells, provides oxygen.
- F - strengthens and increases resistance to the negative effects of the environment.
Before using vitamin preparations, a trichologist and a dermatologist should be consulted, as in some cases the poor condition of the hair is not associated with a deficiency of beneficial substances, but with other causal factors. This may be a hormonal imbalance, diseases of the digestive tract or dermatological diseases.
Vitamins for face skin and nails
Like other organs and parts of the body, nails grow and change. They need vitamins that support their normal condition, nutrition, strength and beauty. Like hair, nails feed from the inside, that is, the substances they need should come from the root, which in turn feeds on blood. That is, all the useful components get into the nail through the blood vessels, and not outside. But also long-term external treatment with vitamin formulations allows to achieve a certain effect, which unfortunately is not comparable with internal use.
Organic compounds need nails for the regulation of their metabolic processes, growth, color. Their deficiency leads to slow growth, deformation of the nail plate, its fragility and thinning. In addition, the beneficial substances increase protection against fungal infections.
The most useful vitamins for nails:
- A - participates in the formation and growth of epithelial tissues. Makes a soft area (hole) of the nail, which later turns into a solid plate. A deficiency of retinol leads to the fact that the nail grows crooked and thin.
- Group B - nails need B1, B2, B5, B9. It is these components that regulate metabolic processes, the synthesis of useful components, the growth rate and strength of the nail plate. In this case, B1 is the main component of health of the skin, nails and hair.
- C and E - have antioxidant properties and prevent the destruction of nails under the action of high temperatures, pathogens and various contaminants. A deficiency of ascorbic acid and tocopherol makes the nails dry and brittle, and small cavities may appear on the plate.
- D - is responsible for the formation of the nail plate. Promotes the absorption of calcium, which is a structural element of bones, teeth and nail tissue.
- H - maintains a healthy and beautiful appearance. With its deficiency, the nails exfoliate, darken, and grooves and cracks appear on them.
- PP - provides effective regeneration of the nail plate, plasticity and its rapid growth.
Supplying the body with the substances listed above favorably affects the condition of the nails, the skin of the face and the whole body, as well as the appearance of the hair. In addition to vitamin compounds, nails need minerals: fluorine, iodine, zinc, magnesium, selenium, iron.
Vitamins and Minerals for Face Skin
One of the components of beauty is clean and healthy skin. To maintain its normal state should eat full, take vitamins and minerals. The following biologically active components are recommended for the skin:
- Zinc - fights infections, reduces the risk of developing dermatitis, acne and other skin diseases. It removes toxins from the body and creates a special immune barrier.
- Potassium regulates metabolic processes at the cellular level. Its deficiency is manifested by bags under the eyes, itching, dry and scaly skin.
- Copper is a mineral with a wide spectrum of action. Stimulates the formation of elastin to form a healthy skin frame. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, promotes a healthy and proper tan. Tones and maintains turgor.
- Iron - normalizes blood circulation. Good blood circulation provides intensive nutrition of tissues and their rapid renewal.
- Selenium - this mineral is necessary for better absorption of vitamins. Prevents cancer damage to the dermis, lungs, chest and heart. Stimulates the immune system. Protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.
- Calcium - has restorative properties, improves the processes of regeneration and renewal of connective tissue.
- Sulfur - is part of the amino acids necessary to maintain the health of the skin. Lack of sulfur is manifested by frequent inflammatory processes and allergic reactions.
- Silicon - stimulates cell renewal, ensures the normal functioning of the skin. Responsible for the elasticity and resilience of tissues.
- Bromine - suppresses inflammation and itching, minimizes irritation. Included in the most effective preparations for face care.
- Sodium - regulates the osmotic pressure of cells, provides acid-base balance. Heals the dermis and removes painful conditions.
In addition to the above minerals, a person needs lycopene (protects from UV), Omega-3 fatty acids (stop inflammatory processes, increase turgor), alpha-lipoic acid (strong antioxidant), astaxanthin (cleanses from harmful substances). The skin also needs hyaluronic acid, which retains water, maintaining tissue hydration and nutrition.
Minerals and vitamins can not function without each other. Therefore, to maintain a healthy state of tissues and the whole body, it is necessary to take them in combination.
Vitamins for face skin at home
To maintain healthy skin, you should follow a balanced diet and properly care for it. At home, you can prepare a variety of vitamin masks, creams and other cosmetics. Consider popular recipes:
- Oily skin
Take 20 g of red clay and a teaspoon of yeast. Stir the ingredients and add 2-3 drops of tocopherol. Apply the mask, cover with film and towel on top. Wash off after 15-20 minutes with cool water. This tool restores the health of the skin, normalizes the production of sebum and eliminates comedones.
