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Tablets from toxicosis during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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An unpleasant period during pregnancy - toxicosis - worries most women who are in an "interesting situation". In most cases, it occurs about 5-6 weeks and can last until 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. Some future mothers are more lucky, and they have toxicosis manifested only slightly, or does not manifest at all. But many of this period are going through quite hard: you have to turn to medication and take various medications and pills from toxicosis during pregnancy.
Indications of the tablets against toxemia in pregnancy
If the toxicosis manifests itself slightly, then immediately "rush" for the next pill is not worth it. Everyone knows that it is better for pregnant women to refrain from taking any medications at all, so as not to harm the child.
A valid indication for the taking of tablets can be only moderate and severe toxicosis, which can be described by the following symptoms:
- vomiting - in the morning or several times a day, not related to eating and making food almost impossible;
- a state of general discomfort, in which it is impossible to work or perform even simple household duties;
- a state of apathy and drowsiness, complete indifference;
- thinning and loss of appetite;
- blanching of the skin, the appearance of bruises under the eyes and gray plaque on the tongue;
- the appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth;
- a slight increase in temperature (not above 37.4 ° C).
If required, the doctor conducting the pregnancy can prescribe additional tests to the woman to confirm the need for taking medications and tablets from toxicosis.
Read also: Principles of treatment of late toxicosis
Release form
The choice of tablets from toxicosis entirely depends on what kind of symptoms the pregnant woman is concerned about. We compiled a small list of the most popular drugs that are allowed for use during pregnancy (naturally, only after they are prescribed by a doctor).
- Cerucal is a common antiemetic drug, to which doctors treat somewhat ambiguously. After all, on the one hand, it perfectly eliminates attacks of vomiting and nausea. However, there is another side to the medal: the drug is able to increase the tone of smooth muscles, and therefore, can cause detachment of the placenta and even spontaneous abortion. In addition, the reception Cerucal often accompanied by side effects in the form of bradycardia, lowering blood pressure, allergies.
If you can not do without using Cerucal, the drug is usually prescribed in the amount of 10 mg in a single dose. The duration of taking the tablets is determined individually. It should be noted that the second pharmaceutical name of the drug Cerucal (according to the active ingredient) is Metoclopramide.
- Hofitol is one of the safest drugs that are prescribed during pregnancy. The active ingredient is an artichoke plant, the main effect of which is to maintain and facilitate the work of the digestive system and liver. Hofitol has choleretic and diuretic properties, can lower the level of urea in the blood and improve metabolic processes.
The drug perfectly helps to cope with heartburn, indigestion, eliminates constipation associated with intestinal atony, and also facilitates morning sickness. Hofitol take 1-2 tablets three times a day for 30-40 minutes before meals.
- Holosas (Halosas) - this is not a pill, but a syrup based on the hips. Nevertheless, it is often prescribed to improve digestion, since the drug is absolutely non-toxic, and has a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and mild laxative effect. Holosas take before meals for 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day. A similar action is also noted in Allochol tablets - they are taken 1 pcs. Each. 3-4 times a day after eating. Reception of choleretic preparations allows to lower a load on a liver that leads to reduction of displays of a dyspepsia (a pain in the field of a liver, a constipation, a nausea, etc.).
- Essentiale - a capsule tablet, made on the basis of soybeans. Essentiale reduces the overall load on the liver, increases its filtration function, improves the flow of metabolic processes and the removal of toxic substances from the body. Due to these properties, the manifestation of nausea (especially morning sickness) decreases, digestion processes are improved, stagnation of stool is eliminated.
The drug takes 1-2 capsules three times a day, with food.
- Navidoxine is a little-known drug in our country based on vitamin B6, which is often used in Arab countries to eliminate unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy. Analogues of this drug can be:
- Diclektin - a popular tablets in Europe, a combination of doxylamine and pyridoxine;
- Pyridoxine - domestic tablets, which are taken in an amount of 40 to 80 mg 3-4 times a day. Duration of admission is determined by the severity of toxicosis.
