
Newborn health


Usually the teeth begin to erupt at the age of six or eight months. But in the literature, cases of the birth of children with two or even four milk teeth are described (happy mothers of these children with pleasure, probably, fed them with the breast).

How to understand if a child has rickets?

Rickets is a widespread disease of children of the first two years of life. This is a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism as a result of a deficiency in the body of vitamin D.

The first "why": there is regurgitation, thrush in the baby, abdominal pain, sweating

After feeding, children often experience regurgitation. Regurgitation is the ejection from the stomach of milk, fresh or already curdled, for a short distance.

Hemolytic disease of newborns

Hemolytic disease of the newborn and fetus is an isoimmune hemolytic anemia that occurs when the mother's and fetus's blood is not compatible with erythrocyte antigens, while the antigens are the erythrocytes of the fetus, and the antibodies to them are produced in the mother's body.


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