Group B vitamins for facial skin
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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To preserve the youthfulness of the skin, not only proper care is needed, but also its supply with useful substances. Vitamins of group B represent the most extensive group of organic compounds:
- Vitamin B1 (thiamin, aneurine) - smooths wrinkles and improves skin relief. Useful for sagging skin, prevents aging processes. In large quantities is contained in pork meat, liver, buckwheat and oatmeal, rye bread.
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin, lactoflavin) - eliminates peeling and dryness, restores healthy color and normalizes metabolic processes. It is present in the liver and kidneys, fermented milk products, hard cheese varieties, fresh cabbage, eggs, green beans and wheat.
- Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid, niacin) - normalizes sebum secretion and improves color. Accelerates regeneration processes, supports the turgor. There are kidney and liver, fruits, bread, chicken eggs, corn and wheat.
- Vitamin B4 (choline) is a vitamin-like substance that comes into contact with other components and enhances their action. Launches metabolic processes, regulates the work of vital systems.
- Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - takes part in fat and carbohydrate metabolism at the cellular level. It promotes the synthesis of glucocorticoids and other nutrients in the adrenal cortex.
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyrivitol) - has moisturizing, nutritional and protective properties. Protects the epidermis of ultraviolet and aggressive environmental influences. Contained in non-crushed cereals, fermented milk products, legumes, yolks of chicken eggs, meat and whole-grain bread.
- Vitamin B8 (inositol, mesoinositol) - is synthesized in the body tissues from glucose. Provides transmission of nerve impulses at the cellular level. It has antioxidant properties and removes free radicals from the body.
- Vitamin B9 (folic acid, folacin) - protects against acne and acne eruptions.
- Vitamin B10 (paraaminobenzoic acid) - is used only for oral administration, as it affects the skin from the inside. Activates the intestinal flora, promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms and the production of folic acid. Prevents premature aging and wrinkles, protects against UV radiation.
- Vitamin B12 (cobalamin, cyanocobalamin) - rejuvenates and enhances blood flow. It is present in the liver, vegetables, soy, eggs, cheese, oranges, potatoes.
- Vitamin B13 (orotic acid) - supports youth, beauty and a healthy complexion. It is often used in the production of cosmetic products. Slows down the aging process, improves the turgor and struggles with wrinkles. It restores water balance, improves metabolic processes.
- Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid) - improves tissue respiration, participates in oxidative processes and is a powerful antioxidant.
- Vitamin B17 (laetral, amygdalin) - takes part in the fight against cancer cells, accelerates the healing of damaged tissues. Has anti-inflammatory effect, slows down the aging process.
Vitamin preparations of group B, suitable for any type of dermis. The result of their use is manifested by such reactions:
- Minimizing wrinkles and improving the relief of the face.
- Preventing wilting and aging.
- Cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing.
- Restoration and maintenance of the turgor.
To achieve a therapeutic effect, organic compounds should be used correctly in a strictly selected dosage. Otherwise, dermatological problems can be significantly aggravated. This is due to the fact that biologically active substances in concentrated form instantaneously affect the skin.
Consider the most effective recipes for face care with vitamins of group B:
- For struggle against wrinkles, high-grade food and normalization of an integument take a tablespoon of honey, as much sour cream and cottage cheese. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and add the ampoules B1 and B12 to them. Apply gently on the skin for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
- To help a dry person and restore the water balance, carefully stir the banana and mix it with a spoonful of sour cream. Add B6 to the finished mixture. Spread the mixture over the face, neck and décolleté zone.
- To clean and smooth the facial wrinkles, mix a tablespoon of honey with the same amount of aloe juice and ampoule B1. Apply the mask 3-4 times a day.
To achieve a pronounced cosmetic effect, the procedures should be conducted in 10-15 procedures.
Vitamin B12 for the face skin
Cyanocobalamin is an active substance widely used in cosmetology. Useful properties of vitamin B12 for the face are:
- Formation of red blood cells and normalization of blood circulation.
- Improvement of metabolic processes.
- Regulation of carbohydrate-fat metabolism in the body.
- Acceleration of regeneration of damaged cells.
- Improve the color of the skin.
- Kupirovanie inflammatory processes.
For complex face care, it is recommended to use this recipe: mix a tablespoon of honey with the same amount of sour cream and two parts of cottage cheese. Add to the ingredients a raw chicken egg, 10 drops of lemon essential oil. Once again, mix everything, pour the ampoule B12 and the ampoule of the liquid extract of aloe. It is better to apply a mask in the evening time for 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water.
Cyanocobalamin is found in foods that should be included in the daily diet. A natural compound is present in perch and calf liver, salmon, shrimp, sardine, as well as in meat products (lamb, beef). B12 is in beer yeast, soy products, kelp.
Vitamin B1 for face skin
Thiamine is an organic compound that is effective in treating many skin diseases. B1 has a pronounced therapeutic effect for psoriasis, pyoderma, eczema, skin itching. It especially needs fading skin.