Of all the side effects, it is possible to highlight allergies and hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
- Mint tablets are the simplest way to relieve the condition of toxicosis during pregnancy. Such pills are cheap and always available at any pharmacy. In addition, they have a pleasant mint flavor, which explains their action: mint stimulates the receptor mechanism of the oral mucosa and digestive system, which reflexively weakens the attack of nausea and prevents the onset of vomiting. Additionally, mint tablets have antispasmodic, calming and choleretic properties, and also eliminate an unpleasant bitterness in the mouth.
To eliminate the symptoms of toxicosis during pregnancy, it is enough to put 1-2 mint tablets under the tongue and keep them until complete resorption. The average daily dosage is 8 tablets.
- Ginger - is available in the form of tablets or capsules that can significantly alleviate the condition of toxicosis and are a convenient analogue of the ginger root that is habitual for us. Ginger extract in the amount of 100-200 mg replaces 1-2 g of fresh root, which is brewed and drunk as tea. Capsules or tablets take an average of 2 pcs. Immediately after a meal, as ginger, taken on an empty stomach, can trigger the development of heartburn.
- Rennie is a well-known and common pill for heartburn. They contain two active antacid substances - calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. Rennie neutralizes the increased acidity of gastric juice, without affecting the digestion processes, and only in small amounts sucked into the systemic circulation.
If the toxicosis of pregnancy is accompanied by unpleasant sensations of heartburn, then Rennie take 1-2 tablets an hour after eating, or 1 hour before going to bed. Tablets dissolve in the mouth or slowly chew.
Limit dosage of the drug per day - up to 16 tablets.
- Polysorb is not a tablet, but a powder for the preparation of a suspension. More recently, this drug has come to replace activated carbon tablets - these two drugs are active adsorbents, which remove from the body toxic substances, allergens, endotoxins, decay products. How can these drugs help with toxicosis? Often, nausea is caused by internal intoxication of the body, and Polysorb and activated carbon tablets successfully cope with it.
To eliminate nausea in toxicosis take:
- Polysorb in the form of a suspension (1 tablespoon per glass of water) 60 minutes before meals, three times a day;
- Activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, 3 times a day, washed down with a large amount of water.
- Spirulina is a biologically active additive based on algae. Spirulina improves energy and metabolic processes in the body, facilitates the digestion of food, normalizes the intestinal flora. The drug is taken half an hour before a meal, 1 tablet, three times a day (unless the doctor has appointed otherwise).
Do not forget that any pill of toxicosis, even the most innocuous, during pregnancy can be taken only as a last resort, when the symptoms become simply unbearable. In addition, do not engage in self-medication: a pregnant woman is responsible not only for her health, but also for the healthy development of her future baby.
Tablets from toxicosis in the early stages
Early toxicosis usually occurs, ranging from 5 or 6 weeks and up to about 12 (sometimes longer). During this period, the future mother significantly worsens well-being, which is manifested by a number of characteristic features, the leading of which are vomiting and nausea. This condition in most cases is associated with unusual and abrupt changes in the hormonal state of a woman, because the level of certain hormones can increase tens of times daily.
However, the early period of pregnancy is also characterized by the fact that the growing fetus is still too susceptible to all kinds of toxic substances, since the placental barrier around it is not yet formed. Most of the pills taken at an early date can adversely affect the growth and development of the baby's future, so you can not take them alone. To facilitate early toxicosis, you should consult a doctor who is pregnant.
Tablets from nausea in toxicosis are prescribed only in extreme cases, when no other methods, including folk, do not help. Usually this happens at the second and third degree of toxicosis, when the bouts of nausea develop into vomiting, the woman loses her appetite, her body is dehydrated, and weight loss occurs. This condition is a threat, both for the pregnant woman herself and for the future baby. Therefore, in this situation, the taking of tablets from toxicosis is fully justified.
If a toxicosis prevents a woman from sticking to her usual lifestyle, she may be prescribed a pill of toxicosis with a different mechanism of action, depending on the prevailing symptoms.
Often gynecologists prescribe such a herbal preparation as Hofitol is a natural hepatoprotective agent based on artichoke herb.
If toxemia has a negative effect on the nervous system of a woman - there are additional experiences, fears, insomnia - then the doctor can give preference to sedatives. Most often, the drugs of choice are tablets based on valerian or motherwort.
