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Thyme during pregnancy in early and late periods
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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It is unlikely that there is a person who has not heard of thyme: thanks to the incomparable aroma and medicinal properties, the plant is sung in alternative songs. It is a beautiful, but soft, perennial shrub with small lilac flowers. The people call it differently, the most popular names are thyme, wild mint, savory, the Virgin herb. The use of thyme during pregnancy has its own characteristics.
Is it possible to drink thyme during pregnancy?
Unequivocally answer the question whether it is possible to drink thyme during pregnancy, nobody will take it, including phytotherapists and alternative herbal medicine. For the reason that the various active substances with which this plant is rich can have an undesirable effect on the more sensitive, than usual, organism of a pregnant woman. In view of the individual characteristics, it is impossible to envisage possible reactions.
If you summarize the available information, the conclusions are as follows: a one-time intake of a small portion of tea from thyme during pregnancy is unlikely to harm a healthy body. Especially if the woman used it before without any unpleasant consequences.
However, making tea from thyme a favorite drink to women in the position is not recommended. And in the presence of obvious contraindications or sensitivity to the ingredients, in order to avoid surprises, you need to completely abandon it.
The main threat is that the plant tones the uterus, which is extremely undesirable in pregnancy. The danger is also in increasing a - in the presence of pathologies of these organs.
Indications Thyme in pregnancy
The spectrum of action of thyme is very diverse, as it is rich in useful substances: vitamins, flavonoids, BAS, essential oils. Effective with such health problems:
- inflammation of the tonsils;
- restless sleep;
- asthma;
- rheumatism;
- hypertension;
- gout;
- Malachi;
- cystitis;
- hemorrhoids;
- cholecystitis;
- scabies and rashes on the skin.
There is even a technique for treating alcoholism with thyme. Finally, it's just a pleasant drink, the use of which has become a habit for many people.
However, in the period of preparation for motherhood, a woman is forced to give up some habits and, conversely, get used to what yesterday seemed uninteresting and tasteless. Thyme can replace some medicines that can not be taken during pregnancy. But nevertheless nutritionists recommend such treatment to coordinate with the doctor to exclude undesirable consequences of thymus during pregnancy.
Thymus from coughing during pregnancy
Thyme, with pregnancy and not only, is appreciated for a pleasant taste, a refreshing aroma, medicinal qualities, namely:
- cough softening, facilitating sputum expectoration;
- elimination of toxins;
- increased pressure in hypotensive patients;
- anesthesia for rheumatism;
- saturation with vitamins;
- the ability to fight viruses, bacteria and, according to some information, protozoa and helminths;
- normalization of metabolism.
Thyme from a cough during pregnancy is used in case of respiratory infections. Tea facilitates the removal of phlegm, makes the cough less painful. A warm drink from thyme promotes the removal of harmful substances and the recovery of the patient. Prepare it simply, pour a cup of boiling water a tablespoon of dry raw materials. The present liquid is filtered and taken, according to the prescription of the doctor, three times a day, 1 - 2 st. L.
For colds, sore throats and other diseases accompanied by cough, rinsing of the throat is recommended, without the risk of complications. Infusion is prepared, as usual, pouring dry raw materials with boiling water and insisting before cooling. Use only tender parts of the plant. The proportions are standard: 2 tbsp. Spoons on a glass of hot water. Rinse throat after percolation, the number of procedures is not limited. The result is a reduction in pain, elimination of harmful microorganisms, elimination of inflammation and cough reflex.
Dosing and administration
The benefit of the plant is that, if necessary, they can replace traditional drugs. It improves health and does not have adverse effects.
Another useful aspect of tea with thyme: drunk before birth, it stimulates the uterus and strengthens labor pains, helping the woman in childbirth to quickly get rid of the burden.
- In medicine, various forms of thyme are used: decoctions, infusions, powders, ointments, make essential oil, extracts. Alternative medicine recommends external application: for analgesia, with neuralgia, radiculitis, sciatica nerve inflammation. The spectrum of healing properties is very wide: from the treatment of banal headaches to alcoholism and male impotence.
The plant is unique in composition; contains essential oils, organic and inorganic components, bitterness, vitamins, flavonoids. They saturate the body, suppress infections, provide oncopoprophylaxis.
Antiseptic properties are important in the external use of thyme in pregnancy. Drugs rinse throat, mouth, treat sinusitis, stomatitis, sinusitis, stomach upset. This is a good remedy for pregnant women suffering from bronchial asthma.
Broths are useful in the treatment of the genitourinary system. Note that self-medication in this case is inappropriate, you can use thyme only with the permission of the treating doctor.
Compresses that are indicated for rheumatic pains are quite safe. This use is not recommended only with individual intolerance, in particular, the thymol ester component.
Spicy properties have long been used by cooks; Spice is added to various foods and dishes to facilitate digestion of food.
Thyme during early pregnancy
The use of thyme during pregnancy depends on the period. At the beginning of pregnancy, when the most important organs of the future child are laid, the mother should not catch cold and not get sick at all.
