
When do the teeth begin to be cut?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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When a child's teeth are cut, a real trial period for the parents begins. This phenomenon is complex and in many cases is difficult. Therefore it is important to provide the baby with care and in time to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

But to understand when, it all started, it's worth keeping an eye on the symptoms. More about this will be written below.

The teeth begin to be cut spontaneously and at any time. If the baby's first tooth appeared on the 2nd month, the baby went in the footsteps of grandmothers and grandfathers.

Later, the appearance of teeth a little worried parents, but no pathology in this case is not observed. Before you start to panic, it is worth asking your relatives and friends about the age at which they began to cut their teeth. After all, this is a purely individual and hereditary process.

The laying of teeth in the body begins with approximately 3-4 months of intrauterine development. Therefore, even the mother's nutrition during pregnancy makes a significant contribution to this matter. Vitamins, trace elements and healthy foods can accelerate this process. But, again, forgetting about heredity is not worth it, you can not argue against this fact. On average, the teeth are cut in 6-7 months.

Teething in 2 months

If the teeth are cut at 2 months, most likely a major role in this case has played a heredity. Usually so early they do not appear. Naturally, there are such cases, but they are extremely rare. The first teeth begin to appear for 6-7 months.

This phenomenon manifests itself in a standard way. The baby can get gum, it constantly tries to scratch them. During this period the child starts to play with his toys for more time. More precisely, it just pulls it all in your mouth. The gums are itching, and he is trying to weaken this process.

If the first teeth began to appear at such an early age, it is worth to show special restraint and caution. In some cases, this phenomenon is accompanied by severe pain. It is necessary to remove the pain syndrome with the help of pain medications. This is done strictly under the supervision of a doctor. To harm the baby is very simple, and to remove the consequences of negative influence is difficult. Therefore, if the teeth are chopped, it is worth consulting with the children's therapist and get some recommendations.

Teething at 3 months old

If they cut themselves into 3 months, then heredity played a big role. The point is that this process is too early for this process. Most likely this is due to the rapid development of the baby's body. In this case there is no need to panic. Conversely, the earlier the child begins this process, the faster he will get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Indeed, 3 months is early. On average, the teeth begin to be cut by the half-year of life. No pathology is observed in this case. Parents should be prepared for this process. Therefore, it is worthwhile to prepare in advance and get advice from a child therapist.

Independently to remove the pain syndrome or to try to improve the condition of the baby, do not. This can lead to the development of serious problems. It is advisable simply to talk with a doctor and on the basis of his recommendations to begin to act. In some cases, it is necessary to take and special drugs. When the teeth are chopped, the baby needs special care.

Teething at 4 months

It should be noted that earlier this phenomenon occurred on the 2-3th month of life of the crumbs. Therefore, if the baby started the process early, then most likely he followed in the footsteps of his grandparents.

To consider this pathology is not necessary, on the contrary, the earlier this action takes place, the simpler it will be. It is important to always be on the alert. It is necessary to monitor the behavior of the baby. It is known that babies love to gnaw toys and any other objects. But if the kid starts to do it intensely and constantly, most likely, his teeth begin to be cut. During this period the child becomes more capricious and constantly cries. Young parents can not understand the reason for this behavior and are trying to do something at random.

If the baby has started behaving this way, it is worth asking for a consultation with the child's therapist. He will look at the state of the baby and, based on this, will give valuable recommendations. Independently to try to facilitate a condition of a crumb it is not necessary. When teeth are cut, you need to act properly.

Teething in 5 months

When the teeth are cut at 5 months, this is a completely standard process. It is believed that the first tooth appears about 6-7 months. Naturally, this figure can fluctuate significantly. The point is that there is no scientific proof of this process.

Much depends on the child's heredity and how his mother ate during pregnancy. But sometimes these two factors are not enough. This process is peculiar and difficult to know when the first tooth begins to erupt.

In any case, the state of the baby should be monitored. It is important to observe his behavior and well-being. Constant whims, tears can indicate the beginning of this process. During this period, it is advisable to surround the baby with maximum care. Of course, forgetting about visiting a child therapist is also not worth it. He will give valuable recommendations and help to cope with this "problem". If the teeth are cut, it is necessary to act immediately, the baby needs to be helped.

Teething in 6 months

The first teeth are cut in 6 months and this fact should be known to all parents. But often this figure can vary. Much depends on the mother's nutrition during pregnancy, and also on heredity. Therefore, this process can begin both too early and too late.