In severe cases, you have to take pills that block emetic pushes. These funds include Cerucal or Droperidol. Antiemetic drugs are prescribed only by a doctor, and their administration is allowed only starting from the second trimester of pregnancy.
Tablets from toxicosis during pregnancy are usually taken before meals, unless the doctor prescribed otherwise. The processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs can occur in different ways, depending on the active ingredients that make up the tablets. It is important that the drugs that the woman takes from toxemia do not have toxic effects on the fetus, do not penetrate the placental barrier, do not accumulate in the body and do not hamper the functioning of the liver and kidneys (which are already overloaded during pregnancy). Therefore, the choice of tablets should always remain with the doctor, because not every pregnant woman understands all the subtleties of the kinetic properties of medicines.
Dosing and administration
Receiving pills from toxicosis during pregnancy, the doctor paints individually. The regimen may depend on the degree of toxicosis, on the duration of pregnancy, on the symptoms detected, on the general condition and age of the pregnant woman.
Usually, pills are taken only with persistent deterioration of health, when it is impossible to take food, with morning sickness.
Often, drugs are recommended before meals, in the morning, without getting out of bed. Admission begins with the lowest possible dosages, and only when they are ineffective go to a larger dose.
Do not independently reduce or increase the amount of the drug: a change in the treatment scheme is in the competence of only the attending physician-gynecologist.
Taking pills from toxicosis during pregnancy is considered impossible or undesirable in the following situations:
- if the doctor is against the use of these medicines;
- if the results of the tests serve as a contraindication to the treatment with this drug;
- if a woman has vomiting uncontrollable (in which case the doctor decides to inject the medication);
- with gastrointestinal bleeding or perforation;
- if incompatible with other medicinal products;
- if there is a suspicion of allergy to the components of the tablets;
- with the questionable benefit of tablets against the background of high risk for the unborn child;
- if a woman has slight signs of toxicosis, do not require special medication.
Side effects of the tablets against toxemia in pregnancy
Completely safe tablets against toxemia during pregnancy do not exist. All drugs have more or less side effects.
For example, even such a natural and safest in pregnancy, Hofitol can cause the following side effects:
- diarrhea;
- abdominal cramps;
- indigestion disorder;
- heartburn;
- allergic manifestations in the form of skin rashes, redness of the skin, itching.
The most side effects are antiemetic tablets (for example, Cerukal), which, among other things, can provoke a worsening of the liver and kidneys, the development of extrapyramidal disorders and even mental disorders (the appearance of depression, hallucinations, confusion).
If strictly follow the treatment scheme proposed by the doctor, an overdose of tablets against toxicosis during pregnancy is considered unlikely.
If you accidentally or intentionally take large amounts of a drug, you should immediately consult a doctor.
In addition to symptomatic treatment, the doctor will take measures to neutralize the medication taken in large doses, as well as to remove him from the body as soon as possible. The sooner the drug leaves the pregnant woman's body, the less toxic effect it will have on the fetus.
Interactions with other drugs
Admission of a large number of different drugs during pregnancy is in any case undesirable, especially if the drugs used belong to different pharmaceutical groups.
If the taking of any drugs can not be canceled, then the question of their compatibility should be decided by the doctor, on the basis of information on the active ingredients of tablets and their pharmaceutical identity.
In no case should not combine taking tablets from toxicosis with the use of alcoholic beverages. Although alcohol during pregnancy is already under strict prohibition.
Storage conditions
Any tablets, including those that are used to relieve the signs of toxicosis in pregnancy, should be kept strictly adhering to the instructions for the specific drug.
Tablets are undesirable to be removed from the original factory packaging: they are stored in dry and darkened rooms or cabinets, protected from free access of children.
It is necessary to adhere strictly to the optimum temperature for the preservation of tablets. Do not store them in the refrigerator if the instruction assumes other storage conditions.
Shelf life
The shelf life of the tablets is indicated on the package for each preparation, and can also be prescribed at the edge of the blister. It must be remembered that the expiration of the medicinal product's shelf life not only negatively affects its effectiveness, but also significantly increases its toxic effect on the body. Tablets from toxicosis during pregnancy should be purchased immediately before use to avoid additional negative effects due to improper storage.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Tablets from toxicosis during pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.