But if the cold does happen, then it is desirable to be treated with natural means, without the use of pharmaceutical products. Just in time to remember the tea from thyme: during pregnancy in the early stages this plant will be able to suppress the infection, remove with toxins later, eliminate phlegm, strengthen immunity. The drink has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, smoothing out mood spurts, relieves GI disorders.
However, do not make such a tea-drinking rule; on the contrary, it should be an exception. Especially if it is a new product in the diet, from which it is possible for an individual reaction, especially in pregnancy.
In this regard, some nutritionists argue that thyme during pregnancy can not drink at all. Only external use is allowed, for example, as a means for rinsing the throat or infusion for compresses. And, in any case, all procedures are recommended to be coordinated with the female doctor.
Thyme during late pregnancy
Unlike the first trimester, thyme during pregnancy in later periods may be dangerous, especially if the mother's body is prone to hypertension. The danger is related to the fact that an increase in blood pressure creates a threat of miscarriage.
Mom-hypotonic, it would seem, is beyond the risk zone. But if we proceed from the rule that God takes care of the bereaved, then women in the situation, even with low pressure, without extreme need, should not use ambiguous drinks or food.
To replace tea from a thyme during pregnancy it is possible the means intended for external application, for example, an infusion for compresses and rinses or essential oil. For colds, steam inhalations based on a decoction of thyme are useful.
Cooking recipes
Thyme during pregnancy is used as an internal remedy (in the form of tea, infusion, oil, syrup) or externally for rinses, douche, baths and compresses.
Recipes of preparation of a drink usual: to fill in with boiled water, to insist, filter. Nuances lie in the purpose for which to use thyme in pregnancy. We offer recipes for the preparation of various products.
Most often, tea is used for colds. To prepare one serving, a teaspoon of raw material is enough for a quarter cup of boiling water. Drink fresh, after infusion.
When coughing, prepare a larger portion: take 1 tbsp. L. Dry grass on a glass of hot water, insist for an hour, then drink 2 tablespoons. L. Three times a day. Effectively eliminates cough tea from a mixture of herbs, as will be discussed in more detail below.
Fans of water treatments will like the thyme baths. They are prepared in the proportion of 100 g of grass for a standard bath, previously steamed for half an hour.
- A delicious medicine from a thyme, with pregnancy permitted, is a syrup. The recipe includes sugar or honey, the way of preparation depends on the chosen sweet ingredient.
A syrup with sugar is done like this: the thyme cut into "straw" is covered in sugar with sugar (alternating layers) and put in a dark place. Use a glass jar. After 2 weeks, filter and keep in a sealed container. Use as an additive to tea for stomach problems.
Syrup with honey is prepared differently. First make a decoction from a dry plant, in a ratio of 20 g to 200 ml. Variyat until half of the liquid is boiled, after cooling and straining, mix with 200 g of honey. Such a tool is suitable for pregnant women, and even for children.
Tea with thyme in pregnancy
Thyme during pregnancy can be useful and enjoyable, if it is cooked correctly, and used dosed. The drink has a unique aroma and pleasant taste, and most importantly - numerous advantages, in particular, anti-cold. Disinfects the respiratory tract, helps to eliminate sputum from the bronchi. It is no accident that the grass is a component of the popular children's drug "Pertusin".
Tea with thyme during pregnancy is prepared according to a standard recipe: brewed in a cup, insisted 10 minutes and drunk after percolation. In addition to medicinal qualities, the agent is able to eliminate the unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.
Tea with thyme during pregnancy is often combined with ordinary tea, other herbs. This enriches the aromatic and flavor bouquet of the drink, enhances useful properties. Simple recipes for the common cold:
- make tea leaves from black tea and thyme in a ratio of 3: 2, insist 2 minutes;
- brew a mixture of thyme, cranberries and St. John's wort in equal proportions, insist 15 minutes.
Antitussive tea is a medicine, so it is consumed 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. Cook as usual, in a ratio of 1 tbsp. Spoon on a glass of boiling water. The drink is effective for tonsillitis, asthma, colds of the VDP.
Tea can be consumed by a healthy woman who carries a baby, if she is accustomed to enjoying the drink before pregnancy. But drink occasionally, with restrictions related to the effect of active substances on the development of the fetus. Passion for thyme in the second half is fraught with the termination of pregnancy.
Thymus and linden in pregnancy
Thyme and linden in pregnancy are used as a cough medicine caused by a cold or bronchitis. Lime tea with the addition of thyme in pregnancy serves to prevent seasonal diseases, strengthens the immune system, gives a taste of pleasure. It has sweating, febrifuge and diuretic qualities.
If two servings, with the first symptoms of malaise, consumed within an hour, the future mother will be able to avoid the development of the disease. Increases the healing and taste properties of the fragrant drink a spoon of honey.
In passing, tea will help cope with stomatitis and angina. In such cases, it is not only drunk, but also used to rinse the mouth. Prepare a simple drink: you need to pour boiling water mixture of lime color and thyme (take a spoonful).
Are there any contraindications? Given the diuretic properties, it is better not to drink this tea at night, so as not to get out of bed again. With prolonged use, the drink can adversely affect the kidneys and the heart. In order to avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to dose all products, even such seemingly innocuous ones as this one.