The teeth begin to appear in pairs. The most problematic are the first 3-4 teeth and the last ones. In these periods, you need to surround the baby with maximum care. In some cases, even special painkillers should be used. But this is done only with the permission of the attending physician.

In 6-7 months the first pair of teeth appears, these are the lower central incisors. They are characterized by a special soreness and unpleasant sensations. Therefore, the kid is very naughty and crying. In this case, you can use medicines that relieve pain. But you should not do it yourself. The baby's body is just beginning to develop and any impact can lead to serious problems. Therefore, if the teeth are cut, it's time to go to the therapist.

Teething in 7 months

Zubki cut at 7 months - this is the standard time to start this action. It was during this period that everything begins. If the baby's process started earlier or later, there should be no grounds for experiencing. This is quite normal and this phenomenon has an explanation.

The fact is that this process is affected by heredity and food, which the expectant mother took during pregnancy. But even this happens, it can not accelerate the development of the teeth.

Normally, by the age of 2,5 years the child should already have 20 milk teeth. Most often, they begin to erupt in pairs in a certain order. First, lower central incisors appear. Then the upper central incisors begin to erupt. By 11 months, the upper lateral incisors come out. The fourth pair of teeth appears at approximately 11-13 months and this is the lower lateral incisors.

By the year of the baby the first row is replenished with chipped teeth. In the same period, the lower small molars begin to appear. By one and a half years - the upper canine teeth, then the lower fangs. In 2-2,5 years, the last molars appear. This information is relevant for all parents, because the teeth are not very pleasant.

Teething in a child in 8 months

If the child starts to cut teeth in 7 months - a little belated start of the process. But do not worry about it. Much depends on heredity. There is no scientific proof of this process. Therefore, there should be no grounds for experiencing.

The first central incisors begin to appear first. This pair is characterized by unpleasant pain syndromes. In some cases, the appearance of temperature is not excluded. Therefore, the consultation of the child therapist will be appropriate. Independently to start treatment and elimination of unpleasant symptoms it is not necessary. This can lead to serious consequences.

The teeth begin to be cut gradually, starting from the lower central incisors and ending with the upper and lower large molars. The last couple are characterized by increased soreness. Therefore, in some cases it is necessary to take special medicines. You can do this only with the permission of the attending physician. This is a long process, the teeth are chopped for 2 years.

Which teeth are cut first?

Do you know which teeth are cut first? The first tooth begins to appear about 6-7 months. If there are no abnormalities, and everything develops normally, then 2.5 years the baby should have all the baby teeth. Their number is 20.

Often teeth begin to erupt in pairs in a certain order. This is inherent in nature, and there can be no chaotic appearance. Naturally, there can be deviations, but there is nothing terrible in this. Usually the first and last 3-4 teeth are most difficult to cut through. To transfer this process is difficult, so you need to be patient and try to calm the child.

To this stage in the life of the baby you need to be ready. There are no cases when the teeth are cut painlessly and do not bother the child at all. This is usually a difficult process. The main thing is to provide the necessary support in the eruption of the first and last teeth. Parents should be prepared for this. It is important not to panic and do everything to help the baby. After all, if a child's teeth are cut, he can be a lot of capricious.

How many days are the teeth chopped?

The question of how many days the teeth are cut can be considered inappropriate. After all, in fact, this process has been going on for several years. Until the child is 2-2.5 years old, the teeth will be cut.

It is difficult to say unequivocally how long this action lasts. Because in some way this process can be considered individual. So, this action can last as one day, and a week. It is impossible to say exactly how long this will take place. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the body. And there are cases when this process is completely painless and asymptomatic.

Therefore, the first tooth can be noticed accidentally. In other cases, the baby is constantly naughty, it is troubled by unpleasant symptoms, the gums are itchy and sore. It is important during this period to show increased care for the child. In some cases, the baby does not feel very well, so you need to take certain medications. Regarding this information, you should contact your doctor. After all, if the teeth are problematic, you need to deal with this problem.

Symptoms of teething

To understand when the process started, you need to know the symptoms of teething. There are cases when all this passes without any symptomatology. This can be called a real joy for parents. True, such cases are rare. Usually, copious salivation, the constant presence of jaws in the mouth and whims without a reason indicate that the process has begun.

