
Newborn health

Aneurysm in newborns

Aneurysms are bulges of the arterial or venous walls, or ventricles of the heart, caused by their thinning or stretching.

Callus in a newborn baby: on the upper lip, bony

In pediatrics, a newborn is considered a baby within four weeks of birth, and in this short time, a newborn blister can appear: and not only on the lip, but also a bone blister.

Umbilical wound in a newborn: algorithm of treatment

One of the first difficulties faced by young parents is the umbilical wound in a newborn baby. A lot of questions immediately arise: how to care for it, what to apply, how to bathe it, etc.

Staphylococcus aureus in an infant.

Staphylococcus aureus in infants is particularly dangerous, primarily because of the child's incomplete immune defense. What do you need to know about this bacteria, and what steps should be taken if the baby has positive test results?

Mucus in the feces of an infant

Any stool disorder and, in particular, mucus in the feces of an infant, often become a cause of worry for parents. Of course, both mom and dad always want their child to be healthy and active. So is it worth running to the pediatrician in the detection of mucus in the stool?

Regimen of a 10 month old breastfed baby

It is not recommended to keep the baby breastfed for more than 10 months. Therefore, by the age of 10 months, the child's diet should be dominated by regular food and breast milk feeding should be occasional and only at night.

Regimen of an 8 month old breastfed baby

For an 8-month-old child, breastfeeding gradually fades into the background. In the regime of the day is dominated by normal nutrition. As a rule, the child feeds on mother's milk only at night.

Regimen of a 7 month old breastfed baby

At 7 months of age, breastfeeding is still maintained, but is rather seen as complementary. The regimen is already mixed.

Regimen of a 6 month old breastfed baby

The routine of a child who has reached 6 months of age changes dramatically. Many new habits, skills, acquisitions and needs emerge.


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