Thiamine is effective in combating such problems:
- Wrinkles and flabbiness.
- Dryness and peeling.
- Inflammatory processes.
- Acne rashes.
- Avitaminosis.
- Hyperpigmentation.
- Increased sebum production.
After the procedure with thiamine, the face looks fresh, taut and elastic. Its regular application makes wrinkles less noticeable and even out color. B1 can be used as applications or added to masks / lotions. But it should be taken into account that B1 is very poorly combined with other components from this group, and the combination with B12 causes allergic reactions.
Vitamin B6 for the face skin
Complex of organic compounds: pyridoxol, pyridoxamine and pyridoxal - this is vitamin B6. It is useful not only for the face, but also for the body as a whole. The substance takes part in protein synthesis, reduces the level of cholesterol, improves the assimilation of amino acids. And also stimulates the withdrawal of excess fluid, removes puffiness and improves metabolic processes.
Pyridoxine is useful for skin. It accelerates the healing of small lesions, acne and acne. There are such methods of its application:
- Chop one banana and mix it with a tablespoon of sour cream. Add B6 ampoule to the mixture and apply on face for 20 minutes. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week.
- To treat acne and improve skin color, mix a spoonful of honey and yogurt. Pour in the ampoule of vitamin and ¼ lemon juice. Apply the product to cleansed and steamed skin for 20 minutes 2 times a week.
For complex effects on the body, B6 can not only be applied externally, but also taken internally. It is found in fish and seafood, meat (beef, chicken, venison), by-products (beef and chicken liver, heart, kidneys), dairy products and eggs. There are also plant sources of useful substance: legumes, banana, strawberries, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, eggplants, green peas, cereals, nuts.
Vitamin B2 for the face skin
Riboflavin is a "skin" vitamin, which makes the face not only beautiful, but also healthy.
Useful properties B2:
- He treats acne, dermatitis and seborrhea.
- Accelerates the healing of cracks and sores.
- Rejuvenates.
- Has antioxidant effect.
- Stimulates the production of energy in the cells of the dermis.
- Protects against the destructive effect of free radicals.
- Regulates the metabolism of fatty acids.
B2 is a part of many cosmetic products. Also, there are foods rich in riboflavin: milk, meat, fish, liver, eggs, brewer's yeast, green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin B3 for the face skin
To care for oily skin is ideal vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid). This substance is present in every organism, and is also found in food products and pharmaceuticals (ampoules, capsules). The microelement has a good effect not only on the skin, but also on the hair, stimulates the renewal of cells and tissues. Its deficiency is manifested by pronounced dysfunction of the dermis.
Beneficial features:
- Normalizes the secretion of sebum.
- Smoothes shallow and mimic wrinkles.
- Maintains elasticity and elasticity.
- It expands pores and moisturizes.
- Promotes the speedy healing of microcracks, small wounds and other injuries of the skin.
- Improves blood circulation at the cellular level, saturating tissues with oxygen.
- Improves the complexion.
- Eliminates bags and darkening under the eyes.
Nicotinic acid effectively fights against acne. To eliminate skin defects, you can use a mask of such ingredients: a tablespoon of calendula and birch buds, 1 ampoule B3, a teaspoon of coconut oil. Calendula and birch buds mix and pour 200 ml of boiling water to get a strong infusion. Warm the coconut oil in a water bath. Mix 3-5 tablespoons of herbal infusion with acid ampoule and butter. The product should be applied to the cleansed face. This mask disinfects, penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis and restores them, reduces the inflammatory process and fights with redness.
When using B3 for facial care, it should be borne in mind that this microelement dilates the vessels. Therefore, if the blood vessels are located close to the surface of the skin, the drug is contraindicated. Nicotinic acid is not allowed to be administered intramuscularly or orally in diseases of the circulatory system. There is also a risk of developing allergic reactions. Therefore, before applying the acid on the face, check it on the elbow.
Vitamin B5 for the face skin
Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is a water-soluble substance involved in the production of energy at the cellular level. Deficiency of this microelement is manifested by dermatitis and eczema, a violation of the color of the skin. The face becomes flabby and quickly grows old.
Useful properties of calcium pantothenate:
- Displays toxins and harmful substances.
- Supports fat and water balance.
- Provides a turgor.
- It has antioxidant properties.
- Prevents burning, flaking and dryness.
- Accelerates regeneration processes.
- Has antibacterial effect.
- Cures inflammation.
The derivative of pantothenic acid is D-panthenol, which is involved in biosynthesis, effectively soothes and moisturizes the skin.
Vitamin B5 is present in pasta, white bread, rice. In large quantities found in egg yolk, bee royal jelly and brewer's yeast. For complex facial care and maintenance of his youth, you should add the above products to your diet. Calcium pantothenate is easily excreted from the body and has no toxic effect, so its excess does not cause adverse reactions.