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Monural during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Is it possible to use a new generation antibiotic in pregnancy? This article will try to answer this question.
Infection of the ways that lead out of the body urine, at a time when a woman is carrying her baby is not a rare phenomenon, you can even say - everyday. After all, during this period there are significant changes in the body of the future mother, affecting not only her reproductive system, this transformation involves all the organs and systems of a woman, including a bladder with a pathway. Due to the increase in the level of the hormone progesterone (the enzyme of pregnancy), there is a relaxation of smooth muscles, the activity of muscle contractions decreases. This factor also provokes stagnant phenomena in the urine, weakening protection and opening up free access to infections.
Indications for use of the monoral during pregnancy
As it was stated earlier, during pregnancy, women are prescribed drugs of chemical origin only in case of obvious necessity.
Indications for use of the monoral during pregnancy:
- Acute form of cystitis caused by infection. The pathology is burdened with repeated relapses.
- Acute form of pyelonephritis caused by infection. The pathology is burdened with repeated relapses.
- Bacterial nonspecific urethritis.
- Asymptomatic bacteriuria. Pathology, passing without obvious symptoms and diagnosed only during the passage of pregnant laboratory studies.
- Preventive administration of the drug before or after surgery associated with the urinary system.
- Transurethral diagnostic tests.
Form of issue
Monural is attributed to the pharmacological group of antibiotics. The form of the preparation is determined by granules, which are dissolved in water before use and in the form of a solution taken internally. Packages of two and three grams are produced. White granules are produced. The drug is represented by two flavors: orange and mandarin.
Dosing and Administration
Once again it is worth noting that when appointing any medication, including Monural, during the period of gestation by a child of a child, it is necessary to compare the real need for immediate treatment with the ability of the drug, which has not yet been fully studied, to influence the development of the fetus, the immediate course of pregnancy and childbirth.
Before taking the drug, it is necessary to empty the bladder. Pouch of Monural is diluted in 1/3 cup of water. Drinking this compound is necessary once a day, preferably at night. In this case, a therapeutic dose of the drug is created and maximum sterility of urine is achieved. In the overwhelming majority of cases, in order to remove the problem, one reception is enough. Only in case of emergency (with exacerbations, acute or recurrent infections), repeated administration of the drug is allowed. It is possible in the same dosages, 24 hours after the first.
If a woman has a history of kidney failure, the dosage of the drug should be reduced and, if necessary, repeated admission, increase the gap between them.
Is it possible to have a monastic during pregnancy?
Any woman knows that during pregnancy it is desirable to avoid taking any medications, especially for strong drugs. But the infection must be treated. Is it possible to have a monastic during pregnancy? This drug appeared on pharmacy counters not so long ago, but already managed to show its high effectiveness in the fight against infectious diseases of the genitourinary tract. But the future mother is more concerned about "his strength", because enough one pill to destroy all the bacterial flora, located in the urinary tract. But on the other hand, a one-time reception of Monural is much more acceptable than taking a course of other antibiotics. At the same time, physicians and pharmacists confidently assert that the new generation of the drug Monural does not carry any danger either for the course of the pregnancy itself or for the development of the embryo. There are results of clinical studies that confirm that the drug does not have toxic effects on the fetus. Therefore, due to its positive qualities, this drug is actively prescribed during pregnancy.
But still you should not flatter yourself. Monural - it's still a drug of chemical origin and apply it only if you have a substantial need.
Instructions for the monitory in pregnancy
The modern innovative preparation, which belongs to the antibiotics of a wide range of lesions, appeared not so long ago in the pharmaceutical market, it has already proved its high effectiveness in influencing most strains of bacteria affecting the human urogenital system. Privilege application of this drug consists in the combination of its excellent pathogenic flora, damaging properties, low toxic effects on the patient's body, which does not cause a pronounced side effect. The fact that to receive a therapeutic effect is enough to take the drug once (repeated use of Monural is relatively rare), which excludes long-term exposure of chemical compounds to the patient's body. This is especially valuable in case the treatment is required for a woman who at this time is carrying her child, although the instruction for the monural during pregnancy sounds ambiguous.
It says that the drug is harmless to the health of the mother, does not affect the development of the fetus, the risk of pathological changes on the physical and psychological level is completely excluded. At the same time, there is also such information that during pregnancy it is necessary to apply this medication with caution, only if the real benefit of the treatment exceeds the danger for her unborn baby. Does this phrase imply that the risk of pathology still exists? It is alarming and causes some mistrust and the fact that the drug is prohibited for prescription during the period of the newborn's breast-feeding. Does not include Monural and the list of drugs that are prohibited or allowed for use during pregnancy. There is no information on it. That is, there is no real research on the influence of Monural on the course of pregnancy and the immediate impact on the embryo.