These are the first signs that need to be listened to. In addition, the child may have other symptoms. So, this is a temperature increase of up to 38 degrees. In some cases, this figure is much higher. The baby's appetite decreases, sleep is disturbed and the swelling of the gums is manifested.

Possible disturbance of the stool. Diarrhea occurs quite often, due to the fact that the baby is constantly thirsty and he has to drink a lot of fluids. Coryza and cough are not excluded. Against the background of the ongoing process, the immune system is significantly weakened. Therefore, bacteria and viruses can enter the body of a child. Permanent salivation can lead to the appearance of a small rash on the cheeks and chin. Such symptoms manifest themselves at a time when the baby's teeth are chopped.


There are cases when the eruption of the first teeth in a child is combined with fever. In some way, it can be noted that this is a normal process. The fact is that during the "exit" of teeth there is a strong inflammatory process on the gums. It is he who provokes the appearance of temperature. Experiencing on this occasion is not necessary, if its indicator does not exceed 38 degrees. If the figure is larger, you need to seek help from a doctor. Most likely, the process of teething is too complicated.

It is necessary to understand that this phenomenon has many normal symptoms. Therefore, worry about the presence of temperature is not worth it. This is quite normal, but only if the indicator does not exceed 38 degrees.

In all other cases this may indicate the presence of a serious inflammatory process. It is impossible to delay, you need to immediately seek help from a child's therapist. This symptom can be individual. Therefore, there is no exact forecast of the process. Chisels are not so easy to cut, so you need to monitor this phenomenon.

If the teething of the child is combined with a temperature of 39, then most likely it is a complex inflammatory process. Experiencing is not necessary, you need to seek help from a doctor and try to determine the cause of this phenomenon. Naturally, the process of teething can be individual. Therefore, this phenomenon is not necessarily dangerous.

In any case, you should consult a child therapist. Young parents should constantly consult with him. So that in the future there were no serious reasons for concern.

When teething is observed, inflammation of the gums, this process provokes an increase in temperature. In some cases, everything is quite difficult, so the baby begins to pester fever. It is advisable to consult a doctor. Ignore this process is not worth it. Through the inflamed gums infection could penetrate, which provoked a strong temperature increase. This can lead to serious consequences. If the teeth are chopped, and there is a high temperature, you need to start fighting this process.

Cough and teething

If there is a cough in the teething during the child, then, most likely the baby was unwell. The fact is that this process significantly weakened immunity. The body is not capable of fighting infections and viruses. Therefore, this phenomenon can lead to the development of colds.

The immune system of the child in the first months of his life does not have good protective functions. That's why you need to carefully monitor the baby's health. Teething teeth contributes to this process. Inflammation and weakening of the immune system allows the infants to enter the body of various infections and viruses. As a result, the child begins to get sick. This brings a lot of inconvenience, both to him and to his parents. In addition to the standard unpleasant symptoms, a disease is added.

It's not worth trying to fight the situation on your own. After all, there is a risk of harming the baby and aggravating the situation. Therefore, if the teeth are chopped and the temperature appears, immediate measures must be taken.


Runny nose and teething

When a child gets a runny nose with a teething, it is most likely that the baby has been infected with an infection. Weakened immunity appears against the background of general inflammation of the gums. At this stage, you need to provide maximum protection for your baby.

The immune system in the first months of life is not yet able to perform its protective functions in full. Therefore, the appearance of health problems is typical. Especially in the period when the teeth begin to be cut.

During this process, the baby needs to ensure safety. He should not be in contact with people suffering from cold diseases. On the street, the child needs to spend less time, but only in case of a serious situation. Keep the baby at home for 2.5 years is not worth it.

Coryza and coughing occur quite often. The immune system of the baby easily passes into the body various infections and viruses. Therefore, not infrequently during the period when the teeth are cut, it is necessary to remove the consequences of the cold and fight it in every possible way.

Insomnia in the child and teething

The child very often sleeps badly when the teeth are cut and this is quite normal. During this process, it is troubled by itching on the gums and unpleasant pain. The child experiences discomfort, so it is difficult for him to sleep properly.

Naturally, the constant whims and snot bring a lot of trouble and parents. After all, they do not know what can be done in this situation and how to help the child. If the pain is strong, you need to resort to pain medication. Use them yourself is not recommended, there is a big risk of harming the baby.

