
General Fitness Information

Exercises for bradycardia to increase heart rate

When you have bradycardia, it is important to choose exercises that will help increase your heart rate but are not too intense.

Sports and bradycardia

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether it is possible to play sports with bradycardia, because both sports differ dramatically and the severity of bradycardia can vary dramatically.

Exercises to strengthen the cardiovascular system

Cardiovascular exercise is a set of physical activities that are designed to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, improve circulation and increase endurance.

Effective exercises with hernia of the esophagus: choice, technique, precautions

Hernia of the esophagus is the protrusion of some organs of the digestive system, located under the diaphragm in the peritoneum, into the thoracic cavity. It is mainly about the lower part of the esophagus, various parts of the stomach and duodenum.

Anti-cellulite breeches for slimming: hot shapers, volcano, artemis

Excess weight has become a real scourge in the modern world, it affects more than one and a half billion inhabitants of the planet.

Parterre gymnastics

The peculiarity of the parterre gymnastics is the performance of exercises on the floor. This is a specially designed complex that is held lying or sitting, on the side or on all fours with minimal articular load, involving the necessary muscles.

Hoop hoop for slimming: how to choose and properly deal with

Who among us did not try to turn the plastic hoop of a house in front of a mirror when he was a child, presenting himself as a famous gymnast, or did not play with him during physical education classes at school? This popular sports equipment can be found at many houses and now.

Exercises for morning exercises for children

Given the spread of excess weight in modern children against a background of malnutrition and lack of motor activity, the question of morning exercises is very relevant.

Professional diseases of athletes

The life of an athlete is a frequent debilitating exercise, physical activity, early deterioration of the body, accidental injuries and, as a consequence, the emergence of occupational diseases.


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