- Dry skin
This type of dermis needs good nutrition. For the preparation of masks should be used fat-soluble organic compounds. Take a tablespoon of sour cream and one egg yolk. Add 3-5 drops of A, E and D. Rinse off the mask after it dries. It effectively smoothes wrinkles and restores skin relief.
- For facial rejuvenation
Take a tablespoon of honey and ½ sour cream, add 50 g of cottage cheese, egg yolk, a couple of drops of lemon juice. Mix everything well and add the aloe, B1 and B12 ampoule. The product should be applied daily in the evening for 14 days.
- To moisturize the skin
Mix a tablespoon of peach seed oil with 10 g of water lanolin, 5 g of natural wax, 7 g of vaseline and 2 g of zinc oxide. Vaseline, lanolin and wax melt in a water bath. Add peach oil, zinc oxide, borax and 1.5 tablespoons of water to the ingredients. Mix all the ingredients again and supplement with an ampoule of retinol and B12. The resulting composition can be applied not only on the face, but also on the neckline and neck. Means hold for 20-30 minutes and wash off with warm water using massage movements.
Use Vitamins for face skin during pregnancy
Carrying a child is a serious test for the whole organism, including the skin. Hormonal alterations increase its sensitivity and make it more susceptible to aggressive environmental influences. Because of this, the skin loses its moisture level, the sebum secretion is disturbed and inflammatory processes often develop. Also creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacterial flora.
As a rule, the gestation period is deficient in A, E and F. Consider the most necessary organic compounds for the skin, depending on the trimester:
- In the first months, you should take folic acid, which is needed not only by the skin and the female body, but also by the unborn child. Retinol and tocopherol will also be helpful.
- In the second trimester, the body's need for nutrients increases significantly. It is recommended to increase the amount of organic compounds of groups B and C, as well as add to the diet foods rich in iodine and calcium.
- At this time, the body needs retinol, ascorbic acid, calciferol, and iron.
In order for the body and skin to get all the necessary macro and trace elements, you should follow a healthy balanced diet. It will not be superfluous to contact your doctor for the selection of a multivitamin complex.
Biologically active substances have certain contraindications. Organic compounds are prohibited in such cases: hypersensitivity and severe arterial hypertension. With extreme caution, vitamin complexes should be taken for malignant diseases, lesions of the liver, gallbladder, stomach and duodenum.
Side effects Vitamins for face skin
Organic compounds can cause toxic and allergic reactions, which are manifested by hypervitaminosis. Severe complications most often occur when A, D, E, K are used improperly. Severe symptoms of intoxication, skin rashes and punctate hemorrhages, increased body temperature and increased intracranial pressure appear. In severe cases, possible anaphylactic shock.
Consider the side effects of popular trace elements when applied inside:
- And - headaches, visual disturbances, dermatitis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Convulsions, transient loss of sensation and increased sleepiness are also possible.
- D - loss of appetite, joint pain, increased pressure.
- C - diarrhea, increased blood clotting, hyperglycemia.
- Group B - impaired metabolic processes and blood circulation, arrhythmia, central nervous system depression.
- E - disorders of the chair, vascular disorders, reduced visual acuity.
To reduce the risk of side symptoms, the drugs should be used only for medical purposes, adhering to the recommended dosage and course of therapy. Also, to minimize adverse reactions, it is better to use vitamins after or during meals.
Many biologically active substances have low toxicity and are well tolerated even with the use of high doses. But with prolonged use may develop overdose. External use causes allergic reactions, but when consumed orally or intravenously, there are more serious symptoms.
- A - overdose is possible with more than 1 g at a time. Due to the increased permeability of the membranes and hypersecretion of the cerebrospinal fluid, intracranial pressure increases dramatically. There are severe headaches, nausea and vomiting, convulsions, visual disturbances and confusion. There are also rashes on large areas of the body, followed by desquamation. For treatment, administration of osmotic diuretics, concentrated protein preparations is indicated.
- B1 - causes serious allergic reactions and in severe cases, anaphylactic shock. Intravenous administration provokes chills, hot flashes, burning and numbness of the limbs. There are sharp pains in the area of the heart, headaches, breathing problems. Treatment is based on the principles of resuscitation.
- B3 - the use of 1-1.5 g per day provokes pronounced dermatological reactions, strokes, hyperglycemia, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and exacerbation of gastritis. Long-term use leads to a decrease in the lipotropic effect of drugs for the treatment of liver diseases. Cancellation B3 is indicated for treatment.
- B6 - when intramuscular injection of more than 1 ml of a 2.5% solution of pyridoxine, anaphylactic reactions appear. Also there is a sharp drop in blood pressure, swelling of the lips and eyelids, blistering rash on the body, involuntary defecation. To normalize the disease state, intravenous administration of 40% glucose, a solution of strophanthin, diprazin is necessary.