Thyme and mint during pregnancy
Considering the strong effect of the plant, thyme and mint during pregnancy are ideal when "impossible, but very desirable" is the thyme. A pinch of grass added to mint tea will bring a thyme note and quench a woman's thirst without harming her body. Pure mint tea, in small amounts, is recommended to eliminate morning sickness and swelling, improve digestion.
- However, indulging the capricious tastes of a pregnant woman, they can not be completely released from control. In order to avoid trouble, it is recommended not to sip drinks from thyme with pregnancy more than twice a week.
An infusion of increased concentration with the addition of mint is used to rinse the mouth with toothaches. The effect is double, since both plants have analgesic qualities. The procedure is possible as a temporary measure, because if the tooth is sick, then a visit to the dentist is inevitable. Only a specialist can eliminate the foci of infection in the mother's mouth, which is dangerous for the fetus.
Thymus and oregano in pregnancy
Oregano has a positive effect on women's health: it restores the cycle of disorders, eliminates the unpleasant sensations during menopause. Hence its second name is the motherboard.
However, in most sources, oregano, along with chamomile, St. John's wort, aloe and parsley, appears on the list of forbidden during pregnancy plants. They are credited with abortive properties or increased blood supply to the pelvic organs, which is extremely undesirable during this period.
Therefore, thyme and oregano in pregnancy are not combined: if the first is permissible with restrictions, the second is strictly forbidden, even with a short delay in menstruation and a suspicion of pregnancy. Why such categoricality? The fact is that the motherboard contains phytohormones that can instantly detach a fertilized egg. The plant tones up the uterine musculature and provokes bleeding regardless of the gestation period.
Moreover, even the fragrance of a small bouquet collected from the colors of oregano can cause great trouble in a pregnant woman, especially in the first trimester. At later dates, application of oregano is allowed - but only external and in the absence of any abnormalities in the course of pregnancy. To do this, prepare the infusion for washing; it balances the color, removes the puffiness and unhealthy appearance of the face.
Broth oregano is useful to wash hair, especially if the headaches are excruciating. A powder from dried raw materials - an excellent tool for aromatherapy: cleans the airways, destroys the accumulated pathogenic microflora.
Lovers of tea from oregano will catch up after their birth. During this period, it is useful to the child and the mother, as it increases lactation and prevents allergies.
Melissa, thyme and fennel in pregnancy
The combination of lemongrass of thyme in fennel during pregnancy is very successful and can be useful when properly used. A mixture of these herbs is used even by children from 5 months - to reduce the intensity of gas generation, removal of intestinal spasms, anxiety and colic.
- Melissa is an effective remedy against infections and intestinal cramps.
- Thymus - soothes, contains anti-inflammatory and expectorant substances.
- Fennel seeds - relax intestinal muscles, reduce the amount of gases.
In the composition of lemon balm - essential oils, which produce a surprisingly pleasant aroma, vitamins B and C, macro and microelements. It has a range of useful properties: antiviral, sedative, antiseptic, laxatives, spasmolytic and so on. Melissa in pregnancy can eliminate headaches and insomnia, calm nerves, improve appetite for toxicosis, help in solving dental and allergic problems.
Leaves brew for tea in a mixture with ordinary tea or other herbs, such as thyme and fennel, added to salads, used for inhalation for pain and spasms. Frozen cubes from the decoction of the future mother can wipe the face: this procedure helps to maintain the youthfulness of the skin.
The popularity of fennel is related to its properties, the use of products for infants; Fennel effectively eliminates flatulence and intestinal cramps. Concerning pregnancy there is disagreement: some are strongly advised and do not make it into the conventional "black list", others believe that in moderate doses fennel is shown and even useful, especially in the first trimester.
The indication refers to women suffering from severe toxicosis: it is enough to have a half of the drink, so that the morning sickness passes, and an appetite has replaced it. But to drink tea from fennel is not necessary without the recommendations of a doctor, as it affects the muscles not only of the digestive tract, but also of the uterus, which is extremely undesirable when carrying a child. There are other contraindications that need to be discussed with a specialist.
If there are any doubts, it is better to dispense with tea from thyme during pregnancy or other herbal drinks that do not have contraindications.
Any chronic ailments during childbearing have a tendency to become aggravated, which creates a certain risk for the mother and fetus. Such contraindications of thymus during pregnancy have been studied:
- Hypertension: the plant increases the pressure, which then decreases very slowly.
- Problems in the work of the heart and blood vessels: atrial fibrillation, cardiosclerosis, cardiac decompensation.
- Kidney diseases.
- Predisposition or pathology of the thyroid gland is a definitive contra-indication for thyme in pregnancy.
- Heart failure.
- Endocrine diseases.
- Excess tea can cause nausea or an allergic reaction.
Reviews of women who use thyme during pregnancy are quite positive. Cautions about the possible danger and call for moderation those who know about the risks only theoretically and on themselves have not experienced the influence.
Proceeding from contraindications, thyme in pregnancy should be used carefully, especially inside. The plant can cause an increase in uterine tone, especially in the last trimester. External application of thyme is not dangerous, since it has only local action.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Thyme during pregnancy in early and late periods" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.