
Newborn health

Monitoring the development of a healthy child

Visits to healthy children are aimed at ensuring healthy development of the child during training, conducting preventive vaccinations, early detection and treatment of diseases, helping parents optimize the emotional and intellectual development of the child.

Lament of the newborn

The crying of the newborn from colic should be distinguished. Crying only means that the child reports his discomfort. Causes can be ordinary (for example, a newborn who has been used to cramped conditions of being in utero, frightened of the movements of the hands and feet) or serious (eg, otitis, abdominal pain). More often, there is no objective reason.

Colic in newborns

Colic is manifested by attacks of screaming and excitation of the child in the first year of life. Despite the fact that the term "colic" implies intestinal origin, the etiology is unknown.

Inspection and care of healthy newborn children

Daily care for infants and children ensures the healthy development of the child during training, the provision of preventive vaccinations and the early detection and treatment of diseases.

Why does an infant cry?

The baby is crying because he can still express his thoughts verbally, in words. Especially since the first days in the hospital it is difficult, as there comes a period of adaptation to people and the environment.

Dogs and cats are able to protect babies from colds

Dogs best protect children from colds

Diarrhea in a child: why and what to do?

Diarrhea in a child is a cause of great concern for parents.

How does the first hour of a child's life affect his entire future?

The first hour of a child's life is greatly underestimated by both doctors and parents. Parents simply do not learn that from the first hour after the birth of the baby depends on his relationship with his mother, and his sense of security throughout life. What should be the first hour of a child's life, so that he grows confident and successful person?

The first days of the child: how to cope with the baby?

The first days of the child are the most difficult for moms and dads.

Why does the child cry?

All children cry - who is bigger, who is less. This is completely normal. Small children cry from one to three hours every day. But parents are still worried and want to know: why does the child cry? How to calm him down?


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