It is desirable for a bad dream of a child, ask for help from a specialist. Use alternative methods to combat this phenomenon is not worth it. All this can lead to serious problems. The baby needs care, no need to aggravate the situation.

Fix a problem with a bad dream is difficult. It will pass by itself, when the most complex teeth will be cut. In general, this period is not long. But by the time when the baby's teeth are chopped, you need to prepare.

Poor appetite in a child when the first teeth are erupted

If the child does not eat, when the teeth are cut, it is in some way normal. The fact is that the general malaise of the baby leads to the appearance of unpleasant problems. The intense inflammation and soreness of the gums causes a lot of inconvenience. That's why the child refuses to eat. But he can drink a lot. Because during the eruption of teeth it is very thirsty.

It is difficult to combat this phenomenon. Naturally, if the baby systematically refuses food, you need to visit the child's therapist. Most likely, it is caused by a general malaise, as a result of which the appetite completely disappears.

It is desirable to facilitate the flow of this process. Special anesthetics will help in this. They will remove puffiness of the gums and pain syndrome. This will help the baby feel much better and will ease the situation. Therefore, if the teeth are chopped and at the same time the appetite is gone, you need to try to remove the pain syndrome and relieve the general condition of the baby, but only on the advice of a specialist.

Vomiting and teething

If the teeth are chopped and there is vomiting, then this phenomenon can be classed as not typical. The fact is that this should not be. Most likely, it just coincided or the infection of the baby's body got into the body. In this case, you need to seek help from a child therapist.

Vomiting can occur due to strong salivation. The child does not have time to swallow saliva and often chokes on it. As a consequence, vomiting occurs from this process. This, perhaps, is the only case on which this phenomenon can develop.

If vomiting is frequent, you should immediately consult a doctor. Most likely, in an organism of the kid there is an infection which provokes such symptomatology. Under no circumstances does vomiting appear during teething. Rather, it is not a typical phenomenon that requires immediate diagnosis.

The doctor should conduct a survey and understand why this phenomenon occurs. It is worth noting and the fact that not all children are chiseled according to a certain pattern and a typical manifestation of symptoms. Therefore, vomiting can be an individual manifestation.

Teeth and constipation are cut

When the teeth are chopped and constipation occurs, do not look for any relationship in these two phenomena. The fact is that the problems with the stool are not connected in any way with the presence of eruption. Most likely, this is an independent process.

If the mother is breastfeeding the baby, then she should revise her own diet. There are cases when food remains the same, but the problem still appears. It is necessary to consult a doctor. It is likely that we need to consider the question of adding to the daily diet of the child special acidic mixtures.

It is not necessary to make any decisions on your own or start giving bait. The same can be said about treatment. Do not use any medication, without the knowledge of the doctor. It is advisable to contact the therapist for each harassing question. For the baby came so not the easiest period in his life. Chipped teeth are problematic, and this causes a lot of trouble, and problems with the chair only aggravate the situation.

Behavior of the child when the teeth are cut

The behavior of the child, when the teeth are chopped, can be peculiar. There are cases of asymptomatic flow of this phenomenon. Parents in this case are very lucky. But this happens very rarely. Mostly the baby worries a lot.

Understand that the process began not so difficult. The kid becomes restless. He constantly experiences itching on the gums and it's easy to notice. The child starts to gnaw something, if there is nothing at hand, the cam goes into action. The baby can rub the gum about each other, while there is a constant salivation.

A lot of things start to worry him, because of this there is excessive irritability, tearfulness and sleep disturbance. A kid can refuse food, it just hurts to take it.

Pay attention to and such symptoms as a runny nose, diarrhea, fever and vomiting. All this arises on an individual basis. However, not always such a symptomatology characterizes the fact that the teeth are cut, so you need to pay attention to the standard signs.


What should I do if a child has painful teeth?

If a child is painfully chiseled, then this is a completely normal process. Only in rare cases everything proceeds without any special symptoms. So parents really lucky. Because as a sleepless night, constant visits to the therapist and the vagaries of the baby will bypass them.

Zubki can be very unpleasant to cut. This is due to the fact that the gum begins to become inflamed and at the same time the baby feels itching, burning and pain. The child tries to scratch the disturbing area and at the same time intensifies the pain. In this case, you need to monitor the child's actions. We must not give him toys and any items that he can safely put in his mouth.

