
Newborn health

Swelling of mammary glands in newborns

Often this condition causes some concern among parents - what is it, the norm or the disease? To beat the alarm? Whether it is necessary to treat the kid?

Intestinal infection in the newborn

Intestinal infection in children under one year is the most common disease.

Treatment of thrush in newborns: basic methods

When is it necessary to treat thrush in newborns? If there is a redness on the mucous membrane of the baby's mouth, small white rashes resembling cottage cheese pellets, and milk-colored spots on the tongue.

What if the teeth are cut?

How to anesthetize the process of teething in the child should know every parent. Fighting this state is not so difficult.

When do the teeth begin to be cut?

The teeth begin to be cut spontaneously and at any time. If the baby's first tooth appeared on the 2nd month, the baby went in the footsteps of grandmothers and grandfathers.

Neurodevelopmental neuralgia

Often, they arise in the folds of inguinal, axillary, on the arms, legs and neck. It is important to notice this pathological condition in time and begin treatment.

Health groups in children: comprehensive health assessment

A comprehensive assessment of the health status of children is conducted from the age of 3. The main method of obtaining characteristics that allow a comprehensive assessment of the state of health is a preventive medical examination.

Health groups of newborns

The health group of the newborn is evaluated at discharge from the maternity ward. I-st group - healthy children from healthy mothers, gestosis of 1 half of pregnancy.

Child's health: factors of support and optimal development

In this article, let us dwell on factors related to positive conditions, without which there can be no optimal development of the fetus and the health of the child.

Sleep in children

A child's sleep is a natural component of his physiological activity, ensuring a normal rhythm of the processes of higher nervous activity, metabolic processes, physical development, growth and maturation.


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