- B12 - allergic reactions, in rare cases anaphylactic shock. Therapy is based on drug withdrawal and symptomatic treatment.
- C - overdose appears with the introduction of more than 1-1.5 g of the substance. In this case, there are severe headaches, disturbed sleep and wakefulness, sensation of heat, increased blood pressure. For treatment, you must stop taking ascorbic acid.
- D2 - the clinical picture of intoxication is manifested by a sharp headache and muscle pain, increased blood pressure.
To reduce the risk of overdose symptoms, you should take vitamins only for medical purposes with the recommended dosage.
Interactions with other drugs
Some vitamins are incompatible with each other, so their interactions with other drugs must be strictly controlled by the attending physician. Getting into the human body, nutrients activate metabolic processes. But their simultaneous use can both reinforce the action of each of them, so suppress.
- And - it is forbidden to take it with acetylsalicylic and hydrochloric acid. Excess tocopherol significantly slows down the absorption of retinol. When consumed zinc absorption And improves.
- B1 and B2 are contraindicated in combination with B6, B3 and B12, magnesium, calcium. Such interactions worsen the solubility of biological compounds.
- B9 - incompatible with zinc, but interacts well with ascorbic acid.
- B12 - interactions with B1, B2, B6 and PP, as well as with gentamicin, acetylsalicylic acid are prohibited. With particular care, this component should be used by people with angina, tumor neoplasms.
- PP - contraindicated interaction with tetracycline, hydrocortisone, aminophylline, B1, B6 and B12.
- C - can not be taken with tetracycline, dimedrol, penicillin and iron preparations. Prohibited injections with analginum. It goes well with tocopherol and P.
- D - incompatible with tetracycline, hydrochloric acid, hydrocortisone.
- K - incompatible with A and E, as they violate the absorption of Vicasol.
Multivitamin complexes and individual vitamins should be taken only after meals to reduce the risk of adverse reactions. If this recommendation is not followed, gastrointestinal disturbances are possible. When using vitamins in the form of injections, it should be remembered that each substance should be in a separate syringe.
Before taking vitamin preparations should determine the needs of the skin and the body as a whole. Biologically active substances are better to take courses 3-4 times a year, the course should last no more than 30-40 days.
Storage conditions
Storage conditions depend on the type of vitamin and release form. All substances are divided into two groups: for storage at room temperature and in the refrigerator. Supplements with fatty acids, coenzyme Q10, omega-acids and fish oil should be kept in the refrigerator. The lower the storage temperature, the slower the product decomposes and loses its beneficial properties.
Vitamins in pill form, in the form of powder, capsules or pills should be kept at room temperature, that is, no higher than 22 ° C. Cosmetics that contain organic compounds should be kept away from moisture from sunlight.
Shelf life
The shelf life of vitamins depends on compliance with storage conditions. Preparations in the form of creams, emulsions, serums and other cosmetics should be used within 12-36 months (the expiration date is indicated on their packaging). Tablets should not be stored for more than 12 months, and open injections for 24-48 hours.
Numerous reviews confirm the effectiveness of vitamin therapy for face care. Correctly similar means normalizes metabolic processes, accelerates the processes of regeneration, fights wrinkles, skin rashes and other problems.
Face vitamins should be taken after consultation with a cosmetologist and a dermatologist. The doctor will evaluate the condition of the skin and give recommendations for care. For complex therapeutic effects, vitamins should be ingested with food. No less effective are masks and other cosmetics with biologically active substances.
The best vitamins for the skin of the face
Each trace element has its own principle of action and beneficial properties. Some smooth the skin, others retain elasticity and rejuvenate. Consider the most appropriate, that is, the best vitamins for the skin of the face in each case:
- To maintain beauty - A, E, C. They are taken inside and applied externally, added to the composition of cosmetic products for regular care.
- Against desquamation - A, B2, B5, B6, PP, F. Very often dry skin is associated with a deficiency in these components.
- To maintain youth - A, B1, C, E. They have a pronounced anti-aging effect. Vitamins are taken orally and added to cosmetic preparations.
- For the radiance and smoothness of the epidermis - B3, C, PP, K. They fight pigment spots, make the face smooth and dull. Eliminate puffiness.
- To combat acne, comedones and other rashes - A, B2, B6, C, E, N. Normalize the production of sebum and provide exfoliation of dead cells. Such trace elements are ingested for a complex effect on the body.
- For elasticity and elasticity - A, B1 and B5, E, C, PP, K. Provide regeneration of the skin and normalize the synthesis of collagen fibers.
In order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect and complete skin care, it is recommended to take the beneficial substances inwards and apply them externally, adding to the makeup cosmetics.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Vitamins for dry, oily and problem skin of the face: method of administration and dosage" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.