If the pain is severe, it is recommended to use painkillers. It is necessary to understand that ordinary medications for adults in this case will not work. Do not oppress the baby's body. It is worth resorting to the help of children's medicines. It is desirable that this issue is resolved with a doctor. The teeth are very unpleasant and it is necessary to help the child survive this moment.

What do the teeth look like?

Do you know how the cutting teeth look? A certain picture, so to speak, does not exist. If the baby has this process without any symptoms, then parents can notice a tooth accidentally.

In the presence of unpleasant sensations and constant soreness, one should expect an eruption. Appears all gradually. Initially, you can notice inflammation of the gums. The baby is very worried about this, and he tries to chew any object. At the same time, the process is characterized by itching and pain. Therefore, trying to scratch the gum, the child strengthens the pain syndrome.

The tooth begins to appear gradually. First it's a white dot on the gum, then it comes out completely. There are cases when the teeth appear within a day. Therefore, this process to some extent is spontaneous in nature. If the baby suffers for a week, then everything happens gradually. The teeth are chopped slowly and come out of the gums little by little, it is this process that brings a lot of unpleasant sensations to the baby.

Teething upper teeth

The upper teeth are not cut immediately. This process occurs gradually and only to the year of life of the baby. First, the lower incisors begin to appear.

The upper teeth are not as problematic as the rest. But, it's not worth asserting. After all, in the majority of cases, heredity plays a huge role. A special contribution to this process is provided by the mother's nutrition during pregnancy.

But as if everything did not happen, the upper teeth appear a little later than the bottom ones and this is a normal process. Usually, in this case, there are no problems and pathologies. Everything goes according to a certain "schedule" of teething.

The only thing that can be deviations, so it's in time. At some kids the first teeth appear, as it is necessary, at others the process is tightened. But do not worry about it. There is no scientific proof of this process. But there is no reason to experience either. The special difference is when the teeth are chopped, no, an important role is played by the course of this phenomenon.

Teething of molars

Root teeth are cut last. First they appear on the upper jaw, then on the lower jaw. They are called molars. These teeth are quite problematic. They can bring a lot of inconvenience to the kid. Unpleasant symptoms, pain all this is normal for molars.

During this period, the baby can be tormented by severe pain, which can be eliminated through the use of pain medication. Take them yourself can not. The baby's body is weakened, immunity does not fully perform its protective functions. Therefore, there is a great risk of harm to the child.

The medication should be controlled by a doctor. After all, to take those funds that are designed for adults, the baby is not allowed. This can damage the liver and kidneys. In this case, special children's forms of medicines are used. All this takes place under the guidance of a doctor. Root teeth are severely problematic and this fact needs to be taken into account by young parents, and is preparing to use certain measures.

What if the teeth are badly cut?

If the teeth are badly chopped to look for the cause in some pathology is meaningless. The fact is that every kid has his own individual schedule for the development of teeth. Naturally, there is a standard "calendar" where it is described, when and what should appear. But not always what happens corresponds to it. This is largely due to heredity.

Many mothers begin to worry about the fact that by the year their child did not have 12 teeth, as it should have been. Once again it is worth noting that this figure is approximate. Everything passes exclusively individually.

The panic begins at the moment when no zubik has ever erupted before the 6-7th month. You can fully assure your parents that there is nothing wrong with that. The process is really individual and does not lend itself to any scientific explanation. Some of the kids have everything on time, some are belatedly. There are also cases when the teeth are cut without symptoms at all and it's just a real joy for the parents.

When should I go to the dentist?

Diagnosis of teething consists of a visual examination. No procedures in this case are carried out, and in them there is no sense. It is not so difficult to understand the beginning of the process. The baby becomes tearful, irritable, he constantly scratches the gum and something gnaws.

Perhaps these symptoms are related to diagnosis. After the first teeth appear, they will immediately be visible. And the given process can, passes both for one day, and for a week.

Diagnosis is based on symptomatology and no more. Therefore, you need to observe the behavior of the baby. You can look into the oral cavity. In this case, you will clearly see inflammation of the gums. This can be attributed to the explicit diagnosis of the process.

You can understand the beginning of the process without the involvement of the attending physician. Parents themselves can observe the child and, based on this, draw certain conclusions. But still, it is necessary to consult a therapist for advice. He will tell you how to proceed further and what to do when the teeth are cut and the characteristic symptoms of this phenomenon appear.

