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Drops Espumizan for newborns: how much and how to give?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Drops Espumizan for newborns can be a real rescue for parents in the first few months of life. Colic often disturbs babies because of immaturity of digestive organs. And one of the main drugs for treatment is Espumizan.
Indications Espumizana for newborns
Indication for the use of the drug is increased gas formation not only in infants but also in older children. The active substance of the drug is simethicone - a surfactant.
The use of Espumizan in colic
Crying is the normal reaction of infancy, which can be in newborns, and can often be associated with abdominal problems. With such problems, there are other signs: it pulls the legs to the stomach, cries when feeding, has a swollen and hard belly, a red face. If your child cries for 3 or more hours a day for at least 3 days a week for at least 3 weeks, he may have colic. Colic is caused when your child has gas bubbles entering the gastrointestinal tract. These blisters are often formed when your child consumes excess air while eating. If your baby is breastfeeding, changing your diet can also cause her to develop gas. Switching between types of formulas can also cause an intestinal disorder in infants.
If your child suffers from discomfort associated with gas, then you know how difficult it can be when your baby experiences discomfort or pain. Gas occurs in children, both breastfeeding and artificial, and most parents report problems at some point during the first few months. Much can cause colic, including an immature digestive system, excessive crying and eating too fast or too slowly. During the newborn period, your child still has many changes in development that need to be completed. At this point, the enteral nervous system that controls digestion is not fully developed in newborns, and in order for these systems to learn how to effectively handle food and pass both gas and stool, it takes time. Often this means that the food causes bloating and discomfort.
Before you start treating colic, you can also try more natural methods to alleviate the pain of your child. Your methods of feeding can cause excess gas. At any time, when your baby cries before feeding or during feeding, he swallows the excess air that can cause pain. Feed when your child is calm. Move your child vertically or put it on your stomach, so that the gazik can go without discomfort. Put the baby on his back and swing his legs to his chest, like running on a bicycle. Let him relax in a warm bath to try to ease his pain. You can help your child get relief by putting him face down on the forearm or through your legs, allowing your arm or leg to gently press down on his stomach and help him to loosen up gas more easily.
If you are breastfeeding, try to get rid of caffeine and dairy products from your diet and see if this helps your child's stomach. If your child has a milk formula, use a suitable pacifier size so that it does not let in air while the baby is eating. During feeding, bring your baby closer to your chest to prevent air from entering her digestive tract. After feeding, keep the baby calm and still for at least 20 minutes to give him time to properly digest the food.
A gentle massage of the abdomen can help in the treatment of colic. Gently stroke the belly of the baby clockwise, this can help move the air in the abdomen. A warm diaper can soothe your child. Go for a walk: sometimes changing the environment, fresh air and different sounds can only be that which can soothe and restore the child.
To help the child get rid of colic, it is recommended to use drops to reduce gas production. Simethicone-created droplets to reduce pressure safely reduce the surface tension of gas bubbles, causing them to combine into large bubbles in the stomach that are easier to carry, providing the child with almost instant relief from this full, bloated feeling. The names of such drugs for colic on the basis of simethicone can be different, one of such drugs is Espumizan.
Release form
The release form is an oral liquid medicine intended to alleviate discomfort from colic, bloating and abdominal pain caused by trapped gas in the stomach and intestines. Also for adults, there are capsules with the same substance content.
Espumizan 40 are drops that contain an equivalent dose of simethicone 40 milligrams. Espumizan L, just is such a tool with a content of 40 milligrams of active substance. Espumizan baby contains 100 milligrams of the substance, which affects the dosage for children. Espumizane emulsion contains 40 milligrams of the substance in the 1st milliliter.
Dosing and administration
The method of use is only oral. Doses depend on the content of simethicone, if the dosage of the substance is 40 milligrams, then you need 25 drops for one dose. If simethicone contains 100 milligrams, then you need 5-10 drops to take.
How to give Espumizan to a newborn? It all depends on the nature of your child, if you can drip it right into the language, then you can use this method. Also you can drip drops in water or tea for a child, or dissolve in milk.
Contraindications for use are limited only to individual intolerance.
Interactions with other drugs
Interactions with other drugs are not observed, since the drug is not absorbed.
Storage conditions
The storage conditions and the expiry date have no special features and correspond to the instructions.
Analogues Espumizana - a drug with a similar active substance, which include Bobotik, Kuplaton.
There are also analogues, which are an effective alternative to simethicone. Plantex, Baby Calm, Sab simplex are preparations based on dill or fennel, which have a natural vitrogenic effect. Dill water for babies can also be used for colic, as an alternative to Simethicone.
Reviews of parents are mixed. Some reviews have shown that simethicone is not more effective than placebo, and for some children this is just a rescue.
Parents often turn to Espumizan to relieve the symptoms of excess gas in a newborn or a young child. In some cases this, together with non-medicinal products, is one of the most effective methods of treatment.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Drops Espumizan for newborns: how much and how to give?" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.