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Sorbifer durules during pregnancy: how to take?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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With the participation of iron, all the most important processes in human life take place: DNA synthesis, enzymes, proteins, redox reactions of tissues and the circulatory system, respiration, energy metabolism. The predominant part of it is in hemoglobin, which is part of the red blood cells. In the body of a woman contains about 3g. The average daily need for an element depends on gender and age. So, in women it is 1.4-1.5 mg, and during pregnancy it increases to 5-6, which is associated with the formation of the fetus. Iron deficiency compels to replenish it with the help of special preparations, to which sorbifer durules belong.
Indications Sorbifer durules
Iron is contained in different amounts in food, but the body does not control its use. With a shortage of microelement, it is used first from the depot, at the next stage after its depletion, there is a deficiency in the tissues, expressed in muscle weakness, their dystrophy, addiction to salty, spicy.
Further, there is iron deficiency anemia with all its clinical signs: general weakness, fatigue, dizziness, fainting. Sorbifer durules is indicated for use in its treatment and prevention of the onset of the disease.
Release form
The drug is produced in tablets, placed in a modified release casing, which is characterized by lengthening the time of receipt of the drug substance in the body in accordance with the need. Due to this, it is possible to avoid its dangerous concentrations.
Mustard-colored tablets with the letter Z squeezed out on them. They are packaged in glass bottles of 30 and 50 pieces.
The drug contains two active substances: ferrous sulfate (one tablet contains 320 mg) and ascorbic acid (60 mg). The first component compensates for the lack of iron necessary for binding and transporting molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide, the second - increases its absorption in the intestine, takes part in oxidation and reduction processes.
The absorption of the drug occurs in the proximal part of the small intestine and duodenal ulcer. The acidic environment inside the stomach and vitamin C produce the necessary transformations with iron to obtain a state capable of penetrating the bloodstream. It is partially excreted with feces, which causes them to stain black. After the tablet enters the stomach, this process occurs within 6 hours.
Dosing and administration
During pregnancy, the woman increases the amount of blood circulated by increasing the fluid in the body, which leads to a lower concentration of hemoglobin. The limiting indicator is the figure 110g / l, its further decrease is dangerous for health.
Insufficient supply of oxygen to cells of tissues can lead to fetal hypoxia, fraught with a delay in its development, premature birth, and termination of pregnancy. It is not safe for the woman herself. Treat this condition with iron preparations.
Sorbifer durules contain ferrous iron, which is effectively absorbed, gives a quick result, while the element contained in food is trivalent and needs to be transformed with food rich in vitamin C.
Anemia often occurs in the earliest terms of childbearing, so sorbifer can be appointed literally from the first weeks of pregnancy.
In the first two trimesters of pregnancy, sorbifer is recommended at a dose of one tablet per day, in the last third and during breastfeeding twice a day. It should be swallowed whole, without chewing.
The duration of treatment depends on its success. Even after stabilization of hemoglobin parameters, the drug continues to be taken until complete saturation with iron, which is about 2 months. In total, treatment of a severe disease can last 3-6 months.
With extreme caution, it is prescribed for gastritis, gastroduodenitis, ulcers, chronic pathologies of the kidneys and liver, enteritis, colitis, increased blood clotting.
Sorbifer durules is not prescribed in case of excessive accumulation of iron in the body (determined by a blood test), a violation of its absorption, other types of anemia that are not related to iron. The drug is contraindicated for use in esophageal stenosis, obstruction of other parts of the digestive tract, bleeding, intolerance to its components.
Side effects Sorbifer durules
The use of sorbifer during pregnancy, as in other categories of people, sometimes causes allergies, manifested by itching, rash, redness of the skin. Even in the absence of toxicosis from sorbifer can be sick. Ascorbic acid in the composition can irritate the gastric mucosa, cause pain in him, heartburn. Constipation or diarrhea may also occur.
Prolonged use of the drug is fraught with the formation of calculi in the kidneys, impaired glycogen synthesis, up to the development of diabetes. The occurrence of headache, excessive nervous irritability, insomnia is not excluded.
A significant excess of the recommended doses of sorbifer durules can cause nausea, vomiting, bloody excrement, drowsiness, tachycardia, a decrease in blood pressure.
Treatment of overdose includes gastric lavage, for which you need to drink liquid and induce vomiting. Severe intoxication requires intensive care.
Interactions with other drugs
Sorbifer reduces the absorption of antibacterial drugs, antibiotics from the tetracycline group, thyroid hormone thyroxine. Magnesium and calcium-containing mutually reduce absorption. Antacids do not give fully absorbed gland. To avoid such negative effects, taking medications should be diluted in time for 2-3 hours.
Storage conditions
The ideal storage location is protected from direct sunlight, high temperatures and children.
For those who do not help sorbifer during pregnancy or unwanted adverse reactions occur, you can replace them with analogues that have the following names:
- maltofer is composed of trivalent iron, which at the beginning of treatment reduces its bioavailability somewhat. The drug has fewer side effects, including rarely allergies, headaches, but diarrhea and dyspepsia occur quite often;
- Ferrum Lek is another iron supplement in the form of chewable tablets. Studies of pregnant women throughout the life of the child bearing it, did not reveal a negative impact either on the fetus or on the health of the woman. It is also tolerated well;
- fenuls - capsules that compensate for the deficiency not only of iron, but also of B vitamins And so on until the birth;
- Totem - drinking solution, contains a combination of microelements necessary for blood formation: iron, manganese, copper. Recommended for pregnant women from the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Its maximum absorption occurs when taken before meals. It is also used for the prevention of iron deficiency.
Sorbifer durulex, judging by the reviews of women, quite often appointed pregnant. Estimates are far ambiguous. Along with the effectiveness of the remedy, there are frequent side effects, especially constipation and nausea, which force one to switch to another drug. The cost does not suit him either.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Sorbifer durules during pregnancy: how to take?" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.