
Exercises for bradycardia to increase heart rate

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 01.07.2024

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When you have bradycardia, it is important to choose exercises that will help increase your heart rate, but are not too intense. Here are some exercises you can use to increase your heart rate:

  1. Brisk walking or light jogging: These are low-intensity cardio exercises that can help increase your heart rate. Start at a slow pace and gradually increase it to reach your desired activity level.
  2. Exercisebike or elliptical machine: These exercises can also be useful for increasing your heart rate. They provide cardiovascular exercise but are less traumatic to the joints than running.
  3. Squats and push-ups: These strength-building exercises can also help increase your heart rate. They require work from large muscle groups, which can stimulate the cardiovascular system.
  4. Aerobics: Aerobics classes, such as Zumba or aerobic fitness, can also be useful for increasing your heart rate. These exercises combine cardio exercises with music and choreography.
  5. Interval training: This is exercise that involves alternating between high intensity and rest periods. Interval training can be an effective way to increase your heart rate in a short time.

It is important to remember that if you have bradycardia, it is important to discuss exercise selection and intensity with your doctor or cardiologist. They will be able to advise you, taking into account your current state of health and possible limitations. Remember also that keeping a constant eye on your heart rate and well-being during exercise is important to prevent possible complications.

Before starting to perform any exercises for bradycardia, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The optimal option will be to perform physical exercises in the mode of cardio training. This mode will provide a moderate level of training of the heart muscle and prevent overload, complications.

It is also recommended to perform special adaptive physical training with the selection of exercises for people with heart pathology, in particular with bradycardia. Well-proven means of therapeutic physical training. Exercises should be selected by a doctor of physical therapy. It is recommended to perform them under the supervision of a physical therapy instructor.

Yoga, yoga therapy, and qigong also have a positive effect. It is recommended to perform daily breathing complexes (pranayama), meditation and relaxation practices.

Let's take a look at the most effective exercises.

The basic exercise is full yogic breathing. This is the basis of proper breathing. It fills the blood with oxygen, improves the work of the heart, lungs and other organs.

Before you start full yogic breathing, you need to sit up straight, straighten your back, relax. Cross your legs in front of you. Hands should be placed on your knees. Eyes are closed.

Slowly inhale with your belly. The abdomen slowly fills with air. After you feel that the abdomen is filled, start filling the chest. After you start to fill the collarbone area (try to maximally expand the collarbone area by moving the shoulders and collarbones apart).

Each movement is performed in a smooth, unhurried manner. Feel that your abdomen, sternum, bronchi, trachea and clavicle area are completely filled with air.

Now do the exhalation in the same sequence. First release the air from the abdominal cavity. Then exhale with the area of the rib cage, collarbones. This is one complete breathing cycle. It is necessary to start with 3-4 respiratory cycles. If you have bradycardia, you should reach a minimum of 15-20 cycles per session.

Relaxation, meditation is mandatory after the practice. You can turn on quiet, calm music (at least 30 minutes, as this is the minimum time it takes to relax muscles, turn off the flow of thoughts).

Breathing and meditative exercises can be done at the beginning or at the end of practice, or as an independent training block. The main thing is to do the exercises regularly, daily.

The following exercises can be recommended as a basic workout:

  • Head turns
  • Shoulder girdle exercises.
  • Exercises to work the chest muscles and intercostal muscles.
  • Press (upper, lower)
  • plank
  • Star exercise.
  • "Bicycle" exercise
  • Complex of exercises "Spheres" for working out all joints and muscles (author's method of Ovcharenko Sergey Valentinovich).
  • Squats
  • Jumping, including jumping rope
  • Push-ups or pull-ups.

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