How to understand that the teeth are chopped?

Do you know how to understand that the teeth are chopped? In fact, everything is very simple. It is necessary to observe the state of the child. If he starts to be capricious and constantly cries, then this may be the first symptom of this phenomenon.

For teething is characterized by inflammation of the gums, which is accompanied by the presence of itching. Therefore, the kid tries in every possible way to eliminate this problem. He starts gnawing everything that comes to his hand. If nothing has appeared nearby, he rubs a gum or gingiva about a gum or gingiva.

In addition to unpleasant itching, pain syndrome may also appear. Therefore, not infrequently when the gums rub against the gum, the baby begins to cry. He tries to eliminate the itching, but at the same time gets a lot of pain.

In some cases, babies begin to refuse food. This is due to the presence of pain. Often there is diarrhea, against the background of the constant use of a large amount of fluid. There may be an increase in temperature, which also applies to a completely normal process. Therefore, it is quite easy to understand when the teeth are cut.

How can I help if the teeth are chopped?

Treatment of teething should first of all be agreed with the attending physician. In order to remove the itching, it is recommended to use special gels, which have an anesthetic effect. Among them are Kalgel, Bobodent and Dentinox. Rubbing them into the gums should be done several times a day. This will remove unpleasant symptoms. It is also recommended to carry out treatment with a solution of soda, a decoction of sage and chamomile. Due to this effect, inflammation can be removed.

If the child has a fever, it is worth giving antipyretic medicines, such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Naturally, these medications should be for children. Independently give their baby is not worth it. Regarding dosage, it is worth consulting with a doctor.

It is necessary to feed the baby not too hot or cold food. It is desirable that it was warm, so as not to irritate the gums once again. You can offer the kid something to chew, such as crackers or apples. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the baby. After all, when the teeth are chopped, serious diseases can arise.

In the initial stages, you can try to do gum massage. But only if the child does not feel a lot of pain. Gum massage will help ease the condition. Perform this action with your index finger light circular motions.

In order to remove swelling and severe soreness, you can use special gels and creams. Among them are Kalgel, Kamistad and Dentinoks. They will not only anesthetize, but also relieve inflammation. You need to rub these funds into the gums, several times a day. These drugs are absolutely safe for children's health.

To reduce the itching, you can use special teethers, which are filled with thermogel. Before its use, the "remedy" is sent to the refrigerator for an hour. Gnawing such a toy is not only safe, but also useful. A chilled piercer will relieve swelling and reduce pain syndrome.

If the baby has fever, you need to resort to antipyretic drugs. Among them are the children's Panadol and Efferalgan. They should be taken accordingly with the dosage recommended by the doctor in charge. Chipped teeth are very unpleasant, so you need to surround the baby with maximum care during this period.

Prevention of teething

Is there a prophylaxis for teething? Naturally, this question is somewhat meaningless. Warn the beginning of teething can not. This process is individual and it depends on heredity.

It's clear that you can not prevent it, either. It is impossible to stop the growth of teeth. Therefore, it only remains to observe the state of the baby. As soon as the first symptoms begin to appear, the process is likely to begin.

Parents should carefully prepare for it. After all, teething is a real stress not only for the child, but for mom and dad. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare in advance for all possible outcomes of the situation. Yes, eruption can pass and without the expressed symptomatology, but it is the extremely rare or infrequent cases. Mostly the child is accompanied by puffiness, tenderness and itching of the gums.

It is recommended to simply read the literature, prepare for this action. To pick up necessary preparations and that the most important thing, to surround the kid with incredible care. After all, when the teeth are cut, the child is very moody and irritated.

Prognosis for teething

Prognosis for teething is positive. In most cases, everything goes well. Naturally, it is impossible to avoid symptomatic symptoms. It is present in almost all cases.

If the parents notice the strange behavior of the baby, and all this indicates the beginning of teething, it is worth to look like a specialist. In some cases, everything is simple and the child does not suffer. But mostly there are unpleasant symptoms.

It is important to start helping the child in time with the help of medications and aids. In this case, this difficult period of life will simply survive. The main thing is to surround the child with care, because it is difficult for him to transfer this process.

Complex pathologies of teething were not observed. This process can start on time or with a good delay. Nothing wrong with that. Most likely, this was influenced by several factors, including heredity. When the teeth are cut, the prognosis is always positive, only 2 years and everything will fall into place.

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