If the urinary tract of a woman has been infected, it is necessary to treat them unequivocally. In the light of the "interesting position of a woman", the use of this drug is more preferable. After all, in order to get the expected effect, one dosage of Monural (one package) is enough, while other antibiotics presume the use of the course.
It should also be noted that in the international list of drugs this drug is called - Fosfomycin (Fosfomycin), produced by the joint Italian-Swiss company Zambon Group SPA. In our country, doctors appoint him by the name Monural.
Application of the monoral during pregnancy
During pregnancy, infection of the urinary system of a woman is a fairly common phenomenon. After all, from the moment of conception, the body of a woman undergoes significant changes, while it is unfortunate that immunosuppression (suppression of the immune system) begins in most cases. At what, it is not a lack of nature, but a wise decision. After all, a fertilized cell, and subsequently an embryo and a fetus, can, primarily, be perceived by the female system of protection as a foreign body, encroaching on the normal functioning of the body. A similar reaction can also be on the part of the fetus. To avoid such a conflict, from the moment of conception, the woman's immunity is reduced.
But at the same time, the weakening of the body's defenses leads to an increase in morbidity, allowing infection and other various pathogenic flora to "occupy" the systems and organs of women. The use of the monural in pregnancy is justified with an infectious lesion of the urinary system of a woman. The only, important condition for his appointment should be a clear advantage for the health of a future mother with an insignificant risk to the fetus.
Monural in the planning of pregnancy
If the genitourinary system of a woman has undergone an attack, discomfort has appeared, it is necessary, having addressed to the profile doctor, to pass necessary inspection. In case of diagnosing an infectious lesion of the urinary tract of a woman, it is necessary, in order not to aggravate the situation, to undergo compulsory treatment. Doctors say that the monoral in the planning of pregnancy is an absolutely safe drug. Additional bonuses to this medication is provided by the fact that one reception is enough to solve the problem.
Monoral in the first days of pregnancy
Do not throw off the shields that doctors can not unequivocally guarantee the safety of the drug. Therefore, the monoral in the first days of pregnancy, without unnecessary need to take it is not necessary. If there is an opportunity, then to treat all of their pathology is necessary even before conception, and already during pregnancy try to reduce the intake of any drugs to a minimum. In the light of the fact that the instruction accompanying this medicine does not give unambiguously interpreted recommendations and in the light of the fact that global studies of the consequences of taking the drug have not been conducted, one can only advise "new-made" pregnant women no medications, if possible, including monastic in the first days of pregnancy do not take.
Monural in the first week of pregnancy
The first week of pregnancy, the woman's body is just beginning to rebuild, getting used to her new condition. All life systems are activated, because they will have to serve two, and in some cases more lives (for twins, triplets, etc.) for nine months. Decrease in the work of the body's immune system of a woman is a norm, explainable by the biophysiological processes taking place in the female body from the moment of conception.
If during this period of pregnancy a woman begins to feel discomfort during urination or asymptomatic infection of the urinary tract was diagnosed during the passage of routine laboratory tests, the obstetrician-gynecologist may decide to undergo treatment for this pathology by appointing a monoral in the first week of pregnancy.
As already mentioned above, to take or not take this drug to a woman in her "interesting" position, the specialist should solve, having thoughtfully analyzed the clinical picture of the pregnant woman. If a serious exacerbation of the disease is diagnosed or a recurrent infection is observed, reception of the monural in the first week of pregnancy is clinically justified, in another case, the appointment of any drugs should, however, be deleted.
Monural on early pregnancy
The woman is just beginning to get used to her new position and like a bolt from the blue - an infection of the genitourinary system. The future mommy begins to panic, and it can be understood. Caring about the condition of their future child, responsible mothers try not to take harmful products at all, and even more so chemical preparations that can harm her baby. But medical workers hasten to calm pregnant women, if they appoint a monural in the early stages of pregnancy, they realize the correlation between the effectiveness of treatment and the risk of subsequent negative manifestations. Recent clinical observations have shown high antimicrobial and antibacterial activity of this drug, while it gives and quite high safety indicators, almost not burdened by side effects.
Monural during pregnancy in 1 trimester
The first 12 weeks of pregnancy is the most crucial period during which all the organs and systems of the future little man are completely laid and any interference in the natural course of development can be fraught with future malformations of the child, severe physical or psychological pathology. Therefore, during this period, it is especially worthwhile to exclude any self-treatment. Proceeding from the above, the monoral during pregnancy in the first trimester should be taken very carefully and only by the insistent order of his treating doctor. If there are any doubts about the competence of the doctor, it is not superfluous to receive a consultation from several sources, after having been examined by another specialist.
Monoral during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester
Any drug, especially antibiotics, during the period of bearing the baby are taken pregnant only under the strict supervision of the doctor. The most crucial moment in laying the body of the child passed, and it continues to develop further. Starting from the twenty-two-week period, obstetricians who observe pregnancy are already allowed to take certain antibiotics. Therefore, in the event of an abnormal situation associated with infection of the urogenital tract, the doctor can reasonably prescribe a monoral during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester.
Monural during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester
The third, last trimester of pregnancy, a woman begins to gradually prepare for childbirth. And such unpleasantness as defeat by the pathogenic flora of the ways of urination is an unpleasant factor. Fearing that the infection can spread further and capture the kidneys of a pregnant woman, which increases the risk of a woman developing such a dangerous and severe pathology as pyelonephritis, urgent measures must be taken. To prevent such a deployment of events, urologists, together with obstetricians - gynecologists, appoint a monoral during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. This drug is classified as a broad spectrum of drugs, capable of leading to the death of the vast majority of microorganisms that can cause infectious agents. With a qualitative result of treatment, this drug also shows minor side deviations from the norm. Pleases and duration of treatment. With a monoral enough one reception and the problem is solved. After all, where is it better to take a single dose of this drug than to drink other tablets for a long time.
Contraindications to the use of monorals in pregnancy
In the instructions attached to the drug, contraindications to the use of monural in pregnancy, which are not so significant, are also indicated. They include:
- Individual intolerance of the component composition of the drug.
- Severe form of renal dysfunction (CC <10 mL / min).
Side effects of monural during pregnancy
Numerous observations of the results and consequences of taking the drug in question did not register a pronounced incidental symptomatology, but minor deviations from the normal state of the organism, nevertheless, were observed. Side effects of monural during pregnancy, mainly associated with the reaction of the gastrointestinal tract. This includes heartburn, mild nausea, in rare cases, severe nausea that can become a catalyst for vomiting, and diarrhea can also occur. With the tendency of a pregnant woman to allergic manifestations, skin rashes and itching may appear on the skin.
Monitoring the results of taking the drug Monural says that the overdose of this drug is burdened with minimal risk.
Reviews about the monorail in pregnancy
Thanks to the latest discoveries of science and technology, for today the vastness of the Internet gives an opportunity to familiarize with practically any information of interest to us. And many women, before taking any steps, it is there that they try to find answers to their questions. Therefore, before proceeding to treatment, it is not superfluous to read reviews about the monoral during pregnancy in those women who already faced this problem and underwent a course of treatment.
Opinions about the monoral and its reception during pregnancy are quite diverse. One, voicing her problem, writes that, being in her fifth month of pregnancy, she encountered this infection, and the doctor attributed to her two sachets of this drug with an interval of intake of three days. Doubts and feelings were, but the attending physician popularly explained that the consequences that this disease carries are much more severe than the effect of antibiotics on the fetus. Thanks to the treatment, the pathology quickly stopped and the baby was fine.
There are also such reviews, when being pregnant, a woman was diagnosed with an infectious urinary tract infection. As a medicine, the doctor attributed the monologue, but after reading the instructions, the pregnant woman consulted another doctor who, after further research, replaced the monoal with kanefron, a combined preparation based on herbal ingredients.
But multiple opponents agree that herbal preparations and various dietary supplements in this situation, especially when there is already bleeding, do not save - it's only a waste of time and money. "It is better to take the monologue once and solve this problem than to suffer for a long time from discomfort and pain symptoms while undergoing treatment with little effective means," they say.
Not cured or not treated infection is a huge problem afterwards and it is necessary to treat it. The fact that during the gestation period of the baby it is desirable not to take any medications is known to every woman, but still it is worth commensurating the dangerous consequences of the further development of the infectious disease for the woman's health, and for the subsequent course of the pregnancy itself, and the possible risk to the fetus. To drink or not to drink monorale during pregnancy is a private matter for every woman, you do not need to just forget that her health and the health of her child are at stake. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to correctly prioritize by making an informed decision.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Monural during pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.